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c:ntil st.ience teachers are able to view scientific inquiry as part qf the
contpnt f. science-and until teachers becoirre well grounded in the
history (tnd philosophy of science-they cannot be educated to teach
scimce (1.7 inquiry. So says the aiith,or of this thoiightfiil article.

The Role of Inquiry in Science Teaching

Haward University, Canib-iidge, Massachusetts

Inquiry and Content conversely, that the nature of a givcii inquiry

depends upon tlhe topic under iiivestigat iori.
Whvii it comes to the teaching of science it
The choice is neither facts and laws n o r
is perfectly clear where we, as science
inquiry and process; it is both facts aiid laws
teachei s, science educators, or scientists,
and inquiry and process.
stand: we are unalterably opposed to the
rote iileniorizatiori of the mere facts and
Inquiry as Content
niiiiuti:te of science. By contrast, we stand
foursqiiare for the teaching of the scientific First, the designation “teaching science as
niethotl, critical thinking, the scientific inquiry” needs some clarification. It is
at tit ude, the problem-solving approach, the currently being used in a t least two general
discow-ry method, and, of special interest ways. Soiiietinies it is employed in a way
here, ihe inquiry method. I n brief, we which emphasizes that, inquiry is really part
appear to agree upon the need to teach of the science content itself. It acknowl-
sciencv as process or method rather than as edges that there is a pattern of inquiry
contenl. characteristic of a given science, or of a given
Judging, however, by what we can see field within a science, arid that such patterns
taking place in many, if not most, classrooms form an integral part, of what science ‘‘is.”
and by the kinds of tests that teachers use, At other times, the phrase ‘(teaching science
we might reasonably conclude that there is a as inquiry” is used to refer to a particular
large gap between our practices and our technique or strategy for bringing about
convictions. This may well be the result learning of sonic particular science content.
of inally factors-the natural conservatism This is the meaning associated with the tcriii
of scieiice teachers, a failure of those who call “inquiry method.” The distinct iori here is
for change aiid iiiiiovatiori to provide between “inquiry as it appears in the scien-
teachei 5 with effective models and materials, tific enterprise,” on the one hand, and “using
and otliers. One of the contributing factors, thc method of scientific inquiry to learn sonic
it seein\ clear, has been a failure to recognize science,” on the other. For purposes of
and tal,e fully into account the close organic brevity, I shall refer to the fonuer as inqirii.0
contieel ion between process and content in as content and to the latter as inc/ziii,g us
science It is here suggested that the effective technique.
teachitiq of the physical sciences as inquiry One other matter of semantics needs at1 O I I -
beconwa possible in a particular and inipor- tion: whether speakiiig of inquiry as conterii
tan1 s ( m e once we understand that the or inquiry as pedagogic technique, the niodi-
conclusions of science are closely linked with fier “scientific” is implied. It is scientzjic
the in([uiry which produced t hein, and, inquiry we are coriccrried with, not inquiry

i n general. Otherwise, if all that is intended physical science or general scieiice courscs.
by the inquiry method is that we should Let us turn first to the law of utiiversal
encourage a student to be inquisitive, curious, gravitation
to ask questions, and to try to find answers Science teachers surely wish to help each
for himself, then we are advocating no more of their students acquire an “under~tandiiig”
thari ivhat good teachers have long believed of universal gravitation. But when can they
i i i and practiced. Thus we niust keep in be satisfied that a student does iii fact under-
niiud that it is scientific inquiry that is beingstand that concept? One cannot, of coursc,
offered by sonic people as a paradigm on draw an absolute boundary bet ween coiii-
which to base a teaching strategy. pletc understanding and no understanding.
As a basis for discussion, two topics which Nevertheless, with a concept of the magni-
niight seeiii to lend themselves tothe teaching tude of universal gravitation, it secnis reason-
of science as inquiry have been selected from able that at least two coriditioiis should be
the subject matter of physics. An exaniina- fulfilled before we could assuiiie a student has
tion of these two quite different cases gives acquired an acceptable understanding. The
substance to the following conclusions: first is that the student become aware of the
(1) It is possible to gain a worthwhile range of applicability of thr theory. The
underst anding of science as inquiry once we second is that he have some knowledge of the
recognize the necessity for considering network of inquiry, the sequence of invwti-
inquiry as content, arid operate on the gations and thought, which led to the final
premise that, the concepts of science are forniulatiori by Newton. Certainly we
properly understood only in the context of would all agree that the student does not
how they were arrived at and of what further understand universal gravitation just because
inquiry they initiated. he can recite the equation F = G v i 1 i n 2 / r 2
(2) As a corollary, it follows that it is and R-ork simple problem using it.
possible to learn something of science as As far as the range of the law of universal
inquiry i\-ithout the learning process itself gravitation is concerned, the first step is to
having to follow precisely any one of the bring the student to an awareness of its
methods of inquiry used in science. That is, magnificent successes. The brilliant way in
inquiry as technique is not absolutely neces- which the Newtonian principle of universal
sary to an understanding of inquiry as con- gravitation explains so many diverse t er-
tent . rcstrial and celestial phenomena-comets,
(3) While the laboratory can be used to tides, procession of the equinoxes, slid geo-
provide the student experience with and graphical variations of g-and in which it
Icnowledge of sotlie aspects or coiiiporients of was able to predict other phenonieiia- t he
the investigative techniques employed in a existence of undiscovered planets being, of
given science, it can effectively do so only course, the niost spectacular instance- are
after the content of the cxperinients have been really part of the content of the concept
carefully analyzed for their usefulness in this itself. So in fact are the additioual invt.sti-
regard. gations which it instigated. In examining a
wide array of phenoniena to find out just
how universal universal gravitation is and
Universal Gravitation as an Example in studying the relationship between t hat
Emphasizing Content formulation and the new inquiries steniriiing
froni it, the student will come to see that
The two exaiiiples to be USHIare those of Newtonian niechanics does indeed have
universal gravitation and the law of reflect,ion limitations. The iiiteresting point for our
of light froni surfaces. These topics are purposes is not so much that relativistic and
covered in all physics courses and in niost quantum mechanics were ultimately needed,

but that the long series of investigations niay accrue. For piirposes of illustration,
stimulated in great part by Newton’s forniu- only a few of these are cited :
latioti 01’ uiiiversal gravitation itself led to the ( I ) The power of indirect experiiiientation
kind of knowledge which would expose its is dramatically demonstrated by Galileo’s
owti liiiiitations. Thus in studying universal work with the penduluni atid the inclined
gravital ion in the cotitext just described, the plane. Incidentally, the approach recog-
student tilay gain the insight that an impor- nizes that these instruments have their main
tant atiribute of scientific theory is that it interest as experiiiiental equipment rather
generat (1s new investigations even if in doing than as objects to be understood for their
so its O \ Y ~conceptual weaknesses are iiierci- own sake.
lessly exposed. A good theory steins from (2) The importance of being able to
successful inquiry and generates additional formulate experiiiierits arid ideas in the
oties. language of mathematics is shown in the
Tiiriiirig to the other condition for “under- work of Galileo, Iiepler, and Newton hitiiself.
staiidiiig,” it has been claimed here that an (3) Both the necessity for arid the liniita-
acceptahlc understanding of the concept of tiori of accurate data in scientific inquiry are
uiiivers:d gravitation implies a knowledge of brought out by the use made of Tycho
the tiet\vork of inquiry which led to it. The Brahe’s tiiagnificeritly precise planetary
discovei y, 01-the “itiventioti,” t o use the observations. I n the hands of Kepler they
teriiiitiology of Atltiti arid Karplus,’ of played a key role iri the overthrow of the two
uiiiversxl gravitatioii was the outcome of thousand year old conceptual reliaticc upon
inquiry 011 the grand scale, involving, as it uniform circular tiiotiori. But these saiiie
did, thr iiivestigations atid insights of many facts were unable l o lead Tycho himself to a
people i i i niariy places over a substantial span correct itit crpretation, and indeed we know
of tiiiie The giants upon whose shoulders 110w that facts alone are never enough to
Newtoii admitted standing were practitioners provide us with understanding of iiature.
of the a r t of inquiry into the nature of the (4) Kepler’s speculations, fanciful atid
physical world. Each practiced his art in soiiietitiies even bizarre, but always in t heerid
his O\VII characteristic way. No one of them put to the test of iiieasured fact, present
can scwe as the perfect tiiodel of how a another facet of inquiry. Furthermore, the
cont em1)orary investigator should proceed, use of Icepler’s l a m made by Newton allows
but their work taken as a whole illuniiriates one to elriphasize the difference between
beautifiiliy iiiatiy facets of the scierit,ific empirical l a m arid explanatory l a m or
etitcrpri+. If one wishes to study science principles, aiid the iinportance of one to {he
as proct~ss,it is surely wiser to look at the other.
work of several scientists in the context of a ( 5 ) The significance of physical and meta-
sigtiifica lit scientific problem than to coricen- physical preconceptions iri shaping a scien-
trate upon the work of a single scientist or to tific investigation is illustrated by the reluc-
settle tor soiiie abstract forinulation of tarice of Copernicus, no less than Ptoletiiy, t o
inquiry divorced from science content. By abandon uniform circular motion.
notitig I he contributions aiid inodes of opera- One could add many inore items to this
tion of I he iiieii whose work led to the law of list. Rut perhaps tQe point has been made:
universal gravitation, the student learns his to understand the coiicept of universal
science :is both content arid inquiry. gravitation, it is important that the student
If on(’ looks upon the concept of universal be made familiar with the key experimental
gravitatioii as the culminalion of a long arid theoretical inquiries (and their inter-
series of investigations arid the beginning of actions) which ultiiiiately were synthesized
still another series, then a variety of insights by Newton so succinctly in a single equation.2
on t hc c*omplexnature of scientific inquiry Now surely no one would advocate t h a t

the student be brought to tkis kind of ail ( I ) The concept of “light ray’, is a fairly
understanding by conducting his own investi- abstract one. In fact, as used in such cxperi-
gations, that is, by the application of inquiry iiients, a light ray is fictitious: its virtue is
as technique. Anyone tenipted to do so that it provides a useful way to talk about
should reconsider tshestrong arguments put certain optical phenomena, in this case the
forward by But this is not to regularity of image reflection. It is the
discourage the teaching of physics as inquiry; invention of the light-ray as the physical
instead it is to suggest that if the nature of analogue of the Euclidian straight line, and
scientific inquiry is taken to be an integral the related acceptance of the correspondence
part of the subject matter itself, then neither between plane geometry and optical phe-
the conclusions of science (the facts, laws, nomena (rather than the discovery of the rule
principles, theories, conceptual schemes, etc.) of equal angles), that was the key step h ~ r e . ~
nor the process of discovery and investigation This suggests, at the very least, a prior ILeed
which lead to those concIusions will be for the student to consider evidence for the
neglected. Content and inquiry will appear rectilinear propagation of light, and for
as the warp and woof of a single fabric, which working out an operational defiiiitioii of
is, after all, the way science really is. “light ray.”
(2) But if we admit that the studeiit can-
Light Reflection as an Example not uncover such an abstract notion by his
Emphasizing Procedure own inquiry, that is not to say all is lost. We
Let us turn now to the second example, might claim, with Atltin and Karplus, that
that of the law of reflection. Here is a rela- after the teacher has supplied the invention,
tively small topic upon which the student the student can then investigate, i.e.,
might, be expected to conduct an iiivestiga- discover, some of its consequences. That is,
tion, that is, to learn about scientific inquiry fortified with the idea of “light rayfJ the
at first hand rather than vicariously. At student might be asked to find out how it
least that would seem so judging by the nuni- could be used to explain reflection from
ber of classroonis in high school and elemen- mirrors. Perhaps so, but not, certainly, if
tary school in which students “discover” the the student is provided all of the apparatus
law of reflection. Typically, the student is right at the beginning, as is the usual case.
given a plane niirror, some pins, a protractor, To do so reduces the “experiment” to a inere
a straight edge, and instructions on how to puzzle, for it excludes the student froni par-
locate the path of incoming and reflected ticipation in the dcvelopnient of the expcri-
light rays. He is then asked to find the rela- nietital strategy to be employed it1 the iiives-
tionship between the angle of incidence and tigation. For instance, just the fact that the
the angle of reflection (after, of course, these student is provided only with a plane niirror
have been defined for him). A little liniits severely the scope of the inquiry.
thought, however, suggests that whatever Reflection takes place, after all, froni spheri-
other value such an “experiment” niay have, cal and parabolic surfaces, not to say irregular
it has little nierit as an honest exercise in ones. One of the important techniques
scientific inquiry, even assunling that the used in scientific inquiry is to seek out the
student is not told the answer ahead of time. simplest useable instance of a phenomenon
The following few points are offered nierely for preliniinary investigation. As the
to add substance to this claim. Any effort reflection experiment is coninionly done
to devise a laboratory procedure which will students are bound to miss this point. A
enlarge the student’s investigative skills better strategy, better in the sense of having
while discovering the law of reflection must, a more nieariingful connection with the
surely, take these and similar criticisms into substantive content, would be t o provide
account : students an opportunity to observe reflcctioii

from an array of niirrors of different shapes, needs to be made (from the standpoint of
and tlieii to require thein t o participate in science as inquiry) of each of the usual topics
worliitig out some of the details of the encountered i l l introductory coui’ses in the
exprriinent, including which kind of a mirror physical sciences. Second, soiiie uuniber of
to use. laboratory orient ed experiences need to be
(3) The angles of incidence and reflection devised which can contribute to the under-
are defined for the student, and in a way that standing of the nature of scientific inquiry
would not seem natural to him. The iiieas- as it actually happens.
ureiiieilt of those angles with reference to
the noimal to the surface rather than to the Conclusion
surfacc. itself is not self-evident. It is a In all of this discussion, whether dealing
matter of convention, the usefulness of which with the monumental concept of universal
has to (lo primarily with Snell’s law of refrac- gravitation or the more niodest, one of light
tion, aiid not with reflection from plane sur- reflection, the eniphasis has been on viewing
faces a t all. The way this experiment is scientific inquiry as part of the content of
usually handled, however, deprives the science itself. T o separate conceptually
studetii of a n opportunity to learn that while scientific content from scientific inquiry is to
definitions of physical quantities are arbi- niake it highly probable that the student will
trary, (sonsideration must be made of their properly understand neither. From this
likely usefulness in carrying out further there follows at1 inescapable conclusion
investigations. regarding the feasibility of teaching science
Thew few remarks concerning the labora- as inquiry: science teachers inust come to
tory investigation of the reflection of light understand just how inquiry is in fact
are intmded to indicate that even when one conducted in the sciences. Until science
examiii(~sa relatively siniple topic, it is not teachers have acquired a rather t,horough
iiiimedintely and unequivocally clear just grounding in the history and philosophy
how it <hould be presented to the student so of the sciences they teach, this kind of under-
that it will contribute to the goal of teaching standing will elude them, in which event
science as inquiry. Certainly this and other not much progress toward the teaching of
topics t a n so contribute, but not until each science as inquiry can be expected.
has been carefully analyzed from the stand-
point of its relationship to the body of References
physical knowledge from which it is extracted. 1. Atkin, J. Myron, and Robert Karplus, “Dis-
Only ai ter such an analysis has been made covery or Invention,” The Sczence Teachrr, 29,
45-51 (1962).
can we possibly know which facts, definitions, 2. Holton, Gerald, and Duane H. D. Roller,
presumpticns, principles, and relationships Foundations of Modern Phuszcal Sczence, Addison-
are involved. At that point some investi- Wesley, Reading, hlassnchiisetta, 1958.
gation rliust be made as to which of these 3. Gagn6, Robert RI., “The Learning Require-
aspects of the topic particularly lend them- ments f o r Enquiry,” J. Res. Scz. Teaching, 1,
144-153 (1963).
selves t o teaching by the method of inquiry. 4. Toulniin, Stephen, The Philosophy of Science,
Thus tliere are two interrelated tasks to be Hutchinson’s University Library, London, 1953,
accoinplished. First, an analytical study pp. 77-85.

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