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Diseases in F.Sc.

for MCAT 2012

Disease Causing Agent Description
1. Glycogenesis Type 2 Defective Lysosome Liver and muscles filled with glycogen
2. Tay-Sach’ s Defective Lysosome Accumulation of lipids in brain cell , mental
3. Small pox Pox Virus Raise fluid filled vesicles form pitted scars ‘the
4. Herpes Simplex Herpes Virus Vascular lesions in epithelial layers of ectodermal
5. Influenza Influenza Virus Causes common cold
6. Measles & Mumps Paramyxoviruses Swelling, fever, running nose
7. Poliomyelitis Polio Virus Affect nerves and leads to paralysis
8. AIDS HIV Defective immune system due to less T-
9. Hepatitis A HAV Short term less virulent disease by contact of
10. Hepatitis B HBV Fatigue, loss of appetite, jaundice, by serum
11. Hepatitis C HCV Less virulent than A or B, Leads to chronic liver
12. Hepatitis E HEV Caused due to pigs
13. Amoebic Dysentery Entamoeba Causes dysentery
14. African Sleeping Trypanosoma Fever, headache, Affects nervous system
15. Malaria Plasmodium Rupture liver cells and blood cells burst
16. Late Blight of Potato Phytopthora infestans Potato tubers rot in the field
17. Candidiasis Candida albicans Oral or vaginal thrush
18. Aspergillosis Aspergillus fumigates Cough, fever, chest pain, difficult breathing
19. Ergotism Purple ergot Nervous spasm, convulsion, psychotic delusion
20. Smut Ustilago triciti Replaces kernel of wheat with black spores
21. Rust Puccinia sp. Replaces kernel with rust-red spores
22. Enterobiasis Enterobius vermicularis Causes itching of anus, insomnia, loss of apetite
23. Food Poisoning Salmonella, Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
24. Botulism Clostridium botulinum Toxin produced cause respiratory , cardiac
25. Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Lung is damaged resulting in cough and fever due
tuberculosis to malnutrition
26. Tetanus Clostridium tetani Painful spasm, lock jaw, respiratory failure
27. Muscle Fatigue Low ATP Contractures, lactic acid accumulation in muscles
28. Tetany Low Ca in blood Muscle twitches, loss of sensation, convulsions
29. Cramp Low suger level, Tetanic contraction of entire muscle, muscles
Dehydration become taut and painful
30. Parkinson’s disease Brain cell death Dopamine not produced, diminished motor power
31. Epilepsy Rapid electric discharge Transient alternation in brain, change in
in grey matter consciousness states
32. Alzeheimer’s Disease Dementia Decline in brain function, memory loss
33. Disease Causing Agent Description
34. Acromegaly Excess STH in old age Abnormal development of hands, feet ,jaws
35. Graves’ Disease Excess thyroxine Exopthalmic goiter, increase metabolism, heart
36. Cretinism Lack of thyroxine Small individual, coarse scanty hair, thick
yellowish scaly skin and mentally retarded
37. Myxoedema Shortage of iodine Swelling of neck, hand puffiness, excess fat &
38. Diabetes mellitus Lack of Insulin High level sugar, derangement of NS, sugar in
39. Addison’s Son Destruction of Adrenal Weakness of muscle, loss of salts, metabolic
cortex disturbances
40. Cushing’s Disease Excess cortical Excessive protein breakdown, muscular weakness
41. Gonorrhoa Neisseria gonorrhoeae Affect mucus membrane, of urinogenital tract,
infant eye infection
42. Syphilis Treponema pallidum Damages reproductive organs, CNS, heart, skin
43. Genital Herpes Herpes simplex type 2 Sexual contact, genital soreness, ulcer, damages
virus infant eyes and CNS
44. Microcephaly Metabolic disorder Individual are born with small skull
45. Cleft palate Metabolic disorder Opening between oral and nasal cavity
46. Alkaptonuria Genetic defect Urine contains homogentisic acid and turns black
47. Sickle cell anaemia Genetic defect Valine instead of Glutamic acid in haemogloben
at position 6 from N terminal in beta chain
48. Phenylketonuria Genetic defect Phenylalanine accumulates , mental reatrdation
49. Cancer Gene Mutation Rapid uncontrolled cell division of WBC
50. Mongolism Non-disjuction Extra 21st pair, flat, broad face, squint eyes, skin
(Down’s Syndrome) fold, protruding tongue
51. Klinefelter’s Non-disjuction Trisomy XXY, enlaged breast, tendency to
Syndrome tallness, obesity, small testes
52. Turner’s Syndrome Non-disjuction XO, female short stature, webbed neck, no ovaries
53. Erythroblastosis Rh incompatibility Causes jaundice, yellow eye, may be abortion
54. Bombay Phenotype Epistasis No attachment of antigen with RBC
55. Haemophilia Genetic defect No ability to clot blood,
56. Colour blindness Genetic defect No ability to detect colours
57. TFS(Testicular Genetic defect Tfm gene develop male into female, have breast,
ferminization genitalia, bind vagina, no uterus
58. Osteo Arthritis Genetic defect Degenerative joint disease
59. Osteoporosis Hormonal defect Bone mass is reduced,
60. Osteomalcia Nutritional defect Calcium salts are not deposited hence bones are
61. Ricket Nutritional defect Deformed legs and pelvis, deficiency of Ca or
62. Disc Slip Physical Cause Dislocation of intervertebral disc
63. Spondylosis Hormonal defect Immobility and fusion of vertebral joints
64. Sciatica Physical Cause Pain of sciatic nerve, no foot ankle movement
65. NIDDM Genetic defect Resistance in body cells for insulin, 90% of all
66. Disease Causing Agent Description
67. IDDM Genetic Defect Autoimmune disorder, immune system kills
insulin producing cells, Insulin Dependant
68. MODY Genetic Defect NIDDM before 25, mutation in glucokinase gene
69. Cystic fibrosis Genetic Defect Lack a genen coding for for trans-membrane
carrier of chloride ions
70. Schistosomiasis Flukes Abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, fatigue
(Snail fever)
71. Neurocysticereosis Taenia Solium Cysts in brain, seizures
72. Cyticereosis Tape worm Headache, dizziness, dementia
73. Diphyllobothriasis Diphyllbothrium Vitamin b12 deficiency, Anaemia
Fish Tapeworm
74. Hydatidosis Echinococcus Enlarged liver, jaundice, hives
Dog tape worm

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