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I made him hungry, so he would stop thinking about the enemy

He then got distracted and he was in our hands

He is in our house now

Make him think that things are a coincidence not a higher power


• "Do not indulge the hope that you will escape the usual penalties; indeed, in your better
moments, I trust you would hardly even wish to do so."
• "All the habits of the patient, both mental and bodily, are still in our favour."
• Gothic art and Church under construction the church is old
• "When he gets to his pew and looks round him he sees just that selection of his neighbours
whom he has hitherto avoided."
• Get distracted on the people beside them and feel like he is not religious
• "Provided that any of those neighbours sing out of tune, or have boots that squeak, or double
chins, or odd clothes, the patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be
somehow ridiculous"
• "Never let it come to the surface; never let him ask what he expected them to look like."
• Disappointment
• "The Enemy allows this disappointment to occur on the threshold of every human endeavour"
• "If once they get through this initial dryness successfully, they become much less dependent on
emotion and therefore much harder to tempt."
• "All you then have to do is to keep out of his mind the question “If I, being what I am, can
consider that I am in some sense a Christian, why should the different vices of those people in
the next pew prove that their religion is mere hypocrisy and convention?”
• " and thinks that he is showing great humility and condescension in going to church with these
“smug”, commonplace neighbours at all. Keep him in that state of mind as long as you can."


• "the enemy will be working from the centre outwards, gradually bringing more and more of the
patient’s conduct under the new standard, and may reach his behaviour to the old lady at any
• "aggravate that most useful human characteristic, the horror and neglect of the obvious"
• Let our pet peeves build up and make it all we see
• " aggravate that most useful human characteristic, the horror and neglect of the obvious"
• "When two humans have lived together for many years it usually happens that each has tones
of voice and expressions of face which are almost unendurably irritating to the other. Work on
• "Your patient must demand that all his own utterances are to be taken at their face value and
judged simply on the actual words, while at the same time judging all his mother’s utterances
with the fullest and most over-sensitive interpretation of the tone and the context and the
suspected intention"


• "the best thing, where it is possible, is to keep the patient from the serious intention of praying
• "the simplest is to turn their gaze away from him towards themselves."
• "You may even encourage him to attach great importance to the correction and improvement of
his composite object, and to keeping it steadily before his imagination during the whole prayer"
• "it also reveals an unpleasant desire to shift responsibility; you must learn to pay for your own
• Not mean the prayer and make it messy
• "When they say they are praying for forgiveness, let them be trying to feel forgiven."
• Lack of feeling when praying so the response is not immediate
• Religious images and iconology
• "But whatever the nature of the composite object, you must keep him praying to"
• Build on the fear of God

Guided ready 4

1. He threatens his nephew and tells him not to talk back to him when he said his method didn’t
2. The first intention is to get the patient not to pray to the enemy
3. He wants the patient to focus his prayer on materials and his prayers to be messy.
4. He wants the patient to be eager and not wait for strength but to go and find that feeling
5. He wants the prayer to be distracted by idealistic thoughts and
6. Screwtape said that Christians are afraid


• "the enemy, true to his barbarous methods of warfare, allows us to see the short misery of his
favourites only to tantalise and torment us — to mock the incessant hunger which, during this
present phase of the great conflict, his blockade is admittedly imposing"
• "he often makes prizes of humans who have given their lives for causes he thinks bad on the
monstrously sophistical ground that the humans thought them good and were following the
best they knew."
• "how much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses
who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the
belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job,
withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition!"
• "the enemy’s human partisans have all been plainly told by him that suffering is an essential part
of what he calls redemption; so that a faith which is destroyed by a war or a pestilence cannot
really have been worth the trouble of destroying"

• "We want him to be in the maximum uncertainty, so that his mind will be filled with
contradictory pictures of the future, every one of which arouses hope or fear"
• "enemy does not greatly assist those who are trying to attain it: resignation to present and
actual suffering, even where that suffering consists of fear"
• "all sorts of virtues painted in the fantasy or approved by the intellect or even, in some measure,
loved and admired, will not keep a man from our father’s hous"


• "When the humans disbelieve in our existence we lose all the pleasing results of direct terrorism
and we make no magicians."
• "i have great hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their
science to such an extent that what is, in effect, a belief in us, (though not under that name) will
creep in while the human mind remains closed to belief in the enemy."
• "if your patient can be induced to become a conscientious objector he will automatically find
himself one of a small, vocal, organised, and unpopular society, and the effects of this, on one so
new to Christianity, will almost certainly be good"
• "let him begin by treating the Patriotism or the Pacifism as a part of his religion. then let him,
under the influence of partisan spirit, come to regard it as the most important part."

Guided reading:

7. To keep the devil and the demons invisible its better when people don’t believe they exists.
8. When people believe that its truly the devils work then they will look more towards God instead of
thinking of it as just a coincidence.
9. When we see something that we don’t believe we try and find something to blame it on instead of
admitting the truth.

10. What is an example when knowing the enemy helps to fight it? Anything from modern society works
as an answer.
11. What does Screwtape mean when he says, "All extremes, except extreme devotion to the Enemy,
are to be encouraged"?
12. What are the two extremes that Screwtape encourages Wormwood to push for the patient?
13. What is the advantage for the devils to be a Pacifist, according to Lewis?
14. What is the advantage for the devils to be a Patriot, according to Lewis?
15. What does Screwtape mean when he says that Christianity can be a means for a cause for anything
we want it to be?
16. What is a modern day example of Christianity as a means for a cause? Explain.
Letter 9:
• It is most effective to turn people while they are at their valley's more than their peaks and
using sex and drugs to escape their depression
• If you are an introvert, the devil wants to be able to completely distance yourself from everyone
and not think about religion. If you are an extrovert than the devil wants to be able to keep you
trapped today's society with drugs.
• We can't take things lightly when it comes to what we feel inside, if you ignore what your
conscience says than you would be ignoring God.
• The Patient goes through different phases with religion when his life seems hard than his
religion will be more intense but if he is happy he will be less religious.
• I have not personally but I know people that have and after a while they denied their faith then
they feel uneasy.
Letter 10:
• When people think that they are very intellectual and clever they soon believe they are able to
control everything being people's lives in wwII they are taking the place of God.
• Being friends with intelligent and communist people is the perfect setting. I consider myself a
healthy mixture between being a introvert and extrovert but that includes both down sides.
• When people use peer pressure its always to make someone do something that is evil or
• When people are snobby they are must likely full of themselves and have a lot of confidence.
• When people use peer pressure its usually to make someone do something that they do not
want to do themselves.
• You need to be able to recognize the situation and learn to distence yourself from it. There is
not a lot of this here at NC.
Letter 11:
• When the pacient is happy then they are in a state of joy and peace and that is bad for
• With fun comes happiness in our lives this can help us be spiritual and to find a desire for
happiness. Fun and entertainment is an important part of life.
• People can joke and make fun of others which can be used for bad. It creates clique and
exclusion of people. This division amoungpeople plays into screwtapes hands.
• He would makes us think that everyone is not our friends and just faking causing us to be on
edge and not let loose and enjoy parties.
• I think jokes can be making fun of people everywhere in the world. It is often how people bond
but it doesn’t mean its right.
Letter 12:
• It is used for people to feel bad about the devout christians that they will never be as good as
• When you are lazy you become upset and start feeling worthless and hating yourself.
• It causes us to doubt a higher power and distance ourselves from the faith.
• Business and lack of desire for god.
• 10 catholic school helps.
Letter 13:
• Sexual acts and other pleasurable acts are good in the right setting like marriage but any other
time it is not good.
• Detachment of self is putting other people first and yourself second while detachment of reality
is a distancing of reality living in a fake world.
• So happiness is drawn out form every person.
• God works to have us live in harmony with him and in eternal life which the devil attempts to
• Sports and hanging out with friends.
Letter 14:
• Detachment of self is putting other people first and yourself second while detachment of reality
is a distancing of reality living in a fake world.
• They make us believe that everyone is against us to cause divisions in humanity.
• Goodness and kindness good Samaritan story.
• To have all humans live in harmony with him.
Letter 15:
• God wants us be think about the time that we are alive and all the struggles that we go through
but also eternity when their life is over and how much better it will be. This will help us think
about the bigger picture and will help us do good in this life time.
• When you take out the thought of where you will be in the after life then you will not try and do
good in the life you have now.
• The future is dictated by what you do in the present and there is no set time "The Future" takes
place anytime later in your life.
• The Future is a scary thing because everyone fears the unknown and no one knows what is
going to happen in the future. You need to look to God for answers and prayer to help guide you
in life to a good future.
• A lot of prayer and self-evaluation will help guide you and help give you a path to follow so you
are not lost.
Letter 16:
• He wants him to become a church consumer because he wants him to see all these holy people
and feel guilty and an outcast in church.

• It distorts the truth about Christianity and causes them to develop this false belief in Christianity
that leads them to the wrong source of God.

• It gives the impression church fights authority which can lead people to fight authority of church
and question its teachings.

• The Catholic Church today? Explain. he might like the cliques and groups in not just my church
but in churches everywhere. He would use this too manipulate our feelings of guilt and sadness.
Letter 19 annotations:
• "i hope, my dear boy, you have not shown my letters to anyone. not that it matters of course"
• This is when Screwtape tells Wormwood that he was joking about everything because he was
• Twisted Love, hypocrisy, Men vs Women,
• Love, Christ 's death on the cross, "being in love" "Actual loving"
• Sexuality being obstinate or moncomy
• The difference between God and Satan is that God wants us to love him as he loves us and Satan
believes that God has different motives that he does not really love us that there is no such
thing as love.
• The devil does not make us love but more to lust and use our sexual desires and exploits that
weakness, so we sin.
• Today there is so much I'm modesty in the way that people dress that they are looked at as
objects and not actual people.
Letter 20 annotations:
• Womens fears- not getting married, Venus, attractive women, hard to find
• Men's fears- not procreative
• If we don’t not have to struggle and resist temptations, then our free will is gone.
• Living in the 21's century a lot of people openly admit their desires and the way that people talk
and dress is a huge part.
• People might feel lonely or wanted so they post pictures of them half naked on their social
• The devil uses our desires and puts all of what we want into this women that does not exist
instead of trying to find someone that is real.
• Mars to women is everything that they look for in a man and if they find a man that doesn’t live
up to that expectation then they feel disappointed.
• The way that everything we do today is on social media that although we have everything at our
finger tips this makes it easier to sin.
Letter 21 Annotations:
• Pride and Peevishness
• Diabolical- Conquest (winning), selfishness, Irritability
• Divine- Creation (God's gift to us) everything.
• If we do not listen or follow orders to our teachers of people wiser, then us then we will not be
able to follow Gods orders.
• I get irritated but still try to make the best of the situation.
• We are not able to use our body without consequence our bodies are made by God and they're
for is God's.
• We would not have as much anger and greed in the world and there would be more peace and
people sharing.
Letter 22 Annotations:

• Love
• Diabolical- Women (Sexual temptation), noise (Distractions)
• Divine- Silence, music, pleasure (God's gifts)


• She is a Christian that is soft and a virgin that is innocent that doesn’t to any wrong.
• Everything that goes on in the world is manipulated to please God and everything that is done is
to please him.
• I think that her family is a religious family that go to church every week and openly show their
love to God.
• When you have silence, you are able to evaluate yourself and think about the person you want
to be the noise distracts you from God trying to talk to you and you will not think about the
things you do.

Letter 23 Annotations:

• Jesus
• Diabolical- Historical Jesus, Christianity as a means of social justice
• Divine- Great Moralists, Redemption and resurrection

Letter 23 GRG's:

• Screwtape likes this method because it directs people's attention and makes them believe in
something that just doesn’t exists, this does the hard work for him.
• A lot of the things that goes on in today's society you would not see in the past as the upcoming
of the transgenders and gay movement. I think in society we are becoming too relaxed about
what we think what God wants us to do.
• The Devils aim is to distract people by what it means to be successful and not let people think
about what they are being called to do.
• I think that to message that popular Christianity is all about being your own person without
punishment and just forgiveness.
• The more that Christians try to help society they more likely it is that the "Historical Jesus" will
continue to change.
• They use people's faith to make up lies about who they are so that people will vote for them and
when they get elected they will not follow through with their promises.

Letter 24 Annotations:

• Godly Influence
• Diabolical- Spiritual Pride (Arrogance), Spiritual confusion, The inner ring
• Divine- Spiritual influence of others

Letter 24 GRG's:

• The Devil can use that Spiritual Pride and ignorance about the patient's faith to make him
believe in the wrong thing and make him think about different teachings.
• This tactic is to make him think that he is being taught the wrong thing, so he isn't learning
about being grateful but be greedy.
• If you are on the edge about being christian and someone get you to go to church that is good
but if you are christian and someone is not they can get you to forget about your faith.
• The influence of others plays a big part in today's society and especially younger kids because
people who admire others will do what they do.
• The way that everything we do today is on social media that although we have everything at our
finger tips this makes it easier to sin.

Letter 25 Annotations:

• The same old thing

• Diabolical – Christianity, Novelty and fashion
o Make Christianity and faith a fad that will eventually fade away
• Divine- Rhythm, Seasons, Platitudes
• Novelty and fades- Trends, Popular ideas

Letter 26 Annotations:

• Unselfishness
• Diabolical-
• Divine-

Letter 27 Annotations:

• Diabolical- False Spiritualty, Historical Point of View, Midlife crises

• Divine- Prayer, Distractions from worldly materials.
• Let people learn from the past and repeat what mistakes they have made.
• Middle age of corruption

Letter 28 Annotations:

• The Corruption of Aging

• Diabolical- Middle age, Attraction and attachment,
• Divine- Detachment from the material world

Letter 29 Annotations:

• Twisted Virtues
• Diabolical- Hatred, Cowardice
• Divine- Virtue and the virtue of morality
• Ex) Strangers, New and different ideas, Unknown ideas

Letter 30 Annotations:

• Confusion of what is real and what is false

• Diabolical-Fatigue, Weakness
• Divine- Hope in God
• Keep him weary and tired in this way the devils can creep in and make him sin
• In our weakness, we are much more vulnerable and susceptible to sin
• Real exhaustion can make him delirious and make him afraid

Letter 31 Annotations:

• Deliverance
• Diabolical- none
• Divine- Life eternal, a fear of death
• Wormwood fails to keep the patient safe and he dies
• However, there was no fight for his soul for the devils e went straight to heaven
• Wormwood is punished by the devils
• The Patient didn’t suffer at all.

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