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Reproduction Questions,

Paper - 01
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. Which one of the following is not formed from mesoderm? Answer: (d)
(a) Blood
(b) Bones and cartilage
(c) Kidneys
(d) Nervous system

2. Which one of the following events is correctly matched Answer: (b)

with the time period of the normal menstrual cycle?
(a) Release of ovum – 5th day
(b) Endometrium regenerates – 5 – 10 days
(c) Endometrium secretes nutrients for implantation – 11 –
18 days
(d) Rise in progesterone level – 1 – 15 days

3. Which one is unpaired gland in male reproductive system Answer: (c)

(a) Seminal vesicle
(b) Cowper’s gland
(c) Prostate gland
(d) Lacrimal gland

4. Which one is not associated with gametogenesis? Answer: (c)

(a) Formation of ova
(b) Formation of spermatid
(c) Release of ova
(d) Change of spermatids of spermatozoa

5. Which one is involved in nourishing spermatozoans? Answer: (c)

(a) Leydig cells
(b) Gubernaculum
(c) Sertoli cells
(d) Interstitial cells

6. Which one is initiated by secretion of trophoblast? Answer: (d)

(a) Blastulation
(b) Cleavage
(c) Gastrulation
(d) Implantation

7. Which one is incorrect about menstruation? Answer: (d)

(a) At menopause, there is abrupt increase in gonadotrophic
(b) Beginning of cycles of menstruation is called menarche
(c) During normal menstruation about 40 ml of blood is lost
(d) The menstrual fluid can easily clot
8. Which one holds corona radiata? Answer: (a)
(a) Mucopolysaccharide
(b) Oligosaccharide
(c) Lipopolysaccharide
(d) Lipoprotein

9. Which one functions as endocrine gland after ovulation? Answer: (d)

(a) Stroma
(b) Vitelline Membrane
(c) Germinal epithelium
(d) Graafian follicle

10. Which of the following is ectodermal? Answer: (c)

(a) Muscular tissue
(b) Epithelial tissue
(c) Nervous tissue
(d) Connective tissue

11. Which of the following is a gonad? Answer: (c)

(a) seminal vesicle
(b) penis
(c) testis
(d) all of the above

12. Which of the following hormones prepares endometrium Answer: (b)

for embryo implantation?
(a) LH
(b) Progesterone
(c) FSH
(d) Testosterone

13. Which is incorrect? Answer: (d)

(a) Menstruation lasts 4 days
(b) Menstrual cycle takes 28 days
(c) Menopause occurs at 45 – 55 years
(d) Ovulated egg released during pregnancy die

14. Which is ectodermal in origin? Answer: (c)

(a) Kidney
(b) Lungs
(c) Brain
(d) Notochord

15. Which hormone is responsible for the rupture of follicle Answer: (c)
and initiating the formation of corpus luteum?
(a) follicle stimulating hormone
(b) luteotropin
(c) luteinizing hormone
(d) all of the above

16. Which group represents external genitalia of human Answer: (d)

(a) Labium minora, labium majora, vagina
(b) Labium minora, labium majora, oviduct
(c) Labium minora, labium majora, cervix
(d) Labium minora, labium majora, clitoris

17. Which extraembryonic membrane in humans prevents Answer: (b)

desiccation of embryo inside the uterus?
(a) Yolk sac
(b) Amnion
(c) Chorion
(d) Allantois

18. Which cells of the testis provide nourishment to Answer: (a)

(a) Sertoli cells
(b) Leydig cells
(c) Interstital cells
(d) Spermatogonia

19. When egg is not fertilized, yellow coloured corpus luteum Answer: (a)
degenerates to form
(a) Corpus albicans
(b) Corpus callosum
(c) Corpus striatum
(d) Corpora quadrigemina

20. What is true about cleavage in fertilized egg of humans? Answer: (c)
(a) Meroblastic
(b) Starts when egg reaches uterus
(c) starts in fallopian tube
(d) It is identical to normal mitosis

Reproduction Questions, Paper - 02

Sr. No. Questions Answers

1. What is false? Answer: (c)

(a) Menarche is beginning of menstruation
(b) Menstruation is shedding of endometrial lining
(c) Menopause occurs in the beginning of puberty
(d) Ovulation occurs under high tire of LH

2. Various parts of male urethra are Answer: (b)

(a) Prostatic, bulbourethra and ejaculatory
(b) Prostatic, membranous and penile
(c) Corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum
(d) Prostatic, bulbourethal and glans

3. Types of asexual reproduction found in hydra is Answer: (d)

(a) Sporulation
(b) Gemmule formation
(c) Bianry fission
(d) Budding
4. Type of cleavage that occurs in human zygote Answer: (b)
(a) Holoblastic and equal
(b) Holoblastic and unequal
(c) Meroblastic
(d) Meroblastic and superficial

5. Twins joined in various regions are Answer: (c)

(a) Fraternal twins
(b) Identical twins
(c) Siamese twins
(d) non-identical twins

6. Thick layer which immediately surrounds the ovum is Answer: (a)

(a) Zona pellucida
(b) Membrana granulosa
(c) Corona radiata
(d) vitelline membrane

7. The single layer of germinal epithelium covering the ovary Answer: (b)
is composed of
(a) squamous cells
(b) cuboidal cells
(c) columnar cells
(d) none of the above

8. The shortest phase in menstrual cycle is Answer: (c)

(a) Menstrual phase
(b) Secretory phase
(c) Ovulatory phase
(d) Proliferative phase

9. The sense organs are developed from Answer: (a)

(a) ectoderm
(b) mesoderm
(c) endoderm
(d) different germ layers

10. The role of sertoli cells in spermatogenesis is Answer: (c)

(a) they direct morphogenesis of sperms
(b) they provide nutrition to developing sperms
(c) both a and b
(d) they stimulate germinal epithelium

11. The role of Leydig cells is Answer: (c)

(a) Nourishment of sperms
(b) Give motility to sperms
(c) Synthesize testosterone hormone
(d) Undergo spermatogenesis

12. The path, where male nucleus fuses with female Answer: (a)
pronucleus, is known as
(a) Fertilization path
(b) Penetration path
(c) Copulation path
(d) none of the above

13. The morula is formed during cleavage after Answer: (b)

(a) 2 days of fertilization
(b) at the end of third day of fertilization
(c) 4 days after fertilization
(d) 7 days of fertilization

14. The membrane which holds ovary in position is called Answer: (b)
(a) mesorchium
(b) mesovarium
(c) parietal peritoneum
(d) mesosalpinx

15. The lytic enzyme released by sperm is Answer: (d)

(a) Acrosome
(b) Ligase
(c) Androgenase
(d) Hyalouronidase

16. The length of tube in the epididymis of a testis is Answer: (d)

(a) 3 meters
(b) meters
(c) 5 meters
(d) 6 meters

17. The internal cavity commonly formed by cell division prior Answer: (c)
to gastrulation is
(a) Enteron
(b) Blastopore
(c) Blastocoel
(d) Coelom

18. The hormone responsible for maintaining the pregnancy is Answer: (c)
(a) LH
(b) FSH
(c) Progesterone
(d) Oestrogen

19. The head of mature mammalian sperm is made of Answer: (b)

(a) An acrosome
(b) Elongated nucleus covered by acrosome
(c) Two centrioles and an aial filament
(d) Nucleus, acrosome, cytoplasm and mitochondrial sheath

20. The gravid phase of uterus is Answer: (d)

(a) proliferative phase
(b) ovulatory phase
(c) secretary phase
(d) none of the above
Paper - 03
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. The first germ layer formed in the embryo is Answer: (b)
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm
(d) Extra embryonal mesoderm

2. The cavity contained in graafian follicle is Answer: (a)

(a) Antrum
(b) Centrocoel
(c) Blastocoel
(d) Archenteron

3. Testis is Answer: (c)

(a) Endodermal
(b) Ectodermal
(c) Mesodermal
(d) Extramesodermal

4. Testes descend into scrotum in mammals for Answer: (a)

(a) Spermatogenesis
(b) Fertilization
(c) Development of sex organs
(d) Development of visceral organs

5. Temporary pairing of parents for fusion of gametes is Answer: (b)

(a) Copulation
(b) Conjugation
(c) Communication
(d) Coagulation

6. Surgical removal of uterus is Answer: (b)

(a) Tubectomy
(b) Hysterctomy
(c) Vasectomy
(d) Orchidectomy

7. Sperms remain alive in female genital tract for days Answer: (a)
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 7
8. Sperms produce an enzymatic substance for dissolving Answer: (b)
egg coverings. It is called
(a) Hyaluronic acid
(b) Hyaluronidase
(c) Androgamone
(d) Diastase

9. Sperms are stored and nourished inside Answer: (b)

(a) testis
(b) Epididymis
(c) Seminiferous tubules
(d) vasa efferentia

10. Spermiogenesis changes Answer: (d)

(a) Spermatogonium to primary spermatocyte
(b) Primary spermatocyte to secondary spermatocyte
(c) Secondary spermatocyte to spermatid
(d) Spermatid to sperm

11. Spermatozoa are nourished during their development Answer: (a)

(a) Sertoli cells
(b) Interstitial cells
(c) Connective tissue cells
(d) None of the above

12. Spermatogonia undergo a growth phase to become Answer: (a)

(a) spermatozoa
(b) Primary spermatocyte
(c) Secondary spermatocyte
(d) Spermatid

13. Spermatogenesis without meiosis occurs in Answer: (b)

(a) birds
(b) bees
(c) bat
(d) none of the above

14. Sperm of animal species a cannot fertilise ovum of Answer: (d)

species b because
(a) Fertilizins of a and b are not compatible
(b) Antifertilizins of a and b are not compatible
(c) Fertilizin of a and antifertilizin of b are not
(d) Antifertilizin of a and fertilizing of b are not

15. Sperm capacitation involves Answer: (c)

(a) Change in shape
(b) Release of mitochondria
(c) Removal of membrane fatty acids
(d) Hyaluronic acid
16. Smooth muscles lining the wall of scrotum are called Answer: (b)
(a) Deltoid muscles
(b) Dartos muscles
(c) Gluteal muscles
(d) Latissimus dorsi muscles

17. Site of vitellogenesis is Answer: (b)

(a) Secondary oocyte in fallopian tube
(b) Primary occyte in graafian follicle
(c) Primary spermatocyte in testis
(d) Secondary spermatocyte in testis

18. Site of fertilization in a mammal is Answer: (d)

(a) Ovary
(b) Uterus
(c) Vagina
(d) Fallopian tube

19. Sertoli cells occur in Answer: (d)

(a) Heart
(b) Liver
(c) Ovary
(d) Seminiferous tubules

20. Sertoli cells are found Answer: (d)

(a) between the seminiferous tubules
(b) In the germinal epithelium of ovary
(c) In the uppermost part of fallopian tube
(d) in the germinal epithelium of seminiferous tubules

Paper - 04
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. Seminal vesicles are located in Answer: (c)
(a) Caput epidydimis
(b) Uterus
(c) Above Cowper’s glands
(d) Glans penis

2. Seminal plasma of human males is rich in Answer: (d)

(a) Glucose and calcium
(b) DNA and testosterone
(c) ribose and K+
(d) Fructose and Ca2+

3. Semen contains Answer: (a)

(a) fructose
(b) glucose
(c) lactose
(d) galactose

4. Select the odd one on of the basis of origin Answer: (a)

(a) Skin
(b) Lungs
(c) Liver
(d) Trachea

5. Secretion of progesterone by corpus luteum Answer: (b)

is initiated by
(a) MSH
(b) LH
(c) Testosterone
(d) Thyroxine

6. Secondary sexual characters in females Answer: (c)

develop in response of hormone
(a) Relaxin
(b) Progesterone
(c) Estrogen
(d) Gonadotrofain

7. Role of placenta is to Answer: (a)

(a) provide nutrition to embryo
(b) protect embryo from shocks
(c) act as a storage organ
(d) convey nerve impulses

8. Ripe ova are shed by ovaries into Answer: (a)

(a) coelom
(b) oviducal funnel
(c) oviduct
(d) collecting tubules of kidney

9. Repairing of endometrium takes place Answer: (d)

(a) secretory phase
(b) ovulatory phase
(c) pre menstrual phase
(d) proliferative phase

10. Removal of both ovaries in rat will result in Answer: (a)

decreased tire of
(a) Estrogen
(b) Gonadotrophic releasing factor
(c) Prolactin
(d) Oxytocin

11. Release of seminal fluid in the vagina of Answer: (c)

female is
(a) Ejaculation
(b) Implantation
(c) Insemination
(d) Copulation

12. Rearrangement of layers occurs during Answer: (a)

(a) Gastrulation
(b) Blastulation
(c) Morulation
(d) Organogensis

13. Proximal centriole of sperm is located in Answer: (b)

(a) Head
(b) Neck
(c) Middle piece
(d) Tail

14. Prostate gland produces a secretion for Answer: (b)

(a) attracting sperms
(b) stimulating sperm activity
(c) inhibiting sperm activity
(d) none of the above

15. Prostate gland is present Answer: (d)

(a) on ureter
(b) on kidney
(c) on testis
(d) around urethra

16. Product of corpus luteum is Answer: (a)

(a) Progesterone
(b) Estrogen
(c) Testosterone
(d) Estradiol

17. Primative streak which gives rise to Answer: (a)

mesoderm is formed by
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Endoderm
(c) Yolk sac
(d) Amniotic cavity

18. Primative streak is formed from Answer: (c)

(a) Trophoblast
(b) Endoderm
(c) Ectoderm
(d) Mesoderm

19. Pregnancy hormone is Answer: (c)

(a) Estrogen
(b) Luteinising hormone
(c) Progesterone
(d) both a and b

20. Polar bodies develop during Answer: (a)

(a) Oogenesis
(b) Spermatogenesis
(c) Spermiogenesis
(d) Soamtic hybridisation

Paper - 05
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. Phase of menstrual Answer: (c)
cycle when ovulation
occurs is
(a) Luteal
(b) Menstrual
(c) Proliferative
(d) Secretory

2. Peak of LH tire Answer: (a)

occurs during
(a) Ovulatory phase
(b) Menstrual phase
(c) Follicular phase
(d) Secretory phase

3. Part of sperm Answer: (b)

involved in
penetrating egg
membrane is
(a) Tail
(b) Acrosome
(c) Allosome
(d) Autosome

4. Part of fallopian tube Answer: (a)

closest to ovary is
(a) Infundibulum
(b) Cervix
(c) Ampulla
(d) Isthmus

5. Ovulation occurs Answer: (a)

under the influence of
(a) LH
(b) FSH
(c) Estrogen
(d) Progesterone

6. Ovulation in human Answer: (b)

female occurs at
(a) beginning of
proliferative phase
(b) end of
proliferative phase
(c) middle of
secretory phase
(d) end of secretory

7. Outer layer of Answer: (a)

blastocyst that gives
rise to ectoderm is
(a) trophoblast
(b) germinal vesicle
(c) Cnidoblast
(d) amnion

8. Oocyte is liberated Answer: (d)

from ovary under the
influence of LH, after
(a) Meiosis and
before liberating polar
(b) Meiosis I and
before liberating polar
(c) Meiosis
(d) Meiosis I after
release of polar body

9. Onset of menstrual Answer: (b)

cycle at the time of
puberty is called
(a) Menopause
(b) Menarche
(c) Menstruation
(d) Metamerism

10. One primary Answer: (b)

produces four
spermatozoa but one
primary oocyte
(a) Four ova
(b) One ovum
(c) Two ova
(d) Sixteen ova

11. Nutritive cells of Answer: (a)

seminiferous tubules
(a) Sertoli cells
(b) Leydig cells
(c) Spermatogonial
(d) Spermatocytes

12. Number of eggs Answer: (b)

released in the life
time of a woman is
(a) 40
(b) 400
(c) 4000
(d) 20000

13. Notochord, skeletal Answer: (b)

system and dermis of
skin are derivatives of
(a) all the three
germinal layers
(b) mesoderm
(c) Endoderm
(d) Ectoderm

14. Network of capillaries Answer: (b)

inside the testis is
present in
(a) Rete testis
(b) Tunica vasculasa
(c) Seminiferous
(d) efferent duct

15. Multicellular, Answer: (c)

irregular mass of
embryo which passes
into uterine wall is
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Endoderm
(d) Amnion

16. Morphogenetic Answer: (c)

movements take place
(a) Formaiton of
(b) Blastulation
(c) Gastrulation
(d) Organogenesis

17. Middle piece of Answer: (b)

sperm has
(a) nucleus
(b) mitochondria
(c) centriole
(d) ribosomes

18. Middle piece of Answer: (d)

sperm contains
(a) Nucleus
(b) Acrosome
(c) Manchette
(d) Mitochondria

19. Middle piece of Answer: (a)

mammalian sperm
(a) Mitochondria and
(b) Mitochondria only
(c) Centriole only
(d) Nucleus and

20. Middle piece of Answer: (c)

mammalian sperm
(a) Nucleus
(b) Vacuole
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Centriole

Paper - 06
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. Merobalstic Answer: (c)
cleavage is
(a) Total
(b) Spiral
(c) Incomplete
(d) Horizontal

2. Menstrual phase Answer: (b)

is followed by
(a) Luteal phase
(b) Follicular
(c) Fertilization
(d) Implantation

3. Membrana Answer: (a)

granulose is
(a) a layer of
columnar cells
around ova
(b) corona
(c) a part of
zona pellucida
(d) multilayer of
follicular cells
around ova

4. Maturation of Answer: (b)

sperms occurs
(a) Vasa
(b) Epididymes
(c) Rete testis
(d) Vasa

5. Mammary Answer: (a)

glands are
modification of
(a) Sebaceous
(b) Sweat
(c) Meibomian
(d) None of the

6. Location and Answer: (c)

secretion of
Leydig cells are
(a) Liver -
(b) Ovary -
(c) Testis -
(d) Pancreas -

7. Location and Answer: (b)

secretion of
Leydig cells are
(a) Liver -
(b) Testis -
(c) Ovary -
(d) Pancrease -

8. Life expectancy Answer: (a)

of sperms in the
female tract is
(a) 48 hrs
(b) 12 hrs
(c) 60 hrs
(d) 36 hrs

9. Levels of Answer: (a)

estrogen and
are minimum at
the time of
(a) on set of
menstrual phase
(b) secretory
(c) ovulation
(d) follicular

10. Inability of Answer: (b)

sperm to
fertilize ovum is
termed as
(a) impotence
(b) sterility
(d) none of the

11. In the testis, Answer: (c)

germinal cells
undergo mitotic
divisions to
(a) spermatozoa
(b) primary
(d) secondary

12. In the absence Answer: (a)

of acrosome,
the sperm
(a) cannot
penetrate the
(b) cannot get
(c) cannot get
(d) cannot swim

13. In telolecithal Answer: (b)

(a) yolk is
present in the
(b) yolk is
(c) yolk is
(d) yolk is
present all over
the ovum

14. In Mammals the Answer: (d)

tests occur in
scrotal sacs
outside the
viscera because
of the
(a) Presence of
urinary bladder
(b) Presence of
(c) Long vas
(d) Requirement
of low
temperature for

15. In humans, Answer: (a)

takes about
(a) 74 days
(b) 30 days
(c) 100 days
(d) 24 days

16. In humans, Answer: (b)

blastula is
known as
(a) Trophoderm
(b) Blastocyst
(c) Foetal
(d) Oolemma

17. In humans at Answer: (d)

the end of first
dividion, the
male germ cells
(a) Spermatids
(c) Primary
(d) Secondary

18. In human penis, Answer: (c)

urethra passes
(a) Corpus
(b) Corpus
(c) Corpus
(d) Corpus

19. In human male, Answer: (d)

the unpaired
structure is
(a) Testes
(b) Seminal
(c) Bulbourethal
(d) Prostate

20. In human Answer: (a)

beings the type
of cleavage is
(a) Holoblastic
and complete
(b) Meroblastic
and incomplete
(c) Holoblastic
and incomplete
(d) Meroblastic
and complete

Paper - 07
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. In development, nervous system (brain, spinal Answer: (a)
cord, nerve cells) is
(a) Ectodermal
(b) Endodermal
(c) Ectomesodermal
(d) Endomesodermal

2. In absence of pregnancy the corpus luteum forms Answer: (c)

(a) corpora quadrigemina
(b) corpus callosum
(c) corpus albicans
(d) crura cerebri

3. In a mammalian sperm, spirally arranged Answer: (a)

mitochondria around an axial filament occurs in
(a) Middle piece
(b) Head
(c) End piece of tail
(d) Principal piece of tail

4. In 28 day human ovarian cycle, ovulation occurs Answer: (c)

(a) Day 1
(b) Day 5
(c) Day 14
(d) Day 28

5. Important sperm lysine used for dissolving egg Answer: (d)

covering is
(a) Diastase
(b) Androgamone
(c) Hyalouronic acid
(d) Hyalourinidase

6. Implantation occurs after Answer: (a)

(a) 7 – 8 days of fertilization
(b) 10 days of fertilization
(c) 5 – 6 days of fertilization
(d) 12 days of fertilization

7. If mammalian ovum fails to get fertilized, which Answer: (c)

one of the following is unlikely?
(a) Corpus luteum will disintegrate
(b) Progesterone secretion rapidly declines
(c) Estrogen secretion further decreases
(d) Primary follicle starts developing

8. Identical twins in human beings is an example of Answer: (a)

(a) polymbryony
(b) Neoteny
(c) Paedogenesis
(d) Parthenogenesis

9. Hyaluronidase is present in Answer: (c)

(a) Ovary
(b) Ovum
(c) Sperm
(d) Blood

10. Human gametes differ from all other body cells as Answer: (c)
(a) they are without a cell wall
(b) they are motile
(c) they are haploid
(d) none of the above

11. Human female reaches menopause at the age of Answer: (c)

(a) 25 years
(b) 35 years
(c) 50 years
(d) 70 years

12. Human embryo is protected by Answer: (b)

(a) Allantois
(b) Amniotic cavity
(c) Pleural cavity
(d) Peritoneal cavity

13. Human egg is Answer: (d)

(a) Megalectical
(b) holoblastic
(c) Mesolecithal
(d) Microlecithal

14. Human egg is Answer: (c)

(a) Microlecithal
(b) Mesolecithal
(c) Alecithal
(d) Centrolecithal

15. Huma eggs are Answer: (a)

(a) Alecithal
(b) Microlecithal
(c) Mesolecithal
(d) Macrolecithal

16. How many layers does the muscle coat of the Answer: (b)
oviduct have?
(a) one - longitudinal
(b) two inner circular and outer longitudinal
(c) three – oblique fibres in addition to the above
(d) none of the above

17. Hormones controlling human menstrual cycle are Answer: (d)

(a) Estrogen
(b) FSH
(c) LH
(d) All of the above

18. Hormone responsible for ovulation and Answer: (b)

development of corpus luteum is
(a) FSH
(b) LH
(c) LTH
(d) ICSH

19. Graafian follicles are found in Answer: (d)

(a) Testic of mammal
(b) Ovary of frog
(c) Ovary of cockroach
(d) Ovary of mammals

20. Gonads develop from embryonic Answer: (c)

(a) Ectoderm
(b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm
(d) Both mesoderm and endoderm

Paper - 08
Sr. No. Questions Answers
1. Gonads can be classified as Answer: (d)
(a) endocrine glands
(b) exocrine glands
(c) gametes
(d) none of the above

2. Gonads are formed from Answer: (c)

(a) Ectoderm
(b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm
(d) Ectomesoderm

3. Gestation period in human is Answer: (d)

(a) 10 weaks
(b) 28 weaks
(c) 32 weaks
(d) 38 weaks

4. Germinal epithelium o fovary has Answer: (a)

(a) Cuboidal cells
(b) Columnar cells
(c) Squamous cells
(d) Stratified cells

5. FSH is secreted by Answer: (c)

(a) Thyroid
(b) Adrenal
(c) Anterior pituitary
(d) Posterior pituitary

6. First to be formed during embryonic development is Answer: (d)

(a) Primitive streak
(b) Mesoderm
(c) Ectoderm
(d) Endoderm
7. First or fore milk is called Answer: (a)
(a) Colostrum
(b) Baby’s milk
(c) Rostrum
(d) Cholesterol

8. Fertilizins are emitted by Answer: (b)

(a) Immature eggs
(b) Mature eggs
(c) Sperms
(d) Polar bodies

9. Fertilization of ovum occurs in Answer: (c)

(a) Fimbriac of oviduct
(b) Isthmus of oviduct
(c) Ampulla of oviduct
(d) None of the above

10. Fertilization is Answer: (c)

(a) Union of diploid spermatozoon with diploid ovum to form
diploid zygote
(b) Union of haploid sperm with haploid ovum to form
haploid zygote
(c) Union of haploid sperm with haploid ovum to form diploid
(d) Union of diploid sperm with haploid ovum to form triploid

11. Eye develops from Answer: (d)

(a) Ectoderm
(b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm
(d) Both ectoderm and mesoderm

12. Extra structure that provides nutrition to the embryo is Answer: (d)
(a) Umbilicus
(b) Amnion
(c) Chorion
(d) Placenta

13. Estrus cycle is found in Answer: (c)

(a) Primates only
(b) Anthropoids only
(c) All mammals except apes and man
(d) none of the above

14. Estrogen level is maximum in which part of ovarian cycle Answer: (c)
(a) Secretory phase
(b) Ovulatory phase
(c) Proliferative phase
(d) Menstrual phase
15. Endometrium is part of Answer: (b)
(a) Urinary bladder
(b) Uterus
(c) Ureter
(d) Urethra

16. During gastrulation size of embryo remains constant but Answer: (a)
metabolic rate
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) is unchanged
(d) none of the above

17. During cleavage, what is true about cells? Answer: (b)

(a) Nucleocytoplasmic ratio remains unchanged
(b) Size does not increase
(c) There is less consumption of oxygen
(d) The division is like meiosis

18. During cleavage Answer: (a)

(a) size of resulting cells decreases
(b) Size of resulting cells increases
(c) Size of early embryo increases
(d) Size of early embryo decreases

19. Diameter of human ovum is about Answer: (b)

(a) 0.10 mm
(b) 0.13 mm
(c) 0.15 mm
(d) 0.17 mm

20. Cytoplasm surrounding mitochondria present in the middle Answer: (b)

piece of sperm is known as
(a) Manchette
(b) Microplasm
(c) Centroplasm
(d) Acrosome

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