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Advances in Engineering Software 39 (2008) 1023–1028

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Genetic algorithm-based multi-objective model for scheduling of linear

construction projects
Ahmed Senouci *, Hassan R. Al-Derham
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Qatar, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a genetic algorithm-based multi-objective optimization model for the scheduling of
Received 31 January 2006 linear construction projects. The model allows construction planners to generate and evaluate optimal/
Received in revised form 16 July 2007 near-optimal construction scheduling plans that minimize both project time and cost. The computations
Accepted 15 August 2007
in the present model are organized in three major modules. A scheduling module that develops practical
Available online 21 April 2008
schedules for linear construction projects. A cost module that computes the project’s costs. A multi-
objective module that searches for and identifies optimal/near-optimal tradeoffs between project time
and cost. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and to demonstrate its
Genetic algorithms
Multi-objective optimization
capabilities in optimizing the scheduling of linear construction projects.
Linear construction projects Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cost control
Information technology (IT)

1. Introduction malized Selinger’s approach into a two-state variable, N-stage dy-

namic programming solution that determines the minimum
Linear construction projects are characterized by repetitive project time. This formulation also did not incorporate activity
activities. Examples of such construction projects include high- costs as decision variables in the optimization process. Reda [9]
ways, tunnels, railways, pipeline networks, high-rise buildings, took another scheduling approach and developed a linear pro-
and housing development projects. In linear construction projects, gramming formulation to minimize project costs by maintaining
construction crews repeat the same work in various sections of the constant production rates. The method can only be used for the
project, moving from one section to another. scheduling of linear projects with identical activity durations with-
It is well documented that network scheduling methods such as in each section. Eldin and Senouci [6] developed a two-state vari-
CPM and PERT are not suitable for the scheduling of linear con- able, N-stage dynamic programming formulation that included
struction projects. Graphical methods, such as the line of balance both activity durations and costs in the optimization formulation
[1,2] have been developed for the scheduling of linear construction whose objective formulation was to determine the minimum pro-
projects. These methods provide tools suitable for the overall plan- ject cost. Hegazy and Wassef [8] presented a genetic algorithm
ning as well as summary level scheduling of such projects. How- model for the scheduling of non-serial linear construction projects.
ever, they are not efficient in scheduling large linear construction The objective of the model was to minimize project costs.
projects. All these models are capable of generating a single optimal solu-
In the last three decades, a number of computerized methods tion that either minimizes the project time or cost of linear con-
for the scheduling of linear construction projects were developed. struction projects. There is a need for advanced models that can
Selinger [11] presented the framework of the first dynamic pro- help construction planners in generating and evaluating all the fea-
gramming solution of linear construction projects. This formula- sible trade-off between project times and costs in order to select an
tion, however, did not incorporate activity costs as decision optimal schedule that satisfies the specific requirements with re-
variables in the optimization process. Russell and Caselton [10] for- spect to time and cost of the linear construction project being
The objective of this paper is to present the development of a
* Corresponding author.
multi-objective model for the scheduling of linear construction
E-mail addresses: (A. Senouci), (H.R.
Al-Derham). projects. The model provides planners and decision makers in

0965-9978/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1024 A. Senouci, H.R. Al-Derham / Advances in Engineering Software 39 (2008) 1023–1028

linear construction projects with an optimization model that is space, where each solution in this space represents a possible re-
capable of: (1) generating optimal/near-optimal resource utiliza- source utilization option for delivering the project. For example,
tion plans that optimize construction time and cost and (2) visual- a small-size project that includes 20 activities and 5 possible re-
izing the trade-offs among project time and cost in order to source utilization for each activity creates a search space of
support decision makers in evaluating the impact of various re- approximately 95 trillion (i.e. 520) possible solutions. The present
source utilization plans on project performance. model is designed to help planners in the challenging task of
searching this large solution space in order to identify optimal re-
2. Model formulation source utilization plans that achieve multiple project objectives.

The primary purpose of this development stage is to formulate a 2.2. Optimization objectives
robust optimization model that supports a two-dimensional time-
cost trade-off analysis. To this end, the present model is formulated The present optimization model is formulated in order to pro-
in two major steps: (1) determining the major decision variables in vide the capability of minimizing construction time and cost. The
this resource utilization problem and (2) formulating the two ma- model is also designed to quantify and measure the impact of var-
jor objectives of optimizing construction time and cost in a robust ious resource utilization decisions on performance in each of the
optimization model. identified two project objectives. It incorporates two major objec-
tives functions as shown in the following two equations to enable
2.1. Decision variables the evaluation of project performance in construction time and
cost, respectively
For each construction activity in the project, the present model X
is designed to consider all relevant decision variables that may Minimize project time ¼ T ni
have an impact on project time and cost. This include: (1) the con- i¼1

struction method, which indicates the availability of different where T ni is the duration of activity (i) on the critical path using re-
types of materials and/or methods that can be utilized; (2) the source utilization (n). In this model, the project time is computed
crew formation, which represents feasible sizes and configurations using previously developed algorithms for scheduling linear con-
for construction crews; and (3) the crew overtime policy, which struction projects [6]
represents available overtime hours and nighttime shifts. In order
to control the complexity of the optimization model, the present X
Minimize project cost ¼ ½ðM ni þ Dni  Rni Þ þ ðBni Þ
model combines these three major decision variables into a single i¼1
variable called a resource utilization option.
For example, the feasible resource utilization options for per- where Mni is the material cost of activity (i) using resource utiliza-
forming the concrete paving activity in a highway project may in- tion (n); Dni is the duration of activity (i) using resource utilization
clude the utilization of: (1) construction material of concrete that (n); Rni is the daily cost rate in $/day in activity (i); and Bni is the sub-
provides a strength of 30 or 35 MPa; (2) a crew formation A that contractor lump sum cost for resource utilization (n) in activity i, if
consists of one paving machine, one grader, and a labor force of any.
one foreman, three laborers, two equipment operators, and one ce-
ment finisher, or crew B that has the same composition except that 3. Model implementation
it has a larger and more powerful concrete paving machine; and (3)
and overtime policy of 0 or 4 h of overtime. Various combinations In order to support decision makers in their search for optimal
of these available options can be represented by different resource trade-offs between time and cost, the present model is imple-
utilization options, as shown in Table 1. Each of these feasible re- mented using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Genetic algo-
source utilization options has an expected daily production rate rithms are search and optimization tools that assist decision
and cost rate; and accordingly it leads to a time and cost for this makers in identifying optimal or near-optimal solutions for prob-
activity, as shown in Table 1. lems with large search space. They are inspired by the mechanics
Similarly, each of the remaining activities in the project can of evolution and they adopt the survival of the fittest and the struc-
have a similar set of feasible resource utilization options that can tured exchange of genetic materials among population members
be used to construct the activity. The major challenge confronting over successive generations as a basic mechanism for the search
construction planners in this problem is to select an optimal re- process [7]. As such, the present model is implemented in three
source utilization option, from the available set of feasible alterna- major phases: (1) initialization phase that generates an initial set
tives (n = 1 to N), for each activity (i = 1 to l) in the project. The of (S) possible solutions for this resource utilization problem; (2)
possible combinations of these alternatives create a large search fitness evaluation phase that calculates the cost and time of each
generated solution; and (3) population generation phase that seeks
to improve the fitness of solutions over successive generations. The
Table 1
detailed computation procedure in these three phases is explained
Feasible resource utilization options for concrete paving in the following sections and is shown in Fig. 1.
Resource utilization Resource composition Performance
option (n)
3.1. Phase 1: initialization
Material Crew Overtime Cost Productivity
(MPa) (h) ($/m2) (m2/day)
The main purpose of this phase is to initialize the optimization
1 30 A 0 42 2100 procedure in the present model, using the following two major
2 30 B 0 47 2500
3 35 A 0 43 2100
4 35 B 0 48 2500
5 30 A 4 48 2600 (1) Read project and genetic algorithm parameters needed to
6 30 B 4 54 3100 initialize the search process. The project parameters include:
7 35 A 4 43 2600
(1) number of project activities and sections; (2) number of
8 35 B 4 56 3100
resource utilization options for each activity; (3) activity
A. Senouci, H.R. Al-Derham / Advances in Engineering Software 39 (2008) 1023–1028 1025


Phase 1: Initialization
Read project and genetic algorithm parameters

Generate random solutions (s = 1 to S) for parent population P1 of

first generation (g = 1)

Phase 2: Fitness Function Evaluation

Phase 3: Population Generation
Solution (s=1)

Child population Cs
Compute project time for solution s in
generation g

Calculate Pareto optimal rank and crowding

Compute project cost for solution s in distance for each solution (s=1 to S) of the
generation g parent population Pg

Create a child population Cg using selection,

Yes crossover, and mutation
Last solution S
Combine child population Cg and parent
population Pg to form a new combined
population Ng of size 2S

Calculate Pareto optimal rank and crowding

Next solution ( s + 1)
distance for each Solution (s=1 to 2S) of the
combined population Ng

Sort new combined population Ng using

Niched comparison

Keep top S solutions to form next generation's

parent population Pg+1

Last generation g


Next generation g = g + 1

Fig. 1. Model computational flowchart.

duration and direct cost for each resource utilization option analyzed project. The number of generations (G) and popula-
and for each section; and (4) lag/lead time between succes- tion size (S) are identified based on the selected string size in
sive activities and their precedence relationships. The order to improve the quality of the solution. The population
required genetic algorithm parameters for this initialization size typically contains between 30 and 500 individuals/
phase include: (1) string size; (2) number of generations; (3) strings [7]. The crossover rate represents the probability that
population size; (4) mutation rate; and (5) crossover rate. two strings will swap their bits. The crossover operation cre-
The string size is determined by the model, considering ates variations in the solution population by producing new
the total number of construction activities included in the solution strings that consist of parts taken from selected par-
1026 A. Senouci, H.R. Al-Derham / Advances in Engineering Software 39 (2008) 1023–1028

ent solution strings. Its value varies between 0.7 and 0.9. A
value of 0.8 is commonly used. The mutation rate represents
the probability that a bit within a string will be flipped (0
becomes 1, 1 becomes 0). The mutation operation introduces
random changes in the solution population. In genetic algo-
rithms, the mutation operation can be beneficial in reinforc-
ing diversity in a population. The mutation rate has usually a
very low value for binary encoded genes, say 0.005.
(2) Generate random solutions (s = 1 to S) for the initial popula-
tion P1 in the first generation (g = 1). These solutions repre-
sent an initial set of activity resource utilization options.
This set of possible solutions is then evolved in the following
two phases in order to generate a set of activity optimal
resource utilization options that establishes an optimal
trade-off between project time and cost.

3.2. Phase 2: fitness functions evaluation

The main purpose of this phase is to evaluate the time and cost
for each possible solution (s) in generation (g) in order to deter-
Fig. 2. Pareto optimal solutions.
mine the fitness of the solution. This fitness determines the likeli-
hood of survival and reproduction of each solution in following
generations. As such, this phase evaluates the two identified fitness (2) Create a new child population (Cg) using the genetic algo-
functions for each solution using the following two steps: rithm operations of selection, crossover, and mutation. The
selection operation chooses the individuals that will go
(1) Calculate the project time (D(s, g) for solution (s) in genera- through the reproduction process, by favoring those with
tion (g)). higher optimal ranks and wider crowding distances. The
(2) Calculate the project cost (Cost(s, g) for solution (s) in gener- crossover operation, on the other hand, crosses each pair
ation (g)). of the selected individuals at a randomly determined point
and swaps the variables coded in the springs at this point,
resulting in two new individuals. The mutation operation
3.3. Phase 3: population generation randomly changes the value of one of the variables in the
string to induce innovation and to prevent premature con-
The purpose of this phase is to create three types of population in vergence to a local optima [7]. The fitness of the generated
each of the considered generations: (1) parent; (2) child; and (3) child population is then analyzed using the earlier described
combined. For each generation (g), a parent population (Pg) is used steps of phase 2 in order to obtain the values of project time
to generate a child population (Cg) in a manner similar to that used and cost for each solution as shown in Fig. 1.
in traditional genetic algorithms [7]. The purpose of generating this (3) Combine child population (Cg) and parent population (Pg) to
child population is to introduce a new set of solutions by rearrang- form a new combined population (Ng) of size (2S). This com-
ing and randomly changing parts of the solutions of the parent pop- bined population acts as a vehicle for the elitism, where
ulation. This child population can then be combined with the parent good solutions of the initial parent population are passed
population to create an expanded set of possible solutions that on to the following generation to avoid the loss of good solu-
forms the combined population (Ng) for generation (g). This com- tions of the initial parent population once they are found [4].
bined population (Ng) is used to facilitate the comparison among (4) Calculate Pareto optimal rank and crowding distance for
the initial solutions in the parent population and those generated each solution (s = 1 to 2S) of the newly created combined
in the child population. The best solutions in this combined popula- population (Ng). This step performs the same operations as
tion regardless of their origin are retained and passed to the follow- step 1 of this phase on the new combined population (Ng).
ing generation as a parent population [3–5,12]. The computational (5) Sort the new combined population (Ng) using the niched
procedure in this phase is implemented in the following steps. comparison rule. This sorting rule selects solutions with
higher Pareto optimal ranks and breaks ties between solu-
(1) Calculate Pareto optimal rank and crowding distance for tions with the same rank by favoring solutions with higher
each solution (s = 1 to S) in the parent population (Pg). First, crowding distances.
this is done by ranking the solutions in the population (6) Keep the top (S) solutions from the combined population
according to their Pareto optimal domination of other solu- (Ng) to form the parent population (Pg+1) of the next genera-
tions, where a solution is identified as dominant if it is better tion. This parent population is then returned to step 1 of this
than all other solutions in all of the optimization objectives phase for generating a new child population as shown in
considered simultaneously. For example, solution A in Fig. 2 Fig. 1. This iterative execution of the second and third phases
can be considered a Pareto optimal solution that dominates of the model continues until the specified number of gener-
(i.e. provides lower cost and time than) solution E. Second, ations is completed.
this step calculates the crowding distance of each solution,
which represents the closeness of neighboring solutions to
the solution considered. The crowding distance values help 4. Illustrative example
the algorithm spread the obtained solutions over a wider
Pareto front instead of converging to points that cover only A project example is analyzed in order to illustrate the use of
a small part of the tradeoff surface [4]. the present optimization model and demonstrate its capabilities.
A. Senouci, H.R. Al-Derham / Advances in Engineering Software 39 (2008) 1023–1028 1027

This example was originally presented by Reda [9] and has been Table 3
modified to allow for multiple resource utilization options. The Optimal solutions and their impact on project performance

example project is the relocation of 18 km of natural gas pipeline. Project Project Resource utilization option
The repetitive activities in the pipeline relocation have been iden- time cost $
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
tified as locate and clear, excavate, string pipe, lay pipe, test, and (work
1 2 3 4 5 6
backfill, as shown in Fig. 3. The project is divided into five sections.
Each activity is performed by a single crew progressing from the 14 4000 1 4 2 5 1 1
19 3250 1 4 2 4 1 1
first to the fifth section. The precedence relationships among suc- 20 2750 1 3 1 4 1 1
ceeding activities are finish to start with no lag time. Table 2 sum- 24 2500 1 4 2 3 1 1
marizes the input values for the example project. 25 2000 1 3 1 3 1 1
The present optimization model was used to search the space of 26 1750 1 2 1 3 1 1
30 1250 1 3 1 2 1 1
possible solutions using the developed multi-objective optimiza-
31 1000 1 2 1 2 1 1
tion model. The rate of crossover and mutation were set equal to 32 750 1 1 1 2 1 1
their most commonly used values (i.e. 0.8 and 0.005, respectively). 35 500 1 3 1 1 1 1
After a number of trial-and-error adjustments, a population size 36 250 1 2 1 1 1 1
equal to 30 individuals and a number of generations equal to 150 37 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

were found to meet the accuracy requirements of the example.

The model was able to significantly reduce the search space by
precluding dominated solutions in the successive generations of 4800
the genetic algorithm, using the Pareto optimality principles 4400
shown in Fig. 2. This led to the selection of 12 Pareto optimal 4000
(i.e. non-dominated) solutions for this example. Each of these solu- 3600

Project Costs ($)

tions identifies an optimal trade-off among project time and cost. 3200
Table 3 summarizes these optimal solutions and their impact on 2800
project performance. Fig. 4 shows the time-cost trade-off curve 2400
of the project. In Fig. 4, the horizontal axis represents project times 2000
and the vertical axis representing project additional costs as a re- 1600
sult of reducing project times. As can be seen from Fig. 4, the pro- 1200
ject time varies from 37 to 14 days. The values of the different
points on the curve are obtained from Table 3. Figs. 5 and 6 show
the 37-days and 14-days project schedules, respectively. In order
to validate the results provided by the present model, they are 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
compared to those reported in the literature for the same applica- Project Duration (Work Day)
tion example [9]. The comparison confirms that the present model
Fig. 4. Project time-cost trade-off curve.

Locate &Clear Excavate String Pipe Lay Pipe Test Backfill


Locate and String Lay

Test Backfill 35
Clear Pipe Pipe
Project Time (Work Day)

Fig. 3. Project network diagram.


Table 2
Activity cost and duration data for proposed project example 20

Activity Activity Resource Activity Activity 15

description number utilization duration additional cost ($/
option number (d) d)
Locate and 1 1 1 0
Excavate 2 1 4 0 5
2 3 50
3 2 100 0
4 1 150 0 1 2 3 4 5
String pipe 3 1 2 0
Pipeline Section
2 1 50
Fig. 5. Project schedule for project duration of 37 days.
Lay pipe 4 1 5 0
2 4 150
3 3 300 is capable of generating the same set of optimal solutions as those
4 2 450
reported by Reda [9]. Furthermore, the present model has the
5 1 600
added capability of allowing multiple resource utilization options,
Test 5 1 1 0
multiple precedence-relationships, and a general time-cost trade-
Backfill 6 1 2 0
off analysis procedure.
1028 A. Senouci, H.R. Al-Derham / Advances in Engineering Software 39 (2008) 1023–1028

Locate & Clear String Pipe Excavate Lay Pipe Test Backfill ti-objective optimization module that searches for and identifies
16 near-optimal construction plans. An application example was ana-
lyzed to illustrate the capabilities of the developed model in gener-
14 ating all optimal trade-off solution between project time and cost
in a single run, where each provides the least project time that
Project Time (Work Day)

can be achieved for a given project cost. This new capability should
10 prove useful to construction planners and is expected to advance
existing scheduling practices for linear construction projects.
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