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Beruang Kutub (Inggris: polar bear) atau beruang es atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Ursus maritimus adalah mamalia

besar dalam
aturan marga keluarga biologi Ursidae.[3] Dia termasuk spesies circumpolar yang terdapat di sekitar benua paling utara bumi, yaitu
benua Artik dan termasuk beruang paling karnivora di antara keluarga beruang lainnya[4]. Beruang kutub kadang-kadang juga
diklasifikasi sebagai mamalia laut.[5]

Beruang kutub jantan memiliki berat antara 400 - 600 kilogram dan kadang-kadang dapat mencapai lebih dari 800 kg dengan
tinggi mencapai lebih dari 2,5 meter.[3] Sedangkan Beruang kutub betina hanya separuh dari berat beruang jantan dengan berat
antara 200 – 300 kg dan tinggi sekitar 2 meter.[3] Beruang kutub memiliki indera penciuman yang sangat tajam. [6] mereka dapat
mencium bau bangkai ikan paus atau anjing laut dari jarak 20 mil. [7]

Beruang kutub adalah perenang yang handal karena dapat berenang sejauh 60 mil tanpa berhenti. [5] Mereka menggunakan tungkai
depannya untuk berenang dan tungkai belakang sebagai kemudi.[8] Kelenjar minyak pada kulitnya dapat meminyaki bulunya
dengan baik sehingga tahan air dan membuat tubuhnya tetap kering selama berenang. [8]

Pada musim panas di Kutub Utara terutama pada bulan Mei - Juni, bulu - bulu beruang yang tebal mulai rontok untuk menjaga
suhu tubuh tetap stabil.[6]

Musim perkawinan untuk Beruang kutub terjadi pada musim panas di Kutub Utara, yaitu antara bulan Maret - Juni.[9] Kemudian
bayi - bayi Beruang kutub akan lahir pada bulan Desember - Januari, biasanya mereka akan melahirkan 2 - 3 bayi.[6]

Anak beruang kutub akan tetap bersama induknya hingga usia 2 - 3 tahun & mulai memasuki masa kematangan seksual pada
usia 5 - 6 tahun. Seekor beruang kutub bisa hidup hingga usia 45 tahun dalam penangkaran, namun di alam liar usia maksimal
mereka diperkirakan hanya mencapai 30 tahun.

Polar Bears (English: polar bear) or bear ice or scientific name Ursus maritimus are large mammals in the rules of clan families
biology Ursidae. [3] He belongs to the species circumpolar located around the continent's most northern earth, the continental
Arctic and including bears most carnivores among other bear families [4]. The polar bears are sometimes also classified as
marine mammals. [5]
Male polar bears weigh between 400-600 kilograms and can sometimes reach more than 800 kg with a height of over 2.5
meters. [3] While the female polar bear only half the weight of a male bear weighing between 200-300 kg and a height of
about 2 meters. [3] the polar bears have a very keen sense of smell. [6] they can smell the carcasses of whales or seals from a
distance of 20 miles. [7]
Polar bears are strong swimmers being able to swim as far as 60 miles without stopping. [5] They used a leg before him to
swim and rear legs as a rudder. [8] The oil glands in the skin can be oiling their feathers so well that it is waterproof and made
him stay dry during swimming. [8]
In the summer in the Arctic, especially in May-June, fleece - thick bear fur started to fall to keep the body temperature remains
stable. [6]
Mating season for polar bears occur in the summer in the Arctic, ie between the months of March to June. [9] Then the baby -
the baby polar bear to be born in December-January, they will usually give birth to 2-3 babies. [6]
Polar bear cubs will stay with their mother until the age of 2-3 years and started to enter a period of sexual maturity at the age
of 5-6 years. A polar bear can live up to 45 years in captivity, but in the wild they estimated the maximum age of only 30 years.
The polar bear is a one of the world’s largest
carnivorus. The polar bear colour is white. The scintific
name is Ursus maritimus. this species are found
around the northern continent of the earth , the
continental Arctic. The polar bears are sometimes also
classified as Marine mammals. The Polar bears are
good swimmers .

 the polar bear has small tail ,them vision and hearing
are sharp, with long , dense and smooth fur. The
Male polar bears weigh between 400-600 kilograms
and can sometimes reach more than 800 kg with a
height of over 2.5 meters . The female only half the
weight of a male weighing between 200-300 kg and a
height of about 2 meters . The main food of polar
bears is fish and seals.

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