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Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Abigail Cline Date: April 9-13th

Subject: Reading Language Arts Topic: Verb Tenses

Grade: 3rd Length of Lesson: 1Hr 20 Min

The Big Idea: Students will identify verb tenses in sentences and will write using the correct
past, present and future tense.
Standard: Speaking and listening, Language
Cluster: Comprehension and Collaboration, Convections of standard English, vocabulary
acquisition and use
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’
ideas and expressing ideas clearly.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.

Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

Specific Objective: Students will identify verb tenses in sentences and will write using the
correct past, present and future tense with 85% accuracy by formative and summative
assessments during instruction.
Materials: Verb tense chart, past/present/future tense activities, assessment, exit slips, dry
erase board and marker

Direct Instruction:
Essential question for this unit: How does knowing the past, present, and future tense verbs
help us communicate? (This will be written on the board all week to reflect back on each day).

 Show students verb tense chart on smartboard describing the simple tense definition,
descriptions, and examples for past, present, and future.
 Ask students to give examples of each of the verb tenses and use in a sentence.
 In depth explain each verb tense is an action that takes place. Past tense tells what has
already happened. Present tense tells us what is currently happening, and future tense
tells us what will happen.
 In depth PowerPoint presentation about past tense verbs
 Show an in-depth PowerPoint presentation about present tense verbs
 Ask students to give examples of present tense verbs and use this tense in a sentence
Wednesday: Computer Lab for Dabba Testing
 Show an in-depth PowerPoint presentation about future tense verbs
 Ask students to give examples of present tense verbs and use this tense in a sentence
Friday: Short review before assessment

Guided Practice:
Monday: Get into groups of two and complete verb tense word sort activity.
Tuesday: Students will get into groups of four and play “showdown” (Directions posted after
lesson plan)
Wednesday: Computer Lab for Dabba Testing
Thursday: Students will complete future verb tense worksheet in groups

Lesson Closure:
Monday: Go over each of the words in the verb sort activity, calling on different groups to give
me the answers they placed on their paper.
Tuesday: Have students return to seats and let each group talk about their experience with the
game. Ask what they liked most and if they liked the learning strategy intended.
Thursday: I will post worksheet on smart board and students till take turns writing the correct
answer on the board in the space provided.
Friday: Complete Verb Tense Assessment

Independent Practice:
Wednesday: Verb tense worksheet will be sent home for extra credit points if returned the
following day. (This worksheet also serves as a study guide for students to use to study for

Assessment: Students will identify verb tenses in sentences and will write using the correct
past, present and future tense with 85% accuracy by formative and summative assessments
during instruction.

3rd Grade Tense Verbs Assessment

Select the best verb form:

1. We ________ to London last year.

go will go went

2. Yesterday she ________ on the ice.

slips slipped will slip

3. They ________ in Toronto for two years.

are living live lived

4. Tomorrow he ________ to Miami.

has traveled traveled will travel

5. Mice ________ peanut butter.

love are loving loved

Identify the verb and verb tense by circling in sentence. Then, write a
complete sentence using the other two verb tenses not used in the
sentence above. Past, present, or future tense.

6. Ms. Pitts will sing the Star-Spangled Banner tomorrow morning.



7. Benny sharpened all the pencils after school.



8. Mrs. Strand will close her eyes.



9. The students learned to write correct sentences yesterday.



10. Ms. Contreras is smiling at her smart students.



Bonus: Choose your own verb and write three sentences using past, present, and
future tense.



Monday’s Verb Sort Activity

Tuesday’s Showdow instructions

1. Stack the task cards face down in the center of the team.
2. The first Leader (chosen by the teacher) flips over the top card and reads the
past/future tense verb aloud.
3. Everyone writes the present tense verb without talking. Place dry erase boards face
down when finished.
4. The Leader says “Showdown!”
5. Everyone flips over their boards to show and compare answers.
6. Be sure to discuss answers that are different. Check an answer key or ask for help if
you can’t agree on the answer.
7. Rotate Leaders for each round and continue working as time allows.

Tuesday’s Future Tense Worksheet

Future Tense Verbs Worksheet

The present tense of a verb names an action that happens now. The past tense of a verb names
an action that already happened.
The future tense tells an action that has not yet happened. To make a future-tense verb, add
the word will before the verb

Complete each sentence below with the future tense form of the verb is

I _____________________ the marathon this year. (run)

I will run the marathon this year.

1. The boys _______________________ on the trampoline at the party (jump)

2. I ________________________ my test on time. (complete)

3. We _____________________ in the summer. (swim)

4. The man _______________________ his lawn in the afternoon. (water)

5. The girls ______________________ with each other on the weekend. (play)

6. The scientist ____________________ the outcome of the experiment. (predict)

7. The team ____________________ to another country to play their game. (travel)

8. I ________________________ as many books as I can this summer. (read)

9. The students ____________________ for the final exam. (study)

10. The dog ____________________ its tail for food. (wag)

11. The players _______________________ for their teammate. (pray)

12. My mother ____________________ me up from school. (pick)

13. I ______________________ from my mentor. (learn)

14. I ______________________ a new car soon. (buy)

15. John and Michael _____________________________ about their differences. (converse)


Thursday’s Lesson Closure


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