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Role of the lateral pterygoid muscle and

meniscotemporomandibular frenum in spontaneous
growth of the mandible and in growth stimulated by
the postural hyperpropulsor
J. J. Stutzmann* and A. G. Petrovic**
Strasbourg, France

Our experimental studies in young rats represent an attempt to elucidate the respective roles of the
lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM), the temporomandibular frenum (TMF), and the postural
hyperpropulsor (Hp) in the control of the growth rate, the growth direction, and the growth amount of
the condylar cartilage. Even after surgical resection of the LPM, the growth of the condylar cartilage
and the lengthening of the mandible continue but are significantly decreased. Also, the stimulating
effect of postural hyperpropulsion on the condylar cartilage and mandibular growth is much less
intense after resection of the LPM. The TMF, which has a blood-circulating and a biomechanical
component, appears to be a mediator of the LPM in the control of the condylar cartilage growth.
After the surgical resection of the TMF, the growth the condylar cartilage and the lengthening of the
mandible continue but are significantly diminished. (AMJ ORTHODDENTOFACORTHOP 1990;97:381-

T h e r e is now considerable agreement among means of intermittent electric shocks (frequency, 5

laboratory researchers that the rate and amount of con- times per second; duration, 10 ms; potential, 0.55 v).
dylar cartilage growth may be modulated orthopedically 4. After treatment with the postural liyperpropul-
by repetitive placement of the mandible in a more for- sor, there is a significant increase in the proportion of
ward position. 143 Variations in the growth rate of the fast nonfatigable fibers in the young rat's LPM ~a and a
condylar cartilage appear to be adaptations to the vari- significant decrease in the number of serial sarcomeres
ations of the interjaw relationship. Like other adapta- in the same muscle. 24 Thus, even without an increase
tions, they require the existence of appropriate feedback in contractile activity, the mandible is maintained in a
loops. 4,14,15 more forward position.
Four lines of evidence have suggested that the lateral Nevertheless, Goret-Nicaise, Awn, and Dhem 25,26
pterygoid muscle (LPM) plays a role in the physiologic have questioned the regulating role of the LPM in the
control of the condylar cartilage growth rate: growth of the condylar cartilage.
1. After surgical resection of the LPM 14,17"2°in the Another structure belonging to the feedback lo0p
growing rat, untreated or treated with a functional ap- causal chain, which regulates the growth rate of the
pliance, a relative decrease in the growth of the condylar condylar cartilage, is the meniscotemporomandibular
cartilage can be observed. frenum* or retrodiscal pad. 27 Preliminary experiments
2. Electromyographic record of the LPM in the have suggested that the frenum not only has a biome-
monkey treated with a functional appliance s.~.2~ shows chanical effect but also has a blood-circulating effect.
increased electrical activity. This has been demonstrated in the young rat by place-
3. Microelectronic stimulation of the LPM in the ment of a ligature around the temporomandibular com-
young rat produces an increased rate of condylar car- ponent of the retrodiscal pad. 27
tilage growth. 22 The LPM was directly stimulated by The following experiment was designed to inves-
tigate simultaneously the roles of the LPM and the TMF
*In Charge of Research, National Institute of Health and Medical Research
(INSERM-U,213), *The retrodiscal pad includes the temporomandibular frenum and a meniscal
**Director of Research: Director, Laboratory for Craniofacial Cartilage and portion, In our experiments, only the temporomandlbular frenum was reseeted
Bone Growth Regulation (INSERM-U.213). or ligated. The meniscal portion was always protected from surgery and
8/1/13730 clamping.

382 Sttttzrna/lll and Petrovic Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1990

Fig. 1. Radioautograph of sagittal, histologic sections of the condylar cartilage of a 48-day-old rat.
(Original magnification, x 80; final magnification, x 320.) In all 4-week experimental treatments, the
five zones of the condylar cartilage are visible: (1) fibrous layer; (2) mitotic compartment including
skeletoblasts and prechondroblasts; (3) zone of maturation including functional and hypertrophied
chondroNasts and cartilaginous matrix; (4) zone of erosion including degenerated chrondroblasts; (5)
zone of endochondral ossification, a, Control, sham-operated, b, After treatment with a postural hy-
perpropulsor. Note large increase in number of 3H-thymidine-labeled cells (arrows); moderate increase
in thickness of mitotic compartment; important widening of maturation zone. Note also intense hyper-
trophy Of the chondroblasts, c, After resection of LPM. Note large decrease in number of 3H-thymidine-
labeled cells (arrows); no evidential change in thickness of mitotic compartment; important decrease
in zone of maturation, with hypertrophy of chondroblasts less pronounced; decrease in number of
degenerated chondroblasts, d, After resection of TMF. Histologic modifications are similar to those
observed after resection of LPM. e, After clamping of TMF. Note decrease in number of 3H-thymidine-
labeled cells (arrows); histologic picture is, in general, similar to that of the control animal.

and the stimulating effect of a functional appliance, the METHODS

postural hyperpropulsor, on condylar cartilage growth One hundred eighty 20-day-old male rats (Sprague-
and mandibular lengthening. The experimental design Dawley strain) were used; half were treated for 12 hours
makes possible an adequate quantitative study and an daily (between 7 AM and 7 PM) with a 2 mm postural
appropriate statistical analysis. hyperpropulsor of the mandible (treated category), 14
Volume 97 LPM, TMF. and postural hyperpropulsor in growth of mandible 383
Number 5

while the remaining rats were not treated (reference growth rate of the condylar cartilage was evaluated by
category). The design and the mode of action of the counting the total number of tritiated thymidine-
postural hyperpropulsor have been described previ- labeled Cells on every fifth histologic section. The total
ously.~4 The male rats, originating from 42 litters with number of dividing cells at the condylar cartilage is
9 to 11 newborn rats in each litter, were randomly considered a better parameter for evaluating the growth
distributed. The rats were weighed every day, and our rate than an index (the number of labeled cells per 100
study showed that weight was not significantly different cells), since a dividing-cells index would be misleading
among intact and experimental rats. At the age of 48 when the total number of cells in the mitotic compart-
days, both intact and experimental rats weighed ment is increased or decreased in treated animals.
156 ± 11 grams. All experiments were conducted in After removal of the soft tissue from the opposite
the period from April to June. The surgical operations side of the mandible, the growth direction of the con-
were performed and the rats killed between 1 PM and dyle ("Stutzmann's angle") was estimated radiograph-
3 PM. Both the hyperpropulsor-treated and the non- ically by measurement of the angle between the main
treated animals were subdivided into 6 groups, each orientation of the newly formed endochondral bone tra-
consisting of 15 male rats. beculae, located in the central area of the condyle im-
Thefirst group of animals served as a control. These mediately under the condylar cartilage, and the man-
animals had an intact lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) dibular plane '~, 29 (Fig. 2). (An opening of the angle
and an intact temporomandibular frenum (TMF) but indicates more posterosuperior growth and closing of
were sham-operated. the angle indicates a primarily vertical component.)
In the second group of animals, the LPM was sur- This was done by placing the mandible under fine-grain
gically resected bilaterally.17'18'19 film and exposing it to a collimated x-ray beam of low
In the third group of animals, the TMF was clamped energy (30 to 35 kV) produced by a fine-focused tube
bilaterally (i.e., an appropriate ligature was placed bi- with molybdenum anticathode. The growth amount (the
laterally around the TMF to reduce the blood flow). A operationally defined "length of the mandible") was
directional optic fiber light was used under the operating evaluated by measurement of the distance between the
microscope (Wild M3, Type 355110). The ligature was posterior border of the condylar cartilage and the mental
progressively squeezed until the condylar part turned foramen on the photographs and radiographs of the man-
white. Visual inspection of blood vessels through the dible (original magnification x 10).
operating microscope showed that the blanching effect The experimental data were analyzed by a three-way
of such a ligation corresponds to the restriction in blood analysis of variance (Tables I, II, and III and Fig. 3).
flow. All the animals' blood flow was restricted using First-order interactions and a second-order interac-
this procedure. tion between the different factors were detected. On the
In the fourth group of animals, the TMF was basis of standard error for the whole population, the
clamped bilaterally and the LPM was resected bilat- smallest difference between two means was calculated
erally. for each parameter. In this way, the different means were
In thefifth group of animals, the TMF was resected compared in relation to one another (T method3°'3~). The
bilaterally. role of the LPM and of the TMF (retrodiscal pad) were
Finally, in the sixth group of animals, both the LPM quantitatively investigated in nontreated rats and in rats
and the TMF were resected bilaterally. treated with a postural hyperpropulsor.
The experiment lasted for 4 weeks. As in previous
experiments, the rats were killed when they were 48 RESULTS
days old (i.e., just after the pubertal growth rate Animals not treated with the
p e a k ) . 14`tS'19`z7 One hour before being killed, each ani-
postural hyperpropulsor (reference category)
mal received an intraperitoneal injection of tritiated thy- We have previously described, in intact 48-day-old
midine (3 fxCi/gm of animal weight; specific activity, male rats, (1) histologic features of the condylar car-
25 Ci/mmol). The condylar cartilage of one half of the tilage, (2) cell filiation in situ, in cell culture and in
mandible was fixed, embedded, and cut serially. Serial transplantation, ~'14'16and (3) variations of Stutzmann's
histologic sagittal sections of the condyle, 5 Ixm in angle between the ages of 23 and 58 days. 2~ The his-
thickness, were radioautographed and stained with ei- tologic, radiographic, and statistical findings relative to
ther toluidine blue or hematoxylin and eosin (Fig. 1). different experimental groups are summarized in Figs.
Radioautography was performed according to the 1 to 3 and in Tables I to III.
technique described by Kopriwa and Leblond? 8 The Resection of the LPM alone. Resection of the LPM
384 Stutzmann and Petrovic Am, J. Orthod. Dentofae. Orthop.
May 1990

a Table IA. Total number of tritiated

thymidine-labeled ceils in the condylar
cartilage (fifteen 48-day-old male rats in
each group)

b LPM 953 1449
LPMo 475 558
LPM 780 1071
LPM. 464 542
LPM 482 566
LPMo 426 453
Standard error for the total population-25.93

bers of dividing prechondroblasts; and the chondro-

blastic hypertrophy started later and was much less pro-
nounced than normal. In addition, some chondroblasts
did not undergo the usual degeneration observed in
normal condylar growth.
Resection of the TMF pad alone. Resection of the
TMF alone greatly decreased the number of tritiated
d thymidine-labeled cells in the condylar cartilage, and
the lengthening of the mandible also diminished. The
decrease in the growth rate of the condylar cartilage
was roughly equal in value to the decrease observed
after resection of the LPM. The decrease in the length-
ening of the mandible was even more pronounced.
There was a statistically significant difference between
the group in which the LPM muscle was resected alone
and the group in which the TMF was resected alone
Fig. 2. Radiograph of the mandible of a 48-day-old rat. a, Con- (however, the difference between the two means is
trol, sham-operated, b, After treatment with postural hyperpro- barely significant). Resection of the TMF caused a
pulsor, the condylar bone trabeculae became oriented more slight closure of Stutzmann's angle. The histologic
posteriorly. ¢, After resection of LPM, the condylar bone tra-
beculae became also oriented more posteriorly, d, After resec- modifications of the condylar cartilage after resection
tion of TMF, the condylar bone trabecuiae became oriented of the TMF (Fig. 1, d) were similar or even more
more vertically; this change is only statistically detectable. pronounced than those observed after resection of the
LPM. Both the mitotic compartment and the chon-
droblastic zone were reduced in height.
Simultaneous resection of the LPM and the TMF.
alone produced a marked decrease in the number of Simultaneous resection of the LPM and the TMF did
dividing cells (growth rate) in the condylar cartilage not produce any additional changes in rate or direction
and in the lengthening of the mandible. Stutzmann's of growth of the condylar cartilage or in the length of
angle simultaneously opened. Histologically, when the mandible.
compared to the control, the condylar cartilage (Fig. Clamping of the TMF. Clamping of the TMF pro-
1, c) presented the following modifications: The mitotic duced a decrease in the number of dividing cells in the
compartment was slightly decreased in height; the chon- condylar cartilage and in the lengthening of the man-
droblastic zone showed a reduction in height where the dible. For both parameters, the decrease was much less
shortening appeared to be the result of decreased num- pronounced than after resection of either the LPM alone
Volume 97 LPM, TMF, and postural hyperpropulsor in growth of mandible 385
Number 5

Table lB. Analysis of variance

Sum of Significance
Source of variations squares df Mean square F level

(1) Hp effect 1,403,793.42 1 1,403,793.42 139.15 ***

(2) TMF effect 4,339,583.41 2 2,169,791.71 215.08 ***
(3) LPM effect 7,106,704.20 1 7,106,704.20 704.46 ***
1×2 410,901.01 2 205,450.5l 20.37 * * *
lx3 582,087.20 1 582,087.20 57.70 * * *
2x3 2,720,410.23 2 1,360,205.12 134.83 * * *
lx2x3 237,075.70 2 118,537.85 11.75 * * *
Error 1,694,822.26 168 10,088.23
TOTAL 18,495,337.44 179
Smallest significant difference between two means
At the 5% level, 72 * Significant at 0.05
At the 1% level, 96 ** Significant at 0.01
At the 1% level, 122 *** Significant at 0.001
NS, Not significant

df, Degrees of freedom; Hp,, no appliance; Hp, postural hyperpropulsnr (2 mm forward); TMF, temporomandlbular frenum (intact); TMF,,
clamped temporomandibular frenum; TMFo, resected temporomandibular frenum; LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle (intact); LPMo, resected lateral
pterygoid muscle.

or the TMF alone. The clamping produced an opening Table IIA. Angle (in degrees) between growth
of Stutzmann's angle. Histologically, the condylar car- direction of the condyle and the mandibular
tilage (Fig. l, e) was only slightly modified. Almost plane (Stutzmann's angle) (fifteen 48-day-old
no change was detected in the thickness of the different male rats in each group)
zones. The only change observed was that the chon-
droblastic hypertrophy was less intense.
Simultaneous clamping of the TMF and resection ~o
of the LPM. When clamping of the TMF was associated
with resection of the LPM, there was a further decrease
LPM 122.7 134.9
in the number of labeled cells in the condylar cartilage LPMo 139.0 149. i
and in lengthening of the mandible, as well as an open- TMFc
ing of the Stutzmann's angle. The growth rate of the LPM 128.8 141.7
condylar cartilage was not significantly different from LPMo 134.7 145.9
that observed after the resection of either the LPM alone
LPM 120,5 123.0
or the TMF alone or after simultaneous resection of the LPMo 120.1 120.9
LPM and TMF. As for the lengthening of the mandible,
the decrease was equal in value to that observed after Standard error for the total population = 0.5l
resection of the LPM and was in the same range as that
observed after resection of the TMF, but it was signif-
icantly less pronounced than after the simultaneous re- Lengthening of the mandible was decreased in all ex-
section of the LPM and TMF. perimental groups. The greatest decrease was observed
In summary, when compared with controls, the in the two groups in which the TMF had been resected
growth rate of the condylar cartilage was decreased in (groups 5 and 6, i.e., in which Stutzmann's angle
all experimental groups. The slightest decrease was ob- closed).
served in group 3, where only the TMF had been
clamped. Stutzmann's angle opened in alI the experi- AnimaJs treated with the postural hyperpropulsion
mental groups where the TMF had not been resected (treated category)
(groups 1, 2, 3, and 4). After resection of the TMF The histologic, radiographic and statistical analysis
(groups 5 and 6), Stutzmann's angle closed. Comments relative to the control animals is summarized in Figs.
on these results will be made in the Discussion section. 1 to 3 and in Tables I to III.
386 Stutzmann and Petrovic Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1990

• ~ LPM (intact) ~" [ ] ~ LPMo (resected)

Y¢ ~rTMF ( i n t a c t ) • [] TMFc (clamped) I) 0 TMF0 (reaected)

I O; degrees

-= 31
L 5- i t ~.5
tt t 4

t "
~..>, 4" N~IO" 2

cu m
o3 M2;8.2
3" 3 M3=1.19

J) 1.
z- ................ _~_L=_LL
s ~5 2

5 6
2 4 5 ,~_ 5
=~o tt
" 0-

Fig. 3. Effects of postural hyperpropulsor on growth rate of condylar cartilage (number of tritiated
thymidine-labeled cells), on growth direction of condyle (Stutzmann's angle) and on length of mandible.
Each point represents the mean of the differences (with the limits of the 95% confidence interval)
between the mean value calculated for animals that were not wearing the postural hyperpropulsor
(reference category) and the mean value calculated for animals that did wear the postural hyperpro-
pulsor (treated category). M1 value corresponds to the mean of the postural hyperpropulsor effect on
the number of tritiated thymidine-labeled ceils in the six experimental groups. M2 value corresponds
to the mean of the postural hyperpropulsor effect on Stutzmann's angle in the 6 experimental groups.
M3 value corresponds to mean of the postural hyperproputsor effect on the length of the mandible in
the 6 experimental groups. The effect of the postural hyperpropulsor on the number of tritiated
thymidine-labeled cells is more marked in groups 1 and 3 (especially in group 1) than in groups 2, 4,
5, and 6. The effect of the postural hyperpropulsor on Stutzmann's angle is more marked in groups
1, 2, and 3, and 4 than in groups 5 and 6. The effect of the postural hyperpropulsor on the length of
the mandible is more marked in groups 1 and 3 than in groups 2 and 4; it is much less pronounced
in groups 5 and 6.

Histologicfeatures. Histologically, the sagittal sec- the postural hyperpropulsor produced a highly signifi-
tion of the condyles of intact rats, which had not un- cant increase (p < 0.001) in the number of HL
dergone surgical resection of the LPM, the TFM, or thymidine-labeled cells and in the length of the man-
both (Fig. 1, b), depicted the typical condylar cartilage dible. There was also an opening Of Stutzmann's angle.
of a hyperpropulsed animal as described previously 1.3 Resection of the LPM in animals treated with the
(i.e., the mitotic compartment showed an increase in postural hyperpropulsor. In the animals that underwent
vertical thickness and the chondroblastic zone was resection of the LPM, the wearing of the postural hy-
greatly enlarged). This change appeared to be the con- perpropulsor produced only a very small but still sig-
sequence of an increase in the number of prechondro- nificant increase in the number of HLthymidine -
blasts, which later differentiated into chondroblasts. labeled cells in the condylar cartilage as well as in the
The chondroblast hypertrophy started much earlier than length of the mandible. At the same time, Stutzmann's
usual resulting in the large increase in the number of angle increased.
hypertrophied chondroblasts. In addition, the hypertro- Resection of the TMF in animals treated with the
phy of the Chondroblasts was so pronounced that the postural hyperpropulsor. In the animals that were sub-
surrounding cartilaginous matrix had almost vanished. jected to resection of the TMF, the wearing of the pos-
The analysis of variance showed that in intact rats tural hyperpropulsor significantly enhanced the growth
(i.e., animals that had not undergone the surgical re- rate of the condylar cartilage and caused an opening of
section of the LPM, the TMF, or both) the wearing of Stutzmann's angle. These effects were not sufficient to
Volume97 LPM, TMF, and postural hyperpropulsor in growth of mandible 387
Nnmber 5

Table liB. Analysis of variance

Source of variations Sum of squares df Mean square F level

(1) Hp effect 3,100.05 1 3,100.05 784.35 ** *

(2) TMF effect 10,302.68 2 5,151.34 1,603.35 ** *
(3) LPM effect 1,811.34 1 1,811.34 458.29 ** *
1 X 2 996,10 2 498,05 126.01 ** *
1 x 3 36.45 1 36.45 9.22 **
2 x 3 2,078.61 2 1,039.31 262.96 ** *
1 x 2 x 3 0.43 2 0.22 0.05 NS
Error 664.00 168 3.95
TOTAL 18,989.66 179
Smallest significant difference between two means
At the 5% level, 1,4 * Significant at 0,05
At the 1% level, 1.9 ** Significant at 0.01
At the 1% level, 2.4 *** Significant at 0,00l
NS, Not significant

df, Degrees of freedom; Hp,, no appliance; lip, postural hyperpropulsor (2 mm forward); TMF, temporomandibular frenum (intact); TMF¢,
clamped temporomandibular frenum; TMFo, resected temporomandibular frenum; LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle (intact); LPM,, resected laterat
pterygoid muscle,

cause a significant supplementary lengthening of the Table IliA. Length of the mandible (in mm):
mandible. distance between posterior border of the
Simultaneous resection of the TMF and LPM in condylar cartilage and the mental foramen
animals treated with the postural hyperpropulsor. In (fifteen 48-day-old rats in each group)
the animals in which the TMF and the LPM had been
simultaneously resected, the wearing of the postural
hyperpropulsor did not significantly affect any of the
three measured parameters--growth rate of the con-
dylar cartilage, Stutzmann's angle, or length of the
LPM 14.08 16.07
mandible. LPMo 12.53 13.34
Clamping of the TMF in animals treated with the TMF~
postural hyperpropulsor. In the animals that were sub- LPM 13.33 15.39
jected to clamping of the TMF, the wearing of the LPMo 12.46 13,80
postural hyperpropulsor stimulated, in a highly signif-
LPM 11.88 12.34
icant manner, the growth rate of the condylar cartilage LPM° 11.33 I 1,83
and the lengthening of the mandible and produced a
strong opening of Stutzmann's angle. Standard error for the total population = 0.23
Simultaneous clamping of the TMF and resection
of the LPM in animals treated with the postural hy-
perpropulsor. In the animals that were subjected si-
multaneously to clamping of the TMF and to resection the six experimentat groups by the difference between
of the LPM, the wearing of the postural hyperpropulsor the mean value calculated for animals that were not
still produced a significant acceleration in the growth wearing the postural hyperpropulsor (reference cate-
rate of the condylar cartilage and enhanced the length- gory) and the mean value calculated for the animals
ening of the mandible. The opening of the angle was that did wear the postural hyperpropulsor (treated cat-
even more pronounced than after clamping of the TMF egory) (Fig. 3).
alone. The statistical analysis of the data regarding the
Graphic representation of the effects of the postural length of the mandible has shown that the postural hy-
hyperpropulsor in different experimental groups. The perpropulsor was most effective in group t (in which
stimulating effect of the postural hyperpropulsor on the the LPM and the TMF were not resected) and in group
growth of the mandible can he represented for each of 3. There was no significant difference between these
388 Stutzmann and Petrovic Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May I990

T a b l e IIIB. Analysis of variance

. . . . . . Mean Significance
Source of variations Sum of squares df square F level

(1) Hp effect 63.1783 1 63.1783 80.72 ***

(2) TMF effect 165.6542 2 82,8271 105.83 ***
(3) LPM effect 76.8059 1 76.8059 98.14 ***
1×2 11.8646 2 5.9323 7.58 ***
lX3 4.5188 1 4.5188 5.77 *
2x3 20.2660 2 10.1330 12.95 ***
lx2×3 3.1189 2 1.5595 1.99 NS
Error 131.4847 168 0.7827
TOTAL 476.8914 179
Smallest significant difference between two means
At the 5% level, 0.64 * Significant at 0,05
At the I% level, 0.84 ** Significant at 0.01
At the 0.1% level, 1.07 *** Significant at 0.001
NS, Not significant

df, Degrees of freedom; Hpo, no appliance; lip, postural hyperpropulsor (2 mm forward); TMF, temporomandibular frenum (intact); TMF~,,
clamped temporomandibularfrenum; TMFo, resected temporomandibularfrenum; LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle (intact); LPMo, resected lateral
pterygoid muscle.

two groups (1.99 mm in group 1, 2.06 mm in group Interactions between the effect of the postural
3). In both groups, the supplementary lengthening of hyperpropulsor (Hp), the TMF, and the lateral LPM
the mandible resulted from an increase in the number The effects of the three factors (Hp, TMF, LPM)
of thymidine-labeled cells in the condylar cartilage and are not additive. The analysis of variance revealed the
from a strong opening of Stutzmann's angle. The stim- existence of an attenuation type of interaction between
ulating effect of the postural hyperpropulsor was less (1) the effects of resection or clamping of the T M F and
pronounced in groups 2 and 4 than in groups 1 and 3, of the LPM; (2) the effects of resection or clamping of
but there was no statistically significant difference be- the TMF and of the postural hyperpropulsor; and (3)
tween the effects produced in groups 2 and 4. The the effects of resection of the LPM and of the postural
resection of the LPM produced a very significant hyperpropulsor.
decrease but never a total arrest of the cell divi- When one or two factors were surgically sup-
sions in the condylar cartilage. Finally, in groups 5 pressed, the attenuation type of interaction detected cor-
and 6 the postural hyperpropulsor no longer had a de- responds to an amplification type of interaction between
tectable stimulating effect on the lengthening of the these factors when they are operational.
In summary, aside from the experiment in which DISCUSSION
the TMF and the LPM were simultaneously resected To justify this study, it is necessary to make the
(group 6), the postural hyperpropulsor always amplified following three remarks. This is followed by the major
the growth rate of the condylar cartilage and produced conclusions of the study.
an opening of Stutzmann's angle. However, the mag- First, isolated histologic pictures are only snapshots
nitude of these supplementations varied greatly, de- of a given section of the condylar cartilage (i.e., they
pending on whether the rat was intact or had been op- may illustrate, but not demonstrate, the actual results of
erated on (either LPMo, TMFc, or TMFo). A supple- the investigation). Only a precise, detailed quantitative
mentary lengthening of the mandible was observed only study of the three parameters investigated in this study
in the experiments in which the TMF had not been (the total number of dividing cells in the condylar car-
resected (groups 1, 2, 3, and 4). The greatest effect of tilage, Stutzmann's angle, and the operationally defined
the postural hyperpropulsor was observed in intact rats length of the mandible) may lead to valid statistical and
(group 1). The effect was less pronounced in TMFc methodologic conclusions concerning the effects of re-
(group 3) and lowest in TMFc + LPMo (group 4) and section of the LPM, of resection or clamping of the
in LPMo (group 2). TMF, and of the action of the postural hyperpropulsor.
Vohune 97 LPM, TMF, and postural hyperpropulsor & growth of mandible 389
Number 5

Second, it must be emphasized that the operation- and the rats that have undergone sectioning of the LPM.
ally defined length of the mandible partly depends on And the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!
both the growth rate and the growth direction of the Resection of the LPMproduced a highly significant
condylar cartilage. Thus, when the growth rate of the opening of Stutzmann's angle (i.e., a "posterior growth
condylar cartilage remains constant, a greater opening rotation" of the mandible). Once again, this effect was
of Stutzmann's angle will yield an increase in the length observed only when the biomechanical effect of the
of the mandible; conversely, when the growth rate of TMF persisted. Indeed, this posterior growth rotation
the condylar cartilage is diminished, the lengthening of of the mandible was still observed after clamping of
the mandible, as measured between the posterior border the frenum but not after resection of the frenum.
of the condylar cartilage and the mental foramen, is not Why does resection of the LPM result in the opening
necessarily decreased. In this case, the opening of of Stutzmann's angle? After LPM resection it was ob-
Stutzmann's angle may compensate for the diminished served that the anterior fibers of the masseter tended to
growth of the condylar cartilage. However, as our in- maintain the mandible in the usual occlusal relationship
vestigations clearly show, the compensatory opening of in spite of the decreases in the condylar growth and in
Stutzmann's angle occurs only when the TMF was not the lengthening of the mandible. The physiologic ten-
previously resected. It is necessary to mention that the dency to maintain the normal occlusal intermaxillary
growth in length of the rat mandible depends not only relationship--that which Petrovic15 calls in his cyber-
on the condylar cartilage but also on the growth of the netic language the "attractor"* effect--implies an in-
angular cartilage and on the growth at the posterior creased contractile activity of the LPM and of the an-
border of the ramus. The growth of the mandible as a terior fibers of the masseter. 4,t4 As a result, there is a
whole also depends on the subperiosteal ossification* supplementary solicitation of the TMF, partly through
and on the alveolar bone formation. the intermediary action of the disc. It follows that Stutz-
Third, it should be pointed out that, in the rat, the mann's angle will open. Since the mandible is shorter
forward movement of the mandible is produced not only than normal, the biomechanical traction-effect of the
by the LPM but also by the anterior fibers of the mas- TMF on the condyle appears to be enhanced (i.e., the
seter muscle. Thus even after resection of the LPM, growth of the condyle and, consequently, of the ramus
the mandible can be protruded forward and thereby the becomes more posterior). Thus Stutzmann's angle
temporomandibular component of the retrodiscal pad opens.
may be functionally stimulated. Resection of the TMF produced a reduction in the
Resection of the LPM produced a significant de- condylar cartilage growth rate that equaled in value the
crease but never an arrest of the cell divisions in the reduction observed after resection of the LPM. This
condylar cartilage. In other words, after resection of finding means that the TMF, also, is not absolutely
the LPM, the growth of the condylar cartilage and the necessary for the growth of the mandible, but, once
lengthening of the mandible persisted but to a lesser more, when the TMF is missing, the growth of the
extent. However, the LPM does appear necessary for condylar cartilage becomes quantitatively deficient.
the optimal lengthening of the mandible and intermax- We may assume that this diminished growth of the
illary adjustment, tga7 condylar cartilage results from the surgically induced
As mentioned previously, our first observation con- reduction in blood and lymph flow. The closing of
cerning the role of the LPM in condylar growth cartilage Stutzmann's angle appears to be due to the absence of
and in the action of functional appliancesl6' t7was further the usual biomechanical traction effect of the TMF.
corroborated by McNamara, s,6.21 by Kantomaa and When the LPM and the TMF were resected simul-
Rrnning, 2~ and by Whetton and Johnston. 2° However, taneously, the decrease in the condylar cartilage growth
some authors disagree with these findings. According rate was of the same magnitude as that observed after
to Awn, Goret-Nicaise, and Dhem, 26 the unilateral sec- the resection of LPM alone. 27 When compared to the
tion of the LPM in the growing rat does not alter con- experimental group in which only the TMF was re-
dylar growth. However, their experimental design (nu- sected, the simultaneous resection of LPM and TMF
merous subgroups, a small number of individuals in produced no supplementary change in either growth rate
each subgroup, etc.) makes it difficult to detect statis-
tically significant differences between the control rats
*In tile child tile "attractor" situation as represented by a full interdigitafion
*Our previous research in rat and human subjects have shown that there is a (full Class I, but to a certain extent also full Class lI or full Class III) corresponds
positive correlation in tile variations of the subperlosteal ossification rate, al- to a structurally stable steady-state in a dynamic system as represented by the
veolar bone turnover rate, condylar cartilage growth rate, and the clincial occlusal relationship. A cusp-to-cusp type of occlusal relationship corresponds
effectiveness of an orthodontic, functional, or orthopedic appliance. 32'a3 to the "repeller" situation (i,e., to an unstable equilibrium state).
390 Stutzmann and Petrovic Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1990

or length of the mandible. How can we account for this of the LPM does not suppress totally the stimulating
finding? A definitive answer to this question is still effect of functional appliances on the lengthening of
premature. Tentatively, we may deduce from our ex- the mandible. 19.35Finally, according to Tewson, Heath,
perimental findings (Tables I, iI, and III), that the TMF and Meikle, 37 an anterior mandibular displacement in
is, in part, the physiologic mediator of the LPM; that the growing rat does not stimulate cell proliferation or
is, we are dealing not with two separate factors, but matrix formation at the mandibular condyle. The ex-
with a causal chain leading to the condylar cartilage cessive size of their appliance and the short duration of
growth. 27 Experiments now in progress, where either their experiment (1 to 14 days) could account for their
the superior or the inferior head of the LPM has been negative results. In this context, it should also be
resected separately, logically suggest that the TMF, us- pointed out that, in our own experiments, when the
ing the disk as an intermediate, is the mediator of the thickness of the postural hyperpropulsor reached 3 ram,
upper head of the LPM. the number of dividing cells and the length of the man-
Ligation of the TMF caused a significant lowering dible became smaller than in control animals, a4
in the growth rate of the condylar cartilage. However, According to the findings reported here, the wearing
tlais lowering was much less pronounced than after re- of the postural hyperpropulsor brings about a supple-
section of the TMF. This is easy to understand, as a mentary lengthening of the mandible only in the ex-
ligature placed around the TMF produced a decrease in perimental groups in which the TMF has not been re-
only the blood circulation and lymph flow. Thus, when sected. In the new experiments, a small stimulating
the TMF has been resected, the more pronounced low- effect of the appliance on the lengthening of the man-
ering in the condylar cartilage growth rate may be ac- dible was again detected, even in the rat whose LPM
counted for both by the complete suppression of the had been previously resected. In other words, the TMF
frenum blood circulation and the lymph flow decrease appears to be an essential link in the action of the
and by the suppression of the biomechanical action of postural hyperpropulsor, whereas the LPM is only
the frenum. partly, even when predominantly, mediating the action
The modus operandi of the postural hyperpropulsor of the postural hyperpropulsor on the lengthening of
has been described previously.14'27'29.34'35Cybernetically the mandible. It should be recalled that after the resec-
speaking,4.15 when the postural hyperpropulsor is placed tion of the LPM in the rat the anterior fibers of the
on the upper incisors, everything occurs as if the upper masseter muscles induce a more forward positioning of
dental arch (the "constantly changing reference input") the mandible and thus stimulate an increased activity
were in a more anterior position. The "confrontation" of the TMF.
between the dental arches at the "comparator" of the As pointed out, the supplementary lengthening of
servosystem then produces a "deviation signal." The the mandible induced by the postural hyperpropulsor
deviation signal will be reduced by an appropriate for- results not only from an increased growth rate of the
ward positioning of the lower dental arch through the condylar cartilage but also from the opening of Stutz-
muscle propulsion of the mandible. This implies a sup- mann's angle. Thus, the stimulating effect of the
plementary contractile activity of the LPM, inducing a postural hyperpropulsor on the lengthening of the man-
supplementary growth of the condylar cartilage and, dible is as marked in group 3 (TFMc) as in the control
consequently, a supplementary lengthening of the man- group. This is due to the intense opening of Stutzmann's
dible. Withtime, this supplementary lengthening will angle, which compensates for the lesser postural
result in a reduction of the anatomic relative "retro- hyperpropulsor-induced increase in the condylar carti-
position'! of the mandible and thus in a decrease of the lage growth rate.
!'deviation signal." The supplementary contractile ac- A large opening of Stutzmann's angle was observed
tivity of the LPM and the supplementary condylar car- in group 2 (LPMo) and group 4 (TMF~ + LPMo). Here,
tilag e growth rate will also tend to diminish as a result. however, this intense opening was not sufficient to com-
However, the mandible of the treated rat will be longer pensate for the slight postural hyperpropulsor-induced
than that of the untreated animal. increase in the condylar cartilage growth rate in groups
Three points should be emphasized. First, this in- 2 and 4. Hence the postural hyperpropulsor-induced
terpretation agrees with the findings reported by supplementary lengthening of the mandible remains less
McNamara 6.36and McNamara and Carlson 12in the mon- marked than in the control group.
.key.. Second, if the LPM is necessary for optimal stim- It should be recalled that the opening of Stutzmann's
ulation of the condylar cartilage growth rate, the new angle induced by the appliance appeared to be only a
experiments corroborate previous findings that resection transient remedial occurrence. '-9'34 In the long run, the
Volume 97 LPM, TMF, and postural hyperpropulsor in growth of mandible 391
Number 5

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Reprint requests to:
Func Maxilares 1987;20:23-50.
Dr. Jeanne J. Stutzmann
34. Petrovie A, Stutzmann J, Gasson N. The final length of the
mandible: is it genetically predetermined? In: Carlson DS, ed.
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35. Petrovie A, Stutzmann J, Lavergne J. Effect of functional ap-


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