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In order to prepare for your exam, answer the following questions or define the words.

Most are very simple

answers, and this is heavily vocabulary. Use your notes, the book, and any worksheets to find your answers. If I
inadvertently listed something twice – as the book is repetitive – you do not have to answer it twice. Simply make
note of where the previous answer was. You do not have to work on this, however, it will be very difficult to pass
the exam unless you can answer these questions.

Chapter One
1. Ark of the Covenant 10. Imago Dei 19. Psalms
2. Christ 11. Levites 20. Revelation
3. Communion 12. Manna 21. Sabbath
4. Consecration 13. Moriah 22. Salvation history
5. Covenant 14. Northern Kingdom 23. Sinai
6. Exodus 15. Original Sin 24. Thank offering
7. Faith 16. Passover 25. Zion
8. Grace 17. Pentateuch
9. Hebrews 18. Protoevangelium

Chapter Two
26. Abba 35. Gentile 44. Resurrection
27. Anno Domini 36. Incarnation 45. Sacrament
28. Apostle 37. Last Supper 46. Stigmata
29. Ascension 38. Magi 47. Synagogue
30. Bethlehem 39. Mystery 48. Synoptic
31. Catholic 40. Mystical Body of Christ 49. Temporal
32. Disciple 41. Nicene Creed 50. Typology
33. Emmaus 42. Parable
34. Eucharist 43. Pentecost

51. What is the Incarnation?

52. What is the Hypostatic Union?
53. Explain how the Church is The Mystical Body of Christ.
54. Define the Communion of Saints.
55. What does it mean to say that the Church is a Pilgrim Church?

Chapter Three
56. Apocalypse 63. Gnostic 70. Primacy of St. Peter
57. Apocryphal 64. Great Commission 71. Rock
58. Baptism 65. Heaven 72. Sacred Scripture
59. Canonization 66. Keys of the Kingdom 73. Sacred Tradition
60. Charism 67. Martyr 74. Saint
61. Church 68. Mass
62. Ecumenical Council 69. People of God
75. What is the Ascension? When does it occur?
76. What is Pentecost? When does it occur?
77. What is meant by the terms “Advocate,” and “Paraclete?”
78. What is considered the birthday of the Church?
79. How does the Holy Spirit work in the Church?
80. What does Vicar of Christ mean?
81. Explain the primacy of St. Peter.
82. What is martyrdom?
83. Explain the conversion of St. Paul.

Look over your own notes on the roles/information about each of the Apostles.
10.2S Ecclesiology Final Exam Study Guide 2015-2016 1 of 2
Black Catholic History Project -- identify the following people. If you don’t remember, or didn’t take notes, look
them up, or talk to the people who did the presentation.
84. Augustus Tolton
85. St. Augustine
86. St. Katherine Drexel
87. Fr. Cyprian Davis
88. Pierre Toussaint
89. James Augustine Healy
90. St. Benedict the Moor
91. Sr. Thea Bowman
92. Peter Claver
93. Josephine Bakhita
94. Patrick Francis Healy
Briefly identify the author(s) and general topic of the following documents:
95. In Supremo Apostolatus
96. The Seamless Garment
97. Brothers and Sisters to Us

From the last set of notes:

98. Define “Church.”
99. Explain the statement “The Church is a congregation of sinners, not a society for the just.”
100. Define Faith.
101. What are the formal structures that help to preserve the essential truths of the Church?
102. Define Magisterium
103. Who makes up the Magisterium?
104. What is a “mark” as it relates to the “marks of the Church?”
105. What is the Nicene Creed?
106. When and where were the marks of the Church added to the Nicene Creed?
107. List and define the four “Marks of the Church.”
108. How is the Church Holy? (this is not a fluff question. Look at your notes.)
109. How is holiness in the Church reinforced?
110. What are the Evangelical Counsels?
111. What is a Sacrament?
112. What does it mean to say that the Church is Catholic?
113. List any information about another “rite” in the church other than the Roman (or Latin) rite. (Yeah, I know
it’s a stretch, but were you listening? If not, look it up). Can you name one other rite in the Catholic Church?
114. What does it mean to say that the Church is Apostolic?
115. What are the three ways in which the Church is Apostolic?
116. What is Apostolic Succession?
117. Who is the Pope? (not the person, but the office)
118. Why is the Pope the Pope?
119. I could throw in a question about the history of the Papacy, but you answered it above when you described
the Primacy of Peter – it’s basically the same thing, I’m just pointing that out just in case you missed it.
120. There’s probably a good chance that I’m going to ask you the six divisions of the NT. 

“...the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.”

-- Tertullian

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