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1.1. Background of study

Water is the most abundant compound on earth’s surface. Covering about 70% of
the planet. It is made up of two molecules of hydrogen and a molecule of oxygen,
H2O (Garg 2007). It exists naturally as; liquid, solid and gaseous state. It is dynamic
equilibriums between the liquid and gas states at standard temperature and
pressure. At room temperature. It I a tasteless and odourless liquid, nearly colorless
with a hint of blue. It also has the ability to dissolve many substances and hence, it
is termed a universal solvent. Due to this, water in nature and in use is rarely pure
and some properties may vary from those of the pure substance. Water is the only
common substance found naturally in all three common states of matter.

Water is essential for life. It forms the major constituent of almost all life forms.
Most animals and plants contain more than 60% water by volume. It make up 55%
to 78% of the human body. Without water, life would have probably never have
developed on our planet.

Therefore, it is very necessary for the survival of plants and animals to the
presences of water and life becomes difficulty to live without it. Despite its
importance, it is the most poorly managed resource in the world. Impurities
present in water when untreated causes many diseases that affects human life. The
need for also for supplying hygienic potable water cannot be over emphasized.
Therefore, the need not to only provide water but hygienic water becomes a matter
of great concern to planners of water resource projects.
Surface water is water on the surface of the planet such as in a stream river, lake,
wetland, or ocean. It can be contrasted with groundwater and atmospheric water.
Surface water is replenished by precipitation and by recruitment from ground-
water. It is lost through evaporation, seepage into the ground where it becomes
ground-water, used by plants for transpiration, abstracted by mankind for various
purposes or discharged to the sea.

Surface water quality is influenced by various national processes and

anthropogenic activities. In many developing countries, wastes are disposed into
the natural water bodies due to their capacity to assimilate and dilute the harmful
constituents. As the demand for potable water rises increasing effluents of low
quality are dumped unchecked into the natural water bodies resulting in further
degradation of their water quality. Consequently, human health are affected or
threatened in many cases. “Each water body can assimilate a certain amount of
effluents depending on numerous factors. The water quality management
attempts to protect the uses of water bodies facing the threat of pollution”.
(McBride, 2002; Mohammed et al. 2002: de Azevedo et al. 2000; somlyody et al.

The kind and concentration of constituents depend upon various geological, geo-
hydrological and physical factors of the aquifers (Huda, 1995). Therefore,
evaluation of the physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters are also carried
out. Viable treatment option are of the contaminated water is also considered. The
needed also to get the treated water to various households is also considered.

After the establishment of the water sample parameters, necessary measures have
to be put in place for all necessary mean of purifying the surface water. Here, a
proposal of how the various physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters can
be reduced or removed to a certain acceptable standard is also looked at. This
process deals with the collection (which include intakes and pumping stations), the
various treatment units and storage of the treated ground water.

Also, the distribution of the treated water to the various household is also very
important. Water distribution system consists of an interconnected series of pipe,
storage facilities, and components that convey drinking water and meeting fire
protection needs in cities, homes, cities, schools, hospitals, industries and other
facilities. Before the water is to be distributed to the various households, the need
for the evaluation of the water demand for household is also determined.


In Amassoma, Bayelsa State, South of Nigeria, access to clean and potable water
poses a challenge, resulting in water borne diseases. The research aims at accessing
the level of influence of human activities on the physical and chemical properties
of OGOBIRI community water. Water samples were collected from the unfiltered
water from the ground. The sample were tested for their physical, chemical and
bacteriological parameters.

The research emphasizes on the Ogobiri community water which flows along that
community axis. Much of the area is permanently water-logged and the vegetation
is fresh water swampy forest.

After water demand has been estimated, the next step that comes up is to look for
a water source that will meet quantity and quality requirements for the supply to
the population. Schwab et al. (1993) reported that precipitation is presently our
only practical source of renewable fresh water supply for all agricultural, industrial
and domestic uses. The main criteria for selection of water supply is the adequacy
and reliability of the source. The adequacy of supply requires the water body to be
large enough to meet the water demand of the population. Reliability of supply has
to do with the elevation or depression of a water source with reference to the area
it is to serve. This has to do with water flowing naturally under gravity or the use of
pumping equipment.

The capacity or flow rate and water quality of each type of water source is also
valuated through flow measurement, water quality sampling and testing, Henry
and Heinka (2005).

Generally, rain, and hail precipitation upon the surface of the earth as
meteorological water and may be considered as the original source of all the water
supplied. Water, as source of drinking water, occurs as surface water and ground

Surface water accumulates mainly as a result of direct runoff from precipitation.

Precipitation that does not enter the ground through infiltration or is returned to
the atmosphere by evaporation, flows over the ground surface and is classified as
direct runoff. Direct runoff is water that drains from saturated or impermeable
surfaces, into stream channels, and then into natural or artificial storage sites (or
into the ocean in coastal areas). The amount of available surface water depends
largely upon rainfall. When rainfall is limited, the supply of surface water will vary
considerably between wet and dry years. Surface water supplies may be further
divided into river, lake, and reservoir supplies. Dams are constructed to create
artificial storage, canals or open channels can be constructed to convey surface
water to the project sites. The water is also conveyed through pipes by gravity or
pumping. In general, the surface source are characterized by soft water, turbidity,
suspended solids, some colour and microbial contamination.

Groundwater part of the precipitation that infiltrates the soil (US, EPA). This water
replenishes. The soil moisture, or is used by growing plants and returned to the
atmosphere by transpiration. Water that drains downward (percolates) below the
root zone finally reaches a level at which all the openings or voids in the earth’s
materials are filled with water. This zone is called the zone of saturation. The water
in the zone of saturation I called the ground water. Ground waters components are,
generally, characterized by higher concentrations of dissolved solids, lower levels
of color, higher hardness (as compared with surface water), dissolved gasses and
freedom from microbial contamination. A well that penetrates the water table can
be used to extract water from the ground basin


The objectives of this study are to;

a. Monitoring and analysis of the water quality status of Ogobiri community

water by collecting and testing for impurities.
b. Quantification and assessment variation of water quality at selected parts of
the community
c. To provide an overview of water quality characteristics.
d. To use various treatment methods for the removal of impurities.
e. Water sample were collected at the Ogobiri.


The scope of this project is limited to laboratory analysis of water sample. The
water properties of interest are the physical, chemical, bacteriological as well as
the testing for the presence of heavy metals.


The problem is that potable water is needed to be supplied to the various

households for consumption. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the available raw
water to be treated to remove the contaminants and the various impurities.
Potable water is water that is supplied for human consumption. Therefore, the
available raw water must be treated for all purpose since raw water in nature is
usually contaminated with suspended, dissolved, colloidal, and pathogenic


Water treatment is collectively the industrial scale processes that make water more
acceptable for an end use, which may be drinking, industry or medicine. Water
treatment should remove existing water contaminant or so reduce their
concentration that their water become fit for the consumer.

As water is pumped from the source it is screened to remove debris. Then at the
water plant, various characteristic of the water are tested, the water may be pre-
chlorinated to kill micro-organism, control odour and taste, and aid in coagulation
and settling. The water may also be aerated, which removes carbon dioxide and
raises pH, oxide iron and manganese, and remove organic contaminants. Potassium
per manganite may be added to the water in the collection tray of the aerator in
order to remove iron and manganese from the water. Ozone may be added to the
water to treat iron and manganese, remove algae, neutralize hydrogen sulphide,
and aid in flocculation. Many of these are dependent upon the plant and the
amount of water being distributed daily. In most cases, the water then enters a
flash mix chamber, here various chemicals are added into the water. Coagulants
cause fine particle to clump together into larger particles. Alkali are added to adjust
the ph a well ass to oxidize iron and manganese.after flowing out of the flash mix
chambers, the water goes through a chamber which causes coagulation and
flocculation to occur. Here the fine particle of contaminants gather together into
large clumps called flocs. When the water flows into the sediment basin, some of
the flocs settle out of the water and is removed. Next, the water is passed through
filter which removes particles too small to settle out in a sedimentation basin.


The number of stages and types of treatment we used are;


This involves the removal of solid which may vary in size from relatively large to
microscopic. The design of the treatment process depends on the physical
properties of the pollutants such as particle size and density. Treatment processes
include screening, sedimentation and filtration.

This utilizes the chemical properties of added reagent, and depends on the
chemical properties of the pollutants, treatment processes include aissted
sedimentation and disinfection.



This chapter introduces the various test material and methods in carrying out the
various test of the water samples. This chapter also includes the material,
apparatus used and laboratory experiment procedures,



 Digital pH meter
 Conductivity meter
 Burette and pipettes
 Beakers
 Volumetric flasks
 Etheline-diamine-tetra acidic acid (EDTA)
 Erichrome black T
 Ammonium chloride (buffer)
 Molar sulphuric acid
 1, 10 phenanthroline solution
 sodium acetate
 hydroxide amine
 silver nitrate (acid)
 potassium bromate (indicator)


Determination of pH.

The pH meter was used for the determination of the pH of the water samples. The
pH meter is standardized with two buffer solution of different pH values namely pH
4 and 9. The electrode is thoroughly rinsed and dipped into the water samples and
a steady pH is recorded as the pH of the water sample

(OGOBIRI WATER SAMPLE gave us a pH of 6.9 and 6.9 for water sample 1 and 2

That is to say the water is NOT safe for drinking but can be used for domestic

Determination of conductivity.

Electrical conductivity of the water sample was measured with a conductivity

meter, the probe of the water was inserted into the water sample and the central
control switched to the conductivity position. A steady reading is recorded a the
conductivity of the water is in µscm-1.

(OGOBIRI WATER SAMPLE gave us 107.2 and 109.8 for water sample 1 and 2

This is also NOT safe for drinking but okay for domestic use.

Determination of total dissolved solids.

This is determined by measuring water sample in an evaporating dish and
evaporated to dryness on a steam bath, the dry evaporating dish and residues were
placed in a drying oven to dry further. The crucible and the residue were then
weighed and then the difference in weight is recorded as the totally dissolved solids
expressed in per million or per milligram per litre.

(OGOBIRI WATER SAMPLE gave us 53.0 and 54.90 for sample 1 and 2 respectively)

Which is safe because it is below the set standard of WHO which is 200.

Determination of total hardness

The water sample was placed in 250ml conical flask, 5ml of ammonia/ammonium
chloride buffer was added followed by 3 drops of erichrome black T indicator and
is titrated against 0.01 EDTA.

The addition of the erichrome indicator gives a red wine color. The EDTA titration
gives a marine blue end point.

(OGOBIRI WATER SAMPLE gave us 30 and 70 for sample 1 and 2 respectively)

The total hardness is okay.

Determination of total alkalinity

The water ample was in 250mg conical flask. 2 to 3 drop of methyl orange indicator
was added, the orange was then titrated against 0.01m, H2SO4 to a light pink end

(OGOBIRI WATER SAMPLE gave us 84 and 42 for sample 1 and 2 respectively)

This is also below standard and unsafe for drinking and consumption.
Determination of chlorides

100ml of water were placed in a 250ml conical flask, 5ml of potassium chromate
was added and mixed properly. The mixture was titrated to brick brown end point
with a standard silver nitrate solution.

(OGOBIRI WATER SAMPLE gave us 18 and 14 for sample 1 and 2 respectively).

This is below standard and unsafe for drinking and domestic consumption.

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