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Courtney Hunt

English IV

Mrs. Wilson



Thesis: Education has played a big role in society throughout time dating back to the 1700’s to

know and even bigger role today. The most important factors in an effective education are

teachers’ salary, meeting students needs and technology in classrooms.

I. Background Information

II. Teachers’ Salary

III. Meeting students’ needs

IV. Technology in a classroom

V. Conclusion
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Courtney Hunt

English IV

Mrs. Wilson



Education is a process that is based on accumulation of knowledge. The increase of

knowledge is to achieve and meet challenges that can produce changes in learning and growth in

individuals. Education plays a role in shaping tomorrow's leaders, inventors, businesses, and

social workers. Education plays a big role in our society today. Teachers are the most important

part of education, and communities must show that they value teachers and the role they play.

The most important factors in an effective education are meeting students’ needs, teacher salary,

and technology in classrooms.

Public education is a crucial part to a productive society. Educator Peter Gray said, “If

people want to understand why standard schools are are what they are, people have to abandon

the idea that there are products of logical necessity or scientific insight”. According to

educational researcher Shula Hirscher, “ Teaching has transformed from a simple educational

function into a complex profession”. Teaching began in the American Colonial days, the

pilgrims establish the first public school. Education has transformed in many ways. Now there is

high technology in classrooms. Prior to internet students use to have to hand write everything.

Religion use to be a big key in schools. Today there has to be a separation of church and religion

because it's not allowed in schools. Teaching is a fast growing profession that can become so big

to not only educators but to students as well .Students will have so many benefits in the future

the way education is growing.

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Teacher salary is one of the most significant factors in a education system. Salary

increases “prove to be an important factor in stabilizing the teaching force in short term by

sending the message to educators that the time and energy they sacrifice for their jobs aren't

being taken for granted” (Wong). According to educational researcher Alia Wong, “ The

Metlife Survey found that roughly two in three public school teachers felt their salaries were not

fair for the work they do.” The previous information has shown that educators feel like they have

been spending to much time and energy for their salaries that they are receiving. Depending on

the teacher's role in a class should depend on their salary that they earn. Teachers believe their

pay is not fair for the work they do.

Teachers in today's society today are changing from the way they were in the past.

Today “ Teachers make fourteen percent less than professionals in other occupations that require

similar levels of education ( Eggers)”. According to educational researcher Dave Eggers and

Ninive Calegari, “ Teachers that have been working for public schools for the past ten years,

every spring we see many of the best teachers leave the profession from the lack of hours, pay,

support and respect”. Research says “ Sixty-two percent of teachers work outside the classroom

to be able to support family and pay for important things they need”. According to the

information above, teachers have a big issue with the pay that they receive. There is a high

percentage of educators in the field that are teaching public education that have to go out and get

a second job just to be able to support their families. Teachers are what develope people today

and make something out of people and they have the least professional pay.

Meeting students needs can vary because the typical classroom includes students with

diverse abilities and needs. Laurie Wasserman, author of “ Strategies for meeting all students

needs” said wheater that students are on the autism spectrum or have learning disabilities,
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dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety disorders or emotional disabilities, teachers have to know how to

handle those situations.” According to educational researcher Laurie Wasserman, “ Our efforts

boost learning are most effective when we share the same philosophy: its about the kids, not us.”

Teachers have to be able to deal with any type of student that comes in their classroom. Teachers

can't rely on their thoughts on different things, students are the main focus. Educators want to

show there own aspects but they can't, they have to go off state requirements. Teachers pay

attention to “ Individual students progress and adjust to approaches throughout the year”

(Wasserman). People think that the education side is straightford when there are alot of things

that go on outside. According to the above information teachers have to meet the students needs

even with them having different health issues. Teachers are also expected to teach character

education, and deal with all the distractions that our modern society is providing for children --

social media, crazy drugs, violence, abandonment by parents

Technology in a classroom can be a positive and negative attribute. The tools that

technology provides to teachers and students can be helpful, but they can also distract students

from learning and teachers from their objectives. Brian Backer, author of “ Technology in a

classroom: The good and bad,” said for a student technology can play many roles: teacher,

babysitter, playmate and pacifier. The American Academy of pediatrics said “ As a

recommendation that children under two years of age shouldn't be exposed to screens at all.

Weather it be tablets, smartphones and television” (Backer). This information from above shows

teachers like the idea of technology as long as it doesn't get overly distracting and doesn't

interfere with students learning abilities. The devices students get can vary with what the school

can afford. Devices play many roles so teachers don't have to always be standing over students,

this way students can go out of their comfort zone and learn. Technology being used in a
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classroom can actually prepare students for their future careers. Having technology in a

classroom can help students engage in a different way of learning in the classroom and could

possibly show teachers a new way in learning. Students start to show confidence and many

character traits when they experience things on their own.

Teachers are a valuable part of any society. Communities need to show there value in

teachers by paying them well for educating the youth of the community, and in effect, shaping

the future of that community. Effective teachers learn how to incorporate technology in a

classroom to help the students become confident about learning and have experience using

technological tools in useful ways and avoiding harmful effects of technology. In the classroom,

teachers have to be able to meet students needs whether it be dealing with behavior or finding a

new way to teach a student. Teachers have to be creative and innovative when it comes to

different students. Educators know that students in classrooms are all unique and they all have a

certain way to meet their goals in the classroom. All of the students in a classroom bring their

own experiences to the learning environment that impact students’ ability to learn. Teachers

impact students by filling them with knowledge and there are different techniques to meet those

needs like being able to reach a good paying salary for a teacher, inquiring technology in a

classroom and being able to reach students needs.

Works Cited

Braiker, Brian. “Technology in the Classroom: The Good and Bad.” The Huffington Post,
Hunt 5, 17 Jan. 2013,

Eggers and Nínive Clements Calegari, Dave, and Nínive Clements Calegari. “Opinion | The


Cost of Low Teacher Salaries.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 30 Apr.


Gray , Peter. “A Brief History of Education.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,

Hinchcliffe , Kelly. “NC Average Teacher Pay Suppresses $50,000 .” , 5AD,

Hirsh , Shula. “History of Teaching As a Profession.” Synonym, Leaf Group,

Strauss, Valerie. “Think Teachers Aren't Paid Enough? It's Worse than You Think.” The

Washington Post, WP Company, 16 Aug. 2016,


Wasserman, Laurie. “Strategies for Meeting All Students' Needs.” Education Week Teacher,

Editorial Projects in Education, 23 Aug. 2017,

Wong, Alia. “What If America's Teachers Made More Money?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media

Company, 18 Feb. 2016,

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