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Dr. J. J. MagdumCollege of Engineering, Jaysingpur

Department of Civil Engineering

Name of Student : Desai Mahamedali Imtiyajahmed

Name of Guide : Prof. R B Shankergonda

Proposed Title : Small hydropower & headworks Modelling



History :

The basic principle of hydropower is that if water can be piped from a certain
level to a lower level, then the resulting water pressure can be used to do work. If the
water pressure is allowed to move a mechanical component then that movement involves
the conversion of the potential energy of the water into mechanical energy. Hydro
turbines convert water pressure into mechanical shaft power, which can be used to drive
an electricity generator, a grinding mill or some other useful device.

It is obvious that headworks (HW) is one of the most decisive components of the
Hydropower projects. Headworks structures in hydropower projects are to extract the
design dischargg properly by minimizing the problem cause by sediments in intake,
settling basin and its flushing structures. Generally, the design of the headworks is project
specific. Basically, special attention is required on layout and sizing of headworks in
Himalayan Rivers from sediment handling point of view. Several existing small scheme
ROR hydropower plants in Nepal are facing operational difficulties and loosing
significant amount of revenue generation during operation phase due to shortcomings on
HW design and layout. The severe chocking of the main river intake, heavy deposition in
the gravel hopper, challenges in sediment flushing/handlings are the frequently
encountering problems at the HW, as it is bitter fact that the Himalayan Rivers are
transporting tremendous amount of sediment load during the monsoon flow.

It is common that the HW design layout is carried out based on the conventional
formulaeas well as experience from the previously implemented projects. In addition this,
a physical model shall be used as a design tool for headworks design.

Hydro Generation

1. Conversion of Water Power to Electricity

Nearly a quarter of the energy from the sun that reaches the Earth’s surface causes water
from the seas, lakes and ponds to evaporate. A proportion of this energy is used to make
water vapour rise, against the gravitational pull of the Earth into the atmosphere, where it
eventually condenses to form rain or snow. When it rains in the hills or snows in the
mountains, some of the solar energy input remains stored. Therefore water at any height
above sea level represents stored ‘gravitational’ energy .

This energy is naturally dissipated by eddies and currents as the water runs downhill in
streams and rivers until it reaches the sea. The greater the volume of water stored and the
higher up it is, then the more available energy it contains. For example, water stored
behind a dam in a reservoir contains considerable ‘potential’ energy. To capture this
energy in a controlled form, some or all of the water in a natural waterway can be
diverted into a pipe. It can then be directed as a stream of water under pressure onto a
water wheel or turbine wheel. The water striking the blades causes the wheel (or turbine)
to turn and create mechanical energy .

The hydro electric plants work by converting the kinetic energy from water falling into
electric energy. This is achieved from water powering a turbine, and using the rotation
movement to transfer energy through a shaft to an electric generator.

2 Hydro Technical Review

This section provides a brief technical review of hydro power. Hydro electricity
generation is considered a mature renewable technology, with extensive textbooks and
journal papers which have covered the subject in detail. For this reason a brief review of
the technical aspects are presented below.

3 Small Hydro Power

Hydroelectric power is electricity produced by the movement of fresh water from rivers
and lakes. At higher ground, water has stored gravitational energy that can be extracted
by turbines as the water flows downstream. Gravity causes water to flow downwards and
this downward motion of water contains kinetic energy that can be converted into
mechanical energy, and then from mechanical energy into electrical energy via
hydroelectric power stationsSmall hydropower is a sustainable resource. Lins et al. (2004)
states that “SHP meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.”
Small hydropower plants are among the cheapest systems to generate electricity. It is a
well known technology open to new technological developments. SHP has a high
untapped potential especially in developing countries (ESHA, 2005). The main
characteristics of small hydropower plants are their flexibility and reliable operation.
Moreover, depending on the rapid demandchanges, its fast start upand shutdown
renewable energy budget.

4 Hydropower and energy

Hydropower can be obtained where a flow of water falls from a higher plane to a lower
plane. This could be in a stream running down a hillside, a river over a waterfall, a weir
or from a reservoir discharge back in to a main outlet
.The amount of power available from a hydro scheme depends on the 'head' and the flow
rate of the water .

Renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, biomass and small hydro. Demand for
electricity is forecast to grow at an annual rate of 10% (MoEn 2012). The increase trend
is due to the combined effects of expansion in the economy, growing population and
higher disposable income, which provides a strong growth in energy demand. Increased
utilization of renewable energy technologies such as small-scale hydropower will not
only boost the energy supply use but also reduce advance environmental impacts of
energy usage.
Again, investing in small-scale hydropower will invariably derive important benefits at
the local level. The most important benefits would include among others:

1. Improved household food security through increased agricultural production.

2. Provision of electricity for small-scale industries and social services such as education
and health care.

3. Electricity, will to some extent substitute the use of paraffin and diesel for cooking and

4. It will also reduce the time spent on collecting wood fuel and this contributes to the
reduction in drudgery. A study of this nature that promises to improve the quality of life
among rural households cannot be overlooked.

The model study was mainly focused on the improvement of the hydraulic performance
of the headworks structures and thus, it is recommended to carry out necessary structural
and stability analysis for the different components of the headworks before
implementation of the recommended modifications to the existing headworks. It is
recommended to maintain the collector channel gates’ opening as calculated based on the
model tests results starting from this monsoon season so that the unequal flow distribution
in the basins could be minimised. In order to reduce the sediment induced effects to the
turbines, plant operation measures must be implemented together with an optimized
maintenance programme for the hydraulic machinery in the power plant in addition to the
suggested design modifications of the headworks based on this study.

1.Power generation and water supply

Water conveyance circuits used to feed water supply systems of a town through a
pressure pipe, from a reservoir to a treatment plant are, normally, equipped by valve
systems (e.g. pressure reducing valves – PRV) in order to dissipate excess energy in
localised pipe sections. In fact, a turbine can substitute this dissipater system (Figure 1).
When hydropower stations are installed in drinking systems will work under pressure
conditions, imposing special regulation and control systems due to variability of water
daily demand.

2.Power generation and irrigation

General speaking there are two types of facilities: one within the irrigation canal and
another in a lateral by-pass canal (Figure 2), which feeds the penstock, in order to take the
advantage of a local significant difference topographic level created by a dam or a weir.
In several irrigation schemes there is the opportunity to introduce a small powerplant on
the canal and to convert, permanently or seasonally, the excess head into energy by the
following way: · whenever a dam imposes an excess head relatively to the downstream
delivery flow, a turbine scheme can be envisaged in order to replace, totally or partially, a
dissipation structure; · along an irrigation canal system, significant difference topographic
level can be used and a diversion scheme can be implemented out of irrigation period.

3.Power generation and flood prevention

Dams can be used to prevent floods creating reservoirs that should be emptied ahead of
the rainy season, although allocating a certain volume in the reservoir, especially for
power generation. An integrated reservoir operation management tends, nowadays, to
reduce the energy loss to a minimum, benefiting sometimes the waterpower.

4. Power generation and fisheries or tourism

Damming a river impedes fish migration and the passage between downstream to
upstream sides requiring the design of a fish passage. However the reservoir, although
small would create a special spot for recreational opportunities improving the landscape,
and breeding conditions for aqua-culture.

5.Power generation and environment protection

Most hydropower projects have dams, therefore the river habitat is often replaced by a
lake habitat. The exploitation of a small hydropower has low effect on the environment,
in particular in the water quality, comparing with others power systems. Thus, the
hydropower is considerable, in general way, as a non-polluting energy source comparing
with traditional energy production systems based on fossil fuels or radioactive

The methodology used in this study entails the following activities: reconnaissance of the
study area, data collection of both primary and secondary data and data analysis and
preliminary design of the Mini hydro system.

1 Reconnaissance Survey

The purpose of the site reconnaissance was to gain understanding of the site
characteristics, site topography, flow regimes, geology of the area, access roads to the
place and nearness of transmission line. From this observation, identification of possible
location for weirs, head canal, de-silting tank, forebay and switch yard were obtained.

2 Primary and Secondary data

Both primary and secondary data were gathered. Primary data was collected from the
field and these were hydrological data, topographical data and geological data. Secondary
data was collected on rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and wind speed from
meteorological agency and from report and document to supplement field data.

3 Stream Flow Measurement

Stream velocity was measured using the float method. Measurement was taken at a place
where the axis of the streambed is straight and has fairly constant cross sectional area. A
cork was tossed from upstream of the river of known length and the time taken to traverse
that distance was noted. This sequence was repeated several times at four different
locations from the edge of the river and average time was obtained hence average

1) Pradhan, P.M.S., P.N. Joshi and T.P. Phuyal, 2004, Report on Khudi Model Study -
July 2004. Hydro Lab.
2) Ernest Razvan, River intakes and diversion dams, Elsevier,1989
3) Guidelines for design of intakes for Hydroelectric plants, ASCE, 1995
4) Morrison Knudsen International. Inc., USA; NORCONSULT International A. S.; Norway;
IVO International Ltd., Finland ,2002; Project Completion Report, Volume V B – As Built
Civil Construction Drawings, Lot C1 – Headworks Facilities.
5) Norwegian Hydrotechnical Laboratory (NHL), SINTEF, 1995; Final Report: Model Study of
Kali Gandaki “A” Hydroelectric Project; Hydraulic Model Study, Volume I: General Studies.
6) Norwegian Hydrotechnical Laboratory (NHL), SINTEF, 1994; Final Report: Sedimentology,
Kali Gandaki “A” Hydroelectric Project.
7) Hydro Lab Pvt. Ltd., Nepal, 2012: Final Report; Physical hydraulic model model
study of Kali Gandaki “A” Hydroelectric Project.


2) www.wikipedia .com

Guide Student

(Signature of guide) (Signature of student)

Prof. R B Shankergonda Desai MahamedaliImtiyajahmed

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