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Modelling Sequence Impedances of Transmission

Hugo Rojas, Student, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Abstract—The abstract goes here.

Index Terms—IEEEtran, journal, LATEX, paper, template.


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Fig. 1. Two circuits a and b with mutual coupling.
success. mds
December 27, 2012
λ21 = A · ds2 > 0 Wb turn (2)
First, it is important to introduce some general concepts where,
magnetic vector potential = µ4π0 I1 1
about line impedances. A transmission line is a passive device, A = c1 r
ds1 Wb/m.
which has equal impedances in each phase conductor if it is ds1 = element of length alog circuit 1.
transposed. Additionally, the phase sequence of the applied ds2 = element of length alog circuit 2.
voltage does not make any difference between the voltage
drops of a positive sequence and a negative one. Therefore,
Mutual inductance is produced by mutual coupling, and it
the positive and negative sequence impedances are identical
is represented as:
M = λ21 /I1 H (3)
z1 = z2 = (r1 + jx1 )s Ω/phase (1)
I1 = is the current of the inducing circuit.
r1 =line resistance to positive sequence currents of each
phase, Ω/unit lenght.
The voltage drops along the wires induced in two parallel
x1 =line reactance to positive sequence currents of each
circuits a and b, which have self impedances Zaa and Zbb
phase, Ω/unit lenght.
respectively and mutual impedance Zab = Zba as the figure
s =line lenght.
1 shows, is represented by equation (4).
The resistance r1 is assumed to be the same in all three 
Va Va0
Zaa Zab Ia
phases and it is usually tabulated by wire sizes as a function = − = (4)
Vbb0 Vb Vb0 Zab Zbb Ib
of temperature and frequencies. The reactance x1 has two
components: one due to all flux linked internally and externally The equation of voltage drops shows that Zab = Zba in a
out to a radius of one unit of length and the other due to flux linear, passive, bilateral network.
external to one unit of length.
If any wire of a group of parallel wires carries a nonzero Self and mutual inductances are due to flux linkages, which
current, any conductor which parallels the given current- are the responsible of inducing voltage on one or a group of
carrying wire will experience an induced voltage for each unit conductors which parallels a current-carrying wire.
of length, because of the flux linkages λ12 . In this case, it is
the flux linking circuit 2 due to a current in circuit 1 and is In the case of self inductance, it is defined by dividing
written as the flux linkages by the current. Also, it is represented as an
addition between the partial self inductance of the wire due to
H. Rojas is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia, e-mail: huan- internal flux linkages and the one due to flux linkages outside the wire, as equation (5) shows.

Fig. 2. Carson’s line with ground return.

Fig. 3. Three-phase line with earth return.

λaa Using equation (4), Carson’s line can be written as

L= = Li + Le H (5)
V V 0 z̄
z̄ad Ia
= a − a = aa , (9)
Where Vdd0 Vd Vd0 z̄ad z̄dd Id
L = Self inductance, H.
and solving for Va by subtracting the two equations, we
λaa = Flux linkages in circuit a due to current Ia , Wb turn.
Li = Partial self inductance of the wire due to internal flux
linkages, H.
Va = (z̄aa + z̄dd − 2z̄ad )Ia = zaa Ia (10)
Le = Partial self inductance due to flux linkages outside the
wire, H. Finally, from equations (1), (7), (8) and (10), the impedance
of a wire a with earth return can be expressed as
According to this equation, self inductance of a cylindrical
wire s meters long can be represented by equation (6). De
zaa = (ra + rd ) + jwk ln (11)
µw s µm s 2s
L= + ln −1 H (6) where,
8π 2π r ra = Resistance of the phase conductor, Ohm/mi.
Where rd = Earth resistance. It is computed by the empirical formula rd
µw = Permeability of the wire, H/m. De = Constant quantity. It is function of the earth resistivity ρ an
µm = Permeability of the medium surrounding the wire, H/m. Dsa = Self Geometric Mean Distance fo conductor a, ft.
s = Length of wire, m.
r = Radius of the wire, m. VI. T HREE -P HASE L INE I MPEDANCES

Assuming nonferrous wires in an air medium, total self in- To calculate the impedance of a three-phase line as the
ductance can be written as equation (7) and mutual inductance figure 3 shows, where the impedances, voltages, and currents
as equation (8). have been identified, it is necessary to apply the same proce-
dure of Carson’s line.
The voltage drop equations in the direction of current flow
l=k − 1 H/unit length (7) can be written similar to equation (9). Afterwards, using
  equations (10) and (11), it is possible to resume the equations
2s as follows
m=k − 1 H/unit length (8)
Dm     
Va zaa zab zac Ia
where,  Vb  = zaa zab zac   Ib  , (12)
l = Self inductance, H/unit length. Vc zaa zab zac Ic
k = Constant which depends on the units of length and on
the base of the logarithms. where
s = Line length. zpp = z̄pp − 2z̄pd + z̄dd Ω/unit lenght (13)
Ds = Self Geometric Mean Distance or Geometric Mean and
Radius (GMR). zpq = z̄pq − z̄pd − z̄qd + z̄dd Ω/unit lenght (14)

V. C ARSON ’ S L INE p, q = a, b, c
The impedance of an overhead conductor with earth return In this equation, it this apparent that the phase conductors
is defined by considering a single conductor a one unit long are mutually coupled and that currents in conductor will
and parallel to the ground, which carries a current Ia with a produce voltage drops in the adjacent conductors.
return through the surface of the earth with uniform resistivity, Thus, from equations (1), (7), (8),(13) and (14), the elements
represented by a fictitious conductor, as the figure 2 shows. of the impedance matrix of equation (12) can be computed by

equation (15) in the case of p = q and by equation (16) if As an example of this kind of rotations, a way of changing
p 6= q. the third row and column to the first position, the first row
and column to the second position and finally the second row
zpq = (rp + rd ) + jwk ln (15) and column to the last position, is as equation (19) shows.
De z312 = Rφ z123 R−1
φ (19)
zpq = rd + jwk ln (16)
With this in mind, it is possible to calculate the impedance
p, q = a, b, c of a line which includes transpositions or rotations, as the one
shown in figure 5.
Dpq = Distance between conductors p and q.


The induced voltage drops computed in equation (12)
could be unequal even for balanced currents since the mutual
impedances depend entirely on the physical arrangement of
the wires. Because of this, one way of equalizing the mutual
inductances is to construct transpositions or rotations of the Fig. 5. A complete transposition or rotation cycle.
overhead line wires.
To compute the total voltage drop along the line, it is
A transposition is a physical rotation of the conductors, necessary to add the drop in each section, and the result is
arranged so that each conductor is moved to occupy the next given by (20).
physical position in a regular sequence, as the figure 4 shows.
ΣVabc = Zabc Iabc (20)

Matrix Zabc is the total line impedance matrix and is

calculated by equation (21). Each term of matrices z123 are
given by equations (15) and (16).

Zabc = s f1 z123 + f2 R−1φ z 123 R φ + f3 R φ z123 R −1
Zabc = s (f1 z123 + f2 z231 + f3 z312 )
Fig. 4. An overhead line transposition or rotation. where,
Zabc = Total line impedance matrix, Ω.
zijk = Line impedances matrix, Ω/unit length.
A. Rotation of line conductors using Rφ i, j, k = 1, 2 or 3 = line position identifier.
A mathematical rotation can be defined by Rφ which is ΣVabc = Total voltage drop along the line, V .
computed by using equation (17). In applying this rotation fk = sk /s.
matrix, it should be considered only in the case where all k = 1, 2 or 3 = line section identifier.
phase wires are identical. sk = Length of line section k, unit length.
  s = Total length of line, unit length.
0 0 1
Rφ = 1 0 0 (17) The total sequence voltage drop along the line is computed
0 1 0 by equation (22).

ΣV012 = Z012T OT · I012 (22)
R2φ = R−1
φ , (R−1 2
φ ) = Rφ (18) From this equation, it is necessary to compute the total
The result of the matrix manipulations using Rφ are shown sequence impedance, which can be possible using the first
in table VII-A. method described in equation (23).
Operation Effect
Z012T OT = A−1 (f1 Z123 + f2 Z231 + f3 Z312 ) A (23)
Premultiply by Rφ Move 3rd row to position 1
Postmultiply by R−1φ Move 3rd column to position 1 where,
Premultiply by R−1
φ Move 1st row to position 3  
1 1 1
Postmultiply by Rφ Move 1st row to position 3
A = 1 a2 a and a = 16 120◦
1 a a2

B. Computation of sequence impedances by R012

Another method to compute the sequence impedance of a
transposed line is, first transform the rotation to the sequence
domain, then calculate total sequence impedance, as equation
(24) shows.

Z012T OT = s f1 z012 + f2 R−1 −1

012 z012 R012 + f3 R012 z012 R012

Fig. 6. Bundled conductors in all three phases.


z012 = A−1 z123 A and R012 = A−1 Rφ A IX. C IRCUIT U NBALANCE D UE TO I NCOMPLETE

VIII. C OMPLETELY T RANSPOSED L INES The amount of unbalance is determined from the unbalanced
current flowing when balanced voltages are applied. Because
In completely transposed lines, f1 = f2 = f3 = 1/3, then of this, equation (21) should be transformed in the following
equation (12) can be rewritten as: equation.
    
Va Zs Zk Zk Ia I012 = Y012T OT V012 A (28)
 Vb  = Zk Zs Zk   Ib  (25)
Vc Zk Zk Zs Ic where,
Y012T OT = Z012 T OT
where, Since the unbalance is to be measured with only positive
De sequence voltage applied, equation (28) is written as
Zs = s ra + rd + jwk ln
      
  Ia0 Y00 Y01 Y02 0 Y01
De Ia1  = Y10 Y11 Y12  Va1  = Y11  Va1 (29)
Zk = s rd + jwk ln
Deq Ia2 Y20 Y21 Y22 0 Y21

And this simplifies the sequence impedances, which are The per unit unbalances for zero sequence and negative
equal to sequence currents are defined as:
  
Va0 Z0 0 0
 
Ia0 Ia0 Y01 Ia2 Y21
m0 = = , m2 = = pu (30)
Va1  =  0 Z1 0  Ia1  (26) Ia1 Y11 Ia1 Y11
Va2 0 0 Z1 Ia2 And the approximate formulas are given noting that in phys-
ical systems Z22 >> Z02 , Z21 and Z00 >> Z20 , Z01 , then,
the approximate unbalances for zero sequence and negative
De3 sequence currents can be written as
Z0 = s ra + 3rd + jwk ln 2
Ds Deq
Z01 Z21
m0 ∼
=− , m2 ∼
=− pu (31)
  Z00 Z22
Z1 = Z2 = s ra + jwk ln The value m0 is nearly constant at about 1% for most
commonly used configuratins, however, it is increased a great
W. A. Lewis introduced a useful notation about Z0 , defined deal by the addition of ground wires.
as follows. On the other hand, the value m2 varies over a wider range,
but is only slightly affected by ground wires.
Z0 = s[(r + re ) + j(xe + xa − 2xd )] Ω (27)
r = Resistance of one phase, Ω/unit length
re = 3rd , Ω/unit length If it is considered a transmission line as the figure 6 shows,
xe = 3wk ln De , Ω/unit length consisting of one wire by phase and one additional wire added
xa = wk ln D1s , Ω/unit length to each phase, and using equations (15) and (16) the general
xd = wk ln Deq , Ω/unit length voltage equation can be expressed as:

         
Va Zaa Zab Zac Zar Zas Zat Ia Va Zaa Zab Zac Zaw Ia
 Vb   Zba Zbb Zbc Zbr Zbs Zbt   Vb   Zba Zbb Zbc Zbw   Ib 
  Ib 
 
 Vc  =  Zca (38)
       
 Vc   Zca
 = Zcb Zcc Zcr Zcs   Ic  (32)
Zct    Zcb Zcc Zcw   Ic 
Vr  Zra
   Zrb Zrc Zrr Zrs   Ir 
Zrt    Vw = 0 Zwa Zwb Zwc Zww Iw
Vs  Zsa Zsb Zsc Zsr Zss Zst  Is  Since Vw = 0, equation (38) can be solved similarly to (34)
Vt Zta Ztb Ztc Ztr Zts Ztt It using equation (35).
Figure 6 shows that r is connected in parallel with wire a,
s is connected in parallel with wire b and t is connected in A. Sequence impedance of an untransposed line with one
parallel with wire c, from which it is found that ground wire
The sequence impedance of an untransposed line with one
Vr − Va = 0 Vs − Vb = 0 and Vt − Vc = 0 (33) ground wire can be computed using equation (37), where
Zn ew is the one calculated using equation (36).
Making use of equation (33), the fourth, fifth and sixth rows
and columns of equation (32) can be modified subtracting
B. Current division between the ground wire and the earth
them by rows and columns first, second and third respectively.
If it is set Ia = Ib = Ic = Ia0 , the ratio of the ground wire
This origins a new partitioned matrix which have the to the earth current is given by equation (39).
form Iw zag
= (39)

Z Z2 Îabc
 Id zww − zag
= 1 (34)
0 Z3 Z4 Irst where,
zww = rw + rd + jwk ln DDwwe
, Ω/unit length.
and its solution is the following
rw = Resistance of wire w, Ω/unit length.
rd = Resistance of the earth, Ω/unit length.
Vabc = (Z1 − Z2 Z−1
4 Z3 )Îabc V (35)
Dww = Self Geometric Mean Distance of wire w, unit length.
From equation (35), the new impedance matrix is given by zag = rd + jwk ln DDag
, Ω/unit length.
Dag = (Dwa Dwb Dwc ) , Unit length
Znew = Z1 − Z2 Z−1
4 Z3 Ω (36)
and once this impedance matrix for the bundled conductor C. Sequence impedance of a transposed line with one ground
line is known, the sequence impedances ar computed using wire
equation (37). Supposing a transposed line according to the rotation se-
quence shown in figure 5. The wire positions and the phasing
Z012 = A−1 1Znew A Ω (37) arrangement are observed in table (XI-C).
Section Length Position Phasing
1 f1 s α−β−γ a−b−c
2 f2 s α−β−γ c−a−b
3 f3 s α−β−γ b−c−a
A transmission line as the figure 7 shows,which consists
The total impedance in ohms per unit length is the sum of
of one wire by phase and one ground wire,labeled w, with
each section matrices, as equation (40) define.
each end connected solidly to the local found point. Using
equations (15) and (16) the general voltage equation can be
   
ΣVa Ia
written as equation (38).  ΣVb  = s[f1 zf1 + f2 zf2 + f3 zf3 ]  Ib  (40)
ΣVc Ic
zf1 = Matrix Znew solved from equation (38) per unit of length.
zf2 = Rφ zf1 Rφ−1 .
zf3 = Rφ−1 zf1 Rφ .

[1] P. M. Anderson, Analysis of Faulted Power Systems, 1st ed. New York,
United States of America: IEEE, 1973.

Fig. 7. A three-phase line with one ground wire.

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