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Digital Ethics on Social Media: Digital Ethics and Health

Jerkayla Watkins

The University of Alabama



Although, many may assume that social media is practically new, it has been around

since decades. Social media sites such Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have grown

rapidly over the past decades with countless users. According to studies, social media has many

benefits in today’s work environments. As expected, social media also comes with risks when

used in the work place. Studies have shown both the risks and the benefits of employers allowing

employees to use social media while working. In the public health field, there has been research

done that proves social relationships improve one’s health and well-being which includes social

media (Nica, 2015).

Social media sites social media sites help diverse audiences with shared interest connect

and network (Alshammari & Alshammari, 2017). Public health professionals have done research

that shows social media and technology is the best way to communicate with patients. Majority

of the world today utilizes social media in some type of way. A significant number of

participants engaged in health education via text messages and different types of social media.

This study was quite successful in gaining patients’ attention. According to fellow researchers,

social media promotes health education and health promotion in the work force (Alshammari &

Alshammari, 2017).

Benefits of Social Media in the Workplace

Social media has been introduced in the work place to promote and enhance knowledge.

Employers also have incorporated social media in the work environment as a way of promoting

business. Businesses all over the world have grown tremendously due to advertisement on social

media sites (Thomas & Akdere, 2013). According to research, employers hire workers strictly to

advertise and promote business on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Employees also

communicate with customers through those social media sites. Social media also enhances

knowledge of employees and help many become acquainted with modern technology (Thomas &

Akdere, 2013). Numerous workers have gained skillful knowledge on technology use due to the

demand to use it as a part of everyday work tasks.

Risk of Social Media in the Workplace

As mentioned previously, social media can cause effects when used as a tool in the work

force. Many professionals use social media on a day to day basis to communicate messages and

promote business. Unfortunately, many employees have been terminated due to the improper use

of media while on and off the clock (Diercksen, DiPlacido, Harvey, & Bosco, 2013). The study

done by researchers has shown numerous cases where social media caused problems amongst

workers. According to research there is a certain code of ethics that employees should follow

when it comes to social media. Although there is an employee handbook or code of ethics, many

workers tend to get too relaxed and participate in activities jeopardizing their careers.

Social Media in Public Health

According to an article on social media emerging into the healthcare industry, social

media is now used to predict and diagnose diseases and outbreaks (Schmidt, 2012). The

increased use of social media and other electronics have allowed a great success of

communication between physicians, staff, and patients. The quality of health research has also

advanced due to the increase.

A researcher in public health worked with a team of epidemiologists and discovered one

of the earliest social media tools which a website is called HealthMap. HealthMap basically

tracks news websites, government alerts, and illnesses across the world (Schmidt, 2012). Public

health professionals are able to tracks outbreaks and epidemics much faster with this tool.

Another app was also recently launched entitled OutBreaks Near Me and Flu Near You

(Schmidt, 2012). Social media have enabled public health organizations to alert the public of

various outbreaks in the world.


Social media has many benefits along with risks which is why it is imperative for

professionals to follow code of ethics when using social media tools. According to research,

there is as much risks as benefits with social media in the work place (Nica, 2015). A part of

growth in the public health field is related to social media access. In today’s society, majority of

the population use electronic devices and social media thus making it the perfect tool for health

communication and promotion.



Alshammari, A. S., & Alshammari, H. S. (2017). Use of Social Media and Other Electronic

Media in Health Education and Health Promotion (Pilot Study). Egyptian Journal Of

Hospital Medicine, 69(6), 2658-2662. doi:10.12816/0042244

Diercksen, M., DiPlacido, M., Harvey, D., & Bosco, S. (2013). THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL

MEDIA IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE. Proceedings For The Northeast Region Decision

Sciences Institute (NEDSI), 946-952.

Nica, E. (2015). The function of social media in the health care industry. American Journal Of

Medical Research, (2)

Schmidt, C. W. (2012). TRENDING NOW: Using Social Media to Predict and Track Disease

Outbreaks. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(1), A30-A33.

Thomas, K. J., & Akdere, M. (2013). Social Media as Collaborative Media in Workplace

Learning. Human Resource Development Review, 12(3), 329-344.

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