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Kidney International, Vol. 66 (2004), pp.


Dopamine D2-like receptor agonist bromocriptine protects

against ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidney
Heart and Kidney Institute College of Pharmacy, University of Houston, Houston, Texas; and INSERM U 388,
Pharm. Moleculaire et Physiopathologie Renale Institut Louis Bugnard, Toulouse, France

Dopamine D 2 -like receptor agonist bromocriptine protects Conclusion. Therefore, bromocriptine, a D 2 -like receptor ag-
against ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidney. onist, may protect against I/R injury to proximal tubules of the
Background. Dopamine, via activation of D 1 -like and D 2 - kidney, via p44/42 MAPK activation.
like receptors, plays an important role in the regulation
of renal sodium excretion. Recently, we demonstrated that
dopamine D 2 -like receptor agonist (bromocriptine) stimu-
lates p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in kidney is one of
Na+ ,K+ ATPase (NKA) activity in proximal tubular epithe-
the common causes of acute renal failure. Renal I/R in-
lial cells. Since both these parameters are compromised in is-
chemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury to the kidney, we investigated jury is usually associated with decreases in renal blood
whether bromocriptine protects against the injury. flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), an in-
Methods. In this study we used unilateral rat model of renal crease in fractional excretion of sodium, and increased
I/R injury. The Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into vehi- serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels
cle and bromocriptine groups. The vehicle and bromocriptine
[1–5]. These functional defects in the ischemic kidney are
group was treated with vehicle and bromocriptine (500 lg/kg
intravenously), respectively, 15 minutes before the induction of in part caused by necrosis and apoptosis of the tubular ep-
unilateral ischemia followed by 24- or 48-hour reperfusion. At ithelial cells during I/R injury [6–8]. It has been suggested
the end of 24 or 48 hours the animals were sacrificed to collect that proximal tubules and medullary thick ascending limb
control and ischemic kidney cortices, in which necrosis, apop- sustain maximum damage during I/R injury, with proxi-
tosis, NKA activity, NKA a1 subunit expression, and p44/42
mal tubules being most susceptible of the two [9–11].
MAPK phosphorylation were measured.
Results. We found extensive necrosis, apoptosis, and de- Multiple cellular factors are involved in the post-I/R
creased NKA activity (with no change in a1 subunit) in the is- injury events, which lead to acute renal failure [12–14].
chemic kidney cortex compared to the nonischemic cortex from Recently, several groups have begun to explore the role
the vehicle-treated rats as early as 24 hours post-reperfusion. In of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in I/R in-
contrast, I/R injury–induced necrotic, apoptotic, and decrease in
jury [4, 5, 10, 15–17]. MAPKs are a class of protein ki-
NKA activity were absent in the outer cortex of bromocriptine-
treated rats after 24 or 48 hours. Interestingly, we detected nases, which play an important role in the determination
significantly higher phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPKs in con- of cell survival. While p44/42 MAPKs attenuate apopto-
trol and ischemic kidneys of bromocriptine-treated rats com- sis, p38 and JNK promote apoptosis [18]. The differential
pared to those of vehicle-treated rats. regulation of these three MAPKs is reported in I/R injury
to cardiac myocytes [16]. Further, Di Mari et al demon-
1 Dr. Narkar’s present address is Integrative Biology and Pharmacology,
strated that differential regulation of p44/42, p38 and JNK
University of Texas Medical School-Houston, 6431 Fannin St., Houston,
MAPKs determines the fate of the tubular epithelial cells
TX 77030. in renal I/R injury [10]. More specifically, selective acti-
vation of JNK, but not of p44/42 MAPK, leads to ex-
2 These authors contributed equally to this work. tensive apoptosis observed in the proximal tubules after
I/R injury [10, 17]. Therefore, drugs that activate p44/42
Key words: bromocriptine, p44/42 MAPK, ischemia/reperfusion injury,
MAPKs and/or inactivate JNK may protect the kidney,
kidney. especially the proximal tubules, against I/R injury.
Dopamine plays an important role in the regulation
Received for publication September 11, 2003
and in revised form January 2, 2004, and February 16, 2004
of renal function [19, 20]. Moreover, the in vivo and in
Accepted for publication March 1, 2003 vitro pharmacologic effects of dopamine receptor ago-
nists in the kidney have been extensively studied [19, 20].

C 2004 by the International Society of Nephrology We recently showed that bromocriptine (D 2 -like receptor

634 Narkar et al: Bromocriptine and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury

agonist) stimulates p44/42 MAPKs in the proximal Unilateral

tubules of the kidney [21, 22], which is a potential target ischemia
to counter I/R injury. Since proximal tubules are maxi-
15 min 45 min 24 hr or 48 hr
mally affected in the course of renal I/R injury [9–11], we
hypothesized that bromocriptine may protect against I/R Group I
injury to the proximal tubules of the kidney. vehicle Reperfusion Sacrifice
The proposed hypothesis was tested using unilateral rat
Group II Histology
model of renal I/R injury. In this model, one kidney serves
bromocriptine TUNEL
as a sham control and the other kidney is subjected to
(500 µg/kg i.v.)
45 minutes of ischemia followed by reperfusion. Using the NKA activity
unilateral rat model, we previously showed that the kid- p44/42 MAPKs
ney subjected to I/R injury undergoes extensive necrosis Fig. 1. Schematic representation of induction of renal ischemic/
and apoptosis compared to sham operated kidney within reperfusion (I/R) injury.
24 hours after reperfusion [17, 23]. Therefore, in studying
the reno-protective effects of bromocriptine, we evalu-
ated necrosis and apoptosis in rat kidney as biomarkers the operation, the animals were kept on a surgical ther-
of I/R injury. Moreover, in terms of sodium handling, I/R mostatically controlled table at 38 ± 1◦ C under anesthe-
injury induces the loss of major sodium transporters in sia. After surgery the animals were returned to the cages,
the kidney and leads to an increase in fractional sodium where they had free access to food and water. The rats
excretion [2]. Interestingly, bromocriptine increases the were divided into two sets (24-hour and 48-hour sets),
activity of at least one such transporter Na+ , K+ , with each set having two groups. In each set, one group
ATPase (NKA) via p44/42 MAPK pathway in renal prox- of animals (N = 6) was given bromocriptine (500 lg/kg
imal tubules [22]. On the basis of this observation, we ad- intravenously) 15 minutes prior to the renal artery occlu-
ditionally measured the effect of bromocriptine on NKA sion, whereas a second group (N = 6) received vehicle.
activity and protein expression in I/R injury. Experimental protocol is explained in Figure 1. The con-
The experiments were performed in Sprague-Dawley tralateral nonischemic kidney serves as a control to the is-
rats treated with vehicle or bromocriptine before in- chemic kidney. The kidneys from 24- or 48-hour set of rats
duction of I/R injury. In both groups, the above three were removed after 24 hours or 48 hours of reperfusion,
parameters were measured in the outer renal cortical re- respectively, and divided lengthways into two parts. One
gions (rich in proximal tubules) of sham control and I/R part was suspended in ice-cold modified Krebs-Henseleit
injury kidney. Furthermore, p44/42 phosphorylation (ac- buffer (KHB) solution [22] for biochemical assays and
tivation) was also measured in both groups to examine the second was fixed in Dubose solution for histologic
whether its induction coincided with the protective ef- examination.
fects of bromocriptine in I/R injury.
Histologic examination
For histologic examination, Dubose-fixed and paraffin-
embedded kidney specimens (5 lm) were stained with
All animal experiments were carried out according to hematoxylin and eosin. Histologic changes were evalu-
the principles of Laboratory Animal Care formulated by ated by measurement of tissue necrosis graded on an A
the National Society for Medical Research and the Guide to F scale in relation to the extent of kidney damage: A,
for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National none; B, up to 10%; C, from 10% to 25%; D, from 25% to
Institutes of Health publication 86–23, revised 1989, au- 50%; E, from 50% to 75%; and F, more than 75%. Tubu-
thorization 00577, 1989, Paris, France). Male Sprague- lar necrosis was assessed in the renal cortex at 24 hours
Dawley rats weighing 140 to 190 g (Harlan ZI Du and 48 hours after I/R.
Malcourlet, France) were housed individually in standard
laboratory cages with ad libitum access to food and water.
TUNEL assay
The sections of kidney embedded in paraffin were de-
Unilateral renal I/R injury in Sprague-Dawley rats paraffinized in toluene and a graded series of ethanol.
In this procedure, the rats were anesthetized with DNA fragmentation (apoptosis) was visualized in situ
sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg intraperitoneally). Next, on fixed tissues by the terminal transferase-mediated
the jugular vein was cannulated with a polyethylene deoxyuridine triphosphate (dUTP) nick-end labeling
catheter (PE-10) for the administration of the drug. Is- (TUNEL) procedure, using the apoptosis detection
chemia was induced by clamping the right renal artery kit of Promega (Madison, WI, USA). Briefly, the de-
with nontraumatic vascular clip for 45 minutes. During paraffinized sections were incubated in proteinase K
Narkar et al: Bromocriptine and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury 635

(20 lg/mL) solution to permeabilize the tissues, rinsed, Table 1. Histologic changes
and further fixed in paraformaldehyde (4%). The sections Vehicle + I/R Bromocriptine + I/R
Grading Tubular
were incubated with 1 lL of terminal deoxynucleotidyl scale necrosis % 24 hours 48 hours 24 hours 48 hours
transferase (25 U/lL) and fluorescein-12-dUTP in equili-
A 0 – – 4 3
bration buffer [25 mmol/L Tris-HCl, pH 6.6; 200 mmol/L B 0–10 – – 1 2
potassium cacodylate, pH 6.6, 2.5 mmol/L cobalt chlo- C 10–25 1 – – –
ride, 0.25 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA), and 0.2 D 25–50 1 1 – –
mmol/L dithiothreitol (DTT)] for 1 hour at 37◦ C. Further, E

the slides were rinsed four times in standard sodium cit-
I/R is ischemic/reperfusion injury. Histologic changes were evaluated by
rate (SSC) and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and im- measuring of tissue necrosis graded on a 0 to 5 scale in relation to the extent
mersed in 40 mL propidium iodide solution (1 lg/lL) for of kidney damage: A, none; B, up to 10%; C, from 10% to 25%; D, from
25% to 50%; E, from 50% to 75%; and F, more than 75%. The grading was
15 minutes. The positive control was treated by DNAse I performed in cortical regions of ischemic kidneys from vehicle-treated and
(1 lg/lL) before being processed with the TUNEL pro- bromocriptine-treated rats.
cedure. The TUNEL-positive cells were counted under
fluorescence microscope and data represented as percent
of cells that stained TUNEL positive. (0.05 mL), bromophenol blue (0.02 mL), corticular ho-
Preparation of cortical homogenate mogenate (0.1 mL), and water (0.03 mL). Further, the
loading samples were resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide
The kidneys isolated from the above groups were im- gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and transferred to polyvinyli-
mediately transferred to 5 mL ice-cold KHB solution dene fluoride (PVDF) membrane. The NKA a1 sub-
containing protease inhibitor cocktail. Outer cortex was units, phospho-p44/42 MAPKs, and total MAPKs on
separated from each kidney, to obtain the portion rich the PVDF membrane were detected using mono-
in proximal tubules. The isolated cortical slices were ho- clonal NKA a1-subunit antibody (Research Diagnos-
mogenized using Wheaton’s homogenizer at setting 7 tics, Flanders, NJ, USA), anti-phospho-p44/42 MAPKs
for 20 strokes, and the protein concentration of the ho- antibody (Promega), and anti-p42 MAPKs antibody
mogenate measured. The NKA activity, NKA a1-subunit (Santa Cruz Biotechonology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA),
expression, and p44/42 MAPKs phosphorylation were respectively. Where indicated, the Western blots were
measured in the cortical homogenate. subjected to densitometric analysis using Scion Image
NKA activity in cortical homogenate software. The MAPKs data are represented as the den-
sitometric ratio of phospho- to total-p42 MAPKs.
The NKA activity was measured in cortical ho-
mogenate (1 mg/mL) as previously described [28]. The
reaction mixture was carried out in 1.025 mL of as- Data analysis
say buffer [37.5 mmol/L immidazole buffer, 70 mmol/L Where applicable, data are presented as mean ± SEM
NaCl, 5 mmol/L KCl, 1 mmol/L Na ethylenediaminete- of number (N) of experiments. Statistical analysis was
traacetic acid (EDTA), 5 mmol/L MgCl 2 , 6 mmol/L done using unpaired Student t test or one-way analysis
NaN 3 , 75 mmol/L Tris-HCl] using 0.1 mL (0.1 mg pro- of variance (ANOVA) as explained in the figure legends.
tein) of cortical homogenate. The reaction was initi- The difference was considered statistically significant at
ated by adding 4 mmol/L adenosine triphosphate (ATP). P < 0.05.
Ouabain-insensitive ATPase activity was determined in
parallel using an assay buffer containing 150 mmol/L
Tris-HCl, 1 mmol/L ouabain instead of NaCl and KCl.
The reaction was carried out at 37◦ C for 15 minutes Necrosis in the cortical slices of
and terminated by adding 0.05 mL of ice-cold 50% vehicle- and bromocriptine-treated rats
trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The NKA activity was mea- The histologic alterations induced by unilateral renal
sured as the function of liberated inorganic phosphate ischemia were evaluated at 24 hours and 48 hours of
(Pi) in triplicates. The NKA activity was calculated as reperfusion. Extensive necrosis was observed in outer
the difference between the total and ouabain-insensitive cortex of ischemic compared to contralateral kidneys of
ATPase activity and was represented as Pi lmol/mg vehicle-treated rats after 24 hours of reperfusion (Fig. 2A
protein/min. and B, Table 1) and 48 hours of reperfusion (Table 1).
On the other hand, the histology of ischemic cortex from
NKA a1 subunits and p44/42 MAPKs in cortical bromocriptine (500 lg/kg intravenously)-treated rats was
homogenate by Western blotting similar to contralateral kidneys after 24 hours (Fig. 2C
Loading samples were prepared for western blotting and D, Table 1) and 48 hours (Table 1) of reperfusion.
containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-Laemmli (4×) Bromocriptine did not produce any detectable histologic
636 Narkar et al: Bromocriptine and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury



Contralateral Ischemia

Fig. 2. Histology in cortical region of kidney
slices of unilateral I/R rat model. Representa-
tive light micrographs (magnification, 40×) of
hematoxylin and eosin stained sections show-
ing morphologic features of cortical region 24
Bromocriptine hours post I/R injury. In vehicle-treated rats,
the ischemic cortical slices (B) showed ex-
tensive necrosis (indicated by arrows) com-
pared to the contralateral kidney (A). The
histomorphology of bromocriptine-treated is-
chemic kidneys (D) was normal and indistin-
Contralateral Ischemia guishable from contralateral control kidneys
(C). Similar results were obtained from 5 an-
Mag, 40× imals.



Contralateral Ischemia



Contralateral Ischemia
Fig. 3. Apoptosis in cortical region of kid-
E ney slices of unilateral ischemic/reperfusion
100 (I/R) injury rat model. Apoptosis was deter-
TUNEL-positive cells,

* # mined in 24 hours post-I/R cortical kidney

slices. Compared to the contralateral cortical
75 slices (A), in vehicle-treated rats, the ischemic
cortical slices (B) showed extensive TUNEL-

50 positive staining. (C) The contralateral cor-

tical slices of bromocriptine-treated rats are
represented. In bromocriptine-treated rats
25 low TUNEL-positive staining was detected in
the ischemic cortical slices (D). (E) Data rep-
0 resented as % TUNEL-positive cells (N = 3).
Co IR Co IR ∗ and # represent statistically significant dif-
Vehicle treated Bromocriptine ference between groups compared (P < 0.05)
[one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); post
treated hoc, Tukey’s multiple comparision test].
Narkar et al: Bromocriptine and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury 637

A * B A

Na+, K+, ATPase,

Na+, K+, ATPase,


Pi µmol/mg/min
Pi µmol/mg/min
1 2 3 4
0.03 phospho-p44/42
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01 Total-p42
0.00 0.00
Co IR Co IR Vehicle Bromocriptine
Vehicle treated Bromocriptine
treated B
C *

Co IR Co IR *

NKA α1 subunit 1.0

p42 MAPK
Veh Br

Fig. 4. Detection of NKA activity and a1 subunits in renal cortical

homogenates of unilateral ischemic/reperfusion (I/R) rat model. NKA 0.5
activity and a1 subunit levels were determined in cortical homogenates
obtained from the vehicle-treated and bromocriptine-treated rats 24
hours post-I/R. (A) In vehicle-treated rats, the NKA activity in is-
chemic cortical homogenate (IR) was significantly lower than in the
contralateral cortical homogenate (Co). (B) In bromocriptine-treated 0.0
rats, NKA activity was similar between contralateral and ischemic cor- 1 2 3 4
tical homogenates. Data are represented as inorganic phosphate (Pi)
released in lmol/mg/min. ∗ Represents significant difference between
Vehicle Bromocriptine
Co and IR in vehicle-treated rats (P < 0.05) (unpaired Student t test).
(C) Representative Western blot of NKA a1 subunit expression in cor- Fig. 5. Determination of p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinases
tical homogenates of vehicle-treated and bromocriptine-treated rats 24 (MAPKs) phosphorylation in renal cortical homogenates of unilateral
hours post I/R. Similar results were obtained in N = 4 animals. ischemic/reperfusion (I/R) rat model. (A) In vehicle-treated rats, low
phosphorylation was detected in contralateral (1) and ischemic (2) corti-
cal homogenate. On the other hand, bromocriptine-treated rats showed
abnormalities in the contralateral kidney. This result in- extensive phosphorylation in contralateral (3) and ischemic (4) cortical
dicates that bromocriptine prevented cortical necrosis in homogenate (upper panel). The total-p42 MAPKs was similar in all the
groups compared (1, 2, 3, and 4) (lower panel). The above are represen-
renal I/R injury after 24 and 48 hours post-reperfusion. tative blots. Similar results were obtained from N = 4 sets of animals.
(B) Data represented as average (mean ± SEM) ratio of phospho-p42
Apoptosis in the cortical slices of to total p42 MAPKs from N = 4 animals. (P < 0.05) [one-way analysis
vehicle- and bromocriptine-treated rats of variance (ANOVA); post hoc, Newman-Keuls multiple comparison
Apoptosis was detected by TUNEL assay performed in
the cortical slices from the contralateral and ischemic kid-
neys. Extensive TUNEL-positive staining was observed
bromocriptine prevents the loss of NKA activity in the
in the outer cortex of ischemic compared to contralateral
cortex of the ischemic kidney.
kidney of vehicle-treated rats (Fig. 3A and B). In con-
To test the possibility that change in the NKA ac-
trast, low level of TUNEL-positive staining was detected
tivity is due to modified protein levels, we measured
in contralateral and ischemic kidneys of bromocriptine-
the expression of catalytic NKA a1 subunit in the
treated rats (Fig. 3C and D). The percent of cells that
above homogenates. We did not detect any difference
were TUNEL-positive in each group is represented in
in the expression of NKA a1 subunits in the contralat-
Figure 3E. This result indicates that bromocriptine pre-
eral or ischemic cortical homogenates from vehicle and
vented cortical apoptosis in renal I/R injury.
bromocriptine-treated animals (Fig 4C). Therefore, the
NKA activity in the cortical homogenates of changes in NKA activity are independent of the level of
vehicle- and bromocriptine-treated rats NKA a1 subunits in the cortex.
NKA activity was measured as described in the cortical
homogenates of the kidney. It was found that the NKA The p44/42 MAPKs activity in the
activity in the cortical homogenate from the ischemic vehicle- and bromocriptine-treated rats
kidney was decreased as compared to the contralateral The p44/42 MAPKs activity was measured as the func-
kidney in vehicle-treated rats (Fig. 4A). NKA activity tion of p44/42 MAPKs phosphorylation in the cortical ho-
in the bromocriptine-treated rats was same in both the mogenates of the kidney. In the vehicle-treated rats, there
contralateral and the ischemic kidney. Moreover, this ac- was low detectable phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPKs in
tivity was similar to that of the contralateral kidney of both the control and ischemic cortices (Fig. 5A, upper
vehicle-treated rats (Fig. 4B). This result indicates that panel). The total p42 MAPKs in all the homogenates
638 Narkar et al: Bromocriptine and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury

was similar (Fig. 5A, lower panel). In bromocriptine- the kidney. We found that unilateral I/R injury to kid-
treated rats the phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPKs was ney caused extensive necrosis by 24 hours in the cortex
similar in both the contralateral and ischemic kidney (rich in proximal tubules) of ischemic kidney as com-
(Fig. 5A, upper panel). Moreover, the phosphoryla- pared to the control kidney. This observation was in
tion of p44/42 MAPKs in the bromocriptine-treated rats concert with previous reports [8, 17, 23]. When the ani-
was significantly higher than the phosphorylation in the mals were pretreated with bromocriptine, the kidney did
vehicle-treated rats. This was not simply due to more not undergo necrosis, indicating the protective effect of
p44/42 MAPKs protein, as the total protein loaded was bromocriptine.
same in vehicle-treated and bromocriptine-treated rats In addition to necrosis, unilateral I/R injury caused
(Fig. 5A, lower panel). Thus, bromocriptine increases apoptosis in the cortex of the ischemic kidney as com-
phospho-p44/42 MAPKs in both contralateral and pared to the control kidney in the vehicle-treated rats.
ischemic cortices of bromocriptine-treated rats as com- Pretreatment of the rats with bromocriptine prevented
pared to vehicle-treated rats. The above data are repre- I/R injury–induced apoptosis in the kidney. This pro-
sented as densitometric ratio of phospho-p42 to total-p42 tective effect of bromocriptine can be attributed to ac-
MAPKs (Fig. 5B). tivation of p44/42 MAPKs. As mentioned above, JNK
is predominantly activated in the cortex during I/R in-
jury, which predisposes the proximal tubules to apoptotic
DISCUSSION death [10]. By activating p44/42 MAPKs, which are anti-
This study was designed to explore the potential of syn- apoptotic, bromocriptine might cancel out or balance the
thetic dopamine D 2 -like receptor agonist, bromocriptine, effect of JNK.
to protect against experimental I/R injury to the renal In concert with some previous reports [24, 25], we
proximal tubules. We found that I/R injury caused necro- found that the NKA activity in the ischemic cortex was
sis, apoptosis, and loss of NKA activity in the outer cortex decreased as compared to the contralateral nonischemic
of the kidney, which is rich in proximal tubules. Inter- cortex. However, our results contradict alternative stud-
estingly, pretreatment of the animals with bromocriptine ies which report no change or actual increase in the NKA
prevented necrosis, apoptosis, and loss of NKA activity activity in the kidney [26, 27]. This discrepancy may be
associated with I/R injury in proximal tubular regions of associated with the differences in the models of I/R injury
the kidney. This protective effect may be due to the ac- used or due to the use of whole kidney lysate versus cor-
tivation of p44/42 MAPKs in the bromocriptine-treated tical lysates for measuring NKA activity. Nevertheless,
kidney. pretreatment of the animals with bromocriptine in our
I/R injury is known to induce differential activation experiments prevented the loss of NKA activity in I/R in-
of various MAPKs in different segments of the kidney jury. Unlike the NKA activity, the expression of catalytic
nephron [10]. Thus, selective activation of JNK leads to NKA a1 subunit remained constant in all the treatment
apoptosis of tubular cells, whereas activation of p44/42 groups. The consistent expression of NKA a1 subunit
MAPKs renders the cells viable [10]. It was suggested suggests that bromocriptine restores NKA activity with-
that I/R injury leads to activation of JNK and not p44/42 out changing the protein expression. Interestingly, earlier
MAPKs in proximal tubules, making them more sus- studies done in our laboratory show that bromocriptine
ceptible to apoptosis [10, 17]. In another study, a brief stimulates NKA activity via p44/42 MAPKs-dependent
ischemic preconditioning [4] to kidney or urethral ob- recruitment of NKA a1 subunits to the proximal tubular
struction [5] prior to a second ischemia protected the kid- membrane in the kidney [21, 22, 28, 29]. It is possible that
ney morphologically, as well as functionally against I/R bromocriptine may prevent the loss of NKA activity in
injury. In these studies it was found that either pretreat- renal I/R injury by similar mechanism. Moreover, mainte-
ment primes the kidney such that, during the second I/R nance of NKA activity in the proximal tubular membrane
injury there is decreased p38/JNK activation and/or in- may partially prevent the increase in fractional excretion
creased p44/42 MAPKs stimulation. Alternatively, phar- of sodium observed during I/R injury [2].
macologic interventions which protect against renal I/R As previously reported, we found that there was lower
injury also increase p44/42 MAPKs in the kidney [10, phospho (active)-p44/42 MAPKs in ischemic cortex of
17]. Since bromocriptine activates p44/42 MAPKs in re- vehicle-treated animals [10]. On the other hand, ro-
nal proximal tubular cells [21, 22], which are known to be bust increase in phospho-p44/42 MAPKs was observed
maximally susceptible to I/R injury, it was logical to study in both the ischemic and the control non-ischemic kid-
the effects of bromocriptine in this pathophysiologic neys of bromocriptine-treated animals. Further, acti-
situation. vation of p44/42 MAPKs in the bromocriptine-treated
We measured the effect of bromocriptine pretreatment animals were concomitant with the protection against
on I/R injury–induced necrosis, apoptosis, and down- I/R injury (at the level of necrosis, apoptosis, and NKA
regulation of NKA activity in the proximal tubules of activity) in the same animals. In terms of proapoptotic
Narkar et al: Bromocriptine and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury 639

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