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Ciência Rural, Santa Maria,Determinants

v.48: 03, e20170291, 2018 in smallholder farming

in value appropriation innovations. 1
ISSNe 1678-4596
Rural extension

Determinants in value appropriation in smallholder

farming innovations

Claiton Alorenus Baggio1* Marcos Roberto Kuhl1

Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste (UNICENTRO), Guarapuava, PR, Brasil. E-mail: *Corresponding author.

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the relationships between the determinants of value appropriation and the innovation strategies
in smallholder farming. A survey was conducted with 199 smallholders in the municipality of Guarapuava, in the state of Paraná (PR),
Brazil. This quantitative study analyzes data through descriptive statistics and correlation. Results showed that, in general, farmers do not
access the determinants of value appropriation through innovation. However, access to government programs aimed commercialization and
cooperativism demonstrating a relationship with the determinants of appropriation of value created by innovation. This study contributed to
the understanding of mechanisms that allow farmers to obtain better results through innovation strategies.
Key words: innovation, complementary assets, smallholder farming.

Análise dos elementos determinantes na apropriação de valor

nas inovações da agricultura familiar

RESUMO: Este estudo visa analisar as relações entre os fatores determinantes da apropriação de valor e as estratégias em inovação na
agricultura familiar. Para tal, realizou-se uma survey com 199 agricultores familiares do município de Guarapuava, PR. Trata-se de um
estudo quantitativo, com análise de dados por meio de estatística descritiva e correlação. Os resultados demonstram que, de maneira geral, os
agricultores não acessam os fatores determinantes para a apropriação de valor com a inovação. Porém, o acesso a programas governamentais
voltados a comercialização e ao cooperativismo, demonstraram relação com os fatores determinantes para a apropriação do valor criado com
a inovação. O trabalho contribui ao buscar a compreensão dos mecanismos que possibilitam o agricultor obter melhores resultados com as
suas estratégias em inovações.
Palavras-chave: inovação, ativos complementares, agricultura familiar.

INTRODUCTION products and difficulty obtaining satisfactory results

(BUAINAIN et al., 2014). According to the United
Most smallholder farming consists of Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization and
small farmers for whom most of their income comes the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
from their property, where the management and most Development (FAO-OECD, 2015), there is a long-
of the workforce are relatives. Approximately 90% term trend of increasing productivity and declining
of the world’s farmers are smallholder farmers, and prices of agricultural products, which is likely to persist
encouraging innovation in this segment is critical to in Brazil, according to projections. This downward
food security and reducing poverty and hunger (FAO, trend threatens the viability of smallholder farmers
2014). Smallholder farmers are increasingly valued as operating in small areas who cannot compensate
having an important role in economic development, price reductions through increased production scale.
promoting local farming arrangements and decentralized In addition to the downward trend in
development models (LIMA & WILKINSON, 2002). prices, the decline in the farmers’ margin is another
Agricultural sector faces a series of threat. LIMA and WILKINSON (2002) used the
challenges, such as a declining price trend for its term appropriations to describe the phenomenon
Received 04.28.17 Approved 02.08.18 Returned by the author 03.04.18
CR-2017-0291.R2 Ciência Rural, v.48, n.3, 2018.
2 Baggio & Kuhl.

of progressive reduction in the share of aggregate creating a strong ownership scheme that is, creating
income by rural properties, which leads to an protection against imitation of its products. There are
exclusion of activity. “There is a permanent force currently 4800 geographical indications in Europe,
in small-scale agriculture that dilutes the positive while there are only 22 in Brazil (SALLES-FILHO
effects of technological innovation precisely & BIN, 2014). These indications allow producers in
because of the lack of mechanisms to capture value” a specific region legal protection against imitation
(SALLES-FILHO & BIN, 2014, 214). In this way, of their products. This example demonstrated that
innovation strategies appropriate for small-scale differentiation by strengthening the appropriability
agriculture are necessary to ensure competitiveness regime and improvement of the commercialization
and permanence in rural activity. path can be an alternative for valorizing and
Pursuing differentiation and valorization enabling smallholder farming products. In addition
of production are solutions often mentioned as to strengthening the appropriability regime, TEECE
means of improving results through innovation in (1986) argues that increasing bargaining power and
smallholder farming. According to WAQUIL et al. producer margins through access to appropriate
(2010), low differentiation results in low farmer complementary assets is also important to achieve
bargaining power. However, BAGGIO et al. (2016) good results from innovation. In Brazil, the discussion
observed that it is difficult for organic producers and the implementation of actions considering these
to obtain a premium price for their production, factors are incipient.
even when it is differentiated. Innovations increase TEECE (1986) classifies complementary
productivity; however, this increase results in a price assets into generic, specialized and co-specialized.
reduction for the producer because of increased Generic assets can easily be contracted through the
supply. Improvements in quality often do not result market and are easily available to all. Specialized
in better farmer remuneration. Thus, there is no and co-specialized assets cannot easily be
guarantee that an innovation will benefit the farmer, contracted, which guarantees an advantage to the
but it will possibly benefit another entity in the supply organizations that own them. Access to specialized
chain (SALLES-FILHO & BIN, 2014; MELLO, and/or co-specialized assets and a strong ownership
2007; PROENÇA et al., 2015). In this way, pursuing regime enable the innovator to appropriate most
innovation strategies so that the farmer obtains better of the value created by innovation. In the case of
results in appropriating the value created by the accessing complementary generic assets and a
innovation becomes important. weak appropriability regime, the value created by
When studying the issue of value innovation is almost totally appropriated by other
appropriation with innovation, TEECE (1986) entities in the supply chain, such as buyers, suppliers
observed that development and adequate access to and even the final customer (TEECE, 1986).
complementary assets and the apropriability regime Thus, it is relevant to analyze how the
are important, that is, the elements that complement factors that define the value appropriation from
and determine the return of the improvements innovation are related to the innovator strategies
to be made (TEECE, 1986; AFUAH, 2009). developed by the farmers and the governmental
Complementary assets are important because they are incentive programs that they access. It is also relevant
the mechanism that enables farmers to appropriate to analyze whether these strategies allow adequate
the return on the innovation. In their study with small access to complementary assets and the appropriability
duck breeders in Lima, Peru, SALLES-FILHO and regime. According to WINTER (2006), the analysis
BIN (2014) exemplified the importance of access to of innovators’ access to complementary assets fills
complementary assets for achieving gains. an important gap in the theoretical discussion of
The type of complementary assets and appropriation. In addition, the importance of this
the appropriability regime determined who will theme in competitiveness and, consequently, in the
appropriate the value created by the innovation, continuity in agricultural activity is highlighted.
according to TEECE (1986). Complementary assets In this way and within this context,
are all the other resources, besides the innovation the objective of the present study arises: To
itself, that an organization needs to create and analyze the relations between the determinants of
capture value from innovation (AFUAH, 2009).The value appropriation and innovation strategies for
appropriability regime determines the degree of ease smallholder farmers in Guarapuava, in the state of
or difficulty of imitating an innovation. Europe has Paraná (PR), Brazil. In the Guarapuava region, the
succeeded in its policies for smallholder farmers by economy is basically rural, and smallholder farming

Ciência Rural, v.48, n.3, 2018.

Determinants in value appropriation in smallholder farming innovations. 3

is an important means of livelihood (BASTOS & assets; however, are complementary assets that have
FAJARDO, 2014). According to data from the 2006 barriers and/or limitations to their access and are not
Census of Agriculture, the Guarapuava region has readily available to all innovators. The co-specific
approximately 296,000 hectares of land occupied assets have the same characteristic of the specifics as
by smallholder farming (approximately 20,150 the barriers and limitations to access but are accessed
properties/estates), which is the second highest in in the cases studied collectively through cooperatives
Paraná (IBGE, 2016). and associations.
In addition to the importance of this In addition, the internal consistency was
activity in the city, the study was conducted in determined by means of Cronbach’s alpha, where all
Guarapuava, PR, because it has several initiatives the indexes were higher than the parameters indicated
aiming for innovation in smallholder farming through in the literature (HAIR et al., 2007), that is, above 0.70.
governmental programs such as rural extension, The constructs are innovation,
farmers’ fairs, incentives for new production complementary assets, appropriability regime,
alternatives and cooperatives and associations participation in programs and cooperation. Among
with high participation from smallholder farmers. the types of innovation embedded within the
In this way, it is important to analyze whether the construct are innovation in agriculture products,
initiatives focused on smallholder farming and the processes and markets (TRIPSAS, 1997; RIBEIRO
farmer strategies help or hinder the appropriation et al., 2001; LIMA & WILKINSON, 2002; OECD,
of value from innovation, both for academia and for 2005; VIEIRA FILHO et al., 2009; AFUAH,
smallholder farming itself. 2009; KANG & AFUAH, 2010; MEURER et al.,
2015). Complementary assets considered included
MATERIALS AND METHODS considered generic, specific and cospecifics (TEECE,
The study was conducted quantitatively, TRIPSAS, 1997; ROTHAERMEL & HILL,
with data collection performed in November 2016 2005; CECCAGNOLI & ROTHAERMEL, 2008;
using a questionnaire (validated by specialists and with FERREIRA et al., 2012; PROENÇA et al., 2015). In
a pre-test) with 827 smallholder farmers with DAP, the appropriability regime, protection and difficulty
the Declaration of Aptitude to Programa Nacional de of imitating the innovations were considered
Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) (TEECE, 1986; WINTER, 2006). Participation
in the municipality of Guarapuava, PR, from which in programs and cooperation were considered as
220 responses were obtained. However, after the indicating farmers’ perceptions in relation to the
preliminary analyses, 21 questionnaires were discarded determinants of value appropriation from innovation
because they showed missing data and/or outliers. in participating in government programs aiming
The sample is non-probabilistic, and the selection marketing, such as producer fairs and marketing of
criteria for the target audience were convenience and products for the National School Feeding Program
accessibility. The questionnaire was structured with and/or participation in cooperatives and associations
closed questions measured on a five-point Likert scale (RIBEIRO et al., 2001; ROTHAERMEL, 2001;
(1 – totally disagree, 5 – totally agree). MIELE & MIRANDA, 2013; SALLES-VIEIRA &
To achieve the objective of the study, BIN, 2014; LOWITT et al., 2015).
farmers’ perceptions of innovation performance, the Correlation between the determinants of the
appropriability regime type, the type of access to value appropriation from innovation and the innovation
complementary assets, and perception of participation strategies conducted by farmers through correlation
in government programs aiming commercialization analysis was determined. These construct correlation
and participation in cooperation were determined. analyses aim to understand the existing relationships
Type of innovation was classified according to the and the intensity of relations between constructs.
Oslo manual (OSLO, 2005). The appropriability
regime is considered strong when there is some barrier RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
or medium that impairs the imitation of innovation.
Regime of weak appropriability is characterized Initially, it is relevant to characterize the
when there are no barriers or protections against sample surveyed in terms of the respondents and the
imitation. Complementary assets are considered properties. Regarding the respondents, the mean age
generic when they are easily accessible to any of the respondents is 42 years, the youngest being 22
innovator without barriers. Specific complementary years old (three respondents) and the oldest 72 years

Ciência Rural, v.48, n.3, 2018.

4 Baggio & Kuhl.

old (two respondents). Only 18% of the respondents development are neglected, especially in the case of
have technical or higher education, while 54% have smallholder farmers (BATALHA et al., 2007).
only basic education. There is a consensus among specialists
Regarding property, it was determined that, on the subject that value aggregation is necessary
on average, 2.7 people work on each property, with to strengthen smallholder farming, which requires
only two people for 44% and three people for 26% the development of trade and unique attributes of
of properties. Only 21% of the properties surveyed this production through innovations (BATALHA
had four or more people working on them, but none et al., 2007). Farmers studied do not generally
have more than five people. The average area of develop their innovations seeking differentiation and
the properties is 26.5 hectares, and for 59% of the new market strategies. This oversight lowers their
properties, the area is less than 20 hectares. The average bargaining power in pricing and value ownership
gross annual income of 55% of the properties does not of their improvements because the definition of the
exceed R$100,000, while only 18% affirmed reaching price of production without differentiation regulates
a gross income above R$150,000. Seventy-six percent supply and demand and the other market players that
of the respondents indicated that they used PRONAF market it. Improvements in marketing are generally
credit, and 70% indicated that they did not participate neglected by farmers.
in government programs aiming commercialization. As for the appropriability regime, the average
Milk production is conducted in 53% of the perception of the existence of protection from imitation
properties, e cultivation of cereals in 48%, cultivation of the innovation (1.42) and the difficulty for others
of horticultural crops in 30%, of beef cattle in 17% to imitate production attributes (1.59) was low. These
and other products (forestry, sheep, honey, eggs, etc.) findings demonstrated a perception among farmers
in only 3% of cases. It should be noted that 51% of the that there is no means of protection against imitation
properties produce a single item (18% produce milk of innovations. This perception is likely because most
and 16% produce horticultural crops), 39% produce farmers work with technologies, processes and markets
two products, and the remainder produce three or without differentiation that are easily accessible to
more products, with only one property producing four those who want to produce, and there are no major
products for commercial purposes. barriers to imitation of innovations. The data agree
In the cases studied, product innovations with the observations by TEECE (1986) that strong
consisted of the implementation of new commercial appropriability is an exception, not the rule. The results
products within the last five years. Innovations can be explained by the fact that most farmers work
in process are considered improvements in the with widely diffused technologies and widely available
production processes implemented in the last five means of commercialization. This ease in imitating
years. Innovation in the market is considered the the innovation decreases the bargaining power of the
implementation of new means and channels of farmer, who does not have the means to define, stabilize
commercialization in the last five years. Innovation and value his production, and the price in this case is
was also analyzed through specific questions about defined by the supply and demand of the market.
the focus of the innovations made and whether Conversely, results referring to the
they were focused on increasing productivity or complementary assets indicate that, in most cases,
on improving product quality. In relation to the access to complementary assets occurs through
actual analyses, the innovation construct presented generic assets, without differentiation. The vast
higher averages in the realization of innovations in majority of producers have the means of distribution
process (average 4.52) and in productivity increase and marketing without differentiation, protection or
(average, 4.43), while innovations in product advantage over others. This reduces the power of the
(average, 3.55), in the market (average, 3.09) and producer to add value to their production because there
in quality improvement (average, 3.19) obtained is nothing that differentiates or protects their product.
lower averages. However, access to complementary specialized assets
The results demonstrate a tendency for obtained a higher average (3.09), indicating more
farmers to innovate more frequently with a focus frequent access than the specialized assets (average,
on increasing productivity and reducing costs rather 1.95). Complementary co-specialized assets were
than on improving quality, product differentiation and generally accessed through cooperatives and
new market strategies. In Brazilian agriculture, the associations, which explains their higher frequency.
emphasis on technology is mainly on production and Specific and co-specific complementary
processes, since management technology and product assets were considered to be access to means of

Ciência Rural, v.48, n.3, 2018.

Determinants in value appropriation in smallholder farming innovations. 5

commercialization and distribution that guaranteed networks increases their bargaining power because
an advantage in the appropriation of innovation they can reach markets that would not be individually
value, advantages that were not available to those accessible, overcome the restrictions of scale and add
who did not have such assets. Specific and co-specific value to their production (BATALHA et al., 2007).
complementary assets enabled prices and marketing These effects are positive for value-for-innovation
conditions that would not be possible without by improving access to more attractive supply chains
access to these assets. These assets generally enable through these programs, as well as improving the
farmers to access better conditions of distribution bargaining power through increased volume and
and commercialization of production. Increasing greater coordination in the supply chain through
bargaining power by marketing a larger volume associations and cooperatives.
through a cooperative or enabling direct trade to Government programs have enabled fairs
the consumer through trade shows are examples and more direct marketing to the final customer,
of how complementary co-specific assets improve which has increased farmers’ bargaining power and
the marketing conditions of producers. According ability to differentiate and better meet the demands
to FERREIRA et al. (2012), complementary assets of the end customer. Those who have complementary
must have exclusivity, preference and ownership to generic assets do not have the means to coordinate the
increase the likelihood that innovative organizations supply chain, nor to differentiate, to stabilize prices or
will be able to appropriate innovation incomes. to value the production, which is usually sold under
These positive traits are reported in complementary standardized conditions. Farmers’ fairs enable access
specialized and co-specialized assets. to complementary, co-specific assets, with which
The specific and co-specific farmers, through association, have the power to set
complementary assets in the cases studied generally prices, differentiate production and meet customer
guarantee the preference and the possession of the demands more effectively through contact with the
means of commercialization increased the capacity end customer. These benefits increase the potential
of valorization of the production of the producer. for valuing and decreasing price swings in marketing.
However, exclusivity is a rarely accessed factor, After the descriptive analysis, the relations
due to lack of differentiation of the production. The between the constructs were determined. The results
cooperative in which most farmers participate brings indicate a significant and positive correlation between
benefits through access to complementary assets the factors studied (Table 1). The appropriability
that enable lower prices in the acquisition of inputs, regime showed a positive and significant correlation
more accessible technical assistance and valuation with innovation. Access to means of protection against
in marketing due to the greater volume negotiated. imitation is related to innovations’ accomplishments.
These advantages stem from greater ownership Valuation and protection of innovation imitation in a
and specialization of complementary assets, which stronger appropriability regime possibly encourages
increases farmers’ bargaining power. However, innovation. A strong appropriability regime makes
farmers who access generic complementary assets it possible to differentiate production, which is a
do not have ownership, exclusivity or preference in promising strategy for smallholder farming as it
marketing, that is, they do not have a competitive enables them to offer products to different market
advantage in comparison to the others. niches instead of competing in the global marketplace
The last construct analyzed is the through cost and price. Developing differentiated
participation in governmental programs aimed products demands innovations in products, processes
commercialization and participation in cooperation, and the market. This demand possibly explains the
results which indicates that this participation relationship between the strongest appropriability
encourages differentiation (average, 3.24), access regime and the greater frequency in innovations.
to supply chains that value production and better The construct of complementary assets
results in marketing (average, 3.21). To achieve the presented a positive relation with innovation. This
sustainable survival of smaller farmers in Brazil, it relationship indicates that the more specialized or co-
is necessary to intensify value aggregation capacity, specialized the asset is, the more it tends to influence
which necessarily demands associative organizations the increase in the frequency of innovations, which
(BATALHA et al., 2007). is possibly due to the characteristics of these assets
Participation in government marketing that generate protection, differentiation in relation to
programs generally occurs through associations and others and preference. These advantages can positively
cooperatives. The performance of family farmers in influence innovation. Complementary assets must be

Ciência Rural, v.48, n.3, 2018.

6 Baggio & Kuhl.

Table 1 - Correlation Coefficient Analysis between the Constructs.

Complementary Participation in Programs

Construct Innovation Regime of Appropriability
Assets and Cooperation
Innovation 1.000 0.364** 0.437** 0.421**
Regime of Appropriability 0.364** 1.000 0.520** 0.335**
Complementary Assets 0.437** 0.520** 1.000 0.577**
Participation in Programs and Cooperation 0.421** 0.335** 0.577** 1.000

The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two extremities).

created and/or developed to support innovation to gain new supply chains and technologies (RÉVILLION et
competitive advantage (RÉVILLION et al., 2004). al., 2004). Specific complementary assets such as brand
Innovations are directly linked to complementary and differentiated marketing means can ensure that the
assets because these assets determine the outcome of farmer appropriates a larger share of the value created
the innovation. The greater development of one’s own by his innovation because it increases the possibility of
or shared means of distribution and commercialization stabilizing the price and valuing production, as well as
through specific complementary assets possibly increases the farmer’s bargaining power with the other
explains the positive relation of these with a greater entities of the supply chain.
frequency in innovation.
Participation in government and CONCLUSION
cooperation programs has been positively correlated
with innovation. Many farmers have innovated The objective of the study was to analyze
because of the opportunity for better results through the relationships between the determinants of
government marketing programs. BUSSE et al. the appropriation of value by innovation and the
(2014) observed that public policies are important to innovation conducted by smallholder farmers.
breaking down the barriers and enabling the adoption Results showed that the focus of farmer innovation
of innovations by farmers in Germany. These is greater on reducing costs and increasing
programs make it possible to perform activities such productivity than on differentiating on new products
as horticulture by making channels more attractive and markets. In most cases, farmers access generic
for commercialization, such as fairs organized by complementary assets and have a weak appropriation
the municipality and the National School Feeding regime, not developing means to differentiate
Program, for example. Participation in cooperatives, and value their production and marketing or to
in many cases, enables the production of milk, which increase their bargaining power. Production without
also calls for innovations. differentiation in general has its price determined
Complementary assets present a positive by the supply and demand of the market, presenting
and significant relation with the appropriability volatility and uncertainties in its results. These
regime, indicating that there is a certain tendency standardized products without differentiation tend
for access to more specialized complementary assets to have their prices devalued over time due to the
for farmers to generate a stronger ownership regime. downward trend in prices of agricultural products.
These results agree with TEECE (1986), who observed This devaluation occurs because, in
that specialized complementary assets guarantee a these cases, the farmer does not have the means to
second line of defense against imitators, being an appropriate the value of his innovation. This lack
important source of competitive advantage. Specific of capacity occurs because the technology and
complementary assets are a way of strengthening means of marketing are widely accessible, and the
the appropriability regime, even if the product itself producer does not have any bargaining power in
is not differentiated (for example, if it is common in the commercialization of his production, instead
agriculture). The increase in the level of appropriability needing to accept the price defined by the offer and
can guarantee competitiveness through pioneering demand of the market. This positioning of acting with
access to complementary assets, mainly image and products and means of commercialization without
brand, as well as the cumulativeness in the domain in differentiation is disadvantageous to innovation by

Ciência Rural, v.48, n.3, 2018.

Determinants in value appropriation in smallholder farming innovations. 7

not remunerating its investment. In particular, the to consider when deciding to invest in innovations.
small farmer faces limitations to reducing costs by The whole supply chain and complementary assets
increasing his production scale. should be considered when deciding whether to
The devaluation of farmers’ production implement innovation, but technical superiority alone
can make smallholder farming unfeasible, and the is not enough to guarantee a positive result.
predominant strategy of seeking competitiveness This study indicated that participation in
through increased productivity and cost reduction government programs aiming marketing and access
without jeopardizing the appropriation of value to cooperatives contributes in this regard because the
must be rethought. Access to complementary assets farmers increase their bargaining power in marketing,
in the cases studied is mostly generic; although, which in turn increases their capacity to value, to
co-specialized assets are frequently accessed define and to stabilize the value of their production
through cooperativism and associativism, and the through products meaning value and guarantying
differentiation and aggregation of production value a greater share of the return of their innovations. In
is still rarely accomplished. In the vast majority of this way, farmers can participate more competitively
cases, the regime of appropriability is weak, that is, in the supply chains by reducing brokers, adding
there is no means of protection from imitations. The value and differentiating their production through
cooperative in which most of the farmers studied processing and industrialization and new production
participate sells the products without differentiation. marketing channels. These tactics ensure that most of
According to the TEECE model (1986), this the value created by the innovations remains with the
positioning is inadequate, and the value created by farmer, a key issue in the outcome for this segment of
innovation may possibly be appropriated by other agriculture. By accessing these items, it is possible to
actors in the supply chain. achieve a higher aggregate value of production and
The participation in government programs lower price variation by avoiding pricing by market
aim commercialization and in cooperatives presented supply and demand and to achieve greater ownership
positive characteristics for the appropriation of of the value created by innovation by achieving
innovation value. This participation enables a better greater bargaining power in the production.
positioning in the supply chain, greater bargaining
power in the commercialization and enables the DECLARATION OF CONFLICTING
differentiation and protection against the imitation of INTERESTS
innovations. That is, it offers greater access to more
specific and co-specific complementary assets and The present study did not obtain financial resources nor
the authors were financed by scholarships, foundations or any other
access to a stronger ownership regime. source of resources of third parties for the execution of this study.
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