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Migoń P. (2013) Weathering and Hillslope Development. In: John F. Shroder (ed.) Treatise on Geomorphology,
Volume 4, pp. 159-178. San Diego: Academic Press.

© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Author's personal copy

4.10 Weathering and Hillslope Development

P Migoń, University of Wroc"aw, Wroc"aw, Poland
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

4.10.1 Introduction 159

4.10.2 Fundamentals 160 Weathering-Limited and Transport-Limited Slopes 160 Short-Term and Long-Term Controls and Feedback 160 Working Definitions 161
4.10.3 Weathering and Rock Slope Evolution 161 Strength of Weathered Rock Masses 161 Weathering-Induced Rock Slope Failures 163 Caprock Failures above Weathered Base 164
4.10.4 Deep Weathering and Landslides 166 Deep Weathering Profiles and their Properties 166 Landslides in Weathered Terrains 168 Geomorphic Signatures of Mass Movements in Weathered Materials 168
4.10.5 Weathering and Slope Landforms 170 Boulders and Boulder Fields 170 Tors 173 Flared Slopes 176
4.10.6 Conclusions 176
References 177


Weathering plays an important role in the evolution of hillslopes. It decreases strength of a rock mass and hence contributes
to slope failures by fall, slide, or topple. Accelerated weathering of soft rock under hard caprock disturbs slope equilibrium
and results in long-term escarpment retreat. In deeply weathered terrains, patterns of mass movements are directly related to
the weathering grade. Minor mid-slope landforms such as boulders, tors, and flared slopes are in most instances products
of differential weathering and removal of weathering products. The significance of weathering is conceptualized in the
traditional distinction between weathering-limited and transport-limited slopes.

4.10.1 Introduction for a large-scale rockslide. Hence, weathering is an important

process to shape rock–slope morphology. Third, deep wea-
Weathering plays a key role in hillslope evolution, and the thering changes geomechanical characteristics throughout
relationships between rock alteration processes, gravity-driven rock mass and contributes to an increased susceptibility to
processes, and slope morphology are manifold. First, wea- landsliding. Spatial and temporal patterns of landslides are
thering weakens the rock and decreases its strength, which commonly related to the patterns of deep weathering. This is
results in the lowering of slope gradient. Therefore, in wea- why, with due caution, the latter can be used to predict the
thered landscapes slope surfaces are generally less inclined and former. Fourth, at the local scale, it is the slope morphology
topography more subdued than in areas built of the same kind that influences the patterns of weathering and soil formation.
of rock, but little weathered. Second, weathering acts primarily Mid-slope hollows and footslopes focus water and are moist
along discontinuities (joints, bedding planes, faults, cleavage microenvironments, within which the efficacy of weathering
surfaces, etc.), loosening an otherwise tight rock mass. De- processes is expected to be higher. Fifth, weathering and
pending on slope inclination, liberated discontinuity-bound evacuation of weathering products are directly responsible for
rock fragments may remain in place, contributing to the the origin of different hillslope landforms, among which solid
development of a debris-mantled slope or may move down- rock residuals – tors – are the most obvious example.
slope through fall or slide. In specific instances, advanced This chapter focuses on two tightly related subjects. On the
alteration along a major discontinuity surface may set a stage one hand, weathering control on hillslope processes will
be reviewed. An argument will be developed that an under-
standing of preconditioning of bedrock by weathering is cru-
Migoń, P., 2013. Weathering and hillslope development. In: Shroder, J.
(Editor in Chief), Pope, G.A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic
cial in any attempts to explain and predict the pathways of
Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 4, Weathering and Soils Geomorphology, slope evolution. On the other hand, landforms resulting from
pp. 159–178. in situ weathering and subsequent displacement of weathered

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 4 159

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160 Weathering and Hillslope Development

material will be shown in the context of overall hillslope

morphology. It is also to be argued that, in retrospect, these
landforms can be used to infer the role of weathering in
shaping hillslopes in the long term.

4.10.2 Fundamentals Weathering-Limited and Transport-Limited

Classic models of hillslope evolution, such as those by W.M.
Davis or L. King, did include weathering as one of the con-
trolling parameters, but were more preoccupied with the
general change of form through time rather than involved
detailed analysis of the effects of weathering on process and
form. It is fair to say that Davis (1899) envisaged a progressive
increase in the depth of waste cover and fining of its texture,
which in turn should have led to the reduction of slope gra-
dient. However, as pointed out by Parsons (1988) and many
others, his scenario, as well as other general models of the
time, were based on intuition and reasoning rather than any
empirical data, particularly about the processes involved. The
major conceptual advance in considering weathering as a
factor in slope evolution was the distinction between wea-
thering-limited hillslopes and transport-limited hillslopes,
formulated in full in the 1970s (Carson and Kirkby, 1972), but
traceable back to the pioneer work of G.K. Gilbert from the
late nineteenth century. Weathering-limited hillslopes are de- Figure 1 Different types of slopes and different weathering
fined as those where the rate of weathering controls, through processes acting on them. (a) Bare rock slope of a granite inselberg
the rate of supply of loose material available for transport, the in the Namib Desert, with physical weathering dominant. (b) Mantled
evolution of slope form through time (Figure 1(a)). In an and vegetated slope underlain by chemically altered saprolite, Serra
extreme case, if no material is made available by weathering, do Mar, Brazil. Rock slope failures are common in the first example,
no change takes place. Some bare slopes built of very massive whereas deep-seated slides occur on the latter.
and resistant rock may be considered as examples. Transport-
limited hillslopes, by contrast, are those where the efficacy
of transport processes controls the rate of change. One can steady state in landform evolution. However, although the
imagine a slope underlain by a thick mantle of weathered diffusion models work well in soil-mantled landscapes, their
material, yet low-angle and heavily vegetated. Under these application to slopes underlain by thick saprolitic covers
conditions, surface processes are severely suppressed and is more problematic because saprolite thickness is unlikely
no change may occur despite huge material availability. to remain constant over time (Phillips, 2010). Although the
However, transport limitations have to be considered with thickness of regolith can be measured relatively easily, to es-
respect to appropriate timescales. A mantled slope may remain tablish the rates of weathering front advance is much more
stable over short term, but fail through an episodic high- challenging. Measurements of cosmogenic radionuclides such
magnitude geomorphic event such as landslide (Figure 1(b)), as 10Be in saprolites and bedrock (Dixon et al., 2009) should
triggered by heavy rainfall or an earthquake. be helpful in extending models of slope evolution to areas
Parsons (1988) criticized such a dichotomy and argued with thick weathering mantles.
that these are all but two end-members of a broad spectrum.
Instead, he suggested to consider detachment control and
offered a detachability continuum approach. The rate of slope Short-Term and Long-Term Controls and
change is a function of both material availability and transport
capacity. Interestingly, an increased rate of weathering does
not necessarily increase material availability for transport. This It is important to distinguish between short-term and long-
is because of pedogenic processes that result in the formation term relationships between form and process in hillslope
of soil crusts and cohesive clays. Rates of weathering and the evolution. Many approaches to process–response modeling
thickness of regolith, critical to establish the status of a hill- are underlain by an assumption that form is controlled by
slope, whether weathering- or transport-limited, are the key process. In fact, although this stance is defensible for long
ingredients of diffusive mathematical models of hillslope timescales, it is not necessarily correct in short timescales.
development (Carson and Kirkby, 1972), which again can be With respect to the latter, it is generally observed that occur-
traced back to the work of Gilbert (1909) and his concept of rences, rates, and effects of surface processes are controlled by
Author's personal copy
Weathering and Hillslope Development 161

the preexisting slope morphology, including factors such as materials. These in turn may be derived straight from
steepness, length, curvature, and others. Relationships be- in situ weathering, subject to limited downslope movement
tween hillslope form and weathering patterns aptly illustrate (colluvium) or completely allochthonous with respect to
these feedbacks. Since water availability is critical to most bedrock, brought in by aeolian or glacial processes. The
weathering processes, sites that collect more water may be thickness of the mantle, also traditionally called a regolith,
expected to undergo faster and more efficient weathering. may be very variable, from less than a meter to more than
Conversely, surfaces that shed water will remain less affected. 100 m. Taylor and Eggleton (2001) discussed different aspects
In the context of hillslope morphology, two settings warrant of regolith geology, geochemistry, and geomorphology.
particular attention: footslopes and mid-slope hollows. In the following sections, rock slopes and types of failures
Enhanced footslope weathering is hypothesized for a range associated with them are presented first, followed by a dis-
of spatial scales, from individual rock outcrops (Twidale and cussion of landslides in weathered materials.
Campbell, 1992) to large intramontane basins (Bremer,
1975). Pedestal rocks, flared slopes of inselbergs, marginal
troughs around residual hills and specific relationships within
4.10.3 Weathering and Rock Slope Evolution
some basins, with some residual relief in the middle, are
offered as corroborating geomorphic evidence. In certain areas Strength of Weathered Rock Masses
it was possible to demonstrate that bedrock is indeed wea-
thered to a greater depth at the slope/plain junction. For ex- Weathering is an important factor in the evolution of rock
ample, such distribution patterns have been documented for slopes, as they get set up for various types of slope failures.
deeply disintegrated granites – grus (Migoń and Thomas, Generally, failures occur when applied stress exceeds the
2002). strength of the material and this may be achieved in two ways.
Slope hollows (or zero-order basins) generate attention Strength may remain constant but stress increases, either in-
mainly because they commonly become loci of landslides stantaneously or gradually, leading to fall, slide, or topple
(Dietrich et al., 1986; Fernandes et al., 2004). They may vary from a rock slope. Typical situations include earthquakes,
in origin. Some may be inherited from the Pleistocene, but during which transient stresses induced by seismic waves tra-
others owe their form to recent landslides in weathered bed- velling in the shallow subsurface are so high that previously
rock. The resultant depressions influence subsequent water stable slopes fail (Keefer, 1984). Progressive fluvial undercut-
and sediment movement on slopes. Not only is there gradual ting of a rock slope at a meander bend may also result in an
filling of the hollows by material brought in by creep, wash, ultimate crossing of tensile strength threshold.
and shallow sliding, but weathering continues under hollows Conversely, stress may remain approximately constant but
due to runoff diversion from the surrounding slopes. The next strength decreases until it falls beneath the threshold of sta-
landslide removes the fill and reestablished saprolite, deep- bility. Reasons for decreasing material strength may vary.
ening the hollow and producing scalloped hillslope topo- Short-term or seasonal changes in pore–water pressure, related
graphy. Geomorphology of slope hollows is discussed more to rainfall distribution in time, impact on rock mass strength
extensively in Section 4.10.4. and many slope failures occur either in association with heavy
rainfall episodes (e.g., arrival of typhoons) or during more
prolonged rainy seasons. Weathering is another factor con-
tributing to diminishing rock strength over time and it does so Working Definitions
through a number of interactions with the rock:
Relationships between weathering and hillslope evolution
have to be considered separately for rock slopes, where wea-
• weakening of fabric by boundary and intra-granular crack
development, repetitive volume changes arising from ther-
thering is nonsaprolitic, and mantled slopes, where thick
mal expansion/contraction and hydration/dehydration;
weathered mantles may form (Figure 1). These two basic
slope categories are defined as follows.
• dissolution of cement, most evident if cement is carbonate,
but siliceous and clayey cement are affected too, albeit at a
Rock slopes are inclined surfaces built of solid rock, with
slower rate;
no regolith and soil cover, except for some localized dis-
continuous patches. However, individual boulders may rarely
• dissolution of soluble minerals such as calcite or gypsum;
rest on solid rock pedestals if slope angle allows them to re-
• preferential rock alteration along fractures, particularly
along fault lines, where fault gouges and breccia are par-
main stable. Rock slopes may be vertical or even overhanging,
ticularly prone to weathering and clayey material may be
as is common along coastal cliffs or in glaciated high moun-
susceptible to swelling; and
tains, but they may have a very low angle (less than 101), too.
Likewise, their height may vary by a few orders of magnitude,
• joint opening and enlargement due to salt and freeze–thaw
weathering, both involving alien crystal growth (salt,
from a mere few meters to more than 500 m. Rock slopes are
water/ice) in the voids and cracks.
typically associated with aprons of material derived from rock
face and accumulated at the base of the slope, termed scree or Weathering operates at different scales (Viles, 2001) but it
talus. For a more extensive discussion of rock slopes, the is the scale of a rock mass that is most relevant to rock slope
reader is directed to Selby (1993). failures. Characteristics of a rock mass include, in addition to
By contrast, mantled slopes are those within which lithology (mineralogy, fabric, and arrangement of mineral
unweathered bedrock outcrops are either scarce or entirely constituents) and resultant intact strength, the presence of
absent and the topographic surface is cut across unlithified discontinuities of different origin and age, their geometric
Author's personal copy
162 Weathering and Hillslope Development

properties, and the presence of water (Figure 2). To account Bieniawski (1989) and particularly relevant to geotechnical
for all these features, different approaches have been proposed applications (Table 1), where it is used widely. It is less useful
to obtain a reasonably complete picture of rock mass strength. in geomorphological research, as it involves determination of
One of these is the rock mass rating (RMR) developed by intact rock strength through geotechnical experimental tests

Regular joint spacing

Irregular joint spacing


Joint surfaces may be

smooth or rough

Joints of variable


Presence of
Infilled joint
Figure 2 Rock mass properties affecting rock mass strength.

Table 1 Rock mass rating system

Parameter Range of values

Intact rock strength 4250 100–250 50–100 25–50 5–25 1–5 o1

(uniaxial compres-
sive strength, in
Rating 15 12 7 4 2 1 0
Drill core quality 90–100% 75–90% 50–75% 25–50% o25%
Rating 20 17 13 8 3
Discontinuity spacing 4200 cm 60–200 cm 20–60 cm 6–20 cm o6 cm
Rating 20 15 10 8 5
Conditions of Very rough Slightly rough Slightly rough Slickensided Soft gouge 45 mm thick
discontinuities surfaces surfaces surfaces surfaces or
o5 mm thick
Not continuous Separation Separation Separation Separation 45 mm
o1 mm o1 mm 1–5 mm
No separation Slightly wea- Highly wea- Continuous Continuous
thered walls thered walls
wall rock
Rating 30 25 20 10 0
Groundwater Completely dry Damp Wet Dripping Flowing
Rating 15 10 7 4 0

Source: Based on Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 251 pp.
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Weathering and Hillslope Development 163

Table 2 Rock mass strength classification

Parameter Strength

Very strong rock Strong rock Moderately strong Weak rock Very weak
rock rock

Intact rock strength (R-value 100–60 60–50 50–40 40–35 35–10

determined by N-type
Schmidt hammer)
Partial rating 20 18 14 10 5

Degree of weathering Unweathered Slightly weathered Moderately weathered Highly Completely

weathered weathered
Partial rating 10 9 7 5 3
Joint spacing 43 m 1–3 m 0.3–1 m 0.05–0.3 m o 0.05 m
Partial rating 30 28 21 15 8
Joint orientation Steep dip into the Moderate dip into the Horizontal or nearly Moderate dip Steep dip out
slope; cross joints slope vertical (in hard out of the of the slop
interlock rock) slope
Partial rating 20 18 14 9 5
Joint width o 0.1 mm 0.1–1 mm 1–5 mm 5–20 mm 4 20 mm
Partial rating 7 6 5 4 2
Joint continuity and infill None continuous Few continuous Continuous, no infill Continuous, Continuous,
thin infill thick infill
Partial rating 7 6 5 4 1
Groundwater outflow None Trace Slight (o25 l per min Moderate Great
per 10 m2) (25–125 l (4125 l
per min per min
per 10 m2) per 10 m2)
Partial rating 6 5 4 3 1
Total rating 91–100 71–90 51–70 26–50 o26

Source: Based on Selby, M.J., 1980. A rock-mass strength classification for geomorphic purposes: with tests from Antarctica and New Zealand. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F.
24, 31–51.

(uniaxial compressive strength or point-load strength) and joint–wall alteration accumulate along discontinuities. In
rating of drill core quality, assessed on the basis of the degree effect, cohesion and friction angle decrease and the shear
of fracturing recorded in a drill core. strength of joint surfaces diminishes markedly in comparison
To overcome both inconveniencies, Selby (1980) modified to intact rock, especially if infilling clays are smectites, which
the RMR approach and suggested a rock mass strength (RMS) have high water-adsorption capacity. Altogether, the RMS rat-
approach instead, which can be applied without any expensive ing for weathered rock may be significantly lower than that for
equipment, except the Schmidt hammer (see Day and Goudie, its unweathered counterpart, particularly if dealing with rather
1977; Goudie, 2006). The RMS approach consists of in-parallel, weak, densely jointed rock masses.
semiquantitative determination of seven parameters and their
subsequent rating to obtain a numerical value characterizing
the rock mass (Table 2). The final score is dimensionless but Weathering-Induced Rock Slope Failures
allows for comparison of different rock masses. Among the
parameters taken into account, some have direct relationship Decrease of rock mass strength may lead to rock slope failures
with the susceptibility of rock to weathering and the current and these may be of different types, broadly divided into two
state of weathering. Intact strength reflects the fabric of the groups. One involves detachment of individual rock frag-
rock and the presence of intergranular voids and hence, how ments, one by one, and their subsequent movement down-
prone to weakening of the fabric a given rock type is. The slope, by free fall, sliding, and/or bouncing, depending on
‘weathering’ parameter is assessed qualitatively; using charac- slope angle and available energy. The detachment itself usually
teristics of weathering grade (see Table 3) and describes the occurs as a result of expansion of salt, ice, or plant roots in
current state of the near-surface portion of the rock. Joint cracks and joints. Sorted scree aprons below rock faces build
spacing and orientation are inherent features of a rock up in this way. The second group includes mass movements
mass, but both joint width and continuity/infill are related involving simultaneous transfer of large rock masses, from
to weathering. With the progress of weathering, fractures be- a few cubic meters to thousands of cubic meters in volume
come more open, adjacent cracks may join, and products of (e.g., Wieczorek, 2002). These large-scale rock slope failures
Author's personal copy
164 Weathering and Hillslope Development

Table 3 Weathering grades for deeply weathered rock masses

Ruxton and Berry (1957) Geological Society (1997)

Description Formal name Weathering Weathering Formal name Description

zone code zone code

Structureless sandy clay or Residual debris I VI Residual soil All rock material converted to
clayey sand, up to 30% of soil; original structure and
clay, dominance of quartz fabric destroyed; large
and kaolin change in volume
Few rounded corestones, Residual debris with IIa V Completely All rock decomposed and
less than 10% of the corestones weathered disintegrated but original
section area, less than 5% structure and fabric still
of clay largely intact
Much of the original rock IIb IV Highly More than 50% of rock
structure preserved, weathered decomposed and
corestones occupy 10 to disintegrated; fresh or
50% of the section area weakened rock locally
present, including as
Dominance of rectangular Corestones with III III Moderately Less than 50% of rock
corestones (50–90%), residual debris weathered decomposed and
surrounded by residual disintegrated; rock
matrix discolored and partly
weakened; corestones may
be common
More than 90% is solid rock, Partially weathered IV II Slightly Discoloration as the main
minor amounts of debris rock weathered sign of change, mainly
along fractures, iron along discontinuities; some
staining may be present weakening of fabric
No visible signs of rock Bedrock IB Faintly Slight discoloration along
weathering weathered major discontinuities
IA Fresh No visible signs of

are classified as rock slides, rock-mass falls, rock avalanches, contributing factor, especially if it is concentrated at the base
and topples (Selby, 1993). Although the geomorphic impact of rock slope. This is common in arid areas, where slope/plain
and resultant landforms may be similar – chaotically arranged junctions are the sites of enhanced salt weathering. In an in-
piles of boulders mantling the lower slope and extending onto selberg terrain around Al-Quwayra in south Jordan, Goudie
valley floors or pediments, the contribution of weathering to et al. (2002) documented huge alcoves, up to 10 m high and
each type of movement is different. 50 m wide, and showed their increased levels of salinity. At the
Rock slides occur along major preexisting discontinuity same time, rock slopes of the sandstone inselbergs bear evi-
surfaces and involve sliding movement of the rock mass above dence of multiple rock-mass falls, some involving detachment
this boundary surface. Failure planes are generally structural from a free face as much as 80 m high. Young et al. (2009)
surfaces, such as schistosity planes in metamorphic rocks, discussed at length reasons of rock slope failures in sandstones
bedding planes in sedimentary rocks, or sheeting surfaces in and noticed substantial strength reduction with an increasing
igneous rocks, inclined down the slope and broadly parallel to content of water. By whatever reason, in poorly fractured rock
the topographic surface. Shear strength along partings is a masses, with one joint set parallel to the rock face, undercut-
critical parameter and rock slides are initiated when its value is ting by weathering may lead to massive slab failures.
significantly reduced. Reduction of shear strength often results
from various weathering processes: secondary clay accumu-
lation within joints, dissolution along joint surfaces, or dis- Caprock Failures above Weathered Base
integration of asperities.
Rock-mass falls are displacements of large volumes of In the examples described above it is ongoing weathering of
rock, which may be internally fractured themselves, but are rock mass building the rock slope that ultimately brings it to
separated from the rest of the rock mass by a major failure cross the stability threshold. The failures just discussed occur
surface, commonly stepped, following many individual joint within lithologically homogeneous rock slopes or their seg-
surfaces. Reasons for such massive failures are generally sought ments, although failed masses may travel far beyond such
in processes other than weathering, such as seismic triggers, segments. A separate group concerns rock slopes in layered
elevated cleft-water pressures, and propagation of stress release structures, where a massive, resistant top rock layer (caprock)
fractures parallel to cliff faces. However, weathering may be a overlies mechanically much weaker rock units below. This
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Weathering and Hillslope Development 165

Figure 3 Hard caprock and weaker, weathering-prone rock units below, partially mantled with products of caprock failures. Near Moab,
Utah, USA.

Figure 4 Enhanced weathering in silty layers beneath conglomerate caprock and unstable overhangs, Danxiashan, south China.

situation is typical in dissected plateaus developed on ancient influences caprock slope evolution. Weathering mechanisms
sedimentary basins, where massive well-cemented sandstones operating under caprock may be variable and site specific. The
or limestones occur above poorly lithified sandstones, shales, presence of water is essential and a perched aquifer generally
or calcarenites, creating a considerable geomechanical contrast exists beneath permeable, jointed caprock. Weak units are not
(Figure 3). Similar conditions may occur in volcanic terrains, uncommonly clayey and much less permeable, hence forced
where lava flows or ignimbrites (welded tuffs) overlie poorly subsurface drainage toward escarpments and seepage at the
consolidated pyroclastic deposits or weak sedimentary layers. caprock/underlying rock boundary occurs, which may be very
Generally, caprock supports very steep, even vertical slopes, efficient (Howard and Kochel, 1988; Oberlander, 1989). Re-
which grade into much less inclined surfaces (15–351) in petitive wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, dissolution
underlying units. In these cases, in addition to weathering of and clay alteration disaggregate the subcaprock unit and re-
caprock itself, it is alteration of the weaker units below which arrange its structure, weakening support for caprock itself. All
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166 Weathering and Hillslope Development

these processes cause slope recession in the weaker unit, re- mountainous regions that are notorious for landslides of dif-
sulting in the development of an overhang in caprock. This ferent types, not uncommonly disastrous in their effects
will remain temporarily stable, but eventually tensile stresses (Figure 5). The best known examples come from heavily ur-
will exceed the critical strength and rock-mass fall will occur banized, high-relief settings such as Hong Kong or Rio de
(Figure 4). Janeiro, but in fact extensive tracts of countryside in Mexico,
Consequences for caprock are different if the weaker clayey the Caribbean region, Venezuela, eastern Brazil, equatorial
units beneath it deform plastically and show flow-like be- Africa, India, and southeast Asia are molded by landslides
haviour. They may do so under the weight of caprock and developed in thick saprolites (Thomas, 1994). Away from the
because of an increase in water content and pore-water pres- intertropical belt, landslides in weathered materials occur too,
sure. As the clays are squeezed out, jointed caprock compart- especially in easily weatherable mudstones and deeply dis-
ments begin to separate from each other, change position, and aggregated granite (grus). The nature of mass movement in
lose stability. The most common type of movement of caprock weathered rock depends on many factors, but primarily on the
blocks is forward toppling, but backward toppling (sagging) extent of deep weathering and properties of weathered mass.
may occur as well. In extreme examples, long-distance, kilo- Therefore, basic characteristics of deep weathering profiles
meter-scale gliding of caprock blocks over deformable clays need to be considered first.
and siltstone is possible. Instances of mass movements along The notion of ‘deep weathering’ refers to instances of
caprock escarpments affected by substratum weathering and thorough in situ disintegration and decomposition of parent
deformation are known from all around the world, including rock that penetrates throughout the rock mass to a depth of
the Colorado Plateau, the Sydney Basin, the Isle of Portland at least a few meters, but generally much more than this.
in Great Britain, Ethiopian Highlands, Bohemian Massif, and For example, granite-derived grus is typically 5–20 m thick
many other localities (see Oberlander, 1989; Young et al., (Migoń and Thomas, 2002), whereas more decomposed clay-
2009). rich saprolites may be up to 30–40 m thick (Thomas, 1994;
Taylor and Eggleton, 2001). In stable cratonic settings, subject
to deep weathering for millions of years, complete weathering
profiles are commonly in excess of 100 m (Ollier, 2010). In the
4.10.4 Deep Weathering and Landslides
context of mass movements it is important to note that deep
weathering is widespread in hilly, low-latitude landscapes, not Deep Weathering Profiles and their Properties
just under extensive tropical plains.
Landsliding is a ubiquitous geomorphic process and occurs in In places such as Serra do Mar mountains in southeast
many different settings and environments, but its particular Brazil or Hong Kong and the adjacent Guangdong province of
intensity is recorded in deeply weathered terrains (see Chapter China thicknesses of weathered mantles more than 50 m have
4.8). Thick weathered mantles abound in humid low latitudes been widely reported (Thomas, 1995; Shaw, 1997; Lan et al.,
and it is these tropical and subtropical hilly to moderately 2003). Despite considerable variability in thickness it has long

Figure 5 Damage to a building in effect of a slide in deeply weathered granite, south China. Photo courtesy of Xu Hongen.
Author's personal copy
Weathering and Hillslope Development 167

been observed that weathering mantles commonly show clear eroded can be found in adjacent sedimentary basins in the
vertical differentiation, particularly well displayed in granite. form of clay-rich deposits. Second, weathering profiles may
They are recognizable in the field, through the variable per- have never reached the stage of an ideal, complete sequence
centage of little weathered rock compartments (corestones), and they failed to do so because of two reasons. Either
visibility of original structural features such as joints, and environmental conditions were unsuitable for mineralogical
color change, and these differences generally correspond with alteration to advance beyond a certain threshold (e.g., in cold
geochemical and mineralogical characteristics, with the per- climate), or steepness of terrain and efficient surface erosion
centage of neoformed minerals growing upward. An import- prevent attaining higher level of mineralogical change. The
ant structural feature is the weathering front that separates latter possibility appears to explain numerous instances
fresh and weathered rock and may be very sharp, although a of apparently incomplete weathering profiles on igneous
gradational transition is more often observed. These obser- rocks in steep tropical and subtropical terrains (e.g., Migoń
vations led Ruxton and Berry (1957) to propose a formal and Alcántara-Ayala, 2008).
subdivision of granite weathering profiles, which included five Not only structural differentiation and mineralogical
principal classes (Table 3; Figure 6). Later work refined their change is observed within deep weathering profiles. It has
concept and a sixfold division was proposed (Dearman et al., been demonstrated that physical properties of saprolites
1978), which has been widely adopted (Geological Society, change too, bearing on the susceptibility of saprolitic ma-
1997; Table 3). Although devised for granite and allied rocks, terials to landsliding. Upper parts of weathering profiles are
the concept of zonation of weathering profiles is universal and typically more fine-grained, with the percentage of silt and clay
applicable to all types of rocks, even if some horizons or increasing. In mature saprolites clay-size material may account
structural features may be poorly or not at all represented in for 70–80% of the total by weight, with kaolinite present in
specific field examples. It is important to note that weathering major quantities. In less advanced profiles, or in those subject
profiles are not necessarily complete, in the sense that all to truncation, the percentage of clay may be less and the
structural horizons are present at any given location. These dominant clays may be from the illite and smectite families.
situations are explained in two ways. First, weathered mantles Further properties that change due to weathering are porosity
observed nowadays may be all but relicts of much thicker and permeability, crucial for the ability to transmit and hold
profiles existing in the past, which have been partly destroyed water within the saprolite. In originally massive rocks such as
(beheaded) due to accelerated surface erosion. If this is the granite, porosity may increase from 1% to 2% in fresh rock to
case, we speak about truncation of a profile and the material more than 25% in the completely decomposed one, whereas
in granular sedimentary rocks the respective change may
be from 5–10% to 30–40%. Simultaneously, bulk density
decreases. Physical changes in turn influence geomechanical
properties of saprolites. The decrease of strength may be
demonstrated in the field, applying different crude tests for
material strength (using penetrometer, Schmidt hammer, and
the like), but is most evident if compressive strength is
measured experimentally (Figure 7). However, with respect to
saprolites, intact strength has to be distinguished from joint
IIa strength. Weathered joint planes are not only structural

Max value

Uniaxial compressive strength (Mpa)

140 Mean value

120 Min value




Weathering grade
Figure 6 Zoning of weathering profile following coding system by
Ruxton and Berry (1957). Further explanation in the text and Table 3. Figure 7 Decrease of rock intact strength due to weathering, based
Based on Migoń (2010). on data from Arel and Tugrul (2001).
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168 Weathering and Hillslope Development

discontinuities within saprolites; but they are also often in- becomes saturated and the pore-water pressure rises above the
filled by kaolinitic clays and the infill may be from less than a limit of material stability. Numerous examples of slope in-
millimeter to a few centimeters thick. For moderately de- stability in granite-derived grus have been described from
composed granite and volcanic rocks, joint strength is only mountainous regions of Japan. Steep slopes and efficient
0.5–0.8 of intact strength but both parameters equal for highly erosion do not allow for thick weathered mantles to develop
decomposed rocks (Au, 1996). Significant decrease of strength and grus is widespread instead. This material is fairly
along relict joints points to structural discontinuities as stable when dry, but conditions drastically change during
potential slip surfaces in saprolitic materials. In addition, relict heavy rainfall episodes brought in by seasonal tropical storms.
fractures are not uncommonly indurated or slickensided, Grus becomes quickly saturated and begins to slide down
acting thereby as efficient barriers to groundwater circulation. along available slip surfaces. Slope-parallel microsheeting
facilitates mass movement. In metamorphic rocks (gneiss,
schist), relict schistosity planes are ready slip planes, especially Landslides in Weathered Terrains if oriented parallel to the slope. Chigira (2001) observed that
in many instances landsliding was widespread in grus and less
Reduction in strength of saprolitic materials with respect to extensive in more weathered material, which appears coun-
that of fresh rock makes the former susceptible for landsliding, terintuitive, given progressive decrease of rock mass strength
even if fresh rock is hardly ever affected by landslides, as is the with weathering. However, two factors play a role here. First,
case of granites and massive volcanic rocks. However, the style zones of localized weakness (relict joints, rock/grus inter-
of landsliding varies and shows distinct relationship with the faces), hence potential sliding surfaces, are common in grus
weathering grade and properties of weathered rock masses but poorly represented in more homogeneous clayey sapro-
(Figure 8). Early stages of weathering, typified by alteration lites. Second, disintegrated granite, by virtue of its higher mass
focused along discontinuity planes and opening of major strength, can support slopes that are steeper than those de-
fractures due to tensile stress (grades I–II, see Figure 6), are veloped in fine-grained saprolites. These steep slopes are more
associated with rock slides and rock falls, depending on local prone to abrupt yielding induced by an extreme precipitation
slope gradient. In either case, shear strength of the rock along a event, whereas gentler slopes underlain by heavily weathered
parting is significantly reduced (Au, 1996). Secondary clay granites release stress through creep and shallow soil flow,
accumulations within dilation joints, which may be very thin which occur in a steadier manner.
but laterally very extensive, also contribute to slope failures in The style of landsliding changes again if weathered rock
an otherwise massive rock. Catastrophic slope collapses on the reaches grades IV and V. These rock masses, with few corestones
hillsides of granite or gneissic domes are typical gravitational left and significant percentages of secondary clays, are typically
phenomena causally related to incipient weathering. At more affected by rotational slides (slumps). The development of
advanced stages of deep weathering (grade III), with a mantle curved failure surfaces is facilitated by the homogenization of
of grus (arène) or stony loam is present under the slope sur- the saprolite and disappearance of joint-related discontinuities.
face, shallow debris slides are preferentially generated. In ter- The relationships between the type of landslide and wea-
rains where the mantle of grus is thin (a few meters), and the thering grade are further influenced by local relief. If a hillside
weathering front separating grus from solid rock is sharp, affected by mass movement, whether a debris slide or a slump,
slides may occur at this interface because the weathering front is long and steep enough, and topographic and hydrological
provides a barrier to groundwater movement, resulting in the conditions are conducive, then an initial slide may transform
development of ephemeral perched water-tables during rain- into a flow-type phenomenon. Geomorphological settings
storms. Hence, the rather thin grus above the interface favoring the transformation are hillslope hollows and valley
floors occupied by streams present at the time of failure. After a
slide reaches a local watercourse, the content of water in the
sediment increases, the pore-water pressure builds up and the
slides I
Earthflows sliding mass liquefies. Devastating debris flows that frequently
affect built-up footslope areas in Rio de Janeiro (Coelho Netto,
IIa 1999; Fernandes et al., 2004), Hong Kong (Ng et al., 2002), or
coastal Venezuela (Larsen and Wieczorek, 2006), are the result
Debris of transformation of initial slides in weathered material and
slides their confinement within narrow, steep gradient valleys. In more
weathered terrains, colluvium from rotational slides may liquefy
III and continue moving as earthflows, spreading wide over the
Debris flows available footslope space. The wide depositional surfaces below
Corestones the landslide scars in multiconvex terrain are the product of this
Boulder type of transformation (Coelho Netto, 1999; Migoń, 2009).
falls IV joint
Rock slope
failures Geomorphic Signatures of Mass Movements in
Weathered Materials
Figure 8 Generalized relationships between types of mass
movement and weathering grade in deeply weathered rocks. Based The relationships between deep weathering patterns, mass
on Migoń (2010). movement, and hillslope morphology are complex and
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Weathering and Hillslope Development 169

involve a range of feedback. The preexisting topography dic- lower slopes and adjacent valleys floors. Landform inventories
tates the spatial pattern of mass movements, including the produced by debris flows in deeply weathered terrain do not
location of slope failures, the travel path, and the run-out differ from those produced by debris flows in other landscape
distance. However, landslides and other types of mass move- settings, for instance in high-mountain terrain. However, the
ment play a major role themselves in shaping the topography structure of associated levees reflects the nature of the saprolite
of weathered terrain, creating new landforms, and providing subject to stripping. If corestones were abundant in the wea-
new avenues for sediment transfer. In addition, they leave thered mantle, then boulder-rich levees would easily form,
geomorphic signatures, which may persist over long time, with densely packed boulder ridges built by individual roun-
helping to identify ancient landslides and hence to evaluate ded blocks up to 4–5 m long as in the Veladero granite massif,
landslide hazard. Thus, mapping the geomorphological record Mexico (Lugo et al., 2002).
of past mass movement is a valuable contribution to wider In highly weathered hilly areas, where deeper rotational
hazard and risk assessment. slumps prevail over near-surface debris slides, hemispherical
Geomorphological consequences of landslides in the slope hollows become the dominant landform. The density of
weathered terrain may be considered in terms of both hill- such hollows may be considerable, pointing to the significance
slope form and process. Mass movement effects are essentially of landslides in landform evolution. Shroder (1976) mapped
erosional in the upper/middle section of a slope and de- landslides in the deeply weathered and moderately dissected
positional in the lower slope and in the valleys below, but will Nyika Plateau in Malawi, Africa, and recorded 235 individual
differ depending on the type of mass movement taking place. landslides over an area of 277 km2. One classic area to study
If weathered mantles are thin, shallow landslides are capable the origin and evolution of landslide-produced slope hollows
of complete stripping of regolith and the former weathering is the inland side of Serra do Mar in south-east Brazil, par-
front is revealed as a rock slope facet (Figure 9). Landslide ticularly around the town of Bananal (Coelho Netto, 1999;
scars formed in this way are not necessarily very deep but may Figure 10). Hollows vary in size, but are generally less than
be laterally extensive, coalescing into large rock slope units, 100 m across and their main scarps are 10–15 m high. Like-
and long-lived since reestablishment of vegetation and soil on wise, their shapes are different, from broad and smooth to
a bare steep rock surface may take tens, and perhaps hundreds deeper and abruptly narrowing at the lower end. Many are
of years. Thus, slides within a saprolitic cover are important structurally controlled and their elongation follows the pre-
contributors in episodic dome excavation from the weathered dominant joint direction.
mantle, consistent with the two-phase evolution of residual The position of hollows within the slope varies. Some
hills (see Chapter 4.8). This model of dome evolution was are located close to the footslope and their floors connect
advocated by Hurault (1963) using evidence from Guyana with depositional surfaces around the hills, whereas others
and further examples were offered from Serra do Mar in Brazil are disconnected from the footslope and may be described
(De Ploey and Cruz, 1979). Debris slides in the upper slope as ‘hanging.’ The latter, however, commonly grade into funnel-
may transform into debris flows that shape the morphology of shaped elongated depressions that provide a link to the

Figure 9 Bare rock slopes exposed by landslides. Note blocky talus, partly overgrown, at the footslope. Near Petropolis, south-east Brazil.
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170 Weathering and Hillslope Development

Figure 10 A landslide-related rampa complex in the vicinity of Bananal, south-east Brazil.

footslope. Footslopes below slope hollows are typically de- 4.10.5 Weathering and Slope Landforms
veloped as low-angle (o51) fans and aprons built of land-
slide-derived colluvial material may further connect with Weathering dictates patterns of mass movement, the main
alluviated valley floors, local relief permitting. The thickness of through rather indirect contribution of weathering to hillslope
colluvial units may exceed 10 m, whereas the extent of these evolution (see Chapter 4.17). Notwithstanding this fact, there
depositional units may reach a few hundred meters, indicating are different minor landforms present within the slopes,
a long and complex erosional and depositional history, with which may be directly attributable to rock breakdown and
recurrent landslides, probably extending back well into the alteration. Among them, boulder fields, tors, and flared slopes
Pleistocene (De Meis and Monteiro, 1979; Modenesi, 1988). are the most conspicuous and have the widest distribution.
The association of landforms described above is so inseparable Moreover, they may have more than one origin.
that locally it is described using a single name. In south-east
China a term benggang is in use and literally means a ‘col-
lapsing hill’ (Xu, 1996), whereas in south-east Brazil such Boulders and Boulder Fields
hollow-and-footslope fan pairs are referred to as rampa
complexes, whereas the depositional surfaces themselves are Boulder fields are defined as slope units, in which the topo-
called rampas (De Meis and Monteiro, 1979). graphic surface is made of closely spaced large rock fragments,
The occurrence of landslides sets the stage for further with virtually no finer material in between (Figure 11). Jointed
geomorphic processes, effective because of high erodibility of bedrock in situ may not be visible, being mantled by a boulder
weathered material if compared with solid rock. Among them, blanket a few meters thick, but in other instances boulders
gully erosion is worth particular attention as it works side-by- may be strewn over a rock platform. No universally agreed
side with landsliding. Generally, funnel-shaped transitional threshold of minimum boulder size exists, but the length of
zones used by earthflows and footslope fans built of poorly 0.5 m is a reasonable limit and most papers report about
consolidated material favor the subsequent development of boulders of this size or larger. A distinction is sometimes made
gully networks (Coelho Netto, 1999). Gullied slope hollows between boulder fields and block fields. In the former, indi-
and valley floors are a common sight in deeply weathered vidual rock fragments are rounded, whereas angular shapes
terrains, such as south-east Brazil or southeast Asia. Gully typify the latter. Boulder fields occur on slopes of different
extension, in turn, promotes seepage, tunnel erosion, and inclination, from as little as a few degrees to nearly 451. They
slope undermining, triggering new landslides, albeit on a ra- may also cover nearly flat summit surfaces and the phrase
ther local scale. Finally, the preweathered hillslope material ‘mountain-top detritus’ is then occasionally used (Ballantyne
detached by landslides and carried away by earthflows and and Harris, 1994).
sediment-laden ephemeral streams reaches valley floors, The size of individual boulders is controlled by the
causing widespread alluviation and valley filling. It is thus spacing of discontinuities in the parent rock. The largest are
evident that the geomorphic role of landsliding in the devel- known from poorly jointed granites and these may exceed
opment of weathered hillslopes extends far beyond the spatial 10 m in length, although the length of 1–2 m is much more
scale of individual slope units affected by movement. common. Other rock types producing large boulders include
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Weathering and Hillslope Development 171

Figure 11 Quartzite block field produced by predominant physical weathering under cold-climate conditions, Ještěd, Czech Republic.

granodiorites, gabbro, rhyolites, quartzites, and massive pathways are possible. One scenario involves combination
sandstones. By contrast, densely jointed and fissile rocks, such of differential subsurface weathering and selective erosion
as schist or mudstone, rarely disintegrate into boulders. The and is particularly applicable to regularly jointed rock masses.
dominant size of boulders determines the structure of an en- Weathering is focused along water-bearing fractures and,
tire boulder blanket. If boulders are large, a few meters long, over time, differentiation of the rock mass into an orthogonal
and little finer material is available, then spaces between the lattice of thoroughly disintegrated zones and little weathered
boulders cannot be easily filled and hence remain empty. In compartments in between occurs (Figure 12). The latter
certain instances, these voids may be so big and inter- are named corestones and have been noted in excavations
connected that their penetration by humans is possible. Such as early as the late eighteenth century (Twidale, 1978).
shallow underground labyrinths are commonly referred to as Corestone-rich weathered mantles may be many meters
caves of nonkarstic origin. In Sweden, boulder caves in mas- thick (see Chapter 4.8), with corestones present
sive granites are known to exceed 1 km long in total and at different depths within a profile. As a general guidance,
similar lengths are reported from some boulder caves in one may expect large, cubic corestones near the weathering
sandstone terrains in the Czech Republic. However, if the size front, somewhat smaller but more rounded corestones in
of individual fragments hardly exceeds 1 m, boulder blankets the middle part of a profile, and least voluminous but
are more densely packed. nearly perfectly spherical compartments in the top part
There appears to be a relationship between boulder angu- (Ruxton and Berry, 1957). Such a distribution would be
larity and lithology. Fine-grained igneous and metamorphic consistent with the assumption that time is the key factor
rocks preferably weather into sharp-edged fragments, whereas controlling the progress and effects of deep weathering.
coarse igneous and sedimentary rocks tend to produce roun- However, rock inhomogeneities, whether related to mineral
ded shapes, best known from granite areas. This is attributed composition or fracture density, interfere and may upset
to more efficient grain-by-grain breakdown in coarse and simple relationships between duration of weathering and the
granular materials. degree of alteration. Hence, corestones may concentrate in
Boulder-mantled slopes and block fields are produced by particular horizons within weathering profiles, not necessarily
different surface processes. Some are definitely unrelated to at the base, close to the weathering front. In the scenario
weathering such as talus slopes derived from rock fall or slide, discussed, differential weathering leading to the origin of
with subsequent disintegration of the failed mass on impact. corestones is generally considered as the first phase. Boulder
Others may be of glacial origin (boulder trails). Rapid cooling fields are the result of the second phase, which involves the
of lava and resultant thermally induced rock breakdown may removal of fine material by running water from between cor-
also result in the formation of extensive boulder-mantled estones, leaving the latter in place but now exposed at the
slopes. Finally, some block fields are suspected to originate surface. It may be hypothesized that in the course of long-
from particularly severe seismic events accompanying degla- term weathering and stripping, exposed boulders will pas-
ciation, as hypothesized with respect to certain localities in sively settle down concurrently with general landscape low-
Fennoscandia (Mörner, 2003). ering, to eventually form a continuous boulder blanket. This
However, the majority of boulder-mantled slopes appear to model of boulder field origin bears close affinities to models
be a result of in situ weathering, although three evolutionary of two-stage origin of inselbergs (see Chapter 4.8) and tors (see
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172 Weathering and Hillslope Development

Figure 12 Corestone-rich weathering profile in granite, Mi"ków, south-west Poland.

(a) (b)

Figure 13 Differential weathering of syenite around Aksum, Ethiopia: (a) general view of a footslope boulder field and (b) close up of structural
predisposition of boulder production by weathering.

below). Reasons for acceleration of surface However, boulder fields in deserts are not necessarily the
erosion that outpaces deep weathering may be different, evidence of past humid conditions and major environmental
or even site-specific. In the Mojave Desert of southwest change. In the central Namib Desert, around Gobabeb, the
US, a shift from more humid conditions toward aridity in granite landscape is dominated by spherical and half-spherical
the late Miocene was offered as an explanation (Oberlander, boulders, as well as low bedrock convexities, rising from an
1972), but in the granite areas of the Meghalaya plateau essentially rock-cut plain, with no deep weathering present.
in northwest India rapid stripping and boulder excavation can Here, structural predisposition of granite to produce rounded
be attributed to recent human impact, widespread deforest- shapes is observed, further enhanced by flaking and exfoliation
ation, and surface wash during torrential rains (Prokop, after exposure. Figure 13(a) shows another boulder field, de-
2007). veloped on syenite, likely formed in this way. Coexistence of
Author's personal copy
Weathering and Hillslope Development 173

massive and foliated compartments (Figure 13(b)) indicates Tors

primary differentiation within the rock itself, subsequently ex-
ploited by near-surface processes of weathering and erosion. Tors belong to the most intriguing landforms within slopes
The essence of the third model is superficial rock break- (see Chapter 4.8). The word is of local Cornish origin but
down in situ, with no contribution from either deep wea- derives from the Old Welsh ‘twr’ or ‘twrr,’ meaning a heap or
thering or preexposure structural differentiation. The resultant pile. It was long used to describe castellated granite outcrops
boulder fields are composed of angular rather than rounded rising from the moorlands of Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor in
material and are particularly widespread on plateau surfaces south-west England and formally defined by Linton (1955:
and gently inclined slopes in high latitudes and high altitudes, 470) as ‘solid rock outcrops as big as a house rising abruptly
hence considered as typical periglacial landforms. A variant from the smooth and gentle slopes of a rounded summit or
of the above is a block slope, whose gradient may be up to broadly convex ridge.’ The definition, origin, and significance
30–401 and bedrock is completely hidden beneath the stone of tors, as well as their relation to inselbergs, were particularly
blanket (Figure 11). Various processes of physical weathering debated in the late 1950s and 1960s (see Migoń, 2006: 85–87,
are generally called for to explain cold-climate boulder fields, 102–105 for review) and a consensus finally emerged that tors
mainly freeze–thaw and thermal weathering, with the debate are outcrops of solid rock rising from a regolith-veneered
continuing about the actual role of each (see Chapter 4.15). surface or rock platform, whether flat or sloping, which are
The structure of periglacial block fields is further modified by composed of more than one individual compartment (boul-
frost heaving and sorting, as well as downslope movement in der), but are too small to be considered
the presence of cementation ice. as separate hills. Tors have global distribution and are not


7 10 11
1 2 3

4 22 23






(b) (c) (d)

Figure 14 (a) Worldwide tor distribution and selected examples of granite tors; (b) castellated tor in the Karkonosze Mts, south-west Poland;
(c) Haytor, Dartmoor, south-west England; (d) massive domical tor in Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Tor localities: 1 – Sierra Nevada, 2 – Idaho,
3 – Laramie Range, 4 – Mojave Desert, 5 – Acapulco, 6 – Cairngorms, 7 – Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor, 8 – Aurivaara, northern Sweden,
9 – southern Finland, 10 – Harz, 11 – Bohemian Massif, 12 – Massif Central, 13 – Iberian Peninsula, 14 – Nigeria, 15 – Uganda, 16 – Tanzania,
17 – Zimbabwe, 18 – Swaziland, 19 – Aravalli Range, 20 – Khangai Mountains, 21 – south-east Mongolia, 22 – Korean Peninsula, 23 – Japanese
Alps, 24 – Devil’s Marbles, central Australia, 25 – Bega Basin, 26 – South Island of New Zealand.
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174 Weathering and Hillslope Development

Fractured rock mass

Weathering mantle

Figure 15 Model of tor evolution due to selective weathering and stripping.

Figure 16 Bouldery tor exposed in a quarry, after loose weathering products have been removed for road building purposes, Mylliem,
Meghalaya, north-east India. Photo courtesy of Agneiszka Latocha.

confined to any specific climatic zone (Twidale, 1982; Migoń, rotting effected by groundwater and guided by joint systems,
2006). Nor are they endemic to granite terrains although followed by a phase of mechanical stripping of the incoherent
classic examples have been indeed reported from granite up- products of chemical action’’ (Figure 15). The key evidence
lands of Europe (Dartmoor and Cairngorms – Great Britain, validating the theory is the presence of tor-like solid rock
Massif Central – France, Harz – Germany, Karkonosze – Pol- masses surrounded by friable products of in situ disinte-
and/Czech Republic, Serra da Estrela – Portugal (Figure 14). gration, revealed in many grus excavations, road cuts, and
The origin of tors is generally considered a two-phase quarries all over the world (Figure 16). This scenario is easily
process, hence similarly to the origin of certain boulder fields acceptable for low residuals, but needs refinement if very big
as reviewed above. This evolutionary scenario is linked with tors, 410 m high, are considered. First, the examples of yet-to-
the name of David Linton, but the concept can actually be be-exposed tors show these features as a few to ten meters high
traced much further back in time (Twidale, 1978). As Linton at most, whereas many tors are imposing residuals exceeding
(1955: 476) put it: ‘‘A tor is a residual mass of bedrock pro- 20 m high. Second, the sides of certain tors exhibit features
duced below the surface level by a phase of profound rock typical for rock face/soil cover junction such as flared slopes
Author's personal copy
Weathering and Hillslope Development 175

(see below), now standing high above the surrounding Thus, although the appearance of a tor is a poor and rather
ground surface. Third, elevated parts of tall tors bear traces of unreliable clue to its geomorphic history, it is beyond doubt
protracted subaerial weathering and show a rich assemblage of that weathering processes are fundamental in shaping the
microforms (weathering pits, karren, tafoni), which are absent tors at every stage of their history. They continue to be active
or much less developed in their lower parts. These observations on exposed tors and work toward their destruction. Selective
suggest that the process of tor exposure may be episodic and
proceeds through a few cycles of deep weathering and strip-
ping, with the top part having been exposed much earlier.
Not all tors have necessarily evolved according to the two-
phase model. Palmer and Neilson (1962) came up with an
alternative explanation, later known as a one-phase model.
They conceded that molding of tors would have occurred
entirely at the topographic surface and no preceding sub-
surface weathering (‘phase one’) was involved. However, in
detail, periglacial tors would have been shaped in three
distinct phases. First, stripping of any preexisting regolith
by solifluction and exposure of solid granite occurred. Later
granite is subject to frost action and breaks down along
partings to form block fields. Finally, downhill movement of
released blocks by solifluction would expose a castellated tor.
The evidence in favor of this proposal includes the presence of
angular boulders around many tors, angular shapes of the tors
themselves, and widespread occurrence of solifluction de-
posits on adjacent slope surfaces. Paucity or absence of deep
weathering in the surrounding has also been cited but this is
not decisive. In fact, the lack of thick saprolites is consistent
with the two-phase model of tor origin. Today it is argued that
many tors, especially in Europe, have had complex history. For
example, Gerrard (1988) suggested that the tors of Dartmoor
have their roots in the pre-Quaternary period, when domes
and valleys formed and deep weathering operated, but details
of their morphology have been sculpted in the periglacial
environment of the Pleistocene. In other areas, for example, in
the Bohemian Massif of Central Europe, tors of different ori-
gin coexist, pointing to the polygenesis of the present-day Figure 18 Flared slope of a granite boulder, Serra da Estrela,
geomorphic landscape (Demek, 1964). Portugal.

Figure 17 A mushroom-like sandstone tor due to differential weathering of bedded and massive layers, Sto"owe Mts., south-west Poland.
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176 Weathering and Hillslope Development

weathering of tor surfaces leads to the origin of curious Flared Slopes
landforms such as perched blocks (balanced rocks) and ped-
Flared slopes are smooth concavities in the scarp-foot zone of
estal rocks, understood as residuals consisting of two parts:
hill-slopes or boulders, particularly widespread in granite
a wide cap resting on a narrow pillar. The latter are most
terrains but present in other rock types as well (Figure 18).
common in bedded sandstones and conglomerates, where
These basal concavities show a wide range of dimensions, even
weathering exploits differences between adjacent units
along a single outcrop. They may be as low as 0.5 m, but
(Figure 17). Minor weathering landforms such as pits and
spectacular overhangs more than 10 m high are also known,
pans, tafoni, and karren (see Chapter 4.7) commonly develop
such as the 14-m high and nearly 100-m long Wave Rock
on tor surfaces, in some places rising to imposing dimensions.
at Hyden Hill in Western Australia. They can be of a much
Dzulynski and Kotarba (1979) presented a conceptual model
localized occurrence, and may also be present virtually all
of how the evolution of weathering pans may reduce an up-
along the perimeter of a hill, for example, at the Pildappa Hill,
standing tor to a low rock platform.
Eyre Peninsula, Australia, where they make up 95% of the
lower slopes (Twidale, 1962). Many pedestal rocks have their
lower slopes flared and gradations are observed from flared
slopes to overhangs of basal tafoni and scarp-foot caves on
Phase 1
the one hand, and to gently sloping rock slope surfaces on
the other.
Although basal concavities are comparably minor surface
Runoff features, they are regarded as important indicators of geo-
morphic evolution of an area. This is because their origin is
generally ascribed to enhanced subsurface weathering at the
Footslope deposits rock slope/footslope junction, the latter being either sedi-
ment-mantled or developed across saprolite (Figure 19).
Runoff from exposed rock slopes supplies water to sediment/
saprolite, creating a local microenvironment of aggressive
weathering, leaving the bare rock surface above little affected
by weathering. With the passage of time, this contrasting be-
havior would cause significant steepening of the rock–regolith
boundary surface around an outcrop. Subsequent stripping of
Phase 2 - Accelerated weathering in footslope setting; loose material reveals the concavity. Subsurface, two-phase
downward and inward migration origin of flared slopes implies that landforms within which
of weathering front (I > IV)
they occur have developed through at least one cycle of
differential weathering followed by evacuation of regolith.
Multiple flared slopes, at different heights above the base, have
been used as the evidence of long-term surface lowering
and episodic exposure of rock compartments (Twidale and
Bourne, 1975).
Flared slopes may continue to develop after exposure, as
III IV attested by widespread flaking and exfoliation within the
concavities. Indeed, Ollier and Bourman (2002) argued that
flared slopes should not be uncritically assumed to be of
subsurface initiation and may develop solely by subaerial
processes, through slope retreat and preferential weathering at
Phase 3 - Removal of weathering products the slope base. Whichever the model, though, it is evident that
and exposure of flared slope these curious and sometimes truly spectacular features owe
their origin and appearance mainly to weathering rather than
any other geomorphic process.
The examples discussed above do not exhaust the range of
hillslope geomorphic features, which result from differential
weathering. These include various types of caverns (tafoni,
bedding caves), joint-guided clefts, mid-slope benches, rock
arches, and hoodoos (see Chapter 4.7).
Flared slope

4.10.6 Conclusions

This chapter demonstrated the direct bearing of rock wea-

Figure 19 Model of flared slope development as envisaged by thering processes on patterns and pathways of hillslope evo-
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Author's personal copy
Weathering and Hillslope Development 177

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Biographical Sketch

Piotr Migoń is professor of geography at the University of Wroc"aw, Poland, where he is Head of Department of
Geography and Regional Development. He was a Royal Society Fellow based at the University of Oxford, UK, in
1995–1996, and a Fulbright Fellow based at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 2003. He served as the
Secretary of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) in 1997–2001 and currently (2009–2013) is
one of its three vice-presidents. His principal subject of research is how geological structures influence landforms
and surface processes. Other explored issues include weathering, mass movement in mountain terrains, and long-
term landform evolution. Piotr Migoń is also involved in various geo-conservation activities and in promotion of
geomorphology. His publication record includes ‘Granite Landscapes of the World’ (Oxford University Press,
2006), a textbook on geomorphology published in Poland (2006), coediting of ‘Encyclopedia of Geomorph-
ology’ (Routledge, 2004) and numerous papers in international journals, including Geomorphology, Catena,
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, and Earth-Science Reviews. His last publication is the edited volume
‘Geomorphological Landscapes of the World’ (Springer, 2010), which contains 36 chapters describing the most
fascinating geomorphic sceneries from all around the world.

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