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Outcome Interventions Scientific Rationale Evaluation

Pt’s I & O will be within 200ml Administer Desmopressin q 12 This patient has a history of Met.
of each other q 4 hr. hr. hypopituitarism which results in Pt’s I & O were within 200 ml
a deficiency to an antidiuretic of each other q 4 hr.
hormone deficiency.
Desmopressin helps to balance
the body water content in the
body. It does this by increasing
the reabsorption of water in the
kidneys to prevent excessive
fluid loss. If the output is greater
than the input, the water may be
exiting the body before it is able
to be reabsorbed. The pt’s intake
was 1,241 ml and the output
Lewis 1192 was 1,112 ml on 12/20/17.
Pt’s sodium level will trend to Add 30ml sterile water per 1 The patient has a history of Unmet.
135-145 q day. bottle of Pediasure peptide q diabetes insipidus which causes Pt’s sodium level trended up to
day. an imbalance of water in the 150.
body. Her sodium level was 150
on 12/23/17. The added sterile
water will increase the free
water in the body. This will
decrease the sodium level in the
body. Hypernatremia is caused
by a decrease of free water in
the intracellular space. This will
cause dehydration.

Lewis 1194

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