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SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012

The disease in its labyrinth: advances, challenges
and paradoxes over 100 years of Chagas in
La enfermedad en su laberinto: avances, desafíos y
paradojas de cien años del Chagas en Argentina

Zabala, Juan Pablo1

PhD in Social Sciences,
Facultad Latinoamericana ABsTRACT This article analyzes the century-long persistence of Chagas disease in
de Ciencias Sociales. PhD Argentina, taking into account the different dimensions (the biological, the informational,
in History of Science,
Université Paris 1 Panthéon the political, the professional and the technical) that take part in the disease’s definition.
Sorbonne. Researcher of Emphasis is placed on the identification and discussion of fundamental tensions that
the Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Científicas
have marked the history of the disease, with the intention of discussing the concrete
y Técnicas at the Institute conditioning factors that have, on the one hand, permitted the continuity of Chagas as
of Science and Technology a subject of political consideration, but on the other have made it impossible to reach a
Studies, Universidad
Nacional de Quilmes. situation of definitive control over the disease.
Director, General Archive Key WORDs Chagas Disease; Knowledge; History; Policies.
of the Nation (Argentina).

ResUMeN El artículo analiza la persistencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en la Argentina

durante más de un siglo, prestando atención a las diferentes dimensiones (biológica, de
conocimiento, política, profesional y técnica) que participan en su definición. Se pone
el acento en la identificación y discusión de algunas de las tensiones fundamentales que
han marcado la historia de la enfermedad, con la intención de discutir cuáles han sido
los condicionamientos concretos que han marcado, por un lado, la continuidad de la
enfermedad dentro de la consideración política pero, al mismo tiempo, la imposibilidad
de alcanzar una situación de control definitivo.
PAlABRAs ClAves Enfermedad de Chagas; Conocimiento; Historia; Políticas.

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012 ZABAlA JP.

INTRODUCTION tension between recognition and neglect that has

influenced its history. On the one hand, we find
the existence of actions that have emphasized
Chagas disease, also referred to as American the importance of Chagas as a social problem,
trypanosomiasis, celebrated a century of existence placing it in the field of politics and in the col-
in 2009, from the day Carlos Chagas announced lective consciousness as an issue requiring inter-
the discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi  (the caus- vention. On the other, we observe actions that
ative parasite), the insect vector (triatomine bug have tended to invisibilize the problem in po-
in English, called barbeiro in Brazil and vinchuca litical, medical and symbolic terms. The results
in Argentina) and a set of characteristic clinical of this tension are prolonged actions aimed at
symptoms. This announcement occurred in the controlling the disease in different ways, but also
Brazil of the early 20th century, a time when the the impossibility of definitively achieving this
control of infectious diseases appeared a sure objective. In other words, Chagas disease has
ticket to order and progress (1,2). neither been so neglected as to disappear from
Throughout the 20th century, Chagas disease the political agenda nor so present as to put a
became a symbol of the huge portion of the pop- permanent end to its reproduction cycle.
ulation of Latin America living in conditions of It is necessary to explore this tension and an-
material poverty, especially in rural areas, with alyze the way in which it is inscribed within the
little information or access to basic health and rationalities, beliefs and interests of the different
sanitation services. This situation is currently re- actors involved in the definition of the disease –
flected in official figures showing 8 million people politicians, physicians, researchers, the infected
infected with the parasite – who are susceptible to and the ill – in order to avoid replicating the two
suffering from the chronic cardiac and digestive approaches typically used to explain the “failure”
conditions characteristic of the disease – and 100 to control Chagas. The first of these approaches,
million people at risk of getting infected, as well which is eminently scientistic and technocratic,
as 56,000 new cases annually and 12,000 deaths emphasizes the lack of development of adequate
per year (3). means of disease control, such as vaccines, more
For over half a century, Chagas has been effective antiparasitic drugs or insecticides with
recognized as a major public health problem, at greater residual action. From this standpoint, ad-
least discursively, both in Argentina and the rest vances in science and technology are what will
of Latin America, and several intervention pro- eventually enable us to put an end to the problem
grams have been developed in order to control (a). The second explanation tends to take a political
the disease. These programs have included a va- and commercialist perspective: the persistence of
riety of actions, such as the elimination of vectors, Chagas is related to lack of political interest be-
the promotion of research in different areas of cause it is a disease that affects people who are
knowledge, the regulation of blood transfusions, poor – and who are thus subjects unable to gen-
education campaigns, and housing improvement. erate earnings and profits. Therefore, the only way
Nevertheless, the antiparasitic treatments in use to solve the problem is to define political priorities
today are the same that have been available since with non-mercantile criteria.
the mid-1970s, and the other treatments used for When we take a closer look at the disease,
cardiac or digestive symptoms are not specific to we see that these simplistic approaches do not
the afflictions derived from Chagas disease. reflect its reality. Chagas is a complex entity
How can we understand the persistence of conditioned by the biological processes in-
the disease throughout the decades, in a context volved as well as the professional, economic,
in which technical resources are available for its political, cultural and institutional interests at
control and the political initiative to allocate funds stake in the definition of the disease and, above
to fight this disease exists? all, in the way to take action and intervene. As
This article seeks to formulate a response a result of this complexity, the trajectory of the
to this question based on the idea that Chagas disease contains a series of paradoxes that have
disease has been marked by a fundamental marked its prolonged history:

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
The disease in its labyrinth: advances, challenges and paradoxes over 100 years of Chagas in Argentina 11

SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012

a. A milestone in the history of science, and yet an of reference one or many of the biological events
entity which tends to be invisible within current which, through the expert views of scientific and
medical practice. professional knowledge, condition how the disease
b. A “neglected disease,” and yet a constant in the is conceived. This obligates us consider that the
public policy agenda. very definition of those events – objective in ap-
c. The achievement of relative success in terms pearance – is also the result of social processes in
of fighting the vector, and yet the persistence which it is possible to find elements that condition
of a reality that contributes to the vector’s how the disease is finally constituted as a social
development. problem.
d. The disease with the largest affected population, In the case of Chagas, the process by which
and yet the least visible social group in terms of the disease became a stable medical entity is
identification and social organization. particularly rich for exploring the tension be-
e. A rural disease, and yet an urban public health tween visibility and invisibility, as the profound
problem and a threat to developed countries. changes it has undergone at the cognitive level
f. An important symbol of the scientific community’s throughout its history have made the demarcation
commitment to social reality, and yet a sign of the of the problem unstable. Chagas disease made a
scant concrete incidence of science in people’s striking appearance in the medical and scientific
living conditions. world at the beginning of the 20th century. Its ap-
g. A field of knowledge with major advances, and pearance is recognized as an exceptional case in
yet with drugs approximately 40 years old and the history of traditional science and medicine,
with limited effectiveness. given that in a very short period of time a single
person was able discover all the components of
These paradoxes will be analyzed through a new infectious disease: the causal agent (Try-
three fundamental nodes in the definition of panosoma cruzi), the vector (vinchucha, barbeiro
Chagas, which may enable us to understand, ac- or triatomine bug) and the clinical profile of the
cording to the particularities of the disease (5), disease.
the way in which the tension between visibility The characterization of the disease first made
and invisibility has expressed itself historically, by Chagas in his works stated that, in recent in-
always as a result of a mutual conditioning among fections, the acute stage “almost always results in
the different technical, biological, informational, death […], especially in the case of children under
professional and political dimensions. The first of 6 months of age,” whereas in children “over 1 year
these nodes refers to the definition of the disease of age, it does not always prove fatal; many in-
according to its biomedical aspects, both in its fected individuals pass on to the chronic stage” (6
characterization and in the administration of treat- p.263). Undoubtedly, the chronic stage (b), related
ments. The second makes reference to the way to the effects of the infection in the long term, was
in which the disease has become the object of what aroused the greatest interest in the medical
different types of public policies, with the con- community and public health policymakers. In
sequent implementation of different plans of this stage of the disease, Chagas asserted, the
intervention. The third refers to the disease as a parasite caused serious functional perturbations in
structuring framework of identities and relations, the thyroid gland and nervous system, thus sug-
which condition and preform the identities of the gesting an explanation for the health situation of
affected individuals. a region characterized by a high rate of goiter; a
vast number of cases of profound anemia with
great organic decline, causing developmental
DISCOVERY, REDEFINITION AND delays in children and infantilism in adults; no-
DISAPPEARANCE OF THE DISEASE  table deficiencies in the nervous system; and,
associated with these deficiencies, speech and
communication impairments along with a large
Diseases differ from the rest of the social number of cases of imbecility (7). Chagas further
problems in that their definition uses as a frame stated that “in some cases […], especially in adults,

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012 ZABAlA JP.

perturbations of the cardiac rhythm are very fre- promoting and articulating different studies that
quent” (6 p.265). looked in to many of Chagas’s initial concerns (f).
The reverberations of Chagas’s announcement In that context, the disease increased in im-
lay not only in the scientific ability to identify a portance as the number of “acute cases” compiled
new species but also in the capacity of those asser- grew. This growth was favored by the discovery of
tions to propose a biologically-based explanation “Romaña’s sign” – an inflammation of the eyelid
for a social situation of poverty, deprivation, and caused by the bite of the vinchuca – which al-
underdevelopment, via the identification of causes lowed the disease to be identified by non-expert
invisible to most people. With this demarcation, the physicians (2,9,16,17,18). By the late 1930s, the
experienced eyes of a scientist trained at the fore- disease began to be considered a public health
front of the protozoology of the time, with access problem of great importance within the scientific-
to a scientific laboratory and with a prestige con- medical field, thanks to the accumulation of cer-
solidated in previous successful public health cam- tified cases and the intensive activities of scientific
paigns (c), offered a new lens for understanding the communication carried out by Mazza and his
decades-long misfortune of millions of people scat- collaborators.
tered across the immense region of Brazil set away Nevertheless, despite the resurgence of
from the coast. And, from this point of departure, Chagas as a subject of professional interest, the
the articulation of a political movement – led to a definition of the clinical profile of the disease
great extent by Chagas – that proposed the “saniti- remained erratic. Goiter and nervous conditions
zation of Brazil” through the eradication of certain lost importance in the definition of the clinical
agents hazardous to public health, with scientific profile, while the cardiac form of the disease,
research spearheading these measures (9,10). starting in the 1930s, became the main interest
Nevertheless, Chagas’s description in the first of research studies, both in Argentina and Brazil.
years of the disease then became the subject of long- Chagas and his disciples maintained, within a
standing professional debates which questioned the small group, their interest in the issue in Brazil:
seriousness of the disease and marked the transition “The cause-and-effect relationships, if indeed
from a first stage of wide recognition to another de- they exist, between goiter and infection by Try-
fined by uncertainty, controversies and, definitively, panosoma cruzi are debatable. […] It is an open
neglect. In particular, the difficulty of demonstrating question that merits further studies and insights”
cases that confirmed the magnitude of the disease [“Discutíveis são as relações de causa e efeito,
(d) and the continued questioning of the relationship acaso existentes, entre o bócio e a infecção pelo
between the parasite and goiter radically rocked the Trypanosoma cruzi.  [...]  É uma questão aberta,
foundations of what had constituted the disease as a a merecer estudo e perspicácia.”] (19 p.63). Not
public health problem (e). until the 1950s did Chagas cardiopathy become
Many years elapsed before reaching the the object of systematic research for cardiologists,
current definition of the disease as characterized who defined within the framework of that spe-
by cardiac and digestive conditions. From the cialty both the specific characteristics of Chagas
early 1920s to the late 1930s, research regarding in relation to other cardiac diseases and the di-
the disease focused on defining the true effects agnosis of “chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy” via
of the parasite, the way to identify infected indi- electrocardiogram (g).
viduals, and the possibility of distinguishing a With this description of the cardiac profile,
specific clinical profile. This task took on special the disease broke the random barrier separating
significance in the studies carried out by Sal- the infected from the ill: having Chagas disease
vador Mazza in the Study Mission on Regional would no longer mean simply testing positive
Pathologies of the North [Misión de Estudios de in a biochemical test for Trypanosoma cruzi  in-
Patología Regional del Norte] in the mid-1920s fection, but also developing a specific condition,
(13,14). At a time when it was believed that the identified by the instruments and knowledge of
disease did not exist in Argentina, Mazza explored cardiology. Therefore, its importance as a public
the matter in the context of a program of study health problem was based on a specific number of
on regional pathologies in the north of Argentina, individuals with a condition impairing their work

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
The disease in its labyrinth: advances, challenges and paradoxes over 100 years of Chagas in Argentina 13

SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012

ability, which translated into the suffering of those senior members but have little generational
with the condition and into measurable losses in turnover. Therefore, although it may be recog-
the country’s production capacity due to the re- nized within public health discourses as an im-
duction in the workforce. portant health problem, Chagas disease tends
This new description implied a reconfigu- to be invisibilized within current professional
ration in the meaning of the disease, in that a spe- medical practice, and is diluted within proce-
cific medical specialty – cardiology – emerged as dures that are not specific to its etiology.
the area of legitimate knowledge and professional Only in the last years have initiatives been im-
practice for defining sick individuals, the symptoms plemented to reinforce the importance of treating
of the disease and the gravity of those symptoms. the parasitic etiology of the Chagas-originated
This also meant a relocation of the problem spa- cardiac conditions, suggesting the administration
tially, in that public health care centers in the city of antiparasitic treatment to the chronically ill. This
of Buenos Aires began to diagnose chronic cases approach has not escaped controversy (20) as at
of Chagas disease among their patients, rural mi- least two opposing views exist without there being
grants who moved to the city to work. conclusive evidence on the subject. On the one
Broadly speaking, over the last decades, the hand are those who argue that once the parasitic
visibility of the disease within the medical world infection has persisted over a certain number of
has been maintained within this articulation of years, the antiparasitic treatment is ineffective and
knowledge and practices. This persistence can its administration is no longer justified, as it is pro-
also be observed in the professional world and in vides no benefit to patients and exposes them to
the heart of health institutions: the formation of a the harmful side effects of the drugs prescribed.
community of cardiologists specialized in Chagas However, others argue that the treatment is ben-
disease and the creation of Chagas services in dif- eficial even for the chronically ill, although the
ferent hospitals are tangible indications that the negativization of the infection can only be demon-
issue has maintained certain relevance within the strated in serological analyses after several years.
health field. The second perspective has gained ground in
Nonetheless, this visibility is opposed by recent years and treatment is now officially recom-
other tendencies that threaten the recognition of mended in children and adolescents. Regardless
Chagas as an autonomous morbid entity. Indeed, of how the controversy is finally resolved, it is in-
it is possible to observe at least two phenomena in teresting to note that behind the scientific debate
the last years that tend towards the invisibilization lie two different ways of delineating the disease
of the disease. Firstly, the advances in cardiology from a medical standpoint: one that considers only
increasingly lead, on the part of the cardiologists those with cardiac or gastrointestinal conditions
themselves, to the treatment of the disease ac- (who make up only 30% of all those infected)
cording to the patients’ coronary symptoms, dis- through general treatments used for similar condi-
regarding that such deficiencies are caused by a tions of different origins, and another that recovers
parasitic infection. Whether through drugs, pace- the specificity of the disease by attacking its eti-
makers or micro-defibrillators, Chagas cardiomy- ology and suggesting intervention in the totality of
opathy receives specific treatments that tend to those infected.
reverse those symptoms, in the same way as with
any other cardiac condition. In other words, it is
not necessary to be a specialist in a particular area CHAGAS AS THE OBJECT OF POLICY:
in order to treat Chagas disease. BETWEEN NEGLECT AND RECOGNITION
This phenomenon has its impact in the or-
ganization of the health profession. Whether
due to the lack of intellectual and professional Chagas is one of the so-called “neglected”
challenges or the scant economic possibilities diseases. This term has been applied to a group
it offers, Chagas does not appear an attractive of widespread endemic diseases, which mainly
option within the professional specialties. The affect populations of little resources in Latin
communities of experts maintain their same America, Africa and Asia, and cause great losses

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012 ZABAlA JP.

in terms of mortality and morbidity. In particular, the recognition of and fight against epidemics, em-
this term is applied to those diseases that do not bodied principally by the figure of Ramón Carrillo,
represent an economic interest to the pharmaceu- Minister of Health under Peron’s government.
tical industry that would justify the development Therefore, Chagas disease came to be categorized
of new drugs. The consequence of this lack of in- as a “national problem” (21) and around it an insti-
terest is that there is little dynamism in the devel- tutional apparatus was developed which included
opment of modern and more effective treatments, programs for fighting the vector as well as the
as in the case of Chagas. planning of activities for diagnosis, research, and
This neglect can also be perceived in other development of alternative treatments.
dimensions such as in the lack of initiatives for The main Chagas intervention policies were
disease treatment, control or eradication, even oriented towards interrupting infection by the
if the necessary means of preventing or curing vector, that is, infection through the bite of the
those diseases exist, frequently at a low cost. vinchuca. These policies manifested themselves
However, the image transmitted by the term “ne- in different ways throughout the 20th century.
glected” should be somewhat attenuated, at least They were first implemented by the Executive
for Argentina. Chagas disease has remained an Committee for Chagas Disease Research and Pro-
important issue both in the public health agenda phylaxis [Comité Directivo de Investigaciones y
and in the collective conscious at least since the Profilaxis de la Enfermedad de Chagas], created
1950s, and is still the object of specific health cam- in 1950 as the first institution officially respon-
paigns carried out by the government and NGOs, sible for fighting the disease, which reported to
including vector control, housing improvement, the recently created National Ministry of Health.
and actions to educate and raise awareness in the This Committee saw the beginning in Argentina
populations in which the disease is still endemic, of what its director Cecilio Romaña, former col-
among other measures. league of Salvador Mazza, called “the era of re-
The official recognition of Chagas as a public sidual insecticides and [of] the ‘new awareness’
health problem dates back to the late 1930s. As awakened by preventive medicine” (22 p.215).
a sign of this interest – recent at that time – on Throughout the years, this institution un-
the part of the State, Alfredo Sordelli, Director derwent several transformations. In 1952 it
of the Carlos G. Malbrán Microbiology Institute became the National Service for the Prophylaxis
highlighted the following at the 10th Pan American and Fight against Chagas Disease [Servicio Na-
Sanitary Conference in 1938: cional de Profilaxis y Lucha contra la Enfermedad
de Chagas], also headed by Romaña, “in charge
The infestation is spread all over the Argentine of the implementation, enforcement and surveil-
territory […] Recently there has been such a lance of the programs created for such purposes”
recrudescence that the number of cases (Executive Order 2177 on July 8, 1952). It was in
reaches at least 300. We therefore consider this context that the first Chagas disease control
the problem worthy of great attention (16 measures took place, following the technical
p.450) [Own translation]. considerations that emerged from Romaña’s ex-
perimental studies. The first insecticide-spraying
It was not until the end of the 1940s that campaigns (with Gammexane) were conducted
this recognition assumed greater importance, systematically in the provinces of Chaco, La Rioja
owing to the convergence of three independent and Catamarca, though these campaigns were
processes: a) the redefinition of the disease in of an experimental character and the number of
medical and epidemiological terms as a chronic houses sprayed was quite limited in scope (23).
and mainly cardiac condition affecting approxi- In the period succeeding Peron’s gov-
mately 1,000,000 people in the country (the ernment, both institutional transformations and
number of people presumably infected with the medical care for Chagas were constants. The
parasite); b) the availability of Gammexane as the consolidation of Chagas disease as a major social
primary means of fighting the insect vector; and problem was accompanied by the creation of
c) a context of public health policies favorable to a series of institutions aimed at identifying and

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
The disease in its labyrinth: advances, challenges and paradoxes over 100 years of Chagas in Argentina 15

SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012

measuring the disease and controlling its trans- This interest on the part of the scientific com-
mission, not only through the vinchuca but also munity starting in the late 1960s must be under-
through the establishment of compulsory tests stood taking into account a number of factors.
for Chagas disease in blood banks and hemo- These include the interest of certain research
therapy services (starting in the early 1960s), and teams in giving social relevance to scientific re-
subsequently in organ donations. Thus, from the search; the sustained funding provided by the
mid-1950s onward, the National Service for the Argentine national government for researching
Prophylaxis and Fight against Chagas Disease, the issue; the creation of a World Health Orga-
created by Health Minister Ramón Carrillo, con- nization Committee oriented towards the pro-
tinued to develop and transform until becoming motion of research on Chagas disease, which
the current Fatala Chabén National Institute of served as an international source of resources
Parasitology, dedicated almost exclusively to the starting in the late 1970s; and, as a result of all
diagnosis of Chagas disease. It is also important of these elements, the development of a social
to mention the creation, in the early 1960s, of the space articulated around the disease, which in-
National Chagas Program, a nationwide structure cluded the participation of several researchers
responsible for the fumigation of rural houses specialized in Chagas disease from many Latin
that has been conducting campaigns to fight the American countries, especially Brazil and
vector for decades. Argentina.
All of these measures have experienced the Thus, scientific research became a legitimate
ups and downs of Argentina’s history, and the sys- intervention strategy for the different actors in-
tematicity of their implementation has varied ac- volved in the promotion, production, circulation
cording to the interest aroused in the provincial and dissemination of knowledge. This process
authorities of each historical period. Nevertheless, covered a wide range of topics, as the proliferation
it is possible to observe a general decrease in the of Chagas-related scientific activity reached all rel-
tendency of the transmission of the disease in the evant research specialties, from entomology to
different modes of transmission. Thus, while in medicine to chemistry; however, the main focus
1964-1969 10% of the total 18-year-old popu- was on facilitating the diagnosis of the disease and
lation presented the infection, by the early 1980s eventually developing a vaccine or appropriate
this percentage had decreased to 5.8% and in antiparasitic drugs. This meant research studies
1993 to 1.9% (24 p.61). Official statistics currently primarily concentrated on two issues: the human
show figures similar to these last ones and suggest immune response to parasitic infection, in order to
that the average prevalence of infection with Try- create a vaccine; and the physiological and meta-
panosoma Cruzi in children under 14 years old is bolic characteristics of the parasite, as well as its
approximately 1.5% (25). reactions to different drugs.
However, these general figures do not ac- These studies promoted the creation of new
count for the disparity among the different re- knowledge about different aspects of the disease
gions. In the case of Argentina, while some and permitted major advances in some fields,
provinces have certified the interruption of particularly in the adaptation and development
vector-borne transmissions, others still show a of new diagnostic methods. Nevertheless, the
high risk of transmission. political hope underlying the initial support of
these research studies never came to fruition, as
the research did not lead to significant changes
Chagas and the promotion of research  in treatment methods. In fact, at present the only
available drug for antiparasitic treatment is benz-
Apart from the control of vector-borne and nidazole, which was approved in 1970. Indeed,
transfusion-based transmission, Chagas has re- benznidazole (along with nifurtimox, developed
ceived considerable attention in policies of scien- in 1966) has received considerable attention due
tific research promotion and has thus become the to its alleged ineffectiveness in the chronic stage
object of research for many groups from different of the disease and the presence of marked side
scientific disciplines. effects in patients.

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012 ZABAlA JP.

PEOPLE WITH CHAGAS: SICK, INFECTED, and eradication of this endemic disease in the
OR INVISIBLE? country” (26 Art.1). The primary objectives of the
law were, on the one hand, “to elaborate tech-
In terms of social practices, a disease is the nical norms […] for the development, execution,
result of a set of actions that arise from the recog- evaluation and control of programs in the fight
nition of its specificity. In the case of Chagas, this against Chagas,” and, on the other hand, “the
process involves specific actors – the individuals registration, orientation and treatment of the
with Chagas themselves, the physicians who treat sick” (26 Art.2). The first purpose was connected
them, government officials, and even the rest of to structures already in existence, with the law
society that reacts in different ways to the public stipulating the need for collaboration among the
manifestation of the problem – who associate the public health authorities of the different districts.
idea of the disease with knowledge that serves as Regarding the second purpose, however, the law
a parameter for their actions. Thus, every disease introduced some significant changes in the norms,
plays a social role fundamental in the lives of the establishing compulsory Chagas testing in five key
subjects implicated. From the diagnosis of the areas: upon entry into military service; in blood
disease to the taking on of a specific role con- banks and hemotherapy services (both already
nected with that disease, the everyday actions of under regulation since the early 1960s); upon
the individuals implicated will be affected, one entry into primary school; in routine health exams
way or another, by the expectations and shared for pregnant women; and in pre-employment
meanings of what this diagnosis implies. medical examinations.
In Chagas this aspect generates a rather para- This government initiative could at first seem
doxical situation, which reflects the tension be- to favor greater recognition of the disease. Never-
tween visibility and invisibility constantly at play in theless, in reality, it has clashed with other factors
its definition as a social problem. On the one hand, that have tended to “invisibilize” the disease in
the statistics show that a large number of people the social arena. One of these factors is the ten-
are affected, to the extent that Chagas disease is dency of infected individuals to hide their con-
considered the greatest endemic disease in the dition, especially when looking for employment,
continent in epidemiological terms; in Argentina due to the discrimination they may face. As the
alone it is estimated that there are 1,600,000 in- disease may imply a disability impairing physical
dividuals infected with the parasite. On the other activity, those infected with the parasite (even if
hand, the individuals directly affected by Chagas they have not developed any symptoms of the
have not, throughout the history of the disease, disease) may find themselves in less favorable con-
constituted themselves into a significant collective ditions for obtaining employment than those who
actor capable of demanding recognition or rights are not infected (27 p.553). Paradoxically, this
or making specific claims, as has been the case in 1980s law requiring pre-employment serological
other diseases such as HIV/AIDS (h). testing as a means of providing greater visibility to
From a formal point of view, recognition the disease, and thereby of facilitating its control,
of the affected individuals – whether in terms of has not become a useful tool for the incorporation
“victims,” patients, or subjects of rights – has been of the disease in the everyday life of the affected
a historic demand of the medical community and population. Instead, the law has turned into a new
has been implicit in every affirmation made about obstacle individuals must overcome to avoid dis-
the importance of the disease as a public health advantages, not related to the physical grievances
problem, from the incorporation of the disease themselves, but rather to the marks that their rural
in specialized conferences and its inclusion as a past has left in their immune systems.
disease of obligatory denunciation to the incorpo- The consequences of Law 22360 were so
ration of research in routine health controls. paradoxical that in 2007, Law 26281 on Chagas
In more concrete terms, Law 22360 was en- Prevention and Control (28) reconsidered this
acted at the beginning of the 1980s, stating that unfavorable situation. This new law includes the
preventing and fighting Chagas disease was of previous statement on the prevention of and fight
“national interest,” in order to “favor the control against Chagas disease as an issue of national

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
The disease in its labyrinth: advances, challenges and paradoxes over 100 years of Chagas in Argentina 17

SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012

interest, but focuses on pregnant women, blood or predictable and logical result of the actions of the
organ donors, children, and newborns. Article 5 of different social actors involved.
this new law prohibits testing for Chagas disease in In this sense, from the perspective of political
pre-employment medical examinations, deeming planning and resource management, it is necessary
them discriminatory. Moreover, such has been the to separate the interest and reaction the disease
stigmatization of the infected individuals – 70% has provoked in the State into different sectoral
of whom do not develop any illness – that those policies that promote specific initiatives within the
who most advocate developing the awareness and State’s area of incumbence. While at a discursive
involvement of different social actors in the fight level the eradication or control of the disease still
suggest not making reference to “Chagas disease” seems a distant horizon, this goal must be trans-
but rather simply to “Chagas,” thus describing the lated into concrete actions, as policies should be
infection as a particular situation but removing part designed for and oriented towards accomplishing
of the negative connotation implied by disease (29). concrete medium-term goals in a demarcated area
There are other elements leading to the in- of action, such as fumigation, control of blood do-
visibility of Chagas related to the perception of nations or the promotion of scientific knowledge.
affected individuals that the disease is not se- In some cases, the translation of that distant
rious (30). According to Mariana Sanmartino, horizon of eradication into concrete actions de-
this occurs due to cultural factors, given the veloped as a result of this political interest comes
commonness of the disease, as well as biological up against structural limitations that go beyond
factors, given the long-term evolution of the the will of the actors involved. This is clearly seen
disease – in the cases in which it does indeed in the case of scientific research, which does not
develop – and lack of symptoms. It is also worth aim to eradicate Chagas but rather to promote
adding the lack of implementation of specific knowledge associated with it. Therefore, policies
protocols by health care professionals. may show partially successful results, even if af-
terward no further processes are carried out by
which the knowledge produced can contribute to
FINAL REFLECTIONS the ultimate goal of definitive control (processes
such as the development of new drugs by labora-
tories or the fine-tuning of new techniques to be
Throughout this article I have tried to an- administered en masse).
alyze some tensions that lie within the defi- By disassembling “the fight against the
nition of Chagas as a public health problem, in disease” into concrete actions, we may also see
its biomedical formulation, in the policies aimed how the political rationality of managing limited
at controlling it, and in the definition of profes- resources on some occasions makes it logical to
sional specialties and social roles associated with give up the initiatives before the ultimate goal
the disease. This strategy of analysis has a dual has been achieved. In the case of fumigation, for
purpose. The first is to show the complexity of the instance, the goal of definitive control implies
disease as a biological, social, political and cul- maintaining action standards that are difficult to
tural entity, considering the specific actors that meet in the most endemic areas. In that way, the
have defined it as such throughout history. The decrease in the rates of infection in the last de-
second is to specifically analyze the way in which cades and the relative success this implies also
the very process of defining how the disease is un- serves to limit these initiatives; the less important
derstood, how its incidence is measured, and what the problem is, the more likely it is that the ac-
policies are adopted to fight against it establishes tions will not be sustained. Consequently, it may
the limits of what actions are considered possible. seem more logical to allocate funds to other more
Therefore, irregardless of unfavorable po- urgent problems.
litical situations or periods of neglect, the persis- The final aspects that this article attempts to
tence of Chagas can no longer be seen as the mere explore are the cultural dimensions that operate
result of failures, lack of interest or the technical in the definition of the disease, both on the part
ineffectiveness of the available strategies, but the of those who identify and discuss the disease

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012 ZABAlA JP.

and those who suffer from it. Thus, even while that Chagas becomes a way to name these popu-
acknowledging the social importance of the lations, either to show solidarity with them or to
disease, due to its geographical spread and the identify them as a population that needs only to
type of populations it affects, in the use of these be cured.
categories of analysis we must not overlook the re- This exercise may be done in a more or less
ductionist exercise of the dominant urban medical critical way, emphasizing the imposition of a bour-
discourse that subsumes a complex situation of geois and urban medical discourse on a strange
living conditions, cultural diversity and profound rural reality, or proposing a strategy for relating to
material deprivation to a single symptom: carrying diverse social sectors so as to help those sectors
the parasite. The shortage of clean water, the pre- develop tools that will eventually enable them to
carious state of housing constructions, the limited carry out strategies of protection and control of ad-
access to basic health and education services, the verse situations. In any event, this article aims to
lack of employment and food, the continued clash recover both the complexity of the disease and the
between indigenous cultures and the ways of life diverse rationalities existing within the perspec-
of western capitalism, the lack of recognition of tives of the actors involved, as a means of under-
civil rights and undocumented migrations, among standing the depth of the problem of Chagas as it
other factors, are disguised behind a medical di- is configured, concretely, in the society in which
agnosis. Indeed, we could call this a social synec- it is immersed.
doche: representing the whole through a part, so

ENDNOTES microscopically did not reach 50. See Yorke (11),

cited by Kropf (9 p.246).
a. Both in its optimistic and fatalistic variants (ac-
cording to the hopes placed in the development e. The relationship between the parasite and goi-
of this new knowledge), this is the perspective un- terism was first called into question by the studies
derlying, in general, the news related to scientific of Rudolph Kraus in the Institute of Bacteriology of
or medical events that celebrate new knowledge Argentina’s National Department of Hygiene (12).
as an “advance” against the disease, be this new
development the identification of a protein or the f. Mazza’s works included the identification of the
genome of a vector, even if it is not the primary first cases in the mid-1920s, the demonstration of
vector in the country. An example of this can be the existence of the parasite in the region and the
seen in the article “Gran avance contra el Cha- existence of vectors, the analysis of the natural re-
gas: logran decodificar el genoma de la vinchuca” servoirs of the parasite, the identification of acute
[Great advance in the fight against Chagas: the ge- and chronic cases, the description of the charac-
nome of the triatomine bug has been decoded)](4). teristics of each stage, the analysis of diagnostic
methods and, finally, trials of different treatments
b. The chronic stage was first divided by Chagas (without success) (15).
into 4 types: the pseudo-myxedematous, myxe-
dematous, cardiac and nervous types (6). The re- g. The works of Laranja and Nóbrega, from the
lationship between the parasite and thyroid dys- Bambuí Research Center in Brazil, and of Ro-
function was reflected in the first name given to senbaum and Álvarez, from the Ramos Mejía Hos-
the disease: “Parasitic Thyroiditis.” pital in Argentina, were essential in the definition
of “chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy” (13).
c. A few years before the discovery of Chagas di-
sease, the Manguinhos Institute, led by Oswaldo h. In situations of drug shortages, or even given the
Cruz, had carried out the campaigns to eradicate threat of such shortages, the differences between
yellow fever in Rio de Janeiro, thus gaining acade- these two groups are significant. While those with
mic and political recognition as well as the recog- HIV/AIDS have held protests to demand the public
nition of civil society (8). provision of drugs be guaranteed, those with Cha-
gas have not become a major actor in the public
d. By 1935, the cases in which the presence of arena when faced with the news of the unavaila-
the parasite in humans had been demonstrated bility of the drug.

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381
The disease in its labyrinth: advances, challenges and paradoxes over 100 years of Chagas in Argentina 19

SALUD COLECTIVA, Buenos Aires, 8(Suppl 1):S9-S21, November, 2012

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Received: 10 July 2012 | Accepted: 21 August 2012

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The translation of this article is part of an interdepartmental collaboration between the Undergraduate Program in
Sworn Translation Studies (English <> Spanish) and the Institute of Collective Health at the Universidad Nacional
de Lanús. This article was translated by Victoria Vallejos and Patricia Velázquez, reviewed by Mariela Santoro and
modified for publication by Vanessa Di Cecco.

Universidad Nacional de Lanús | Salud Colectiva | English Edition ISSN 2250-5334 | E-ISSN 1851-8265| ISSN-L 1669-2381

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