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A practical
practical prayer
prayer guide
guide andand workbook

Tega Edwin
Tega Edwin
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Table of Contents

How to Use This Guide..........................................................................6

What is Prayer?......................................................................................7

Praying with the Lord's Prayer............................................................12

How to Pray Consistently....................................................................25

Importance of Reading the Bible.....................................................28

Praying with God's Word....................................................................34

5 steps to praying with God’s word . . ...............................35

Importance of Writing Your Prayers..................................................37

Starting a prayer journal...................................................39

Prayers to Get You Started...............................................................41

Prayer Calendar..................................................................................52

About the Author................................................................................53


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I grew up in a home where we prayed together, as a family, every morning. I
could recite the Lord’s prayer before I was 10 and had Psalm 23 memorized by some
point in high school. I was taught to pray when I woke up in the morning, and when
I went to sleep at night. I was taught to bless every meal before eating and to thank
God for all the blessings in my life.

And yet, considering my long history with prayer, praying was still something I didn’t
quite have a handle on for the longest time. For me, prayer was the routine of reciting
the Lord’s prayer and then asking God to bless me, and my loved ones and to make
my life all peaches and roses.

If you asked me 3 or 4 years ago why I prayed, my answer would have probably been
something along the lines of “It’s what Christians do.” Or “It’s what I’m supposed to
do.” After spending time in the word and being around individuals who are spiritually
more mature than I am, I started to realize that something was missing in my prayer

I had been doing prayer all wrong. Prayer wasn’t just meant to be another thing to
cross off my “Christian checklist” and I was frustrated that it felt just like that. Why
couldn’t I stay focused during my prayers? Why didn’t I ever get that feeling of
“God’s presence” that people always talk about? Why did I feel like I was always
praying for the same things over and over again?

In November 2014, I finally decided I was tired of being spiritually immature (Hebrews
5:12-14) when I had been walking with the Lord all my life. I realized that if I really
wanted to walk with God and be used for His glory, I needed to be all in. And my
prayer life would need a drastic overhaul.

The journey has not an easy one due to some of the preconceived notions I had
about prayer. I am constantly asking God to help me improve my communication
with Him. Over time, I have learned some strategies that have transformed my prayer

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life. Now, I wake up in the morning excited to talk to God and spend some quiet time
with Him. Now, verses like “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in
prayer.” (Romans 12:12) and “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with
thanksgiving.” (Colossians 4:2) no longer seem like impossible challenges to me.

It is as a result of my own personal journey with prayer that Simplifying Prayer was
created. After sharing prayers on my website and communicating with my readers,
I realized that there are other people out there struggling with the same things I
struggled with. People who might not be content with the state of their prayer life,
or feel like they are doing prayer wrong. People who feel stumped when it’s time to
pray, or feel like they have been asking the Lord for the same things over and over

Because you’re reading this book, I assume that you’re in the same position I was in a
few years ago. I’m excited that you have decided to take me along with you on your
journey to having deeper and more satisfying conversations with our Heavenly Father.

So, let’s jump right in!

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How to Use This Guide
This book was created to help you deepen your relationship with God via
prayer. The main goal of Simplifying Prayer is to help you transform your prayer life by
providing practical steps, suggestions and tools to support your prayer life.

This book was not created to be an extensive resource about prayer or its origins, but
rather a practical resource that you can refer to regularly as you walk with God.

Tools you will need




You will need to have a Bible close by as you read through this book. A lot of the
strategies, teachings and even personal opinions I share in this guide are based on
scripture. You will see a bible verse in parenthesis when a teaching is from the Bible,
and you would benefit more from this book if you can look up those scriptures.

B reak : You will see this as you read through this book. Whenever you
do, it is a signal for you to take a break from reading and reflect. There are reflection
pages in this guide in case you prefer hard copies and decide to print the workbook.
Otherwise, just grab a pen and paper/journal or your phone (some sort of writing tool)
and write some of your reflections down.

Downloads -You have access to a “Downloads and Printables” folder included with
your workbook, you will find printables and phone downloads that make the resources
in this book easily accessible for you. Click here to access the resources.

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What is Prayer?
Prayer is an honest conversation with God; it really is as simple as that.
A lot of people struggle with prayer when they start thinking of it as something more
complicated than a conversation. Believing that prayer should be done at a certain
time, or in a specific position, or in a specific way will only make your prayer life
frustrating. Prayer is our time to talk to Heavenly Father about anything on our minds.
The same way you can have a phone conversation on the bus, in your car, lying in
bed or even while cooking is the same way you can talk to Heavenly Father at any
point for any length of time.

Prayer is not a time for you to perform for God. In Matthew, Jesus said to the disciples,
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and
pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.
Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your
room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who
sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:5-6).

Do you think Jesus literally meant that we had to walk into a quiet room every single
time we pray?

No, I do not think so. Because that would be contrary to his command that we
pray all the time (See Luke 18:1). Jesus’ point in those verses is that our prayers are
between us and God. Not between us, God and everyone else around us. Prayer is
our time to commune with God, through the Holy Spirit, without trying to show off for
those around us. So, as you read this book and develop your prayer life, I want you
to remember this – It is not about how long or eloquent your prayer is, it is about the
state of your heart when you approach your Heavenly Father. (You will see this phrase
more than once as you read this book.)

Do not get stuck not having words to say, or not praying for an hour, or not being loud

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enough. Heavenly Father knows your heart and sometimes we do not even need
words – “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray
for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for
words.” (Romans 8:26) - focus on always approaching God with faith, honesty and
humility and just talk to Him.

“But if God knows my heart, why do I need to pray?”

This is a phrase I have heard and even thought to myself often; it is easy to think that
because God already knows our hearts and thoughts, there is no reason for prayer.
That is so far from the truth. Yes, God knows our hearts, but that does not mean He
does not want to hear from us. God wants us to pray and communicate with Him
regularly. Regular prayer helps to deepen our relationship with Father.

In Chronicles, God appeared to Solomon and said, “If my people who are called by
my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked
ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2
Chronicles 7:14). Jesus also encouraged His disciples to pray, “And he (Jesus) told
them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.”
(Luke 18:1).

In James 5:16, we are told that prayer is powerful - “The heartfelt and persistent
prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and
made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]” (AMP).
Prayer is one of the ways we can enforce the power of God, working in us, on earth.

Prayer is a good way to ensure that God remains at the forefront of our lives; it is one
of the ways we can show God how much we rely on Him in everything we do. Prayer
is how we ask God to intervene in our lives, an opportunity for us to give God praise
and thanksgiving and it is an avenue for us to confess our sins to Father (See Matthew
7:7, James 4:3, Genesis 25:21, Judges 16:24, 1 Corinthians 14:15, Philippians 4:6,
Colossians 4:2, 1 John 1:9).

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C onversation is a 2-W ay street

“Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.” -
Diana Robinson.

Imagine that you had a friend and every time you got together all they did was
talk? They talk to you about their day, their life, and each time you try to get a few
words in, they interrupt you and steer the conversation back to themselves? They al-
ways call you to ask for help but never ask how they can be of help to you.

How do you think you would feel after being around this friend for a while?
Frustrated? Unimportant? Like your thoughts and opinions do not matter?

Friend, that is what it is like when you get on your knees, say a quick prayer, and then
go about your day. It took me a long while to understand that prayer should not be
a one-way conversation. I still indulge in “hit and run prayers” on days when I am
rushing and it never feels right or complete.

An integral part of praying is giving God time to speak also, and doing this is not
easy when you first try it. You might sit or kneel, and wait, and feel like nothing is
happening, like you can’t hear anything. Or you may hear something and begin to
doubt if that voice you hear is from God or just your own random thoughts. These
feelings are normal and your faith will be important in moving through them.

You must have faith that God is listening and that He will respond when you begin
asking God to speak to you. You will not receive from God if you harbor doubt in your
heart (James 1:6-7). Over time and with consistent practice, you will get better at
differentiating the voice of God from your own thoughts and desires.

Dedicating 5 minutes at the end of your prayer time to just sit in silence is a good
way to begin practicing listening for God. During this time, you can ask God how you
can be of service to Him and then wait for an answer, or you can repeat a specific
scripture in your mind as you sit still and wait to receive a message related to that

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On some days, you will feel like you do not hear anything and other days you hear
the Lord loud and clear. Maybe as you practice more and more you will find that 5
minutes has become 10 minutes and then 20 minutes. The important thing is that you
keep coming back, you keep asking and you keep waiting. Whatever you do, start
dedicating time in your day where all you are doing is asking God to speak to you.

B reak : Read the following verses and see what you can learn about Jesus’
prayer life. Matthew 14:23, Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:15-16, Luke 6:12. Are
there any habits you can model your own prayer life after? Write them down in your
journal or the reflection page.

Now, let’s jump into some practical tips for your enriching your prayer life.

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Simplifying Prayer
Praying with the Lord 's Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is a good place to start as you develop your prayer life. In
Matthew 6, Jesus gave what is referred to as the “model prayer”. It’s a very simple
prayer that I strongly recommend you memorize if you haven’t already. If you are
ever feeling at a loss of words to communicate your need to God, you can always
come back to the Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts (sins), as we have forgiven our debtors [letting go of
both the wrong and the resentment].

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

*For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Matthew 6:9-13 (AMP)

In this section, we will delve into three ways you can use the Lord’s Prayer to pray.

*I grew up learning this version of the Lord’s Prayer and recently realized that NU-Texts do not have the

last line included. I personally think it’s a great line to always include because it helps us remember

that not only is our heavenly Father powerful, but that everything we do should be for His glory. NU-

Texts are variations from the traditional text generally the Alexandrian or Egyptian type of text.

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J ust pray the L ord ’ s P rayer
Once you free yourself from the idea that prayer has unspoken rules and you
begin to accept that it’s all about your heart space, you will realize that just saying
the Lord’s Prayer can be very powerful.

The first way you can use the Lord’s Prayer in your prayer life is by taking time to align
your heart to God, position yourself to hear from Him and slowly pray the Lord’s Prayer
as shown below – personalized.

My Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on earth through me, as it is in heaven.

Give me today my daily bread.

And forgive me my sins, as I also have forgiven those who have sinned against

And lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


This is how Jesus taught the disciples to pray. A simple prayer, free from any fluff and
primping in the presence of the Lord.

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U sing each sentence of the L ord ’ s P rayer as a prayer prompt

1. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

Say a prayer of praise to Father. Spend time praising God just for who He is and all
that He has done in your life. Do not ask Him for anything during this time, just worship

If you are at a loss, you can look up names of God, write them down and say them
back to Him in reverence. Just spend time being in awe of His name. Below are some
examples of phrases/sentences I’ll say when I just want to praise Him:

Jehovah Jireh, you are my provider

Jehovah Nissi, you’ve have won my battle

Jehovah Rapha, you are my healer

Jehovah Shalom, you are my prince of peace

You are the Lilly to the Valley

You are the Rock of Ages

You are the reason why I exist

Father You are awesome, and wonderful

Great is your name Father

If I’m having a hard time thinking of names, I’ll just describe His beauty.

Remember, there are no rules, just praise Him from your heart and give Him the words
that overflow out of your love for Him.

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2. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Say a prayer asking God to show His will for you and your life and that His will for the
world will be established. Pray that God will strengthen you and enable you to walk in
His mission for your life. Ask Father to use you and your life as an exhibit of heaven on
earth. Two things of note here:

1. It’s extremely important that you remember as you pray that God’s will surpasses all
things. Jesus prayed for God’s will to be done even when it would have been easier
for Him if God’s will didn’t come to pass:

Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his
disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray.” And taking with him Peter
and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he
said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch
with me.” And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My
Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but
as you will.” (Matthew 26: 36-39)

Remembering this will be important during times when your prayer isn’t answered. You
will know that regardless of what happens, God’s will in your life will be done and His
will is to prosper you if you are abiding in Him (John 15:7, Jeremiah 29:11).

2. It’s not enough to ask for God’s will to be done in your life, you must create space
for Him to work in your life. You need to examine your life and your habits, find the
things that are preventing you from connecting with God and spending consistent
time with Father and eliminate those things.

Jesus answered, ““Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the
Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)

B reak : Think about one habit you’ve been struggling with for a while now. Make
a commitment for the next 2 weeks that each time you catch yourself in that habit,
you will stop what you are doing and pray about it. Pray for the strength of the Holy
Spirit to help you overcome the habit.
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Simplifying Prayer
3. Give us this day our daily bread.
This part of the Lord’s Prayer can be used as 2 different prompts. In my research, I
have seen different scholars interpret it as different things. For our prayer guide, we
will use 2 interpretations that I believe will help deepen your walk with Father.

1. Daily bread as the Word of God (Matthew 4:4). Pray for the eyes of your heart
to be opened so that the secrets in His word will be revealed to you (Psalm 119:18).
Spend time in prayer before you read your Bible and ask Father to help you
understand what you read. Ask for your heart to be fertile ground for His word to bear
fruit (Mark 4:1-9).

2. Daily bread as the essentials we need in life. Pray for God to supply all your
needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Yes, Father knows about
everything you need (Matthew 6:32), but He still wants you to come to Him in prayer
(2 Chronicles 7:14; Luke 18:1-8; Philippians 4:6) and ask Him to provide for you.

James 4:3 tells us - you do not have, because you do not ask. Going to God for
provision shows an understanding that every good and perfect thing in your life
is from Him (James 1:17). It shows Father that you are not leaning on your own
understanding or abilities but rather all your trust is in Him (Proverbs 3:5).

4. And forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors.

There are also 2 separate prayer prompts in this line. We’ll talk about the second one
first, because the second part of this sentence is a prerequisite for the first part:

1. Pray for God to instill in you a spirit of forgiveness, and not one of hate, anger and
grudge-holding. Here’s what Jesus says about this in Matthew 6:14-15:

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive
you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.

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Jesus was not shy about this – if you do not forgive other people, Father will not
forgive you. Simple. God wants us to have a heart of forgiveness. He does not
want us holding on to hatred and grudges in our hearts because how can we love
everyone (John 13:34), if we do not forgive them?

2. Pray for God’s forgiveness. A prayer for forgiveness is not complete without
confession. In 1 John 1:9, we are told that if we confess our sins, Father will forgive us
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

And even though this sounds easy in theory, I can tell you from experience that
confessing is hard. This is something I still struggle to do. Because though I know,
logically, that God knows and sees everything I do, there is something about
positioning myself in front of Him and saying “God, I messed up, forgive me.” That is
still hard because I must admit to a fault – I do not know about you but that is hard
for me to do.

But I can also say from experience that every time I am able to humble myself, let go
of guilt and shame and confess, it always comes with a sense of freedom. Confession
to me is letting go of the guilt of sin, laying it at Father’s feet and creating room in my
heart to embrace forgiveness.

I share this to let you know that even though confession can be difficult, it is a
necessary part of our prayer lives and one that has positive outcomes.

B reak : Take five minutes to think about the last sin you remember yourself
committing. If you can go to a space where you can be alone, say out loud “Father,
I’m sorry for _____. I ask for and receive your forgiveness today.” If you can’t be
alone, have this conversation in your head. And when you are done making that
confession, just sit with it and let the Holy Spirit stir your heart. Here’s the catch – there
is no point in doing this if you are not actually sorry about the sin you committed. So,
check in with your heart space and ensure that you are in a repentant frame of mind
when you do this.

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Simplifying Prayer
5. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Say a prayer asking God to guide you through life, protect you from the devil and his
wiles. Ask Him to strengthen you against temptation and while you do, remember 2

1. Temptations come about because of your hearts desires (James 1:14-15), and the
things you think about and lust for in your heart are a sign of who you are (Proverbs
23:7). This means that you must be cognizant of what you are feeding your spirit. Are
the things of the world – music, books, TV shows, conversations – crowding out the
Holy Spirit in your life?

B reak – Think of 3 things you do habitually that do not feed your Spirit and
commit to giving them up for at least a month. Now instead of just giving them up,
replace the time you spend doing those things with something that will help you
grow spiritually. For example, replace a romance novel with a Christian living book,
replace a regular TV Show with listening to or watching a sermon, instead of listening
to worldly music as you work out, listen to Christian music.

2. If you feel like you are facing some heavy temptation and you can’t see a way
out? Friend, it’s time for you to pray. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13:

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful,
and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation
He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

So, a. you are not the first one to go through what you’re struggling through, and b.
God is your only way out.

Pray to God for the strength of the Holy Spirit to take charge in your life and help you
overcome, It is through God alone that we are competent enough to overcome our
temptations (2 Corinthians 3:4-6). As you say this prayer, remember that your actions
are just as important as your faith. Start spending more time reading and memorizing
the Word of God. Become aware of temptation triggers and try – to the best of your
ability – to eliminate them from your life
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Simplifying Prayer
6. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
WIth this line, we have two more prayer prompts.

1. Say a prayer acknowledging God’s reign over your life. God shows us the way in
which we should walk when we acknowledge that His way of doing things, and His
way of being is the best way. Committing everything we do to Him can come with an
overwhelming sense of peace from knowing that He is in control.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight
your paths (Proverbs 3:4-5).

2. Say a prayer acknowledging the importance of God’s power in your life. Thank Him
for making His power available to you in your times of need. Let Him know that you
understand that it is by His power and grace that you can get through each moment.

And if this is not something you have accepted for yourself yet, ask Him to give you
the strength to accept His power as all you need for getting through the hard times.

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect
in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so
that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 2:9)

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U sing the L ord ’ s P rayer as a template for your prayers

1. Start your prayers by giving thanks to God. Spend some time glorifying His name
and just worshiping Him because of who He is.

2. Pray for God’s will to be done in your life. Tell Him all your goals, dreams and
plans, and then commit them to Him.

3. Pray for God’s word to be revealed to you and for the things you need in life to
be provided to you.

4. Spend time confessing your sins to God then ask the Spirit for guidance moving

5. Then search your heart for anyone you might be holding a grudge against, or
have negative feelings towards and then let it go. Let all those negative emotions
go. You most likely will need to trust in the help of the Spirit for making this prayer a

6. Pray for God to guide you as you face temptation during your day, ask for the
help of the Spirit in remembering Bible verses that can help you overcome tempta-
tions when you are faced with them.

7. Close by giving God more glory, and praise. And do not forget to thank Him for
everything you have asked for. Thanking God before you receive what you have
asked for is an important part of its manifestation – Jesus speaking: “Therefore I tell
you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be
yours (Mark 11:24).

This 7-step process can take 5 minutes or an hour. It depends on you, your relationship
with God and your heart. It also depends on how much time you have in that
moment. If you are ever feeling stuck and unsure of what or how to pray, you use
these steps as a guide for your prayer time.

Remember, it’s not about how long or eloquent your prayer is, it’s about the state of
your heart when you approach your Heavenly Father.

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S ummary of the S even S teps
1. Praise

2. Purpose

3. Provision

4. Penance

5. Purge* [the Negative]

6. Protection

7. Praise
There is a phone download of this seven step summary in the “Downloads
and Printables” folder. This was created for you to carry around for

When next you are on the go and need to access these seven steps as a
guide for your prayer, they will be right on your phone for you!

*5 was initially “Forgiveness”, but I noticed that the first letter of all the other steps
started with a P, and I had to keep going with it!

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How to Pray Consistently
Is this possible? Praying all the time? We are told to do it so many times in the
Bible that I must believe that it is indeed possible. In this short section, I’ll share my tip
for abiding in constant prayer.

I am not perfect at this yet but I have found that a good way to stay in prayer is to
literally just pray all the time. That sounds a little obvious, right? But sometimes we do
not think about it that way. It personally took me a while before I realized that I could
invite God into literally every area of my life and I am constantly working on doing

A good thing about keeping prayer at the forefront of your mind is that you are also
keeping God at the forefront of your mind, and leaning on the guidance of the Holy
Spirit throughout your day.

Remember that nowhere in the Bible was a time stamp put on prayers. We are never
told to pray for 5 minutes or an hour; praying without ceasing is not the same thing as
go find a quiet room, get on your knees and talk to God for an hour.

Praying without ceasing simply means do not stop praying. Walk with the Holy Spirit at
all times. Thank Him when you can. Ask for help when you can.

Here are some examples of simple ways I like to remain in prayer during the day:

When I get to work – “Thank you Father for a safe commute today.”

When I see someone struggling physically or emotionally and I can’t help –

“Heavenly Father, I pray that your Spirit will provide strength and comfort for
that person.”

When I’m about to go into a meeting – “Father I pray that you will go before
me into this meeting and that your favor will be with me.”

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Before I take an exam – “Father, I ask for your wisdom, knowledge and
understanding in this exam. Help me see questions I have studied for and
remember the information I have learned.”

Before I work with a client - “Father I invite you to guide this session. Give me
the words to speak and open my ears to hear.

Do you see what I am getting at here? Some of those prayers are one sentence long.
Does that make them less powerful than an hour-long prayer? I personally do not
think so.

There are a few times in the Bible when Jesus says short one-sentence prayers. For
example in Matthew 14 when He blessed the five loaves of bread and two fish to feed
five thousand people and in Luke 23:34 when He asked God to forgive those who
were crucifying HIm. Jesus specifically instructs us that our prayers need not be drawn
out and eloquent (Matthew 6:7).

I believe that most people are daunted by remaining in prayer because they believe
prayer is an elaborate process. You can say a simple sentence in your head or out
loud if you are in a space alone. I have found that the shower is an excellent place to
pray… just saying. :)

Remember, it is not about how long or eloquent your prayer is, it is about the state of
your heart when you approach Heavenly Father.

B reak - Think about 5 things you do every day without fail. Write those 5 things
down, and then commit to praying before or while you do those 5 things every day
for the next week

Simplifying Prayer | 26

Simplifying Prayer
Importance of Reading the Bible
Reading the Bible is the most important part of your walk with God. Devotionals
and sermons are useful for helping you grow spiritually, but those resources are not
helpful to you if you do not spend time in the Word of God, getting to know God on
your own.

As a matter of fact, this book will not be helpful to you and your prayer life if you do
not spend time in the Word of God.

Spending regular time in the Bible is especially important for your prayer life and in this
section, we’ll explore 3 reasons why you need to read the Bible regularly if you want
to strengthen your prayer life.

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It is our only offensive weapon agaisnt the devil .
“Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in
the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened
on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as
shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In
all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the
flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and
supplication…” (Ephesians 6:13-18).

Every other part of the armor of God that is described by Paul is a defensive
weapon – weapons that protect us from the attacks of the evil one. The only weapon
we have for fighting against the principalities we face is the Word of God – our sword
of the Spirit. Each time you spend time in the Word of God - studying and memorizing
it - you are strengthening your sword for fighting against the devil.

Having the Word of God stored in your heart and mind gives you ammunition against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).

Infusing the Word of God into your prayers makes your prayers dangerous weapons
in your battle. If you spend time reading Matthew 4:1-11, you will notice that each
time the devil tried to tempt Jesus to do something, Jesus responded with scripture.
He didn’t try to rationalize or understand what was happening. He spoke the Word of
God in rebuttal to the devil’s requests. And after He did that three times, the devil left
Him alone.

Friend, the Word of God is a powerful weapon when it comes to fighting against the
evil one and claiming your victory in Christ.

B reak : – Read Matthew 4:1-11. Note how Jesus responds to the devil and
what happens in verse 11. Now think about something you are struggling with – a
temptation you are trying to overcome on your own, a situation that needs God
intercession or maybe even the habit you wrote down from PAGE 14 – and do a
google search for bible verses related to that struggle. Simply type in “What the bible
says about ___”. Write those verses down and each time you are faced with that
struggle, repeat the verses out loud until they become your automatic response.
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Simplifying Prayer
Y ou learn more about who G od is .

Reading the Bible is the only way to truly learn about God, His expectations of
you and how much He loves you. It’s one thing to hear about who God is from pas-
tors and other people, but it is a whole other thing to dig deep in His word and learn
about Him.

Hebrews 4:12 says: For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-
edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and
discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Even though the actual words on the pages of each Bible is the same, the insights
each person receives from reading the Bible is different. The words in it are alive and
your relationship with Father will grow deeper and more meaningful as you spend
more time in the Word, learning about Him.

It is only by reading the Bible that you will know that God will never call you to do
anything without providing the tools you need (Exodus 4:10-17). Or that He sees
all your struggles and challenges (Psalm 56:8-9). It is from reading Hebrews 2:18
that you’ll learn that Jesus can help you when you are going through temptations
because He suffered when he was tempted.

Spending consistent, quality time reading your Bible will deepen your relationship with
God. This deepening of your relationship will also lead to a richer prayer life.

Think about the conversations you have with the people closest to you and compare
them with conversations you have with a stranger. With a loved one you are more
likely to be open and honest. It is easier to talk to someone you know, ask them
questions, ask them for things and support when you have a history with them and
know how they will most likely respond.

However, we tend to be more cautious with strangers. We pick and choose our words
carefully. We try to always present our best selves and hide the parts of our lives we
aren’t too proud of.

One thing is for sure – Heavenly Father will ALWAYS love you. But the only way for you
to truly understand and believe in that love is to spend time with Him. As you do so,
you will become emboldened in your prayer life and your conversations with Him.
Simplifying Prayer | 31
Y ou get to know the promises G od has for you

God has so many promises laid out for you in the Bible and the only way you
can discover them and claim them is by reading the Bible. And knowing these
promises gives you a foundation for what to ask God for. Hebrews 10:23 tells us that
He who promised is faithful.

This simply means that God is not a Father who makes a promise and then backs out
of it. He will come through no matter what. One sidebar I will add here is that God’s
timing is not always aligned with ours. So, while He does promise us several things, you
have to recognize 2 important points:

1. Asking Him doesn’t mean it will happen exactly when you want it to.

2. Some of God’s promises are conditional. For example, John 14:21 lets
us know that if we want Jesus to be manifest in our lives, we must keep His
commandments and love Him.

As you read the Bible and begin taking note of the promises that are in there for
you, spend time reading the verses before and after each promise. This way you can
understand the promise in context. This allows you to ensure that you are not asking
for things that do not align with your specific situation.

You know what to ask God for when you know the promises He has laid out for you in
His Word. For example:

Psalm 26:3 says You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because
he trusts in you. Knowing this, you can say to Father – Heavenly Father, you promised
to keep me in peace if I continue to trust in you. Today I put all my trust in you, I
acknowledge you in my life and I claim your perfect peace over my mind and heart.

Mark 10:24 says Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have
received it and it will be yours. Knowing this you can say at the end of your prayers –
Father, you said in your Word that if I believe that I have received the things I ask for
in prayer, I will receive them. Today, I proclaim that you have heard my prayers and
that they will be answered according to your will.

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Joshua 1:9 says Have I not commanded you be strong and be courageous. Do not
be frightened, and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever
you go. Knowing this you can say – Father, You said that you are with me wherever
I go. I hold this promise close and let go of fear and anxiety. I am strong and
courageous in you and I can face any challenges that come way because of you.

The more time you spend in the Word of God, the more His promises become
embedded in your heart. Having these promises in your heart will elevate your prayer
life to a new level.

Simplifying Prayer | 33
Praying with God 's Word.
Now that we have talked about how important the Word of God is for your
prayer life, how exactly can you pray using His word? How can you take His promis-
es and pray them back to Him? How can you take the Word of God and use it as a
weapon against the different struggles and challenges you come up against?

In this section, I present you with the 5-step process I use to pray and create prayers
I share on the website. As I go through each step, I will use anxiety as an example to
illustrate each step in action.

In the “Downloads and Printables” folder, you will find a worksheet called “Prayer
Pages” that helps you move through the steps described in this section. You can print
multiple copies of this worksheet or you can use your prayer journal to write out your
prayers, using the worksheet as a guide.

Simplifying Prayer | 34
5 S teps to praying with G od ’ s word
1. Determine your need.
What do you want to ask God for? What are you struggling with or in need of? Take
some time to think specifically about what it is you want from God.

Example – I have been feeling anxious, worried and overwhelmed lately and I do not
like how it feels. I specifically want to ask God for peace of mind.

2. Determine what God says about your need.

Go to the Bible and find out what exactly the bible says about your need. You can
use a few different resources for this step:

a. If you have a bible app, you can do a word search in there

b. You can do a word search on (my personal preference)

c. You can do a search in google e.g. Bible verses about anxiety

d. You can refer to your own Bible for verses you may have marked up and
taken note of

If you are doing a word search, remember to search for different variations of
your need AND the outcome you are expecting. Example – Words inputted in anxious, worry and peace.

3. Write out the verses that relate to your need.

Spend some time writing out the verses that speak to you and your situation. Always
remember to read your verse in context.

Most bibles are split up into sections – read the whole section your verse is in when
you find it. This ensures that you are not praying God’s word out of context and then
getting frustrated when things do not work out like you asked.

Example – below are three verses I would write out for this specific need.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication

with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of
Simplifying Prayer | 35
God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how
they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field,
which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much
more clothe you, O you of little faith? - Matthew 6:27-30

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give
to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. -John 14:27

4. Pray those verses that apply to your need.

Now it is time for you to do battle in the Spiritual realm. Spend some time in prayer
and lay your burdens at the feet of Heavenly Father. Turn those verses that you have
written down into a prayer. Combine the prayers with your own personal needs. Think
of the verses as a map that gives you direction on how to pray.

Example - See the prayer for when you feel anxious in the next section.

5. Believe that your prayers will be answered.

This might be THE most important step in this process. In Matthew 11:24, Jesus said
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours.” In James 1:6-8, we are told that we should not expect to receive
anything from God if we have doubt in us when we ask Him for help.

Doubt blocks answers to your prayers. So as you pray, you must will yourself to believe
completely that Heavenly Father will come through for you.

This simple 5-step process can be applied to any situation you face and want to bring
to God.

Simplifying Prayer | 36
Importance of Writing Your Prayers
Starting a prayer journal was the best thing I did for my prayer life. I used to
struggle with staying focused in prayer before I started using a journal. I would look at
people who could pray for long periods of time and feel envy.

Why couldn’t I do that? Why did I always get distracted halfway through my prayers?
Or feel like I had come to the end of my prayer time after only a couple of minutes
and no longer had anything to say to God.

If you are anything like me and you find it hard to stay focused in prayer, or focusing
on your unanswered prayers comes easier to you than focusing on the answered
prayers I would strongly suggest you start a prayer journal.

In this section I share the two benefits of keeping a prayer journal and how you can
start one today.

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2 B enefits of writing your prayers

1. It is easier to stay focused.

I think my mind always wandered during prayer because I used to say my prayers in
my mind and I guess I just did not have enough control or motivation to stay focused.
However, now that I write my prayers, it is so much easier for me to stay focused and
in the God’s presence. Writing with pen and paper forces the mind to stay engaged.

I have less moments of my mind drifting to what I plan to accomplish during the day
when I write my prayers as opposed to when I quietly murmur to myself.

Writing your prayers helps you stay focused and present in the moment. The process
of putting pen to paper forces your brain to be engaged. And while you might still
find your mind drifting occasionally, it is not as common as when you try to pray in
your mind.

2. It promotes gratitude.
Keeping a prayer journal means you start developing an archive of prayers you have
asked for in the past and prayers that God has answered for you. Since I began my
prayer journals, I have worked my way through two thick notebooks.

It is always such a blessing to go back and read through them and see prayers God
answered – big and small – that I did not notice or thank Him for.

A prayer journal means you have a place you can go back to and reflect on how
good God has been to you. It gives you an opportunity to be intentionally grateful in
your prayers. I do not know about you, but it is easier for me to focus on the prayers
that have gone unanswered as opposed to the ones that have been answered.

The nature of our flesh is inherently to be greedy and unsatisfied. A prayer journal
gives you a way to work towards combating that spirit of greed while nurturing one of
gratitude instead.

Simplifying Prayer | 38
S tarting a prayer journal

Prayer journal sounds fancy, but it is not. You can literally grab any notebook
in your home and just begin writing out your prayers. Some options for your prayer
journal are:

• A composition notebook

• A pretty journal

• A binder with paper inserts

Seriously, grab whatever feels good for you and start writing to God in your quiet
times. Do not make it more complicated by waiting until you have “that perfect
book”. What really matters is that you have dedicated pages that you can also keep

If you want, you can create sections in your notebook for various prayers. If you are
using the Simplifying Prayer calendar, you could create a section for each of the
suggestions provided. You can create a separate section for prayer requests and
another one for praise reports or gratitude prayers.

I recommend that you also have a “mini” prayer journal. Here’s why – have you ever
said “I will pray for you” to someone and then a month later remembered that you
never actually prayed for that person?

Yes? The guilt that comes after is not so fun, is it?

A little while after starting my prayer journal, I started carrying around a tiny notebook.
Each time I talk to someone who was struggling through something or specifically
asks for prayer, I write their name down. This serves as a simple reminder for me to
remember to pray for that person.

Mini Disclaimer

Keeping a prayer journal is great for you if you are just beginning to develop your
prayer life. I recommend that you start one but I do not recommend that you

Simplifying Prayer | 39
you depend totally on your prayer journal. Talking out loud to God is still a very
powerful form of communication.

There is power in your tongue. As you train your mind to stay focused with a prayer
journal, begin practicing praying out loud too. Writing and speaking your prayers
should both be present in your prayer life.

Simplifying Prayer | 40
Prayers to get You S tarted
In this section, I have created 10 prayers for you to start on this journey. Even
though these prayers address activities and feelings we experience day in and day
out, they all have biblical support in them – I used the 5-step process to create each

As you read through these prayers and use them in your daily lives, see if you can find
the Bible verses in each prayer.

In the “Downloads and Printables” folder, there are printables and phone downloads
for each of these prayers. These were created to make the prayers more accessible
for you.

Print some of them and put them on your wall in your bedroom. Or save the phone
downloads to your phone so you can read them at random moments in your day
when you feel like connecting to Heavenly Father.

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P rayer for Y ourself

eavenly Father,

I thank You for my life and all that You continue to do through
me. I thank You for Your Spirit of truth that I know is with me;
Your spirit that guides and convicts my thoughts, actions and
speech. Father, I pray that You will continue to work through
and in me and that I will grow and mature in this walk with You.

I pray Lord that I will remain awake and watchful, and that when I begin
to slumber and find myself following the ways of the world, that Your
Holy Spirit will convict me and guide me back to You. I do not want to
be a baby Christian Lord; I want to continually desire and abide in Your
word. I ask that You give me a burning passion for Your word and Your
commandments. I pray that my soul will thirst for You and I will be filled
with Living Water.

Father, I ask that I will be filled with a desire to always communicate with
you and a Spirit of gratitude. Holy Spirit, I invite you to help me abide
in the Lord - I want less of me and my flesh, and more of You and Your
words. I pray that my thoughts will be focused on the things on the Spirit
so that I may walk in the Spirit. Thank you Lord for keeping me and for the
work I know You will do in me. I love You, Father. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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P rayer to S tart Y our D ay

eavenly Father,

Thank You for this beautiful day that You have made. I thank
You Father that I slept last night and woke up this morning. I
understand Lord, that I have not woken up by my power, nor
my might or by my alarm clock. But that it is by Your grace that
I have been given another day in this world.

I ask Lord that You order my steps today; I ask that the Holy Spirit guide
my thoughts, words and deeds. As I go into the world today Lord, I pray
that my light shall shine before men, may they see my good works and
glorify You, Father. May I be filled with the fruits of the spirit as I interact
with people today and let everything I do today be done with love.

As much as depends on me, I will live peaceably with all men today; I will
acknowledge You in all my ways and you will direct my paths. In Jesus’
name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer B efore Y our R ead Y our B ible

eavenly Father,

I am so excited to dedicate this time to You today. I pray that

the eyes of my heart will be open as I spend time in Your word
and I ask for total focus while I read.

May I be filled with the didactic spirit that allows me to

immerse myself in the Word, and discover those hidden messages that will
be a blessing to me by revealing who You are and Your calling for me.
You said in Your word that I shall not live by bread alone, but by every
Word of God, let this word be food to my soul and victual for my spirit.

As I go through my day, I pray that this Word shall not depart from
my mouth, instead, I will meditate on it day and night so that I may
be careful to do what I have read for then I will be prosperous and

Thank You Father for access to this wonderful word that is a guide for my
life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer for F inancial P eace

eavenly Father,

I thank You for all that You provide for me, for I know that
everything I own is from You. Father I place my finances in Your
hands and pray that You will bless and establish the works of
my hands. I believe that You will provide everything I need if I
focus on Your commandments.

Father, I pray that You will hold my finances in your hands and that I will
not be anxious for money. I pray that as I work, the fruits of my labor will
be acceptable in Your sights. I pray for a heart of generosity for I know
that I will reap what I sow. I proclaim over myself that I will not be tight
fisted with the blessings You have already provided me but that I will
happily bless others who are in need. I thank You because I am secure in
the knowledge that You will continue to provide for me.

Father I pray for wisdom in how I manage my finances; I pray that I will
never put my hope in my wealth, but that Your Spirit that is in me will
continue to guide me to put my hope in You because You provide me
with everything for my enjoyment.

Thank You Father for the assurance I have in You and Your love for me.
You said in Your word that You will supply all my needs according to Your
glorious riches in Jesus, I thank You for I believe that You are faithful to
Your Word Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer for Y our B usiness

eavenly Father,

I thank You for the dreams, passions and ideas You have
instilled in me. I give you all the glory for I know that every
good and perfect gift comes from You Father, including
my talents. Your word says that I should use the gifts I have
received from You to serve other people as a faithful steward.

As I begin to build this business, I ask that You give me a heart of service.
I want to always find ways to use my business to serve those who are
around me. I pray for focus Lord, for You said that whatever my hands
find to do, should be done with all my might. Father Your word says that
those who work will have abundance but those who have fantasies have
no sense.

I ask for a hardworking spirit that will keep me committed to my business.

I pray that I will pursue these dreams diligently and not keep them
as fantasies. And I pray that as I work hard, I will not work in vain but
that I always find ways to glorify You with my business. I also ask Lord,
that as I embark on this endeavor, I do not get caught up in a love of
money, but that I will always remember to seek first Your kingdom and its
righteousness. I do not want my business to become an idol in my life.

I pray that I will always keep You at the forefront in everything I do, and
that the process of building and running my business will be an enjoyable
one. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer for when Y ou F ace T emptation

eavenly Father,

I am struggling right now Lord. I have a desire to do something

that I know is not of You and I am asking for the strength and
guidance of the Holy Spirit to help me through this challenge.
Father, I know that temptation comes because of my own
fleshly desires. And right now, I pray that You will remove these desires
from me.

I know that I cannot resist these desires by my own sheer will, but I do
know that the Holy Spirit that resides in me can keep me from sin. So, I
wrap myself in Your strength and the self-control of the Holy Spirit and
pray that my mind will remain focused on You and Your Word during this

Father, Your word says that because Jesus suffered when He was
tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted. I claim this promise
and believe that Jesus can help me overcome these temptations. I bring
to memory Your words of peace, sound mind, and safety and focus on
those things. I pray that as I move forward, I will continue to focus my
thoughts and beliefs on Your words and Your promise.

Your Word says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. I pray that I will
continue to be filled with thoughts that align with Your purpose for my life
and that focusing on those positive things will keep me from falling into
this temptation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer D uring a T ransition

eavenly Father,

I thank You for this new opportunity You have brought my way.
Whenever I feel nerves rising in me because of this transition, I
remember that You, Father, know the plans You have for me;
plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me
hope and a future.

I hold on to this promise as I move through this transition and it is a

constant source of encouragement for me. Father, I know that all things
work for good for those who love You Lord. I love You Father and I believe
that this transition was an intentional and strategic move on Your part.
I choose to be excited Lord. Excited that You have removed me from
one phase and placed me in another one. This can only mean that I am
getting closer to Your plans for me.

I pray Lord that You will lead my paths to cross with those of people who
will make this new transition fun and stress free! I also ask, Father, that you
use me to be a blessing to all those I might come across on this journey.
Help me to be salt and light wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer for Y our S pouse /R elationship

eavenly Father,

I thank You for bringing my significant other (replace with

name) into my life. I thank You for bringing us to walk through
life with all its ups and downs together. Father, I pray for my
significant other; that You help him lead a life that fulfills Your
purpose on earth. I pray that (s)he will have a heart for You in everything
(s)he does and that (s)he will pursue You earnestly for all his/her days.

Lord, in Your word, You say that two are better than one for if one falls,
one can help the other up. Father, I ask that as we go through life, my
significant other and I are always there to help one another up. I pray
that we will continue to encourage and support one another through the
good and bad times.

Father, I pray that we will always turn to You and Your word when we do
face those hard times that are bound to come our way. I ask that the
Holy Spirit will be a constant presence in our relationship; that we always
communicate with one another with love and respect, even when we
are feeling negative emotions.

I ask that You give us both a selfless heart and a desire to support one
another, help each other succeed and put the other’s needs before our
own. I pray that our relationship will continue to grow rooted in You and
Your love for both of us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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P rayer for F orgiveness

eavenly Father,

I come to You with brokenness and humility to ask for

forgiveness of my sins today. Father, Your word says if I confess
my sins, You are faithful and just, and will forgive me and purify
me from all unrighteous.

Today, I come to You with a broken spirit and contrite heart, and I
confess my sins to You. I ask Lord, for forgiveness of the sins that I have
committed knowingly and unknowingly. I thank You Father, for the
ultimate sacrifice of Your son. For His blood that washes me as white as

I thank You, for I recognize that His sacrifice was enough, and I do not
have to work for Your forgiveness. I ask Lord for the guidance of the Spirit
moving forward. I pray that You will remove my heart of stone, and give
me a heart of flesh that is sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

I ask for His guidance, and for His strength to help me resist any
temptation that may come because of my desires. Thank You Father, for I
believe that I am free from the guilt and shame of my sins. In Jesus’ name
I pray, Amen.

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P rayer for when Y ou F eel A nxious

eavenly Father,

I have been feeling overwhelmed and anxious lately; I feel like

I have so much to do and not enough time or resources to get
them done. I am facing situations that make me feel small and

Today Lord, I humbly come to You and lay all my anxieties at Your feet
because I know You care for me. Father, You said in Your word that
mountains and hills may move, but Your covenant of peace will stay with
me. I claim that promise and hold it close to my heart.

I know that I cannot change anything in my life by being stressed and

worried. So today I proclaim Your peace that cannot be found in the
world over my life. You Lord are the Prince of Peace and I call on the
name of Jesus to cast out every spirit of anxiety, fear and worry in my life.
Your word says that You would keep me in perfect peace if my mind is
stayed on You and I trust in you.

The next time I find myself getting overwhelmed by the stress of this
world, I ask for the strength of Your Spirit to help me stay focused on
You. I thank You Father because I know that Your peace that surpasses
all understanding will guard my heart and mind. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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Prayer Calendar
Some days, I wake in the morning and I know exactly what I want to say to God.
I know what I want to thank Him for, what I want to ask Him for, and who I want to
pray for.

Other days I wake up and I draw a total blank.

I know there are probably a million things and people I could pray for. I know I could
just spend my time praising Him, but in that moment, it’s like my brain just says… No. It
is on days like this that a prayer calendar comes in handy. A prayer calendar is just a
guide for you to refer to if you are ever lost for who to pray for or what to ask for.

In this section, I share a prayer calendar for you if you ever encounter a day like that.

In the “Downloads and Printables” folder, there are 2 printables (full page and note
card sized) and a phone download for this calendar. Hopefully this will help you easily
access the calendar if you do not have this book with you at any point.

Simplifying Prayer | 52
P rayer C alendar
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



Monday - Pray for your health, purpose, passion for God & anything else about your life that’s on your mind.
Tuesday - Pray for your spouse/future partner. Pray for patience and love to be prominent in your relationship.
Wednesday - Pray for the friends in your life, that God will help them through any struggles and provide for them.
Thursday - Pray for your family members - pray that their heart’s desires will be focused on God and met.
Friday - Pray for peace in our nation. That God will use His people during this time of violence and conflict.
Saturday - Pray for favor and success in your place of wok or your business and pray for your finances.
Sunday - Pray for your church and church leaders; that your church will be used as a light in your community.

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About the Author
Hi, I’m Tega, a national certified counselor and
yoga coach with a passion for serving the Lord. I run a
holistic health blog called Social Hermit where I aim to
teach and inspire women to live healthy, holistically with
Yoga and God’s Word.

I believe that our physical and spiritual health are

delicately intertwined and we cannot nurture one
without nurturing the other. My passion for encouraging
women to live holistically healthy lives comes from my
own personal journal in both areas.

Quality time in the Word and Prayer are the two most important things that come to
mind when I think about Spiritual health. I have struggled with both areas for most
of my walk with the Lord but the Spirit has been teaching and transforming both my
bible study and prayer life lately.

Over the years as I have shared prayer on my website, I have heard from my
audience about how helpful the prayers have been for them. However, I have also
heard from an equal number of people in my audience about their struggle with
prayer. The responses to my prayers and messages about my audience struggles
inspired this book.

I decided that I could be more helpful teaching others how to communicate

with Heavenly Father by demystifying prayer. And so, this guide was born. I wrote
Simplifying Prayer to show that prayer is just simple conversation with God and I pray
that I was successful in doing that

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Thank You
Thank you for purchasing the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle and
making this investment home and health. I am also grateful that you
took the time to work through this workbook and hopefully strengthen
your spiritual health! I hope this resource has been helpful for you
and that you are now armed with some great tips to enhance your
communication with your Heavenly Father.

Remember that you have access to this book, the printables and phone
downloads for life now. Which means you can always come back to
them if you’re ever in need of a little jump start in your prayer life.

If you enjoyed Simplifying Prayer and are looking fo more resources to

support your walk with God, you can find them at

Additionally, please feel free to join the Holistic Health Tribe by clicking
here. I send monthly emails that are more personal and encouraging
in nature, this is also how I get more holistically helthy resources to help
you develop physically and spiritually.

Hopefully I’ll be interacting with you in yur inbox soon!

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