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There are many advanced strategies in classical control systems.

We start with
cascade control, which is a simple introduction to a multiloop, but essentially
SISO, system. We continue with feedforward and ratio control. The idea behind
ratio control is simple, and it applies quite well to the furnace problem that we
use as an illustration. Finally, we address a multiple-input multiple-output system
using a simple blending problem as illustration , and use the problem to look into
issues of interaction and decoupling. These techniques build on what we have
learned in classical control theories.

Cascade control
A very common design found in process engineering is cascade control. This is a
strategy that allows us to handle load changes more effectively with respect to the
manipulated variable. To illustrate the idea, we consider the temperature control
of a gas furnace, which is used to heat up a cold process stream. The fuel gas flow
rate is the manipulated variable, and its flow is subject to fluctuations due to
upstream pressure variations.

In a simple single-loop system, we measure the outlet temperature, and the

temperature controller (TC) sends its signal to the regulating valve. If there is
fluctuation in the fuel gas flow rate, this simple system will not counter the
disturbance until the controller senses that the temperature of the furnace has
deviated from the set point (Ts).
A cascade control system can be designed to handle fuel gas disturbance more
effectively (Fig.). In this case, a secondary loop (also called the slave loop) is
used to adjust the regulating valve and thus manipulate the fuel gas flow rate. The
temperature controller (the master or primary controller) sends its signal, in terms
of the desired flow rate, to the secondary flow control loop—in essence, the signal
is the set point of the secondary flow controller (FC).
Block diagram of a simple cascade control system with
reference to the furnace problem.

In the secondary loop, the flow controller compares the desired fuel gas flow rate
with the measured flow rate from the flow transducer (FT), and adjusts the
regulating valve accordingly.
This inner flow control loop can respond immediately to fluctuations in the fuel
gas flow to ensure that the proper amount of fuel Is delivered. To be effective, the
secondary loop must have a faster response time (smaller time constant) than the
outer loop. Generally, we use as high a proportional gain as feasible. In control
jargon, we say that the inner loop is tuned very tightly.

Reduced block diagram of a cascade

control system.

We can use a block diagram to describe Fig. 10.1. Cascade control adds an inner
control loop with secondary controller function Gc2 (Fig. 10.2a). This
implementation of cascade control requires two controllers and two measured
variables (fuel gas flow and furnace temperature). The furnace temperature is the
controlled variable, and the fuel gas flow rate remains the only manipulated

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