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CHANGE the word in brackets to complete the sentence:

1. It's hard to find ________________________ in the summer. (ACCOMMODATE)

2. She has a large ________________________ of stamps. (COLLECT)
3. He made an unfavourable ________________________ between food in his country and mine. (COMPARE)
4. They made a ________________________ about the heating. (COMPLAIN)
5. I had to write a ________________________ for homework. (COMPOSE)
6. She gave a ________________________ of the new computer. (DEMONSTRATE)
7. I had _________________________ starting my car this morning. (DIFFICULT)
8. Have you got some kind of ________________________ on you? (IDENTIFY)
9. How serious is her ________________________? (ILL)
10. They had a very happy ________________________. (MARRY)
11. There was a strange ________________________ in the bowl. (MIX)
12. Gardening is a relaxing ________________________ for some people, but not for me. (OCCUPY)
13. Could I have ________________________ to go home early? (PERMIT)
14. There are several ________________________ mistakes in this letter. (PUNCTUATE)
15. I have made a ________________________ for next weekend. (RESERVE)
16. He made a ________________________ about the ________________________. (STATE / ROB)
17. He made another ________________________ about who to invite. (SUGGEST)
18. Can I get a ________________________ of this book? (TRANSLATE)
19. He's having _________________________ for his bad back. (TREAT)
20. I've put on ________________________ since I arrived here. (WEIGH)
21. I caught the train at the ________________________ station. (CENTRE)
22. I t was too ________________________ for sunbathing. (CLOUD)
23. The room got so ________________________ that he had to clean it. (DUST)
24. It was ________________________ not to write down the address. (FOOL)
25. The receptionist was very _______________and explained everything to him very ____________ ( HELP / CARE)
26. You were ________________________ not to be killed. (LUCK)
27. She lives in a very ________________________ flat. ( LUXURY)
28. I had to have a ________________________ examination before they gave me the job.( MEDICINE)
29. He slipped on the ________________________ ground. (MUD)
30. What was that ________________________ buzzing sound? (MYSTERY)
31. He was very ________________________ before the interview. (NERVE)
32. I prefer the ________________________ version of this film. (ORIGIN)
33. She got a ________________________ letter from her boss. (PERSON)
34. Some _________________________ singers earn a lot of money. (PROFESSION)
35. We bought this house at a very _________________________ price. (REASON)
36. I think the most ___________________ idea is to go by car. (SENSE)
37. The soldier had very _______________________ boots. (SHINE)
38. She was very kind and ________________________ when I told her about my problem. (SYMPATHY)
39. There are _____________________ ways of doing this. (VARY)
40. It was too _______________________ to use my umbrella. (WIND)
Ana Paula Rosa

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