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4th Grade Coding Project: Artist Picture Rubric

(Project Examples: Log on to Course E: Lesson 21: #2,3)

4 3 2 1

Algorithm Algorithm includes Algorithm includes Algorithm includes Does not use set
blocks to establish 4 blocks to establish blocks to establish color or set width.
or more colors in 2 or more colors in 2 different colors in
picture, set widths to picture, set widths picture, set widths
have 4 or more to have 3 different to have 2 different
different line widths. line widths. line widths.

Functions Creates at least 5 Creates at least 3 Creates at least 1 Does not use any
functions; nests functions; function function; function functions
functions inside other names can be made names do not apply
functions; function out but can be or make sense with
names make sense more specific the work

Loops Creates at least 2 Creates at least 2 Creates 1 loop Does not create
loops and uses 1 or loops any loops
more nested loops

Pair Students Students Students Does not work

Programming communicate well; communicate communicate well with partner-
take turns as driver & somewhat well; poorly; hardly take ignore suggestions
navigator constantly take turns as driver turns as driver & and works
& navigator navigator- one independently
occasionally person completes without trying
most of the work

Persistence Students show a great Students show Students show little Shows minimal or
deal of perseverance some perseverance; perseverance; does no effort
to work through and seek assistance not seek assistance
debug problems in from each other from classmates
their code; seek and teacher when
assistance from others needed
and the teacher when

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