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Policy No: Gov-15

POLICY REVIEW PROCESS Approval Date: June 2016

Approved By: Council

Review Date: June 2020

Version No:

Responsible Officer: Manager Organisational Development

External References: The Local Government Act 1989
Instrument of Delegations
Authorising Officer: Chief Executive Officer


The purpose of policy documents is to enable the effective and efficient management of
council resources and to assist staff and Council achieve an equitable decision making
process. Policies are defined as “a general guideline to regulate the organisation’s actions
and conduct and to provide philosophical standard or criterion to help users exercise good
judgement and discretion in the management of daily affairs”. Written policies also enable
the community to be aware of the reasoning behind administrative and council decisions
and to be familiar with the philosophy behind individual decisions.

Policies evolve as issues come before Council and should continue to evolve through a
process of review and refinement. For this reason, it is important that a review process is in

Council adopted policies forms part of the Council’s public documentation and is available to
the public on Council’s website and for public inspection during office hours at the council
offices on request.

This policy applies to all Moyne Shire Councillors, employees and members of Council


Policy: A policy is a statement of Council’s philosophical position on a specific

issue. It is a high level commitment to guide present and future decisions
in relation to specific issues, or, principles of acceptable behaviour and
actions. The policies provide the overall framework in which the Council

Procedures: Procedures are more stringent rules for action. Procedures define the
specific rules, steps or actions required to apply or implement a Council or
Management Policy. Procedures will define management directives or
rules, inputs, responsibilities, tasks to be completed, outputs and other
elements necessary for the understanding and performance of a process.

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The objectives of the Council’s Policy Review Process are to:

 Develop a holistic policy review process and framework which logically accommodates
all of Council adopted policies to guide effective decision-making and service delivery.

 Create a common, consistent and timely process for the development, review and
endorsement of Council policies which promotes alignment with the Council’s values.

 Establish a common standard for the development and review of policies including the
collection of adequate information to support implementation and review.

 Establish controls for the management and retention of the Council’s policies within the
Council’s electronic document management system (EDRMS)

Policy Framework

Council Policies (public)

Are either required by legislation (e.g. Procurement Policy) or impact on the Community in
some way (e.g. Parking Controls). These policies often relate to the goods, services and
activities provided by Council.

Management Policies (internal)

Related specifically to the operational management, administrative or staff matters of

Council, which are the function of the Chief Executive Officer. These policies are subject to
an approval and review process that does not directly involve Council.

Step 1 Undertake research, review legislation, existing policies and

best practice. Informally consult with other work groups which
Research may be affected.

Step 2 Draft document. For reviewing of Council adopted policies refer

to the date of review on the Policy update schedule. The
Draft standard template must be used.

Step 3 For all internal management policies and those requiring Council
- Submit to relevant Manager for approval to seek
comment from Full Management Team (FMT) or
Executive Management Team (EMT)

- Human Resource policies to be submitted to FMT and

Staff Consultative Committee for consideration.

- OH&S policies to be submitted to OH&S Committee for

endorsement and to FMT for approval.

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Step 4 The approval process is as follows: -

Approval Council Adopted Policies:

- Council policies submitted to EMT or FMT (according to

schedule) along with accompanying report.

- Once endorsed, policy and report to be presented at the

next available Council Workshop.

- Once endorsed the final policy and report will be

included in the next available Ordinary Council Agenda
for adoption.

Management (internal) Policies:

- Management policies submitted to FMT along with

accompanying report for adoption.

Step 5 All policies/procedures are to be kept within the Council’s

electronic document management system (EDRMS) in the
Publication policies/procedures/strategies library.

Council adopted policies are also to be placed on Council’s


Step 6 Responsible officer to promulgate policy/procedure to

stakeholders, networks, committees and staff as deemed
Communication relevant.

Responsible officer to update the Policy Review Update


Step 7 Once adopted the relevant Director or Manager will be

responsible for implementing the policy.
Depending upon the policy this may necessitate:
- Advice to staff
- Media releases
- Drafting of complementary policies, or detailed
operational procedures etc.
- ISO Periodic review through EDRMS

Step 8 Responsible Officer to conduct periodic review of compliance

with policy/procedure and evaluation of implementation.
Conduct formal review of policy/procedure at least four yearly
as part of the policy review four year rolling program.

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All policies shall be presented in a standard format (template) and will include:
 Policy Title and Policy Number (unique identifier)
 Approver and approval date
 Review date
 External References
 Version control
 Purpose (statement of the broad principle of the policy)
 Scope (to who and/or what does the policy apply)
 Definitions (may be necessary when content of policy requires further definition)
 Policy (description, intent and objectives of the policy)
 Quality Records (list of documentation and records to be completed to ensure
compliance with the policy
 Attachments (guidelines, flowcharts, process maps etc.)

Maintenance and review of policies

The CEO shall appoint a designated custodian of the Council’s policies. The role of the
designated custodian is to:

 Promote awareness of and compliance with the organisation’s policies;

 Initiate a review at any time if a deficiency is identified in the policy;

 Facilitate legislative compliance by initiating review of all relevant policies if there is a

change in legislation;

 Ensure that agreed procedures are followed when policies are developed or reviewed;

 Ensure that each policy is reviewed periodically.

Each Council policy shall have a designated date for formal review. All policies shall be
reviewed at least four-yearly as part of the policy review four year rolling program.

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Record Retention/Disposal Location


Policies/Procedures/ Records Coordinator EDRMS

Strategy Library

Policy Template Manager Organisational EDRMS


Policy Review schedule Manager Organisational EDRMS


Council adopted Policies Communications Officer Council website


Policy Review Process Flowchart

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Council Policy Review Process
Council Officer Relevant Manager

Policy Review

 Review legislation
 Review existing
 Review best practice
 Consult with other
work groups that may
Review policy
be affected
Please note
 HR policies are to be
submitted to FMT and
Draft the Staff Consultative Is the policy a
document Committee Council – public –
 OH&S policies are to policy?
be submitted to the
OH&S Committee for
Yes No
endorsement and to
Submit to relevant FMT for approval
Submit to
Manager to seek Submit to
comment from FMT FMT with
according to
or EMT accompanying
schedule with
report for

Is the policy Is the policy
No No
endorsed? adoped?

Conduct Yes

periodic Present policy Yes

reviews for at next
compliance available
formal review
four yearly Once endorsed the
final policy and
report will be
included in the next
available Ordinary
Council Agenda for

Has the policy

No been adopted
by Council?


 Ensure policy is registered

 Implement policy

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