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no a Altp:iw ww oircrafttechtrng. com Current Essay Questions Module 9 (Human Factors) Par. of an engireer's ‘esporsbilty 1s to maxe aircraft serviceable Te a0 this he makes decisions basea uper his rerceptons Tre pe‘captions are based upon the attention gven te detail Wat a’e the ‘our recognise types of attention thet affects decision making? 4 For a licensed engineer to perform fault firding ne needs te gather information to heip hig decision racing in the process of ersur ng the aircratt \s oloased to service safe'y. Whal are these sources of nformation and what precautiors would need to be corsidered when sising tem’? A licensed aireraft maintenance engineer must be able to recognise the avficulties and hazards in his job V/hat is the perception af the role of the licensed aircraft maintenance engineer ano what responsibilites must he recognise in the process of carryirg out his duties? What is the purpose of MED/A anc describe generally how it is mplemented? A detailed and camplex joo 1s being carried out on an aircraft Itig net going 10 be completed witnin your shift ponos Describe the how tre essential information wil be passed on, wth particula’ reference to materia! contol, material processes ard mairtenance information Deserite peer pressure and how it affects the arrcratt engineerin tte workplace vnat is stress in the workpiaca? What human factors and environmental fanditions reed to be considered’ How would you counteract stress? Describe ‘organisation culture’ and row it may atfect a maintenace engineer in carrying out his duties What Aiwarthiness Notes relate to drug and @ cohol abuse Ir tne wore place and what are their recommendations YWhat CAA publisation’s deals with aiconol in the workplace and what does the CAA have so say about acoral?

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