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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan (DYNAMIC INSTRUCTION)

Social Studies--2007 ACEI Standards

Student: Danielle Witkowski School: Riverview Elementary

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Brenda Soptelean Co-op Teacher: Ms. Shelli Pence
Teaching Date: April 11, 2018 Grade Level: 1st Grade
Lesson Title: Goods and Services in Our Community

I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goals–
o Students will understand basic economic ideas and apply the concepts to a real
world situation
B. Objective(s) –
o Students will distinguish between a good and a service.
o Students will draw their own good and identify the purpose of the good.
C. Standard(s) –
o NCSS: Production, Distribution, and Consumption
o IAS:
 1.4.1 Identify goods (tangible objects, such as food or toys, that can satisfy
people’s wants and needs) that people use.
 1.4.2 Identify services (actions that someone does for someone else) that
people do for each other.

II. Materials & Management:

 Materials:
o Anchor chart with T chart split into goods and services with definition by each
o Markers
o Mystery bag with pictures of goods (i.e. fruit, gasoline, toys, clothes) and services
(i.e. cashier, waitress, farmer, chef) with the words under the picture.
o Create a good worksheet
o Whiteboard and dry erase markers
o Website for station 2:
 Time: 35 minutes
 Space: For the anticipatory set the students will be seated in rows at the carpet. The
students will then transition to stations at Mrs. Pence’s elbow table, their seats, and the
carpet. The students will all transition back to their seats for the closure.
 Behavior: Before beginning the lesson, I will give clear expectations for behavior (voice
level, cooperating with others, listening, raising hands, etc.). I will also enforce the
classroom behavior plan.
 Technology: I will use the doc cam for a few students to share their drawings of their
goods in the closure.
 Groups during stations:
o Group 1 – Gaige, Holden, Markie, Xander, Zariyah5r, Claire
o Group 2 – Ja’Corey, Landon, Lela, Journey, Kayden
o Group 3 – Bentley, Johnny, Haley, Ava, John

III. Anticipatory Set: (8 minutes)

“So, up here I have a mystery bag. I am going to call a few students up who are quietly sitting
on their pockets, or for the back row on their knees. As we pull them out I want you to look for
patterns and see how we might group them.” Call on students to come up, pick out a picture
from the bag and read the word. After the students pull the pictures, place them at the bottom
of the anchor chart.

IV. Purpose: “Today we are going to learn about the things people use and how people work
together to keep a community running smoothly.”


V. Adaptation: (ACEI 3.2)

 Remediation – Students work in their station groups or teams (4 people, known as their
teams) so their other students can repeat directions if needed. I will also circulate
around the room during certain times of the stations to monitor student progress. I will
keep a close eye on J.J., M.V. and L.P. as these students struggle to stay on task and are
easily frustrated.
 Enrichment – If students finish their work early at the independent station, they can
color their picture and find another student who is also at their seat and finished to
share their picture and sentence with one another.
 ELL – There are no students in my classroom that are ELL.
 Exceptional Needs- M.V. receives Tier 1 RTI services for math but that does not impact
this lesson.

VI. Lesson Presentation

 “Everything we pulled out of the bag is a good or a service. Last time, when we talked
about farmers and what they give the community, we talked about what a good was,
who can raise their hand and tell me what a good is?” Allow time for student response.
“A good is a something you can buy and physically hold. What are some of the things we
pulled out of our mystery bag that are goods?” As the students say the goods, move
them into the goods column of the T chart. Additionally, have the students name the
purpose of the good. “The pictures that are left are called services, everyone say it with
me “services.” Services are things people do for others and usually paid for doing them.
For example, this waitress provides a service for you because they bring you your drinks,
food, and help you when you’re in a restaurant. A cashier helps you buy your groceries
so they also provide a service.” Go through each picture name the service and have the
students name the purpose for the service. “Does anyone have any questions about
what a good or service is?” Allow time for student response.
 “We are going to move into a couple centers to talk and learn a little more about goods
and services. The first station with be with me on the carpet where we are going to talk
about different goods and services we will see at different places in our community. At
the second station you will be at Mrs. Pence’s table playing a game on the iPad that
deals with goods and services. The last station will be at your seat where I want you to
make up your own good, be creative! I want you to draw a picture of the good you make
up and below it finish the sentence about how you could use your good. Divide into
groups listed:
o Group 1 (start @ st. 1) – Gaige, Holden, Markie, Xander, Zariyah, Claire
o Group 2 (start @ st. 2) – Ja’Corey, Landon, Lela, Journey, Kayden
o Group 3 (start @ st. 3) – Bentley, Johnny, Haley, Ava, John
 The students will stay at each station for 5 minutes with about 1 minute transition time
between each.
 Center 1: The students will be at the carpet with me. I will give the students different
places (i.e. a hospital, grocery store, restaurant, school) and have them select the goods
and services from the deck of cards from the anticipatory set. The students will then
brainstorm other goods or services that they could find at that place. As the students
brainstorm them, I will write them on the whiteboard so they can see how they are
 Center 2: The students will complete the interactive game on the iPads supervised by
Mrs. Pence. The link to the interactive activity can be found here: https://s3-ap-
 Center 3: At their seats the students will be given a sheet on which they will create their
own good and complete the sentence. If students finish their work early at the
independent station, they can color their picture and find another student who is also at
their seat and finished to share their picture and sentence with one another.

VII. Checking for Understanding

 As the students are with me at station 1, I will ask students:
o Why is that a good and not a service?
o Where are some other places that we could see that service?
VIII. Closure
 After the centers have been completed, dismiss all students back to their desks.
 “Now, I want you to share at your tables your good and its purpose. First, read your
sentence and then show your picture just like how we share our journals at the carpet.
Make sure everyone gets a chance to talk. When it’s your turn, make sure to share what
your good is and what it does.” Allow about 3 minutes for students to share at their
tables. Walk around to monitor students to keep them on task and look at the students’
work. When monitoring, keep an eye out for students who are on task and working
 “Give me a thumbs up if your group is ready.” Allow 1 more minute if needed. “I will call
a one student from each team who I noticed was staying on task and working hard to
get their work done to share their good using the doc cam.” The selected students will
share their good and its purpose.
 Once all questions, comments, and smart remarks have been addressed  , I will
transition to the next activity of the day.


 I will circulate around the room while students are working to answer any questions.
 I will check for understanding by having the students name goods and services they can
find at specific location found in the community (i.e. school, hospital, grocery store, etc.)
 Students will draw a picture of a good and identify the specific purpose for that good.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Did the students have a basic understanding of what goods and services are? How do I
8. How could I make my lesson delivery clearer?
Fruit Gas

Jacket Toy
Teacher Crayons

Cashier Waitress
Farmer Doctors and Nurses

Wheelchair Gloves
Name: _______________________

What is your good used for?

I can use my good to ___________________________

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