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Vocabulary: family and relationshi s

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Worksheet A I
Read out the sentences for your partner to correct the underlined words.

When I was at junior school, I was a very good employee.

2 When I meet up with my team-mates after school, we speak English together to get more

3 I'm a partner of several clubs in my home town.

4 I ' m related to my mother - we look the same and have a similar personality.

5 I think a good mentor is always ready to listen to his or her employees.

6 No one has ever asked me to be the great-grandmother of their child.

7 I 've never inherited. I'm still waiting for the right person to come along!

8 I don't live with my family history, but they all live quite near so I see them often.

9 I don't know much about my mother's roots of the family.

I0 I don't get to see my ancestors very often. Most of them live in a different city.

2 Are the sentences true or false for you? Discuss with your partner.

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Worksheet B
1 Read out the sentences for your partner to correct the underlined words.

I like team sports, but success often depends on your classmates.

2 If I owned a company and an rumil was always late, I would fire them.

3 My relatives came to my country in the 1 800s.

4 I never knew my godmother - she died a long time before I was born.

5 I don't know much about my extended family - only back to the 1 950s.

6 To be a good boss, I think you need to know how your pupils learn best.

7 In class, I like working with a member more than working on my own.

8 My family's side are in the town which I grew up in.

9 I take after someone famous - well, my brother was in the local newspaper once!

I 0 I've never had a fiance/fiancee anything.

2 Are the sentences true or false for you? Discuss with your partner.

Scanned for Agus Suwanto


Worksheet A:
I pupil
2 classmates
3 member
4 take after
5 boss
6 godmother
7 had a fiance/fiancee
8 extended family
9 side
I0 relatives

Worksheet B:
I team-mates
2 employee
3 ancestors
4 great-grandmother
5 family history
6 mentor
7 partner
8 roots
9 'm related to
I0 inherited

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