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September 15, 2010:

Version 0.7.8 with kernel was released. See changelog for specifics.
- Henry
September 1, 2010:
A release candidate version 0.7.8-rc1 with kernel is available as insta
ller from snapshots page. Many new features are in the FLTK console, for example
scroll back buffer and mouse selection for copy&paste.
- Henry
July 2, 2010:
Version with kernel was released. This contains only one bugfix
, if memory usage does not bounding on 4MB. See changelog for specifics.
- Henry
May 31, 2010:
A version devel 0.7.8-r* with kernel is available as installer from sna
pshots page.
- Henry
May 23, 2010:
Version 0.7.7 with new kernel was released. See changelog for specifics
- Henry
May 22, 2010:
A beta version with recent kernel 2.6.33 is available.
- Henry
Aril 12, 2010:
Yin Sun is working on framebuffer for coLinux. The current version starts nice a
nd has console scroll back buffer. Files are available on cofb- All tha
nks to Yin, he has completed starting work from Nuno to current kernel
- Henry
March 6, 2010:
Version 0.7.6 was released. See changelog for specifics.
- Henry
... archived news
Project Description
How does it work
Unlike in other Linux virtualization solutions such as User Mode Linux (or the f
orementioned VMware), special driver software on the host operating system is us
ed to execute the coLinux kernel in a privileged mode (known as ring 0 or superv
isor mode).
By constantly switching the machine's state between the host OS state and and th
e coLinux kernel state, coLinux is given full control of the physical machine's
MMU (i.e, paging and protection) in its own specially allocated address space, a
nd is able to act just like a native kernel, achieving almost the same performan
ce and functionality that can be expected from a regular Linux which could have
ran on the same machine standalone.
Since coLinux uses the same binary format for user-space executables as native L
inux, coLinux can load and run an existing unmodified Linux distribution concurr
ently with the host OS.
Hardware virtualization
To cooperatively share hardware with the host operating system, coLinux does not
access I/O devices directly. Instead, it interfaces with emulated devices provi
ded by the coLinux drivers in the host OS. For example, a regular file in Window
s can be used as a block device in coLinux. All real hardware interrupts are tra
nsparently forwarded to the host OS, so this way the host OS's control of the re
al hardware is not being disturbed and thus it continues to run smoothly.
Unlike User Mode Linux, coLinux always utilizes only one process of the host OS
for all its Linux processes, privately managing their scheduling, resources, and
faults in a manner which is contained and entirely independent of the way the h
ost OS is implemented. In fact, coLinux only requires a very small set of common
ly exported primitives from the host OS kernel in order to work, thus, it can be
rather easily ported to run under any operating system, such as Solaris, or eve
n Linux itself.
coLinux is being ported to run under ReactOS, a standalone Open Source Windows i
For additional info
Questions about this project can be sent to

* Version: 0.7.8
* Build date: September 1, 2010
* Release date: September 15, 2010
* Supported architectures:
o Intel-compatible 486 and above
Supported operating systems (only 32 bit):
+ Windows 2000/2003/2008
+ Windows XP
+ Windows Vista/7
+ Linux 2.6.x
* Supported guest Linux kernel versions
(Usable on mostly distributions with 2.6-kernel support)

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