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Honors World History

Northside High School

Ryan Jacobs and Alicia Goynes
School year: 2016/17
Course code:
Lea: 670 (county) 333 (school)
Table of Contents
Semester Plan………………………………………………………...….....2
Curriculum Guide……………………………………………………...…...2
Pacing Guide………...……………………………………………...……..11
Sample Unit………………………………………………………………..12
Sample Lesson Plans……………………………………………………... 21
Sample Student Work……………………………………………..............22
Semester Plan

Honors World History Curriculum Guide

The Northside curriculum guide is based on the North Carolina Essential Standards for
American II and include extensions in each unit to meet the learning needs of advanced
honors students. These honors extensions are highlighted in blue.

World History


Essential Standard
WH.H.1 Apply the four WH.H.1.1 Use Chronological thinking to:
interconnected dimensions of
historical thinking to the 1. Identify the structure of a historical
Essential Standards for narrative or story: (its beginning, middle and
World History in order to end).
understand the creation and
development of 2. Interpret data presented in time lines
societies/civilizations/nations and create time lines.
over time.

WH.H.1.2 Use Historical Comprehension to:

1. Reconstruct the literal meaning of a

historical passage.

2. Differentiate between historical facts

and historical interpretations.

3. Analyze data in historical maps.

4. Analyze visual, literary and musical

WH.H.1.3 Use Historical Analysis and Interpretation

1. Identify issues and problems in the


2. Consider multiple perspectives of

various peoples in the past.

3. Analyze cause-and-effect relationships

and multiple causations.

4. Evaluate competing historical narratives

and debates among historians.

5. Evaluate the influence of the past on

contemporary issues.

WH.H.1.4 Use Historical Research to:

1. Formulate historical questions.

2. Obtain historical data from a variety of


3. Support interpretations with historical


4. Construct analytical essays using

historical evidence to support arguments.

WH.H.2 Analyze ancient civilizations WH.H.2.1 Compare how different geographic issues of the
ancient period influenced settlement,


Clarifying Objectives
and empires in terms trading networks and the sustainability of various ancient
of their development, civilizations (e.g., flooding, Fertile Crescent, confluence,
growth and lasting limited fertile lands, etc.).
WH.H.2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient civilizations in terms
of their development, structure and function within
various societies (e.g., theocracy, democracy, oligarchy,
tyranny, aristocracy, etc.).

WH.H.2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient

societies (e.g., Hammurabi, Draco, Justinian, Theodosius,

WH.H.2.4 Analyze the rise and spread of various empires in terms of

influence, achievements and lasting impact (e.g., Mongol,
Mughal, Ottoman, Ming, Mesoamerica, Inca, imperial
states in Africa, etc.).

WH.H.2.5 Analyze the development and growth of major Eastern

and Western religions (e.g., Including but not limited to
Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam,
Judaism, Shintoism, etc.).

WH.H.2.6 Analyze the interaction between the Islamic world and

Europe and Asia in terms of increased trade, enhanced
technology innovation, and an impact on scientific thought
and the arts.

WH.H.2.7 Analyze the relationship between trade routes and the

development and decline of major empires (e.g. Ghana,
Mali, Songhai, Greece, Rome, China, Mughal, Mongol,
Mesoamerica, Inca, etc.).

WH.H.2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of

social classes, castes, and slaves in ancient societies and
analyze changes in those elements.


Clarifying Objectives
WH.H.2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in
terms of their enduring cultural impact.

WH.H.3 Understand how WH.H.3.1 Explain how religion influenced political power and
conflict and cultural unity in various regions of Europe, Asia and
innovation Africa (e.g., Carolingian Dynasty, Holy Roman
influenced political, Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Safavid
religious, economic Empire).
and social changes
in medieval
civilizations. WH.H.3.2 Explain how religious and secular struggles for
authority impacted the structure of government and
society in Europe, Asia, and Africa (e.g., Cluniac
Reforms, common law, Magna Carta, conflicts
between popes and emperors, Crusades, religious
schisms, Hundred Years’ War, etc.).

WH.H.3.3 Analyze how innovations in agriculture, trade and

business impacted the economic and social
development of various medieval societies (e.g.,
Feudalism, Agricultural Revolutions, Commercial
Revolution and development of a banking system,
manorial system, growth of towns, etc.).

WH.H.3.4 Analyze how the desire for farmable land created

conflict and impacted the physical environments of
Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (e.g.,
Agricultural Revolution in Europe, Muslim
Agricultural Revolution, Mesoamerican and Andean
agricultural innovations, etc.).

WH.H.4 Analyze the WH.H.4.1 Explain how interest in classical learning and religious
political, economic, reform contributed to increased global interaction (e.g.,
social and cultural Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Catholic
factors that lead to Reformation, printing revolution, etc.).
the development of
the first age of
global interaction. WH.H.4.2 Explain the political, social and economic reasons for
the rise of powerful centralized nation-states and
empires (e.g., Reformation, absolutism, limited
monarchy, empires, etc.).

Clarifying Objectives
WH.H.4.3 Explain how agricultural and technological
improvements transformed daily life socially and
economically (e.g., growth of towns, creation of guilds,
feudalism and the manorial system, commercialization,

WH.H.4.4 Analyze the effects of increased global trade on the

interactions between nations in Europe, Southwest Asia,
the Americas and Africa (e.g., exploration,
mercantilism, inflation, rise of capitalism, etc.).

WH.H.5 Analyze exploration WH.H.5.1 Explain how and why the motivations for exploration
and expansion in and conquest resulted in increased global interactions,
terms of its differing patterns of trade, colonization, and conflict
motivations and among nations (e.g., religious and political motives,
impact. adventure, economic investment, Columbian exchange,
commercial revolution, conquistador destruction of
Aztec and Incan civilizations, Triangular Trade, Middle
Passage, trading outposts, plantation colonies, rise of
capitalism, etc.).

WH.H.5.2 Explain the causes and effects of exploration and

expansion (e.g., technological innovations and
advances, forces that allowed the acquisition of colonial
possessions and trading privileges in Africa, Asia, the
Americas and the Colombian exchange).

WH.H.5.3 Analyze colonization in terms of the desire for access to

resources and markets as well as the consequences on
indigenous cultures, population, and environment (e.g.,
commercial revolution, Columbian exchange, religious
conversion, spread of Christianity, spread of disease,
spread of technology, conquistadors, slave trade,
encomienda system, enslavement of indigenous people,
mixing of populations, etc.).

WH.H.5.4 Analyze the role of investment in global exploration in

terms of its implications for international trade (e.g.,
transatlantic trade, mercantilism, joint-stock companies,
trading companies, government and monarchial
funding, corporations, creation of capital markets,

Clarifying Objectives
WH.H.6 Understand the Age WH.H.6.1 Explain how new ideas and theories of the universe
of altered political thought and affected economic and
social conditions (e.g., Scientific Revolution,
Revolutions and Enlightenment, rationalism, secularism, humanism,
Rebellions. tolerance, empiricism, natural rights, contractual
government, laissez-faire economics, Bacon, Descartes,
Galileo, Newton, inductive and deductive reasoning,
heliocentric, inquisition, woks of Locke, Montesquieu,
Rousseau, Bolivar, Jefferson, Paine, Adam Smith,

WH.H.6.2 Analyze political revolutions in terms of their causes

and impact on independence, governing bodies and
church-state relations. (e.g., Glorious Revolution,
American Revolution, French Revolution, Russian
Revolution, Haitian, Mexican, Chinese, etc.).

WH.H.6.3 Explain how physical geography and natural resources

influenced industrialism and changes in the
environment (e.g., agricultural revolutions,
technological innovations in farming, land use,
deforestation, industrial towns, pollution, etc.).

WH.H.6.4 Analyze the effects of industrialism and urbanization on

social and economic reform

(e.g., Industrial Revolution, urbanization, growth of

middle class, increase in productivity and wealth,
changes in economic status, new types of labor
organizations, etc.).

WH.H.7 Understand how WH.H.7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the modern era in terms
national, regional, of their lasting impact (e.g., conflicts, documents,
and ethnic interests policies, movements, etc.).
have contributed to
conflict among
groups and nations WH.H.7.2 Analyze the increase in economic and military
in the modern era. competition among nations in terms of the influences of
nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and
industrialization (e.g., Ottoman Empire, Japanese
Empire, Prussian Empire, the German Empire, “Haves
and Have Nots” of Europe, industrial America, etc.).


Clarifying Objectives
WH.H.7.3 Analyze economic and political rivalries, ethnic and
regional conflicts, and nationalism and imperialism as
underlying causes of war (e.g., WWI, Russian
Revolution, WWII).

WH.H.7.4 Explain how social and economic conditions of

colonial rule contributed to the rise of nationalistic
movements (e.g., India, Africa, Southeast Asia).

WH.H.7.5 Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a

dominant economic pattern and the responses to it
from various nations and groups (e.g., utopianism,
social democracy, socialism, communism, etc.).

WH.H.7.6 Explain how economic crisis contributed to the

growth of various political and economic movements
(e.g., Great Depression, nationalistic movements of
colonial Africa and Asia, socialist and communist
movements, effect on capitalist economic theory,

WH.H.8 Analyze global WH.H.8.1 Evaluate global wars in terms of how they challenged
interdependence and political and economic power structures and gave rise
shifts in power in to new balances of power (e.g., Spanish American
terms of political, War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Colonial Wars in
economic, social and Africa, Persian Gulf War, etc.).
environmental WH.H.8.2 Explain how international crisis has impacted
changes and international politics (e.g., Berlin Blockade, Korean
War, Hungarian Revolt, Cuban Missile Crisis, OPEC
conflicts since the last oil crisis, Iranian Revolt, “9-11”, terrorism, etc.).
half of the twentieth
WH.H.8.3 Analyze the “new” balance of power and the search
for peace and stability in terms of how each has
influenced global interactions since the last half of the
twentieth century (e.g., post WWII, Post Cold War,
1990s Globalization, New World Order, global
achievements and innovations).


Clarifying Objectives
WH.H.8.4 Analyze scientific, technological and medical
innovations of postwar decades in terms of their
impact on systems of production, global trade and
standards of living (e.g., satellites, computers, social
networks, information highway).

WH.H.8.5 Explain how population growth, urbanization,

industrialization, warfare and the global market
economy have contributed to changes in the
environment (e.g., deforestation, pollution, clear
cutting, Ozone depletion, climate change, global
warming, industrial emissions and fuel combustion,
habitat destruction, etc.).

WH.H.8.6 Explain how liberal democracy, private enterprise and

human rights movements have reshaped political,
economic and social life in Africa, Asia, Latin
America, Europe, the Soviet Union and the United
States (e.g., U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, end
of Cold War, apartheid, perestroika, glasnost, etc.).
WH.H.8.7 Explain why terrorist groups and movements have
proliferated and the extent of their impact on politics
and society in various countries (e.g., Basque, PLO,
IRA, Tamil Tigers, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah,
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, etc.).
Honors World History Pacing Guide
Honors World History Sample Unit

Unit Title: Ancient Rome

Big Idea/Conceptual Lens Focus of Study

Emerging Cultures Understand the development and lasting

impact of ancient civilizations, religions, early
trade routes, and various empires.

Standards & Clarifying Enduring Understandings (Honors

Objectives(Extensions need to be Highlighted) Highlighted)
The extensions must be connected to an • A system of writing, art, government,
AP/IB standard or other source (not an citiies, religion, and a social structure
activity or task) must be present to form a developed
WH.H.1 Apply the four interconnected civilization.
dimensions of historical thinking to the Essential • Early civilizations began developing their
Standards for World History in order to own systems of government and law in
understand the creation and development of order to provide structure and protection
societies/civilizations/nations over time. for its people, impacting different
1.1 – Use chronological thinking to: Identify the governments of today.
structure of a historical narrative or story: (its • Religion has impacted how cultures and
beginning, middle and end)
civilizations are developed and governed,
Interpret data presented in timelines and create
as well as guiding to political and social
changes throughout world history.
1.2 - Use historical comprehension to:
Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical • The practices of the Ancient Greeks and
passage. Romans had a major influence on
Differentiate between historical facts and military, economics, religion, politics,
historical interpretations. etc. of modern societies.
Analyze data in historical maps.
Analyze visual, literary and musical sources.
1.3 – Use historical analysis and interpretation to:
Identify issues and problems of the past.
Consider multiple perspectives of various peoples
of the past.
Analyze cause-and-effect relationships and
multiple causation.
Evaluate competing historical narratives and
debates among historians.
Evaluate the influence of the past on
contemporary issues.
1.4 – Use historical research to: Formulate
historical questions.
Obtain historical data from a variety of sources.
Support interpretations with historical evidence.
Construct analytical essays using historical
evidence to support arguments.
Themes, Tools, and Practices – The learner will
identify, evaluate and use the methods and tools
valued by historians, compare the views of
historians, and trace the themes of global history.
Objectives 1.01 Define history and the concepts
of cause and effect, time, change and continuity,
and perspective across the global historical
periods covered in this course. 1.02 Analyze and
interpret primary and secondary sources to
compare views, trace themes, and to detect point
of view. 1.03 Trace the patterns and the impacts
of interaction among major societies: trade, war,
diplomacy, and international organizations. 1.04
Assess the impact of technology and demography
on people and the environment including, but not
limited to, population growth and decline,
disease, manufacturing, migrations, agriculture,
and/or weaponry. 1.05 Compare major features of
social and gender structure within and among
societies assessing change in those systems. 1.06
Identify cultural and intellectual developments
and interactions among and within societies. 1.07
Trace changes in functions and structures of
states and in attitudes toward states and political
WH.H.2 Analyze ancient civilizations and
empires in terms of their development, growth
and lasting impact.
2.1 Compare how different geographic issues of
the ancient period influenced settlement, trading
networks and the sustainability of various ancient
civilizations (e.g., flooding, Fertile Crescent,
confluence, limited fertile lands, etc.).
2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient
civilizations in terms of their development,
structure and function within various societies
(e.g., theocracy, democracy, oligarchy, tyranny,
aristocracy, etc.).
2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of
ancient societies (e.g., Hammurabi, Draco,
Justinian, Theodosius, etc.).
2.4 Analyze the rise and spread of various
empires in the terms of influence, achievements
and lasting impact (e.g., Mongol, Mughal,
Ottoman, Ming, Mesoamerica, Inca, imperial
states in Africa, etc.).
2.5 Analyze the development and growth of
major Eastern and Western religions (e.g.,
Including but not limited to Buddhism,
Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam,
Judaism, Shintoism, etc.).
2.6 Analyze the interaction between the Islamic
world and Europe and Asia in terms of increased
trade, enhanced technology innovation, and an
impact on scientific thought and the arts.
2.7 Analyze the relationship between trade routes
and the development and decline of major
empires (e.g., Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Greece,
Rome, China, Mughal, Mongol, Mesoamerica,
Inca, etc.).
2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition,
and status of social classes, caste, and slaves in
ancient societies and analyze changes in those
2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient
civilizations in terms of their enduring cultural
Civilizations – The learner will analyze the
development of early civilizations in Africa,
Asia, Europe, and the Americas, c. 8000 BCE to
600 CE.
2.01 Examine the indicators of civilization,
including writing, labor specialization, cities,
technology, trade, and political and cultural
institutions in early civilizations.
2.04 Describe the developments and
achievements of Roman civilization in the arts,
sciences, and technology, and analyze the
significance of the fall of Rome
2.07 Describe the rise and achievements in the
arts, sciences, and technology of the Byzantine
Monarchies and Empires – The learner will
investigate significant events, people, and
conditions in the growth of monarchical and
imperial systems, 600 CE – 1450 CE.
3.01 Trace the political and social development
of monarchies and empires including, but not
limited to, the Ming and Manchu dynasties, the
Moghul Empire, the Mongol Empire, and the
Ottoman Empire. 3.02 Describe events in
Western Europe from the fall of Rome to the
emergence of nation-states and analyze the
impact of these events on economic, political,
and social life in medieval Europe.
Overarching AP World Standards
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: Historical Themes,
Tools, and Practices – The learner will identify,
evaluate and use the methods and tools valued by
historians, compare the views of historians, and
trace the themes of global history.
Civilizations – The learner will analyze the
development of early civilizations in Africa,
Asia, Europe, and the Americas, c. 8000 BCE to
600 CE.
COMPETENCY GOAL 3: Emerging Monarchies
and Empires – The learner will investigate
significant events, people, and conditions in the
growth of monarchical and imperial systems, 600
CE – 1450 CE.
COMPETENCY GOAL 4: Global Interactions –
The learner will investigate the causes and effects
of global exploration and development of the
resulting global interactions, 1450 – 1750.
COMPETENCY GOAL 5: Revolution and
Nationalism – The learner will assess the causes
and effects of movements seeking change, and
will evaluate the sources and consequences of
nationalism, mid 1450 – mid 1850.
COMPETENCY GOAL 6: Global Conflicts –
The learner will analyze the causes and results of
nineteenth and twentieth century conflicts among
nations, 1815 – 1945.
COMPETENCY GOAL 7: New World Order –
The learner will trace the changes in the global
world order as a result 20th century conflicts.
Essential Concepts and Critical Content( Processes, Strategies and Skills(Honors
Honors Highlighted) Highlighted)
• Chronological thinking is the foundation Students will be able to process, utilize, and
of historical reasoning – the ability to expand on:
examine relationships among historical
events and to explain historical causality. • Deconstruct the temporal structure (its
• Historical passages are primary sources beginning, middle, and end) of various
that provide first-hand testimony or direct types of historical narratives or stories.
evidence concerning a topic under Thus, students will be able to think
investigation forward from the beginning of an event,
• Historical narratives are researched stories problem, or issue through its
or accounts that describe or interpret development, and anticipate some
historical events. outcome; or to work backward from
• Comprehending a historical passage some issue, problem, or event in order to
requires that it be read to reveal the
humanity of the individuals and groups explain its origins or development over
who lived in the past. What, for example, time
were their motives and intentions, their • Interpret data presented in time lines in
values and ideas, their hopes, doubts, order to identify patters of historical
fears, strengths, and weaknesses? succession (change) and historical
• Comprehending a historical passage or duration (continuity).
narrative requires the appreciation for and • Create time lines to record events
development of historical perspective – according to the temporal order in which
judging the past in consideration of the they occurred and to reconstruct patters
historical context in which the events of historical succession and duration.
unfolded and not solely in terms of • Reconstruct the literal meaning of a
personal and/or contemporary norms and historical passage by identifying who
values. How then did the social, political, was involved, what happened, where It
cultural, or economic world of certain happened, what events led to these
individuals and groups possibly influence developments, and what consequences or
their motives and intentions, their values outcomes followed.
and ideas, their hopes, doubts, fears, • Differentiate between historical facts and
strengths, and weaknesses? historical interpretations but
acknowledge that the two are related; that
• The past inevitably has a degree of the facts the historian reports are selected
relevance to one’s own times. and reflect there the historian’s
• Historical inquiry, the research or judgement of what is more significant
investigation of past events, often begins about the past.
with a historical question. Historical • Analyze historical data and sources
questions typically address “how” and/or beyond written passages or narratives in
“why” past decisions were made, past order to clarify, illustrate or elaborate on
actions were taken, or past events data presented in historical passages or
narratives. This data includes historical
• Historical inquiry, the research or maps.
investigation of past events requires the
• Analyze historical data and sources
acquisition and analysis of historical data
and documents beyond the classroom beyond written passages or narratives in
textbook. order to clarify, illustrate or elaborate on
• Historical inquiry, will allow them to data presented in historical passages or
analyze preexisting interpretations, to narratives. This data includes, but is not
raise new questions about an historical limited to, visual, mathematical, and
event, to investigate the perspectives of quantitative data presented in a a variety
those whose voices do not appear in the of graphic organizers, photographs,
textbook accounts, or to investigate an political cartoons, paintings, music and
issue that the textbook largely or in part architecture.
bypassed. • Identify issues and problems in the past
• Topography, climate and natural and analyze the interests, values,
resources of a region influence the perspectives, and points of view of those
culture, economy and life-style of its involved in the situation. Consequently,
inhabitants the student will be able to use criteria to
judge the past in consideration of the
• Location affects a society’s economic
historical context in which the events
unfolded and not solely in terms of
• Geographic issues can lead to the
migration of people and result in the
spread and adaptation of ideas, customs personal and/or contemporary norms and
and technologies from one group of values.
people to another. • Consider multiples perspectives of
• Human response to the physical various peoples in the past by
environment comes with consequences demonstrating their differing motives,
for both the environment and human beliefs, interests, hopes, and fears.
interdependence. • Analyze past events in terms of cause
• As a society increases in complexity and and effect relationships. The student will
interacts with other societies, the be able to consider multiple causes of
complexity of government increases. past events by demonstrating the
• Distribution of power in government is importance of the individual in history;
often the result of how it is organized the influence of ideas, human interest,
combined with contemporary values and and beliefs; and the role of chance, the
beliefs. accidental and the irrational.
• Culture and society shape and change • Use specific criteria to judge the
how a government is organized and relevance of the past to contemporary
carries out responsibilities. events and their own lives through a
• Written codes of law establish legal rules variety of classroom settings such as
and regulations that govern a society as debates, simulations, and seminars.
well as informs those in the society of • Formulate historical questions by
acceptable and unacceptable behavior. deconstructing a variety of sources, such
• Unifying laws into a written “code” can as historical narratives and passages,
be a unifying factor for a society while including eyewitness accounts, letters,
reflecting also duties and obligations of diaries, artifacts, photos, historical sites,
those in the society. art, architecture, and other records from
• Both effective distribution of power in the past.
government and order within a society • Collect historical data from a variety of
can result from the creation of a written sources, to help answer historical
code of laws. questions. These sources include library
• As cultural exchange and diffusion and museum collections, historic sites,
dramatically increase religions, historical photos, journals, diaries,
achievements and traditions emerge that eyewitness accounts, newspapers, and the
endure and come to represent cultural like; documentary films, oral testimony
legacies. from living witnesses, censuses, tax
• Conquest and invasion affect the spread records, city directories, statistical
of culture and ideas as well as the status compilations, and economic indicators.
of economic and political power. • Interpret historical data, construct
• The achievements of a society often reasoned arguments and draw
contribute to its economic and political conclusions using historical evidence
expansion as well as its cultural influence collected from a variety of sources.
on those outside the society. • Create analytical essays that demonstrate
• The ways in which ancient empires historical interpretations, analysis,
expanded and controlled their lands and conclusions, and supporting evidence
the people within those lands helped from a variety of sources.
spread their political, military, economic, • Evaluate why a system of writing, art,
and cultural influence across continents government, cities, religion, and a social
and established legacies that were long structure must be present in a
lasting. civilization.
• Connections between and among empires • Identify the similarities and differences
may not only lead to geopolitical of the major world religions, and how
expansion or decline but also to the rise they have impacted the development of
and spread of religious practices. world cultures and civilizations.
• Toleration of religious practices and • Analyze the relationship between trade
beliefs often encourages the growth of routes and the development and decline
religion within an empire and may help of major empires.
guarantee its success or lead to conflict
and eventual decline.
• Interaction among and between nations
increase economic, technological and
cultural achievements.
• Movement and interaction of people and
ideas affects all societies involved.
• Increased contact between varying
religious thoughts allows for a greater
exchange of ideas.
• Advances in technology prompts
increased trade and opportunities for
• Territorial conflicts lead to the rise and
fall of empires.
• The movement of people, goods and ideas
bring about the rise and spread of new
belief systems that may unify societies –
but they may also facilitate major sources
of tension and conflict.
• Commercial and agricultural
improvements create new wealth and
opportunities for empires.
• Trade routes increase cultural diffusion
politically, socially, and economically.
• Religion and economics shapes an
empire’s social hierarchy and as a result
the lives of various groups of people.
• Slavery changes as contact among
cultures increases and societies become
more sophisticated.
• The hierarchal structure of society
influences the development of
• Social class and caste systems
compartmentalize and limit diversity
within society.

Essential Questions (Honors Highlighted) Resources/Materials (Honors

• Why did early civilizations develop? Highlighted)
• World History pre-test
• How did global civilizations organize and • Rome pre-test
grow? • Power point (s): Ancient Rome
• How and why do civilizations change • Fall of Rome activity
over time? • Socratic seminar on the Roman Republic
• What aspects of civilizations are common (discussion based off of Standard History
across time and location? Education Group’s lesson for the Roman
• How would you summarize the different Republic).
geographic issues of the ancient period • Study Island differentiated practice
influences on settlement, trade, and • Study Island (Independent research)
sustainability of various ancient • Webquest: Rome
civilizations? • Edmentum/Plato – Ancient Rome and
• How would you describe the impacts of Major World Religions
development, structure, and function of • DBQ: Greece and Rome
governments within various societies • Differentiated choice board
from the different ancient civilizations • Quickwrites
had on different historical societies of the
• Self-reflection
past and present?
• Peer reviews
• How would you define the influences,
• Learning logs
achievements, and lasting impacts that
• Rubrics
came from the rise and spread of various
empires? • Quiz/test/answer key (post assessment)
standard version and honors.
• In a given ancient society: Describe social
organization, education, and the role of
women. Explain the reasons for the forms
of organization, the purpose of education
and what determines the role of women.
• How do the major religions
compare/contrast, in regards to their
growth, development, and beliefs?
• How would you evaluate the
achievements of ancient civilizations in
terms of their lasting cultural impact?

Formative, Interim and Summative Assessments(Honors Highlighted)

• World history pre-test via study island (FA)
• Rome pre-test (FA)
• Fall of Rome activity with peer review (SA)
• Socratic Seminar reflection – self and peer (SA)
- Socratic seminar preparation (annotations, etc) (FA)
• Study Island differentiated practice (FA)
• Study Island independent research project a.k.a. PBL (FA)
• Webquest Rome (FA)
• Edmentum/Plato – Ancient Rome and Major World Religions (FA)
• DBQ: Greece and Rome (FA)
• Differentiated choice board (FA)
• Quickwrites (SA)
• Self-reflections (SA)
• Peer reviews (SA)
• Learning logs (SA)
• Cornell Note check(s) (FA)
• Class discussions and participation (SA)
• Quiz/test standard and honors (FA)

What is the acceleration plan for this unit?

Possible items to use as part of your plan : pre-assessing instruments, compacting forms,
instructional strategies, reading lists, or other artifacts which provide evidence of this standard.

Acceleration will be on a case-by-case basis. Students who performed well (meeting proficiency of
70% or greater) on the world history pre-test (in the respective areas) and the Rome pre-test will be
exempted from standard level work that will prepare them for the honors work in this unit. Said
student is exempted from the note check, differentiated Study Island practice, and Edmentum/Plato
modules; allowing the student(s) to progress to the fall of Rome activity, Socratic seminar resources,
webquest, DBQ, and differentiated choice board.

Other students, who did not meet proficiency in the respective area(s) on the world history pretest
and Rome pre-test will complete the standard level work before moving on to the honors level
Lesson Plans
Choice Board: Rome
Student Samples PBL: Independent Project and Research
Problem Solving, Peer Collaboration, etc.: Can you Save the Roman Republic?
Pretest: Rome
Peer Reviews: DBQ Essay
DBQ: Packet, questions, document analysis
Document Analysis: Student DBQ
Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Have you ever thought of where we get some of our traditions and beliefs? We can thank some

of our ancient civilizations for what we have. Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece have contributed the

most to our beliefs. These following paragraphs will show the importance that Ancient Greece and

Rome have given us.

The first discussion in my article is based on the Government section where the specifications

of the government in Rome are described in different articles. Document one describes that if a man

does not vote for the government, he has no business in the government at all. It means that if you don’t

have a say in how we can improve our economy, you shouldn’t be helping at all. Pericles, the man who

made this quote, believes that everyone in the democracy should have a part in what the government

does. Document six also talks about the rights that we have as a democracy. It explains that we have the

right to be our own attorney if we want. We have our own rights and the government cannot take those

rights away. Every one blamed for a crime is innocent until proven guilty. This is to ensure that the

government doesn’t have too much power.

The second discussion is primarily based on Culture. Document 2, 8, and 5 are in this category.

Document 2 is about how the cultures of Modern day sports and old sports. It describes how they

differ and how they compare. The differences that they have is that in Ancient Rome, they would only

allow men to participate in the sports. Modern day Olympics don’t have gender limits. One thing they

have in common is that they would do this sport to show how much they have trained. Document 8

talks about how gladiators had nothing to protect themselves but their postponement of death. That was

their only armor. They would fight for their right to live. This doesn’t really compare to today’s life

style because we have protection. Document 5 describes the right we have as people in a democracy to
elect people to represent us. They would have people represent their beliefs and their thoughts as

citizens of the democracy. This relates to today because we elect people to share our ideas and defend


The third discussion is about the math and science area. Document 10, 7, and 4 are in

this category. Document 10 describes how the abacus has shaped our history of the calculator for

modern times. The Romans used abacuses to count to high numbers and keep track of where they have

been. This has revolutionized the history of the calculator. Document 7 talks about the fields of science

that the Romans have developed. They have developed science of the body, universe, and the way

physics work. These have contributed to modern day times by making research possible for humans.

Document 4 describes the laws that the doctors and physicians have to follow. First, they must keep

their patient’s problems secretive. Then, they need to respect the patient’s problems and act mature.

The fourth discussion talks about the agricultural side of Rome. Document 9 talks about

the ways that they would save and use water for the summer because monsoon season is in the winter.

They would use manure from their animals to replace the nitrogen in the soil. Document 3 talks about

the architecture of Ancient Rome. It speaks about how the romans used their structures to make sturdy

but elegant designs. The Doric column was sturdy and simple. The Ionic columns were elegant but

sturdy. The Corinthian column was made to be elegant but not very sturdy. These revolutionized how

architecture was changed in Rome.

These documents show how the agricultural, scientific, mathematical, and cultural fields

have changed in the history of the world. They make the foundations of life easier and more efficient.

They help us live our lives easily. The romans have helped us in many more ways than some can count.

They helped us learn, teach, and act. What revolutions will be made in the near future?
Independent Research: Webquest Rome
Ancient Rome Webquest

What have the Romans done for us???? Apart from the sanitation,
the medicine, education, public order, irrigation, roads, fresh water
system, civil law codes, republican form of government, what have the
Romans done for us? The legacy of the Roman Empire is extremely
important. Over the centuries since the collapse of the Roman Empire,
Roman ideas, literature, art and architecture have influenced many
people around the world. Please complete the following webquest to
gain an Roman Webquest……
understanding of the importance of the Roman Empire and its

Task #1: The Roman Gladiator

The ancient Romans are often seen as bringing civilization to
the western world, but they regarded the slaying of gladiators as a
normal form of entertainment.
1. List four reasons why you wouldn’t want to be a Roman
prisoner. What would be your fate?

1. Being a prisoner almost doubles my rate of dying.

2. I am not as free as I used to be.
3. I would be treated horribly.
4. I would most likely be tortured.

2. Describe how you were bought and sold. Include information on

the sick. I was bought by a wealthy Roman from a slave dealer, while
people who have a disease or have something wrong with them will
carry a sign according so.

3. List three things that happen if a slave’s owner sends him to

a ludus gladitorius.
1. He will send you to a trainer.


2. You will exercise to build up your body strength.


3. Then you will be fighting with a fake sword until you are

trusted with a real one.


4. Name 5 types of gladiators and what were there functions,

Type Function
1. Dimachaerius Barely wore any armor and wielded dual

2. Samurite Wears a visored helmet with a crest carrying

a sword with a large shield.

3. Essedarius Rides/drives a horse drawn chariot.

4. Andabatus Wears a helmet with no eye holes then

charges blindly on horseback towards his

5. Retarius Wears armor on left arm and shoulder and

equipped with a net to snare his opponent.
5. What other types of entertainment for
the crowd took place before the actual
fight took place?
The types of entertainment that took
place for the crowd before the fight was
that musicians played and they also


6. What could a Gladiator do to prevent his death?

A fallen gladiator can appeal to the emperor by raising one
finger on his left hand. The emperor will ask the crowd what

7. Explain the following:

a. Finished off
Dying gladiators are killed by a man dressed as the
mythical character Charon.________

b. Dragged away
Men drag away the bodies of the dead and dump them in
c. Cleaners
Boys rake the sand over to remove all signs of

d. Describe the Coliseum of Rome. Include when and why it was

built, and what it was used for other than gladiatorial
The Coliseum was the first free-standing structure that
is just made out of granite and concrete. It was built for
the entertainment of the Romans and besides it being used for
gladiatorial combat it was used to pit animals against each
other and with humans. Then it is also used to execute
prisoners by just throwing them into the coliseum without any

e. How were people seated in the Coliseum?

They were seated by social ranking or status.

f. How did spectators sometimes become part of the show?

Spectators were sometimes part of the show by just
volunteering for matches for glory, the emperor sometimes
orders guards to throw people in the coliseum for just
angering him during the match or he just didn’t like them and
through them in there.

Task 2: Project Runway: Roman Fashion

List three facts about Roman fashion
M • Men wore tunics that were generally shorter than
women’s tunics.
• Social status depended on the type of color of the
• Then the toga, this was basically one piece of
cloth that shrouded the body of the wearer except
for the head and one arm.
W • The most basic women clothing was a Stola which is
a tunic long enough to touch the ground.
• They also wore a cloak called a ricinium
Even sometimes the material that the clothing was
made of showed the type of social status they

C • Children that were not part of rich family mainly

wore a belted tunic
• Children also wore an amulet called a bulla until
the boy reaches manhood or until the girl gets
• Children also wore cloaks

Describe the Bulla and its purpose.

The bulla was made to indicate the transformation from a
boy to a man and for the girls it was used or worn until

Task #3: Roman Religion: Complete the following chart

with names of both Greek and Roman gods.
Roman name Characteristics Greek name
Jupiter King of all the Zeus
gods; hurled
Juno Queen of the Hera
gods and protector
of marriage
Neptune God for the Poseidon
Neptune sea; Zeus’ bro
Pluto God of the Hades
world of the dead
Goddess of Athena
Minerva wisdom and patron
of Athens

The sharing of the same gods is and example of

cultural_______________ diffusion___________________ or the
spread of culture and ideas.

Imported Gods Who were three “imported” gods to Rome?

1. Isis_________________ 2.Pan_________________ 3.

Which emperor converted the Roman Empire to
Christianity? The emperor Constantine the Great

When? 312 AD _______________.


1. Name several lands that were part of the Roman

Empire in 12 C.E.
Several lands are Hispania, Gaul, Illyricum, Numidia,
Libya, and Sardinia.

2. What additional lands did the Romans gain control

of by 150 C.E.
The additional lands are Noricum, Dacia, parts of
Mesopotamia, and Mauretania.

3. (a) How did the size of the Roman Empire change

between 150 C.E. and 500 C.E.?
The size decreased almost by half from Illyricum to the

(b) What do you think caused the size of the Roman

Empire to change?
It could be the retaliation of the Roman people or the rise
of a greater force taking over.

4. Which modern day countries did the Roman Empire

comprise of? Provide five specific examples.
Italy, England, Portugal, Spain and France

5. Why did the Roman army need a more advanced Road

The Romans needed a more advance road system for their army
so that they can move more efficiently.
6. Use Source C for reference. Discuss how Roman roads
were built.
First they dug a trench then they laid a layer of big
stones, second broken stones, pebbles, cement and sand were
added to make a firm base, Third paved stones were used to
form the surface of the road while being cut evenly to fit in
tight which the other stones.

7. Use Source D for reference. Why were Roman roads safe

to travel large distances?
Trees and brush were cut 100 meters back to prevent
ambush, small stones formed a hard surface, curved to make
water runoff, and a large formation of stone to provide

8. Based on this map, why was important for the Roman Empire
to build a vast network of roads?
It is important to connect all cities to a main city it
made traveling for everyone so much easier and unwanted
attackers or enemies of Rome will not know how to navigate the

The Twelve Tables of Roman Law

The Twelve Tables were collectively a piece
of legislation written by ten consuls as a basis
of law for the young Roman Republic. The
important basic principle of a written legal
code for Roman law was established, and justice
was no longer based solely on the interpretation
of judges. These laws formed an important part
of the foundation of all subsequent Western
civil and criminal law.

Answer the following questions on the Twelve Tables by clicking

on the link provided.

1. By about the 6th century B.C., what were the two basic
social classes in the Roman Republic?

▪ Patricians___________________________________

▪ Plebeians__________________________________

2. Which social class had the power to make the laws?


3. Read the Laws of the Twelve Tables

Which laws 3 laws are still applicable for today’s society?

One of the laws could in include Table Law III which is sort of the same
as not paying mortgage on your house for certain amount of time then it is
taken by the bank as compensation, but instead of being put in fetters which
are chains and shackles around the ankles or wrist for a certain amount of
time you are sent to court.
Second the Table Law X explains that a body shall not be buried or burned
in a city, this could be applicable to today’s society by that you cannot
burn anything in city limits any less burn a body and supposedly you
shouldn’t bury a body in a city but a cemetery.
Third the Table Law XII explains that a slave who has committed theft or
hurt his master’s knowledge in any way shall be the action of damaging the
slaves name and whatever crime they have committed should be held as binding
by the law. This could be applicable to today’s society by saying that a
person who has committed a crime should have that crime ruin his record, and
needs to abide by the laws given to everyone.

Roman Architecture
The Architecture of Ancient Rome borrowed much of its style and
technique from classical Greek architecture. The blending of Greek,
as well as other architectural styles worked to create
a new architectural Roman style. Roman and Greek architecture
is often referred to as classical architecture.

Answer the following using the link provided.

1. From whom did the Romans learn most of their architectural techniques?
The Etruscans ______________________________

2. What materials did the Romans use to build their structures? They
used cement and concrete._______________________________________

The Pantheon

3. What was the Pantheon used for?

It was used to honor all the gods and pray.

4. Describe the architectural style of the Pantheon:

It was built like a Greek temple, has columns, and has a very
impressively built dome on the inside and can be seen from the outside.

The Aqueducts

5. What were the Roman aqueducts used for?

Aqueducts were used to bring fresh water to the citizens of Rome.

6. What were some challenges engineers faced in designing aqueducts?

The challenges were that of building the aqueduct so that it would
evenly distribute water throughout the aqueducts without stagnating
the water also.
Webquest: Roman Emperors
Directions: Use the link below to research the most
important Roman Emperors. For each of the emperors listed
below, discuss their positive and/or negative impact on the
Roman Empire. The chart should be completed in note form.


Emperor Positive/Negative Impact on Roman

Julius Caesar 1. He gained Rome many territories.

2. He turned Rome into a dictatorship.

Augustus 1. He made a new constitution with the


2. Brought new technological advances

to Rome.

Nero 1. He did not care for the empire and

used the Great Fire in Rome or used the
aftermath as an area to build a new palace.

2. He blamed the fires on the

Christians and killing them which probably
brought religious bias opinions against the

Trajan 1. The Roman empire reached its

largest extent.

2. He was more generous than the rest

of the emperors before him for thinking
about the lower people below the noble
Constantine 1. He united the Roman empire from
defeating the other Roman epmerors.

2. He made Christianity into a greater


Justinian 1. He recaptured the City of Rome.

2. He is known to have collected the

many roman code of laws and unified them
which is known as the “Justinian Code”.
Study Island
Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Ancient Rome

Essential Question: How would you evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in terms of their
lasting cultural impact?

Questions: what is the Roman Notes: Italy

Republic? • The roman empire was one of the world's largest empires
• Etruscans moved into Latium from the north and took much of
central Italy
• Etruscans had a monarchy until the romans overthrew the
What is the government of Rome? king
• This is seen as the beginning of the Roman nation

• Republic- citizens elect representatives to govern

• Patricians- wealthy landowners who decided who would
govern Rome
• Plebeians- small landowners, farmers, merchants who had
What is The Roman Army on the little say in government affairs
March? • Consuls- 2 people that issued laws and orders (they could also
veto each other's decisions)
• Senate- seeing laws and orders of the consuls were carried out
• Council of Plebs- Plebeians gained the right to hold public

- Rome begins to govern all of Italy

Three Punic Wars

• Rome vs. Carthage (Africa)
• Carthage set up colonies in Spain and near the Italian
peninsula which threatened Rome

First Punic war

• 23 years long and Rome won

Second Punic war

What was The Rise of the Empire: The • Hannibal- Military leader
First Triumvirate? • Father military leader in first Punic war
• Rome allowed Carthage to remain intact- MISTAKE

Third Punic war

• War broke out again
What was The Second Triumvirate? • Rome was declared the winner
• Carthage was burned and destroyed
• Citizens were sold into slavery
Politics and society

The first Triumvirate

• Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
• Took control of armies in different regions

What was Expansion and Peace? Caesar returned home

• Enlarged the senate to 900 members
• Group of senators betrayed him and killed him
What was Roman Society and
Culture? Octavian (nephew of Julius Caesar), Mark Antony, Lepidus
• Octavian and Antony split the Roman Territory in two regions
• Octavian defeated Antony and took over the entire empire


• Caesar Augustus
• Title of emperor was to be hereditary
• Took power away from the senate

Contributions of the Roman Empire

Law of Nations
• People are innocent until proved guilty
• People may defend themselves before a judge
• Judges put together law books for all judges to use

• Upper class boys and girls were taught to read and write
• A girls education ended when she got married

• Captives of war became slaves
• Gladiators- slaves were trained to fight each other to the death
while romans cheered
• Borrowed a lot of architecture and literature from the Greeks

The Fail of the Roman Empire

1. Economic causes
• New provinces had to be governed which meant new officials
who wanted to be paid
• Impose high taxes on the public

• Plague, wars, and invasion contributed to less people= less tax

Helping the poor

• Government gave out food and entertainment
• High taxes so government could pay for the "help"

2. Social Causes
• Loyalty and duty- important to early Romans

Soldiers became non-Romans

• Worked for the money not loyalty

Few government officials were Romans

• Men became less interested in providing leadership for their

3. Political Causes
• Empire became too large to rule efficiently
• Constantine
• Ruled the eastern part of the Roman Empire
• Constantinople became the gateway to trade with Asian

Civil Wars
1. Costs money
2. Killed soldiers that were not able to defend their home
3. Left borders open to enemies

4. Military Causes
The Beginning of the Christian • Invasions
Church? • Germanic peoples
• Huns
• Visigoths
What Was the Spread of Christianity?
The Rise and Spread of Christianity

• Roman government supported an official state religion

• Various male and female deities

• Romans allowed the people they conquered to keep their own


Some Jews believed that a man named Jesus was the Messiah that
had been promised to them

Gospels- recordings of Jesus' life and teachings

• Preached belief in one god
• Love of god and one another

His teachings attracted large crowds

• Romans feared it would lead the Jews to revolt
• Jesus was arrested, tried, and crucified
What was the Daily Life in the
Byzantine Empire? • Christians moved throughout the empire spreading Jesus'
word and converting non-Jews
• Government began to go after Christians- they thought they
were disloyal to the roman government

• Roman roads and trading networks enabled Christian

Missionaries to spread the word

Christianity Appeal
1. Message of Jesus attracted the poor and persecuted-Charity
2. Teachings were similar to Greek Philosophers and appealed to
the educated
3. People have a need to belong to groups
What was the Religion and Art of the
Byzantine Empire? Both Han and the Roman Empire are extremely large

The Byzantine Empire

• Granted freedom of worship to Christians
• Remember Christians were persecuted by Romans
• Eventually converted himself

• Capitol was moved because Germanic people were constantly
invading Rome
• Constantine offered free grain to people to live in his city
• Added palaces, churches, theatres, university, courts

• 1 million people
• Farmers supplied grain to the empire

• We're not slaves but were bound to the land and could not
• Sharecroppers- most could not earn enough money to buy
their own land

Many people could read and write

• Greek literature was studied

• Travelled through the empire
• Goods that passed through were subject to taxes or customs

Empire's great fortune did not last long

• Attacked by the Turks and the capital was renamed Istanbul

• The great Schism
• Two groups formed within the Christian Church

• Eastern Orthodox Church

• Roman Catholic Church

• Artisans- worked in gold and silver, glassware, textiles
• Mosaics and icons
• Church disagreed over whether or not icons should be allowed
in the church
• Church finally agreed to allow icons as long as it was not
Summary: I learned about Ancient Rome. I learned that Constantine was a man who was sick. He decided
to get baptized. He built aqueducts to transport water to the cities for the people and it worked he named
it after his self.
Rome Test

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