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EDU 1010

Orientation to Education
Teaching Demonstration

Name ______Emma_Anglin_______ Date _______3/25/18______

Activity Title ________Living Vs. Non-living__________________

Utah Core Standard:

3rd Grade
Standard 2- Students will understand that organisms depend on living and nonliving things
within their environment.

Objective (s):
Students will be able to:
Identify characteristics of living things, identify characteristics of non-living things, and
classify living and non-living things in an environment.

Learning Outcomes: (What do you expect students to master as a result of your lesson?)
Students will be able to successfully identify living and non-living things in the
environment in their daily lives.

Instructional Procedures:
I will introduce the idea of living and non-living things by identifying some
characteristics in a class discussion. Following the discussion, I will display a picture
that contains many living and non-living things. Students will break into groups and
discuss together which items are living and which items are non-living and why.
Students will write down their answers. Each group will then teach their classmates in a
class discussion.

Picture to display

Family Connections: (take home activity)

Teacher will send home a worksheet titled “Let’s Classify”. Students will find each item
on the worksheet (if possible) and complete the worksheet by talking to their parents
about it. Students will then bring completed worksheet back to school.
Assessment Plan: (how do you plan to assess whether or not students mastered the
Teacher will give short assessment containing 5 questions in class the next
day. Tests will be graded to determine how well each student understands
the material.

10-points: Student correctly answered all 10 questions and provided a
reason why to their answer
8-points: Students correctly answered all 10 questions but could not
provide the reason why to their answer
5-points: Student answered 5 questions correctly
0-points: Test was not completed

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