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Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922

DOI 10.1007/s00217-008-1004-x


EVect of diVerent extraction methods on the recovery

of chlorogenic acids, caVeine and Maillard reaction products
in coVee beans
Graryna Budryn · Ewa Nebesny · Anna Podsddek ·
Dorota ôyrelewicz · Maigorzata Materska ·
Stefan Jankowski · Bogdan Janda

Received: 5 March 2008 / Revised: 17 December 2008 / Accepted: 27 December 2008 / Published online: 3 February 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract Water and ethanolic extracts were obtained extracts were analyzed for concentration of potential anti-
from green and roasted (3 diVerent roast degrees) Arabica oxidants such as chlorogenic acids and caVeine (by HPLC)
and Robusta coVee beans. Three types of water extracts and Maillard reaction products (measurements of absor-
were prepared from the examined, Wnely ground material bance at 420 nm). Concentration of chlorogenic acids in
through: (a) brewing with boiling water, (b) boiling in Robusta extracts varied between 0.4 and 36.0 g £ 100 g¡1
water, and (c) boiling in water under elevated pressure. All dry extract weight (db.), while in Arabica extracts it ranged
these extracts were lyophilized. Two types of ethanolic from 0.1 to 22.4 g £ 100 g¡1 db. Extracts of dark roasted
extracts were derived from the examined material through Arabica contained more chlorogenic acids than those of
(a) extraction of the Wnely ground coVee beans and (b) Robusta. Concentration of caVeine, which in green and
extraction of the solid residue that remained after boiling roasted coVee beans is maintained at the similar level,
the coVee beans in water under elevated pressure. These tended to increase in Robusta extracts with the roast degree
ethanolic extracts were dried. Both water and ethanolic and temperature of extraction with water, while in case of
Arabica extracts there was no noticeable tendency. CaVeine
G. Budryn (&) · E. Nebesny · D. ôyrelewicz concentrations varied between 0.12 and 8.41 g £ 100 g¡1
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, db. and between 0.03 and 6.53 g £ 100 g¡1 db. in Robusta
Institute of Chemical Technology of Food, and Arabica extracts, respectively. Ethanolic extracts were
Technical University of Lodz, Stefanowskiego 4-10, characterized by relatively higher caVeine concentrations
90-924 Lodz, Poland
e-mail: and lower contents of brown pigments and chlorogenic
acids as compared to water extracts. The richest in antioxi-
A. Podsddek dants were extracts of green Robusta coVee beans derived
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, through boiling in water under elevated pressure.
Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Technical University of Lodz,
Stefanowskiego 4-10, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
Keywords CoVee · CoVee processing · Chlorogenic acids ·
M. Materska CaVeine · Maillard reaction products · HPLC
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Food Sciences and Biotechnology,
Agricultural Academy of Lublin, Akademicka 13,
20-950 Lublin, Poland Introduction

S. Jankowski
The main reasons of consumption of coVee brews are mild
Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry,
Technical University of Lodz, ôeromskiego 116, stimulation in mood and palatable taste and aroma. Further-
90-924 Lodz, Poland more, these brews display an antioxidant activity and their
moderate consumption is believed to reduce the risk of devel-
B. Janda
opment of some types of cancer, like the cancer of large intes-
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation,
State Research Institute, Czartoryskich 8, tine [1]. Antioxidant activity is ascribed to such components
24-100 Puiawy, Poland of coVee brews as chlorogenic acids, caVeine and some of

914 Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922

Maillard reaction products [2–4]. A prerequisite of absorption 5-O-CaVeoylquinic acid and caVeine were purchased
of chlorogenic acids from the gastrointestinal tract is their from Fluka Chemie (Helvetia). All other reagents were ana-
hydrolysis to caVeic and quinic acids in the small intestine lytical grade.
where approximately one-third of consumed chlorogenic
acids is absorbed. This reaction is catalyzed by an intestinal Methods
esterase. Chlorogenic acids are also hydrolyzed by microXora
of large intestine [5, 6]. Since the antioxidant capacity of Roasting
coVee beans is relatively high, they can be used as a source of
natural antioxidants [7–11]. Preparations of the latter can be Robusta and Arabica coVee beans were roasted in a labora-
applied as supplements of diet or shelf-life increasing addi- tory convective coVee roaster (Precission Heartware, USA)
tives to foodstuVs which are susceptible to oxidation [12, 13]. with automatic cooling. Three diVerent roast degrees were
CoVee beans are roasted prior to brewing; this process brings characterized by a decrease in weight shown in Table 1.
about an appreciable degradation of chlorogenic acids and This decrease was calculated as a diVerence between the
thus lessening their antioxidant activity. But roasting gives weight of coVee beans before and after roasting and
rise to some other antioxidants like Maillard reaction prod- expressed per 100 g beans. The temperature inside the
ucts, comprising melanoidins and heterocyclic volatile com- roasting chamber was measured by using NiCr–Al thermo-
pounds. Thus both green and roasted coVee beans can be used couple (Poland). The humidity of Wnely ground coVee
to produce preparations of antioxidants. Since foods which are beans was equivalent to the loss in weight after drying at
particularly susceptible to oxidation usually contain fats that 103 °C until constant weight. The humidity of medium and
are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants should be dark roasted Arabica coVee beans was the same despite
extracted from coVee beans not only with water but also with longer duration of roasting and in consequence darker color
ethanol to obtain preparations with higher aYnity to lipids. of the latter. It could stem from production of water during
Earlier investigations revealed the occurrence of chloro- Maillard condensation reactions and other reactions taking
genic acids in green and roasted Arabica and Robusta place during roasting. Our Wnding is consistent with results
coVee beans and in de-caVeinated coVee beans [14–17]. of Nunes et al. [27] who even observed a transitory increase
Studies on their content in coVee extracts were limited to in humidity of Arabica coVee beans during roasting. Also
typical brews of roasted coVee [18–21]. Some researchers Pittia et al. [28] reported on maintaining of humidity of
presented only their concentration in brews [22, 23]. The Arabica coVee beans at the constant level in the Wnal phase
similar investigations were carried out for caVeine and of roasting while the humidity of Robusta coVee beans
brown pigments measurable at 420 nm [24, 25]. However, gradually decreased throughout this process. Green coVee
an eYciency of extraction of particular chlorogenic acids beans were ground in a laboratory mill WZ-1 ZBPP
and other antioxidants from green coVee beans under diVer- (Poland) adapted for very hard beans grinding. Roasted
ent conditions with food-grade solvents has not been deter- coVee beans were roasted in a mill Il Macinino F.A.C.E.M
mined yet, although these beans are rich in such substances. Tre Spade (Italy). Diameters of ground particles were mea-
This study aimed at obtaining of dried preparations of sured by using the micrometric screw NSK Digitrix Mark II
water and ethanolic extracts from Robusta and Arabica Electronic Micrometer, (Micrometer MFG Co. Ltd., Japan)
coVee beans, estimation of concentration of selected poten- after dispersing in paraYn oil. Dimensions of these parti-
tial antioxidants in these dried extracts and an assessment cles varied between 480 and 680 m. The color of ground
whether the solid residue after extraction with water could coVee beans was determined by CIE L*a*b* method with
be used as a potential source of antioxidants. The antioxi- an illuminant “C” by using the reXection spectrophotometer
dant activity of the examined extracts was determined as Specord M-40 Carl-Zeiss Jena (Germany).
described earlier [26].
Preparation of coVee extracts

Materials and methods Samples of green and roasted (with 3 diVerent roast
degrees), ground coVee were extracted with water at the
Materials coVee:solvent ratio of 1:5.75, ensuring approximately
5 g £ 100 g¡1 concentration of solid substance in extracts.
Green beans of two coVee varieties: Arabica (CoVea arab- Water extracts were prepared by 3 methods such as (a)
ica) from Columbia (prepared by wet method) and Robusta brewing with boiling water followed by intermittent mixing
(CoVea canephora) from Indonesia (prepared by dry and Wltration after 5 min, (b) boiling in water for 10 min
method) were harvested in 2005 and purchased from P.H.P. followed by Wltration and (c) boiling in a pressure cooker
Aspol Ltd. (Poland). PS-5682 First (Austria) at 110 °C and 1.4 £ 105 Pa for

Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922 915

Table 1 Physicochemical properties of green and roasted (3 diVerent roast degrees) Arabica and Robusta coVee beans
Type of coVee beans A decrease Time of Ultimate Dry basis Color
in weight during roasting temperature (g £ 100 g¡1)
roasting (g £ 100 g¡1) (min) of roasting (°C) L* a* b*

Green Arabica – – – 91.99 75.51 1.68 20.28b

Light roasted Arabica 10 5 200 96.58 47.93 9.29 26.26
Medium roasted Arabica 14 7 220 98.93a 43.15a 5.97 20.76a
a b
Dark roasted Arabica 17 9.5 235 98.92 41.84 4.68 19.47
Green Robusta – – – 91.61 70.33 2.83 21.57
Light roasted Robusta 10 5 210 98.10 54.89 10.03 30.34
Medium roasted Robusta 14 8 230 98.90a 45.87 7.50 23.98
Dark roasted Robusta 17 12 240 99.24 42.65a,b 5.34 20.66a,b
Values in each column bearing the same letters are not statistically diVerent (P > 0.05) from one another
L* lightness variable (0, black ¥ 100, white), chromatic coordinates: a* red (0, no pigment ¥ 50, maximum red), b* yellow (0, no pigment ¥ 50,
maximum yellow)

10 min followed by rapid cooling and Wltration. Each time, Table 2 Solvent mixing program during HPLC of phenolic acids and
Wltration was conducted under reduced pressure by using caVeine
vacuum pump KNF Neuberger N 035.3 AT.18 (Germany). Time (min) A B
In the case of brewing, the time of contact of ground beans
with hot water was shortened to 5 min to minimize the 0 88 12
inXuence of high temperature and compare the results with 26 70 30
more drastic methods. These three diVerent extraction 40 0 100
methods were used in order to Wnd whether a rise in tem- 43 0 100
perature gives rise to more eYcient extraction of analyzed 48 88 12
compounds or, in contrary, it results in changes in their 50 88 12
structure or their oxidation (Wrst of all chlorogenic acids). Solvents: A water:formic acid (90:10 v/v), B water:acetonitrile:formic
Two types of ethanolic extracts were derived by 2-h extrac- acid (40:50:10 v/v/v)
tion in Soxhlet apparatus, i.e., either from ground coVee
beans or from solids remained after extraction with water HPLC was conducted by using liquid chromatograph
under elevated pressure. Prior to extraction with ethanol, KNAUER (Germany) equipped with 250 £ 4 mm LiChro-
these solids were washed three times with water at 95 °C in spher 100 RP 18 (5 m) column and UV–VIS detector.
a proportion 1:20, drained oV and dried at 70 °C until the Detection of chlorogenic acids and caVeine was conducted
moisture <1.5 g £ 100 g¡1. Water extracts were freeze- at 320 and 280 nm, respectively. Elution was carried out by
dried in DELTA 1-24LSC Christ lyophilizer (Germany) using the following solvents: A, water/formic acid (90:10
and ethanolic extracts were dried convectively at 80 °C in a v/v), and B, water:acetonitrile:formic acid (40:50:10 v/v/v).
laboratory dryer. Dried extracts contained from 1.0 to The samples were eluted according to the program: A:B
4.5 g £ 100 g¡1 of water. To compare contents of quanti- mixture (Table 2) for 50 min in a linear gradient and at a
Wed compounds in the extracts, dry extract weight was Xow rate of 1 mL min¡1. Concentrations of chlorogenic
determined as the loss in weight after drying at 103 °C until acids were calculated from the equation of regression (sur-
constant weight. face area under the peak as a function of concentration of
5-caVeoylquinic acid or caVeine).
Determination of chlorogenic acids and caVeine
IdentiWcation of chlorogenic acids
Extracts were dissolved and puriWed on C18 Sep-Pak 51910
column (Millipore Waters, Milford, USA), which was ear- (a) Isolation of chlorogenic acids Samples (500 g) of green
lier equilibrated with 5 mL methanol and 3 mL distilled coVee beans were homogenized three times with 1-L etha-
water. The applied extract was eluted with 20 mL of metha- nol:water solution (80:20 v/v) for 15 min (homogenizer
nol:water (40:60 v/v). The eluate was diluted to 50 mL with DIAX 900) and each homogenate was Wltered. The Wltrates
re-distilled water and an aliquot (20 L) was used for were pooled and evaporated at 45 °C to obtain an oil-like
HPLC analysis. concentrate (73.15 g) by using vacuum evaporator. This

916 Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922

fraction was dispersed in water acidiWed with H3PO4 to pH CH3O)4.18 (1H, m, C-4), 5.35 (1H, dt, J = 8.9, 4.4 Hz,
of 2.6 and the obtained emulsion was Wltered through G3 C-5), 6.34 (1H, d, J = 15.9 Hz, C-8⬘), 6.80 (1H, d,
sintered funnel containing approximately 2.5-cm layer of J = 8.2 Hz, C-5⬘), 7.07 (1H, dd, J = 8.2, 1.7 Hz, C-6⬘), 7.17
silica gel C18 (60–40 m), which was earlier washed with (1H, d, J = 1.7 Hz, C-2⬘), 7.61 (1H, d, J = 15.9 Hz, C-7⬘).
methanol and next with the acidiWed water. Chlorogenic 13
C NMR (CD3OD), : 38.3 (C-2), 38.9 (C-6), 56.6
acids were eluted with methanol in the acidiWed water (pH (CH3O-C-3⬘)), 71.4 (C-3), 72.1 (C-5), 73.6 (C-4), 76.3
of 2.6) 1:1 (m/m) until the eluate was colorless. The eluate (C-1), 111.9 (C-2⬘), 115.8 (C-8⬘), 116.6 (C-5⬘), 124.2
was concentrated to almost dry matter (42.5 g). (C-6⬘), 127.9 (C-1⬘), 147.1 (C-7⬘), 149.5 (C-3⬘), 150.7
(b) Separation of chlorogenic acids Separation was con- (C-4⬘), 168.8 (C-9⬘), 177.3 (C-7).
ducted on glass (length of 50 cm, Ø 2.5 cm) column packed
with silica gel C18 (40–25 m), which was earlier washed 3,4-di-O-CaVeoylquinic acid
with methanol and acidiWed water (pH of 2.6). Phenolic
acids were dissolved in a small volume of the acidiWed ESI: 515.1[M-H], 1031.0 (a dimer)
water and applied onto the column. The column was 1
H NMR (CD3OD), : 2.15 (2H, m, C-2,6, axial pro-
washed with re-distilled water and 300-mL portions of tons), 2.26 (1H, m, C-6, equatorial proton), 2.37 (1H, m, C-2,
methanol solution in water (methanol concentration rose by equatorial proton), 4.40 (1H, m, C-5), 5.02 (1H, dd, J = 9.1,
5 until 100 g £ 100 g¡1). Eluate fractions (10 mL) were 3.1 Hz, C-4), 5.65 (1H, m, C-3), 6.26 (1H, d, J = 15.7 Hz,
analyzed for phenolic acids by TLC on SiO2 F254 plates C-8⬘), 6.30 (1H, d, J = 16.1 Hz, C-8⬘), 6.74 (1H, d,
resolved in a system: 3.45 mL formic acid, 1 mL toluene, J = 8.1 Hz, C-5⬘), 6.78 (1H, d, J = 8.1 Hz, C-5⬘), 6.86 (1H,
8 mL ethyl acetate and 0.05 mL water. After drying the dd, J = 8.1,1.7 Hz, C-6⬘), 6.92 (1H, dd, J = 8.1,1.5 Hz, C-6⬘),
plates were observed under UV light at 254 nm. Fractions 7.03 (1H, d, J = 1.7 Hz, C-2⬘), 7.05 (1H, d, J = 1.5 Hz,C-2⬘),
which contained the same bands were pooled and analyzed 7.55 (1H, d, J = 15.7 Hz, C-7⬘), 7.58 (1H, d, J = 16.1 Hz,
by HPLC. C-7⬘).
(c) HPLC analysis of separated fractions of chlorogenic 13
C NMR (CD3OD), : .37.0 (C-2), 41.9 (C-6), 65.9
acids HPLC was conducted by using WellChrom chro- (C-5), 70.3 (C-3), 76.6 (C-4), 114.97 (C-8⬘), 115.13 (C-8⬘),
matograph (Knauer, Germany) equipped with UV detector 115.29 (C-2⬘), 116.57 (C-5⬘), 116.63 (C-5⬘), 123.25 (C-6⬘),
and Vertex Eurosil Bioselect 300 Å, endcapped column 123.39 (C-6⬘), 127.77 (C-1⬘), 127.82 (C-1⬘), 146.72 (C-3⬘),
(300 £ 4 mm, 5-m mesh). Elution was conducted with 146.75 (C-7⬘), 147.46, 147.52 (C-4⬘), 149.57 (C-4⬘), 168.72
gradient: A, acetonitrile; B, re-distilled water acidiWed with (C-8⬘), 168.79 (C-8⬘), 176.28 (C-7), 176.31 (C-7).
H3PO4 to pH of 2.6. The acids were detected at 320 nm. Chromatographic separation enabled determination of
Fractions with the highest purity were dried in a stream of the content of the most abundant chlorogenic acids and
nitrogen. caVeine in the extracts. On the basis of MS and NMR spec-
(d) MS analysis Liquid secondary ion (LSI) mass spectra tra and their interpretation proposed by CliVord et al. [29]
were recorded on the Finnigan MAT 95 double focusing the following compounds were identiWed:
(BE geometry) mass spectrometer (Finnigan MAT, Bre-
men, Germany). Samples were dissolved in methanol and 1. CaVeine, the reference chromatogram with the stan-
the solution was mixed with glycerol. For the ionization, dard;
the beam of 13-keV cesium ions was used. Spectra were 2. 3-O-CaVeoylquinic acid, MS [29];
recorded in positive or negative ion mode. At least ten 3. 4-O-CaVeoylquinic acid, MS [29];
spectra for each mode were recorded and averaged. 4. 5-O-CaVeoylquinic acid, the reference chromatogram
(e) NMR analysis This analysis was carried out for 2 with the standard, MS, NMR;
compounds with the highest purity. 1H, 13C, DEPT 135, 5. 3-O-Feruoylquinic acid, MS [29];
COSY DQF, HMQC and HMBC spectra were recorded at 6. 4-p-Coumaric acid, MS [29];
Avance II Plus 700 MHz spectrometer (Bruker, Rheinstet- 7. 5-O-Feruoylquinic acid, MS [29];
ten, Germany) in methanol-D4 solutions. Chemical shifts 8. 3,4-DicaVeoylquinic acid, MS, NMR;
were measured from solvent methyl group at 3.31 ppm (1H) 9. 3,5-DicaVeoylquinic acid, MS [29];
and 49.15 ppm (13C). 10. 4,5-DicaVeoylquinic acid, MS [29];
11. 4,5-CaVeoylferuoylquinic acid, MS [29].
5-O-CaVeoylquinic acid
Measurements of absorbance at 420 nm
FAB: 369.1[M + H], 195.0, 185.0, 177.0, 148.9, 132.8
H NMR (CD3OD), : 2.07 (2H, m, C-2), 2.21 (2H, m, To determine concentration of brown pigments generated
C-6), 3.74 (1H, dd, J = 8.5, 3.0 Hz, C-4), 3.88 (3H, s, during roasting, the extracts were dissolved in water or

Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922 917

ethanol (in the same solvent as used for extraction) in These concentrations depended not only on the degree of
proportion 1:20 to obtain the same concentration as in fresh degradation during roasting, but also on losses of other sub-
extracts. The measurement of absorbance needed further stances that gave rise to the relative increase in phenolic
dilution of extracts in proportion 1:20 [30]. Absorbance of acids contents. Also the eYciency of extraction, which
this solution was measured in 1-cm glass cuvettes at depends on swelling of coVee beans during roasting and
420 nm (vs. water or ethanol, respectively) by using Hitachi changes in solubility of other components, e.g., increasing
UV/VIS 2800A spectrophotometer (Japan). solubility of polymeric substances, plays decisive role in
this respect.
Statistical analysis 5-O-CaVeoylquinic acid (5-CQA) dominated other
chlorogenic acids in all the examined fractions. It is to note
All analyses were carried out at least in triplicate and the that its concentration in Arabica and Robusta extracts was
results were averaged. One-way ANOVA was carried out similar. More drastic extraction conditions than brewing,
to Wnd if the diVerences between the results were statisti- such as boiling under normal and elevated pressure resulted
cally signiWcant. in gradual isomerisation of 5-CQA to 3- and 4-O-caVeoyl-
quinic acids (3- and 4-CQA) both in Arabica and Robusta
extracts. In Arabica extracts concentration of 3- and 4-CQA
Results and discussion was relatively lower in relation to that of 5-CQA as com-
pared to Robusta ones.
Analysis of extractability of chlorogenic acids The most eYcient method of chlorogenic acids extraction
from green Robusta coVee was found to be boiling in water
Individual polyphenols and caVeine were separated by under elevated pressure [36.0 g £ 100 g¡1 dry extract weight
HPLC and determined quantitatively. Ten chlorogenic (db.)], while for green Arabica coVee it was boiling under
acids were detected and identiWed in all the analyzed normal pressure (22.4 g £ 100 g¡1 db.). Concentration of
extracts (Fig. 1 a, b). The sum of identiWed and detected but chlorogenic acids in solid substance of green Robusta
unidentiWed compounds contained in the fraction of pheno- extracts increased in the order from brewing, through boiling
lic acids is shown in Table 3. Concentration of each identi- in water under normal pressure to boiling under elevated
Wed chlorogenic acid in the extracts is displayed in Table 4. pressure. Longer extraction under more drastic conditions is

Fig. 1 Examples of chromato-

grams of water and ethanolic ex-
tracts of green Robusta coVee 8
A 1 2 3
beans extracted by: a brewing 7
with water, b ethanol; 1 3-O- 10
6 9
caVeoylquinic acid, 2 4-O-
caVeoylquinic acid, 3 5-O-
caVeoylquinic acid, 4 3-O-fer-
uoylquinic acid, 5 4-O-feruoyl-
quinic acid, 6 5-O-feruoylquinic
acid, 7 3,4- di-O- caVeoylquinic 4 5
acid, 8 3,5-di-O-caVeoylquinic
acid, 9 4,5-di-O-caVeoylquinic
acid, 10 4,5-O-caVeoylferuoyl-
quinic acid

B 1 2 3 9



918 Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922

Table 3 Concentration of chlorogenic acids in dried coVee extracts

Extraction conditions Roast degree Concentration of chlorogenic acids
(g £ 100 g¡1dry extract weight)

IdentiWed Total (comprising


Robusta brewed with water Green 24.36 24.51

Light roasted 23.42 25.49
Medium roasted 5.80 8.07
Dark roasted 2.80 3.54
Robusta boiled in water Green 27.52 30.57
Light roasted 21.88 23.51
Medium roasted 5.96 7.59
Dark roasted 1.32 2.42
Robusta boiled in water under elevated pressure Green 36.04 37.61
Light roasted 17.26 19.38
Medium roasted 10.18 12.13
Dark roasted 2.67 3.74
Robusta extracted with ethanol Green 11.67 12.94
Light roasted 7.60 9.46
Medium roasted 2.44 3.98
Dark roasted 1.09 1.91
Ethanolic extract from the solid residue remained Green 0.36 0.36
after extraction of Robusta with water under Light roasted 0.42 0.53
elevated pressure
Medium roasted 0.18 0.80
Dark roasted 0.04 1.31
Arabica brewed with water Green 16.56 16.87
Light roasted 13.93 15.97
Medium roasted 7.02 8.75
Dark roasted 2.62 3.77
Arabica boiled in water Green 22.40 22.98
Light roasted 12.63 17.36
Medium roasted 8.30 9.14
Dark roasted 5.40 8.82
Arabica boiled in water under elevated pressure Green 18.05 19.56
Light roasted 15.84 17.72
Medium roasted 6.59 8.73
Dark roasted 3.80 6.19
Arabica extracted with ethanol Green 8.89 10.92
Light roasted 5.70 8.04
Medium roasted 1.72 4.09
Dark roasted 1.54 3.76
Ethanolic extract from the solid residue remained Green 0.03 0.23
after extraction of Robusta with water Light roasted 0.30 1.15
under elevated pressure
Medium roasted 0.02 0.05
Dark roasted 0.01 0.70

thought to result in the cleavage of hydrogen bonds between genic acids in water extracts tended to increase with the
chlorogenic acids and caVeine, amino acids or proteins and intensity of extraction (time, temperature) and the solubility
this in turn increases their solubility. Our results indicate that of other components was rather comparable irrespective of
for green Robusta coVee the relative concentration of chloro- extraction method. By contrast, the highest concentrations of

Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922 919

Table 4 Concentration of particular chlorogenic acids and caVeine in extracts of Arabica and Robusta coVee beans
Extraction conditions Roast degree Concentration of chlorogenic acids and caVeine (g £ 100 g¡1dry extract weight)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Robusta brewed Green 3.91d 3.00b 3.31c 11.16a 0.15a 0.15d 0.80c 1.84 a 1.61 1.67 0.67a
with water Light roasted 6.12 b
4.50 a
5.00 9.43 b
0.05 b
0.81 f
0.66 b
1.05 h
0.70 a
0.69 a
b d d d d c g d f c
Medium roasted 6.06 1.41 1.37 2.20 0.01 0.19 0.11 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.11d
b f g e b f h c c c
Dark roasted 6.11 0.35 0.39 1.10 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.24 0.21 0.17 0.20c
Robusta boiled Green 5.04c 4.19a 4.53a 11.51a 0.14a 0.41b 1.28a 1.93a 1.46 1.29 0.78
in water Light roasted 5.20 c
4.61 a
4.43 a
9.35 b
0.02 d
0.50 a
0.66 b
0.77 b
0.47 b
0.62 a
Medium roasted 5.48c 1.55d 1.42d 2.19d 0.06b 0.18c 0.12 g 0.11e 0.07 g 0.04d 0.22c
b f g h d e i
Dark roasted 6.15 0.35 0.32 0.50 0.01 0.08 0.03 tr tr tr 0.03f
a b f a
Robusta boiled Green 6.72 8.16 8.42 10.11 0.57 0.77 1.22 2.61 1.74 1.44 1.00
in water under Light roasted 4.43 e
3.40 b
4.10 b
6.85 c
0.18 a
0.37 b
0.43 e
0.73 b
0.47 b
0.41 0.32b
elevated pressure b c e a a e c c e
Medium roasted 6.26 2.52 2.17 3.52 0.16 0.46 0.37 0.32 0.22 0.18 0.26c
c j e b d h f h
Dark roasted 5.33 0.73 0.60 0.93 0.04 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.04 tr 0.07e
c e d b c c h a b
Robusta extracted Green 5.78 1.05 1.36 4.81 0.11 0.23 0.85 0.98 0.74 0.93 0.61a
with ethanol Light roasted 6.67a 1.15e 1.43d 2.57d 0.02d 0.32b 0.49e 0.56 0.27c 0.48a 0.31b
a f b d g c g c
Medium roasted 6.64 0.41 0.48 0.73 0.06 0.15 0.12 0.21 0.08 0.09 0.11d
i b e i e h
Dark roasted 8.41 0.21 0.25 0.32 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.12 0.02 tr tr
Ethanolic extract from Green 0.12 h tr 0.12 0.12 tr tr tr 0.12e tr tr tr
the solid residue Light roasted 0.23 g 0.04 g tr 0.04f 0.05b 0.02 g 0.02j 0.05f 0.04 h 0.09 0.07e
remained after
Medium roasted 0.25 g 0.01 h 0.01 h 0.02f 0.03c 0.02 g 0.05 h 0.01 g 0.01i 0.01 0.01
extraction of Robusta
g h g g i
with water under Dark roasted 0.31 0.01 tr 0.01 tr 0.01 tr tr 0.01 tr tr
elevated pressure
Arabica brewed Green 2.54f 1.49d 1.86e 11.30a 0.03c 0.21c 0.24f 0.33c 0.79a 0.28e 0.03f
with water Light roasted 3.06 d
2.81 c
3.15 c
6.46 c
0.02 d
0.24 c
0.25 f
0.25 c
0.18 e
0.55 a
Medium roasted 3.66d 1.50d 1.59d 3.01 0.04c 0.29c 0.11 g 0.10e 0.06 g 0.05d 0.27c
Dark roasted 2.38f 0.30f 0.71 1.27e 0.02d 0.14d 0.06 h 0.07f tr 0.05d tr
f c c b e e b b
Arabica boiled Green 2.91 2.48 3.31 13.38 0.06 0.09 0.36 0.83 1.03 0.80 0.06e
in water Light roasted 1.93 3.04 b
2.92 5.15 0.24 0.47 a
0.40 e
0.16 d
0.09 f
tr 0.16d
b d e d c e d e c
Medium roasted 6.03 1.62 1.82 3.98 0.01 0.23 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.15 tr
Dark roasted 6.53a 1.42d 1.28f 1.93d 0.12a 0.30b 0.21f 0.06f 0.03 h tr 0.05f
Arabica boiled Green 2.41f 3.81b 4.02b 7.71 0.11a 0.09e 0.18f 0.79b 0.66a 0.64a 0.04f
in water under Light roasted 3.35 d
3.60 b
3.48 c
7.13 c
0.06 b
0.26 c
0.23 f
0.42 0.31 c
0.29 e
elevated pressure f d d d b d d d g c
Medium roasted 2.75 1.61 1.52 2.73 0.06 0.18 0.09 0.14 0.08 0.10 0.08e
d e i e b d d f h
Dark roasted 3.64 1.05 0.93 1.38 0.06 0.14 0.07 0.06 0.03 tr 0.08e
f j i c f e
Arabica extracted Green 2.65 0.60 0.84 6.06 tr 0.06 0.48 tr tr tr 0.85
with ethanol Light roasted 5.38c 1.05e 1.24f 2.28d 0.02d 0.28c 0.26f 0.18d 0.12f 0.17c 0.10d
Medium roasted 4.13e 0.34e 0.37 g 0.59 h 0.01d 0.15d 0.08d 0.09e 0.05 g tr 0.04f
d i g h b d d e g d
Dark roasted 3.43 0.27 0.30 0.49 0.06 0.14 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.06 tr
Ethanolic extract Green 0.03 tr 0.01 h tr 0.01d tr tr 0.01 g tr tr tr
from the solid Light roasted 0.22 g 0.04 g 0.05 0.09 tr tr 0.02j 0.03 g 0.03 h 0.04d tr
residue remained
Medium roasted 0.06 tr tr 0.01 g tr 0.01 g tr tr tr tr tr
after extraction
of Robusta with Dark roasted 0.15 tr tr tr tr 0.01 g tr tr tr tr tr
water under
elevated pressure
Values bearing the same letters for each compound (in the same column) are not statistically diVerent (P > 0.05) from one another
1 caVeine, 2 3-O-caVeoylquinic acid, 3 4-O-caVeoylquinic acid, 4 5-O-caVeoylquinic acid, 5 3-O-feruoylquinic acid, 6 4-O-feruoylquinic acid,
7 5-O-feruoylquinic acid, 8 3,4-dicaVeoylquinic acid, 9 3,5-dicaVeoylquinic acid, 10 4,5-dicaVeoylquinic acid, 11 4,5-caVeoylferuoylquinic acid,
tr traces

920 Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922

chlorogenic acids were observed in extracts from green water. Because the ethanolic extracts, from material treated
Arabica which were obtained through boiling under normal earlier with water, both from green and roasted coVee
pressure. Boiling under elevated pressure apparently beans, contained a very small fraction of chlorogenic acids,
increased the extractability of compounds with higher molec- it was diYcult to Wnd any relationships between roasting
ular mass. Presumably these conditions favored their solubi- and extraction methods and barely detectable concentration
lization (as compared to Robusta) and this in turn decreased of these acids in ethanol since almost all chlorogenic acids
relative concentration of chlorogenic acids. The diVerences were removed by boiling in water.
between Arabica and Robusta coVee beans could stem from
higher concentration of polysaccharides in the Wrst coVee CaVeine concentration
beans because the solubility of these polymers increases with
temperature of extraction [31]. Roasting caused lesser losses of caVeine as compared to
Chlorogenic acids are degraded during roasting of those of chlorogenic acids and there was no correlation
Arabica and Robusta coVee. In the Wrst step of this process between caVeine content in freeze-dried extracts and the
5-CQA is isomerized to 3- and 4-CQA that are observed in roast degree of coVee beans. The relative caVeine concentra-
brews of light roasted Arabica and Robusta coVee. They are tion was apparently aVected by caused by roasting changes
also detectable in brews of green coVee beans, but their in concentration and solubility of other substances (Table 4).
concentrations are smaller. Only extracts of green coVee The majority of Arabica extracts contained less caVeine than
beans obtained by boiling under elevated pressure con- Robusta extracts with an exception of extracts derived from
tained more 3- and 4-CQA than extracts obtained from light medium and dark roasted Arabica by boiling in water.
roasted coVee because of an advanced isomerization of
5-CQA under these conditions. In further steps of roasting Brown pigment index
losses of chlorogenic acids are greater and their content in
dark roasted coVee beans was much lower than in medium An absorbance at 420 nm was regarded to be equivalent to
roasted coVee. concentration of brown pigments generated during roasting,
The diVerence in the total contents of chlorogenic acids mainly by Maillard reactions. Compounds measurable at
in extracts of green Arabica and Robusta (Table 3) reXects 420 nm were also detected in extracts of green coVee beans
the diVerence between phenolic acids concentrations in (Fig. 2a, b). They can be generated during drying of beans
these beans (Robusta is richer in these compounds) [32, after removal of husks. A part of them could be also formed
33]. Concentration of chlorogenic acids in dark roasted during extraction and lyophilization of extracts because
Robusta was 14-fold lesser than in green beans whereas in coeYcients a* and b* were found to increase due to these
Arabica it was about Wvefold lesser. More intensive degra- processes (results of CIE L*a*b* analysis of the extracts
dation of chlorogenic acids during roasting of Robusta were not shown because of the huge number of presented
coVee beans as compared to Arabica caused that the diVer- results, they are available at the authors). Some of the prod-
ence in phenolic acids concentration gradually decreased ucts of Maillard reactions display antioxidant activity.
with a roast degree and extracts of dark roasted Arabica Their representatives are melanoidins with high molecular
contained more chlorogenic acids than their counterparts weight and heterocyclic volatile compounds [34–37]. For
obtained from Robusta. Also Clarke found that the losses of extracts obtained by boiling in water from light and dark
chlorogenic acids were larger during roasting of Robusta roasted Arabica coVee beans this absorbance was almost
coVee beans (relative to Arabica). He postulated that this the same (1.440 and 1.494, respectively). This implies that
diVerence was a result of diVerent humidity of these two the brown pigments are intensively formed already in the
sorts of coVee during roasting, in particular in the Wrst Wrst step of roasting, which is equivalent to a drop in weight
phases of roasting, and the latter discrepancy was caused by of 10 g £ 100 g¡1. Brown pigments from light roasted
their diVerent chemical composition. Arabica were better soluble in water than in ethanol, and
Concentration of chlorogenic acids in ethanolic extracts pigments from medium and dark roasted Arabica also were
was approximately twice lower than in water extracts better soluble in water. The most eYcient method of brown
although the overall extraction yields were comparable pigments extraction from roasted Arabica coVee beans was
(data not shown). It implies that ethanol is the worser than boiling in water under elevated pressure (absorbance of
water as a solvent of chlorogenic acids. 1.638 for dark roasted Arabica).
Ethanolic extracts from the solid residue remained after Water extracts of Robusta coVee beans contained similar
boiling under elevated pressure contained 0.05–1.31 g amounts of brown pigments, but in contrast to the extracts
chlorogenic acids £ 100 g¡1 db. and the overall yield of of Arabica coVee their concentration continually increased
extraction was relatively low. Thus, the majority of pheno- with the roast degree. Extraction with ethanol was less
lic compounds were extracted during the Wrst process, with eYcient since only absorbance of extracts derived from

Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922 921

Fig. 2 a, b Concentration of robusta

brown pigments in extracts of
Arabica and Robusta coVee A
beans: b brewed, l boiled,
b a 1.6
p boiled at elevated pressure, b
e ethanolic extract, r ethanolic b c
extract of the residue after water c
extraction. Values bearing the
same letters in a and b Wgures

Absorption at 420 nm
are not statistically diVerent
(P > 0.05) from one another
g 1
f e


dark 0.2









b extraction method


b 1.6

Absorption at 420 nm
d 1.2
d g






as o

light 0
fr o


green e


b extraction method

dark roasted Robusta was comparable to that of the afore- Arabica and Robusta result from their diVerent chemical
said water extracts. Concentration of brown pigments in composition. Usually green Arabica beans contain more
extracts from Robusta was much stronger aVected by the free amino acids and saccharides, which can combine with
roast degree. Medium and dark roasted Robusta coVee each other (Maillard reactions of condensation). By con-
beans contained much more brown pigments than light trast, generation of brown pigments during roasting of
roasted ones. These diVerences between roasted beans of Robusta coVee beans requires hydrolysis of proteins and

922 Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 228:913–922

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P06 T 060 29 from the State Committee for ScientiWc Researches. 790
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