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Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193

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Environmental hazard and risk characterisation of petroleum substances:

A guided “walking tour” of petroleum hydrocarbons
Johan Bierkens ⁎, Lieve Geerts
Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Unit of Environmental Risk and Health, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Petroleum substances are used in large quantities, primarily as fuels. They are complex mixtures whose major
Received 3 October 2013 constituents are hydrocarbons derived from crude oil by distillation and fractionation. Determining the complete
Accepted 29 January 2014 molecular composition of petroleum and its refined products is not feasible with current analytical techniques be-
Available online 5 March 2014
cause of the huge number of molecular components. This complex nature of petroleum products, with their varied
number of constituents, all of them exhibiting different fate and effect characteristics, merits a dedicated hazard
Hazard and risk assessment
and risk assessment approach. From a regulatory perspective they pose a great challenge in a number of REACH
Hydrocarbon block method processes, in particular in the context of dossier and substance evaluation but also for priority setting activities. In
Petroleum substances order to facilitate the performance of hazard and risk assessment for petroleum substances the European oil com-
PETRORISK pany association, CONCAWE, has developed the PETROTOX and PETRORISK spreadsheet models.
PETROTOX Since the exact composition of many petroleum products is not known, an underlying assumption of the PETROTOX
UVCBs and PETRORISK tools is that the behaviour and fate of a total petroleum substance can be simulated based on the
physical–chemical properties of representative structures mapped to hydrocarbon blocks (HBs) and on the relative
share of each HB in the total mass of the product. To assess how differing chemical compositions affect the simulated
chemical fate and toxicity of hydrocarbon mixtures, a series of model simulations were run using an artificial petro-
leum substance, containing 386 (PETROTOX) or 160 (PETRORISK) HBs belonging to different chemical classes and
molecular weight ranges, but with equal mass assigned to each of them. To this artificial petroleum substance a
guided series of subsequent modifications in mass allocation to a delineated number of HBs belonging to different
chemical classes and carbon ranges was performed, in what we perceived as a guided “walking tour” through the
chemical space of petroleum substances. We show that the PETROTOX and PETRORISK predictions reflect changes
in mass distribution introduced to selected HBs by affecting hazard and risk estimates in correspondence with what
is expected based on physical-chemical properties of individual constituents in the corresponding HBs.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to characterise many petroleum substances in terms of exact chemical

composition, molecular formula or structure. From a regulatory per-
Petroleum substances and refinery streams are derived from crude spective they are collectively called UVCBs or Substances of Unknown
oil, using one or more refinery processes, but due to their method of or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological mate-
production, different origin and complex composition, it is not possible rials (Carrillo et al., 2010). UVCBs pose a great challenge in a number of
REACH processes, in particular in the context of dossier and substance
evaluation but also for priority setting activities of the European
Abbreviations: 2D-GC, 2-dimensional gas chromatography, or GC × GC; CLP, classifica- Chemical Agency (ECHA).
tion, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008);
C-range, carbon range; CSR, Chemical Safety Report; CONCAWE, Conservation of Clean Air
Under the CLP1 (Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances
and Water in Europe; CTLBB, Critical Target Lipid Body Burden; DAE, untreated distillate and mixtures) and REACH regulation it is possible to group substances
aromatic extracts; DNEL, derived no effects level; ECHA, European Chemicals Agency; IF, together into categories where their physical hazards, human and envi-
intake fractions; FF, fate factors; GES, Generic Exposure Scenario; HB, hydrocarbon block; ronmental toxicological properties and environmental fate properties
HBM, hydrocarbon block method; HFO, heavy fuel oil components; LL50, lethal loading to
are likely to be similar or follow a regular pattern as a result of structural
50% of the organisms; NOEL, No Observed Effect Level; PEC, Predicted Environmental
Concentration; PNEC, Predicted No Effect Concentration; QSAR, Quantitative Structure similarities. As such, in this category approach petroleum substances
Association Relationships; REACH, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of can be grouped together according to the processes by which they are
Chemicals (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006); RCR, risk characterisation ratio; SpERC, manufactured and basic physical properties (Carrillo et al., 2010).
Specific Environmental Release Category; TLM, target lipid model; UVCBs, Substances of Examples of categories are kerosines, untreated distillate aromatic
Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials; VP,
vapour pressure; WS, water solubility.
⁎ Tel.: +32 14 33 51 15; fax: +32 14 33 55 99.
E-mail address: (J. Bierkens). Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.

0160-4120/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193 183

extracts (DAE) and heavy fuel oil components (HFO). In total 27 differ- petroleum substance was constructed, containing 160 (PETRORISK) or
ent categories are defined (Carrillo et al., 2010). 386 (PETROTOX) HBs belonging to different chemical classes and mo-
In order to facilitate the performance of hazard and risk assessments lecular weight ranges, but with equal mass assigned to each block. Sub-
of petroleum substances CONCAWE has developed the PETRORISK sequently, a controlled or “guided” series of modifications in mass
(HydroQual, 2011) and PETROTOX (HydroQual, 2009; Redman et al., allocation to a delineated number of HBs belonging to different chemi-
2012) spreadsheet models, both based on the Hydrocarbon Block Meth- cal classes and carbon ranges was made to this artificial petroleum sub-
od (HBM). In the HBM approach groups of closely related constituents stance, in what we perceived as a guided “walking tour” through the
of petroleum substances, such as isomers and adjacent members of a chemical space of an artificial petroleum UVCB. The main purpose of
homologous series of hydrocarbons are thought to possess such similar these model simulations was to investigate the influence of the inherent
properties, that it is assumed that they can be grouped in hydrocarbon variability in product composition on predicted environmental distribu-
blocks and treated as single compounds without introducing serious tion, hazard and risk of petroleum substances as calculated by the
errors in their hazard and risk assessments (King et al., 1996). A library PETRORISK and PETROTOX models.
of 1512 individual structures has been constructed (Howard et al.,
2006) to represent all types of structures that are present in petroleum 2. Methods and materials
substances. This range of individual hydrocarbons is subsequently
mapped to the various HBs. Mass is allocated to each structure based 2.1. Guided “walking tour” of petroleum hydrocarbons
on the relative share of each HB in the total mass of the product, in
order to simulate the complex petroleum substance and derive physi- In order to test the overall performance of both modelling tools the
cal–chemical properties relevant for environmental exposure and risk models were run multiple times and for each run changes were made
evaluations. In PETRORISK and PETROTOX petroleum substances are to the composition of the hydrocarbon product. Two distinct modifica-
modelled as being composed of 160 and 386 HBs, respectively. Product tions were performed: (i) adding 30% mass to HBs in incremental mo-
compositional information (e.g. weight % of each HB, chemical class, lecular weight ranges (carbon (C)-ranges) from C3–5 up to C21–23
boiling point intervals reflecting carbon number ranges) can be obtain- (larger structures are highly insoluble), each range encompassing 3 car-
ed by two-dimensional gas chromatography (2D-GC) or more conven- bon numbers, in PETRORISK and from C3–5 up to C18–20 (larger struc-
tional total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) analysis (mass distribution tures are highly non-toxic) in PETROTOX and (ii) adding 30% mass to
for aliphatic and aromatic classes vs boiling point) (Gustafson et al., different chemical classes representing the product, i.e. Paraffins and
1997; Weisman, 1998, 1999). iso-Paraffins (n- & i-P), Cyclo-Pentanes and –Hexanes (n-CC5 & -6),
The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Criteria Working group (TPHWG) Naphthenics (i- & Di-N), Mono-Aromatics (Mo- & NM-Ar), Di-
fractionation approach is one of the most commonly used methods for Aromatics (Di- & Ndi-Ar) and Poly-Aromatics (Poly-Ar). When adding
characterisation and risk assessment of petroleum products (Gustafson mass to HBs in incremental molecular weight ranges distinction has
et al., 1997; Verbruggen et al., 2008; Weisman, 1998, 1999). Similar ap- been made between a first set of runs including both aliphatics and ar-
proaches grouping petroleum hydrocarbons in pseudo-components omatics and a second set of runs targeting aromatic classes only. As no
(Lee et al., 1993; Mackay and Paterson, 1980; Reijnhart and Rose, aromatic structures bC6 exist the range C3–5 has not been addressed
1982), hydrocarbon blocks (King et al., 1996; EC, 2003), chemical groups in the second set of model runs.
(Van de Weghe et al., 2006; Mao et al., 2008), fractions (Gustafson et al., During the mass re-allocation process mass added to targeted HBs
1997; Park and Park, 2010, 2011) or a combination of fractions and indi- was subtracted from mass in all other HBs in order to preserve 100%
vidual components (Pinedo et al., 2013) have also been shown success- mass in the total product. In the original (unmodified) artificial petro-
ful for the assessment of petroleum hydrocarbons. Methods may differ leum each HB was assigned equal mass, i.e. 1.0490% in case of
in the analytical techniques, number of fractions and chemical classes PETRORISK and 0.3497% in case of PETROTOX. Differences in the initial
considered and have evolved over time. The HBM approach at different mass allocated to each of the HBs in PETRORISK and PETROTOX result
stages of its development, the most recent version of which is imple- from the use of 3 carbon versus 1 carbon intervals in the input matrix
mented in the PETRORISK and PETROTOX models, has demonstrated in PETRORISK and PETROTOX, respectively. Also, as a result of the un-
its utility for exposure and risk assessment of gasoline (Macload et al., equal number of HBs in both models—the weight % after the mass re-
2004; McGrath et al., 2005; Foster et al., 2005). The PETROTOX model distribution process in both models is not identical because the mass
performance was recently further validated by Redman et al., 2012 by added to the targeted blocks is subtracted evenly from a different num-
comparing the predicted toxicity distributions for different petroleum ber of remaining HBs in both model inputs. In our approach the weight
substances from different petroleum categories with independent, em- % in the PETRORISK input matrix was obtained by summing the weight
pirical distributions of toxicity data for these same categories. Whale % of 3 successive C-ranges in the PETROTOX 1C matrix (for example: the
et al. (2013) successfully applied the PETROTOX model to predict the sum of the weight % of C6, C7 and C8 of PETROTOX, equals the weight %
toxicity of refinery spot samples based on their hydrocarbon composi- of block 2 (C-range 6–8) in PETRORISK). Matrices illustrative of the
tion. Comparing hydrocarbon block (HBM) and TPHWG methods targeting process for each model are given in Tables 1 and 2, respective-
Bamard et al. (2011) conclude that the characterisation factors (CF) ly. For PETROTOX an example is given of targeting the chemical classes
used in life cycle assessment obtained using these different blocking n- & i-P. In case of PETRORISK an example is given of mass addition to
methods yield similar results and are both relevant for characterising Block 2, i.e. C-range 6 to 8. In subsequent model runs 3C-ranges up to
the potential impact for aquatic ecotoxicity of petroleum substances. C23 and different chemical classes specified above were targeted in a
Given the variable composition of petroleum substances lumped to- similar way. Notice that as Blocks 1 and 10 only contain structures
gether in a single category – variability due to geographical differences with 5 and 30 carbons, respectively, they were assigned only 1/3 of
of origin and different production processes – it is crucial to understand the weight % of the other blocks. Blocks 8 to 10 which contain highly in-
how well the PETRORISK and PETROTOX modelling tools are able to re- soluble and non-toxic structures (NC23) were excluded from the mass
flect compositional mass distribution over different carbon ranges and re-allocation process targeting incremental C-ranges.
chemical classes as obtained from 2D-GC, i.e. to explore to what extent Normal olefins (n-O), branched olefins (i-O) and aliphatic sulphur
the different HBs covering the chemical space of petroleum UVCBs con- compounds (Al–S) were excluded from the targeting experiments
tribute to the overall hazard and risk outcome. Several approaches can (mass set to zero) as no information on these classes is provided in
be followed to better understand the effect of variable compositional the category composition by CONCAWE (Leonards et al., 2010). Because
input on the hazard and risk estimates of both models. In this paper of their limited quantity in most petroleum products, coupled also with
we report on the results of model simulations for which an artificial the difficulty of separating them from the other hydrocarbon groups
Table 1
Input matrix PETROTOX: Targeting n-P and i-P.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

n-P i-P n-CC5 n-CC6 i-N Di-N n-Olefins i-Olefins Poly-N AlS MoAr NMAr DiAr NDiAr PolyAr ArS

J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193

Block C# (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %) (weight %)

1 5 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
2 6 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
7 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
8 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
3 9 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
10 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
11 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
4 12 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
13 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
14 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
5 15 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
16 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
17 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
6 18 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
19 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
20 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
7 21 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
22 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
23 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
8 24 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
25 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
26 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
9 27 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
28 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
29 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
10 30 0.4545 0.4545 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.3263 0.0000
J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193 185

with the current 2D-GC settings (Whale et al., 2013), these chemical

(weight %)
classes were ignored by CONCAWE in recent applications of the tool.


Moreover, HydroQual (2009) argues that the risk contribution from

sulphur classes are negligible compared with the contribution from

(weight %)
the other hydrocarbon classes predominant in petroleum substances


and well within the uncertainty of the risk assessment methodology
15 (HydroQual, 2009).
Thirty percent mass re-allocation to test the sensitivity of the models
(weight %) was chosen based on an expert judgement on the observed variation



seen between similar HBs from both closely related petroleum sub-

stances and petroleum substances belonging to different categories

such as gas oils, kerosines, heavy fuel oil components, etc. published
(weight %)

by Leonards et al. (2010). For similar HBs from petroleum substances



belonging to different categories 30% is often an underestimation of


the observed variability. However, for more closely related products

(weight %)

within one category, 30% will overestimate the variability seen. In


general, for testing and verifying the overall capability of the models

to accommodate a wide range of petroleum products across different


petroleum substance categories, 30% was estimated adequate to test

(weight %)

the sensitivity of the model predictions to variable compositional input.



2.2. PETRORISK model simulations

(weight %)

PETRORISK is a spreadsheet tool that performs environmental risk




assessments for petroleum substances, taking into account the ECHA's


REACH Implementation Guidelines for performing risk assessments of

(weight %)

complex petroleum substances using the hydrocarbon block method—





HBM (ECHA, 2012). It was developed to evaluate environmental expo-

sure and ecological risks at both local and regional scales for a wide

range of petroleum products including hydrocarbon-based solvents, as-

(weight %)

sociated with different stages in the product life cycle, i.e. at the produc-




tion, formulation, and distribution stages, as well as for generic uses in


industrial, professional and consumer use sectors (HydroQual, 2011).

Essentially three types of model inputs are required to run
(weight %)

PETRORISK, i.e. (i) identification of the HBs in the product and HB




mass allocation from 2D-GC analysis, (ii) generic uses and tonnages

for each Generic Exposure Scenario (GES) relevant for the chosen petro-
(weight %)

leum product and (iii) substance-specific DNELs (Derived No Effect




Levels) and PNECsoral (Predicted No Effect Concentration) for secondary


poisoning. Other inputs (e.g. fate factors (FFs), intake fractions (IFs),

physical–chemical fate properties and the PNECs for environmental

(weight %)

endpoints of each of the library structures) are fixed and stored in sep-



arate databases included in the PETRORISK model (HydroQual, 2011).


The model tool makes use of a library of 1512 model structures

(Howard et al., 2006) to represent all types of structures that are present
(weight %)

in petroleum substances. This range of individual hydrocarbons is sub-




sequently mapped to the various HBs. To run risk calculations, the


user can choose between three distinct formats, based on three distinct
(weight %)

separations or blocking schemes: high resolution, low resolution and



solvent mode. For the current experiments model simulations were

run in the high resolution format allowing compositional information

input for up to 16 structural classes for 10 carbon number intervals of

Input matrix PETRORISK: Targeting Block 2 (C# 6–8).

(weight %)

3 carbons (HydroQual, 2011). In this approach a petroleum substance



is modelled as being composed of 160 HBs. The sixteen structural clas-


ses are: normal alkanes or paraffins (n-P), branched alkanes or paraffins

(weight %)

(i-P), normal olefins (n-O), branched olefins (i-O), normal alkane

substituted cyclopentane (n-CC5), normal alkane substituted cyclohex-



ane (n-CC6), other mono-naphthenics (i-N), di-naphthenics (Di-N),


poly-naphthenics (PolyN), Mono-Aromatics (Mo-Ar), Di-Aromatics



(DiAr), Poly-Aromatics (Poly-Ar), naphthenic mono-aromatics (NMo-

Ar), naphthenic Di-Aromatics (Ndi-Ar), aliphatic sulphur compounds
C#i (N=)

(Al-S), and aromatic sulphur compounds (Ar-S) (HydroQual, 2011).

For regular risk assessment the mass fraction i.e. % weight obtained

from 2D-GC is allocated to each of these different HBs.

Table 2

Apart from compositional information PETRORISK also requires the


yearly tonnage manufactured within the EU and used during various

186 J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193

uses of a given petroleum product. Product composition and volumes toxicity predictions and based on these predictions it estimates PNECs
determine the distribution of hydrocarbons emitted to a given compart- for all the representative structures that are used in PETRORISK for en-
ment. Default emission factors and operational conditions (emission vironmental risk assessment. The model can accommodate two types
days, waste water flow, receiving water dilution factors) are used to of inputs, low and high resolutions, according to the information avail-
calculate the load of hydrocarbons that are released to those environ- able on the mass distribution of hydrocarbon classes in the petroleum
mental compartments at regional and local scales (HydroQual, 2011). product (HydroQual, 2009).
Emission factors and operational conditions are provided for a broad PETROTOX is a QSAR based model, accepting the general assumption
range of relevant Generic Exposure Scenario's (GES) for the petroleum that partitioning into lipophilic tissues such as cell membranes (the tar-
industry based on Specific Environmental Release Category (SpERC) get lipids), determines the toxicity of chemicals with a narcotic mode of
factsheets. The default input values are automatically selected by toxic action (HydroQual, 2009). Partitioning in target lipids is assumed
the model from a library included in the model once a yearly volume to be the same for different species. The difference in sensitivity for dif-
is entered. The PETRORISK and PETROTOX models can be downloaded ferent species is related to the concentrations of these target lipids in
from the CONCAWE website different species, i.e. the Critical Target Lipid Body Burden (CTLBB).
Default.asp?PageID=554. In the current set of model runs, model Log-transformed acute toxicity data for several species and compounds
simulations were executed for only 1 GES, i.e. manufacture of sub- are expressed as a function of log Kow with an equal slope but with dif-
stances (industrial), with an arbitrarily chosen production volume of ferent intercepts for each species. Additionally, some correction factors
1.5 × 106 tonnes/yr. For this production volume the risk driving are fitted for a few chemical classes that are slightly more toxic than
compartment, characterised by the highest risk characterisation ratio baseline toxicants (narcotic chemicals). These correction factors are au-
(RCR) (i.e. sediment), is in the order of 0.5. Because this value is below tomatically applied when running the PETROTOX model. They are in-
1, indicating no potential risk, no further adjustment to production cluded in a separate sheet in the PETROTOX model. A three-phase fate
volumes or emissions for other GESs were deemed necessary. Therefore, model is used to simulate the distribution of each structure among the
the results could be evaluated solely on the basis of product composi- water-, air, and oil-phase liquid in the laboratory test system. Toxicity
tion without having to consider the implementation of additional risk is then computed based on the predicted aqueous concentrations and
management measures in the model. TLM-predicted aquatic toxicity of each structure (Redman et al., 2012).
PETRORISK calculates multi-media distribution according to TGD- PETROTOX requires mass fraction distribution by chemical class and
2003 guidelines (EC, 2003) implemented and modelled in EUSES.2 carbon range. In contrast to PETRORISK the range specified in PETROTOX
Major outputs of PETRORISK are emissions to different compartments in the high resolution format is a 1C-range, starting at C5 and going up to
(water, soil, air, effluent), PECs (Predicted Environmental Concentra- C30 with 16 chemical classes. In this approach a petroleum substance is
tions) for environmental exposure and indirect human exposure, and modelled as being composed of 386 HBs. For the current experiments
RCRs for all compartments considered at regional and local scale. An model simulations were run in the high resolution format.
RCR (i.e. the PEC/PNEC ratio) is calculated for each structure in the Results from the PETROTOX model runs are reported as critical prod-
assigned blocks, by using PEC and PNEC values of each individual struc- uct loadings (in mg/L water), e.g. LL50 (lethal loading) for acute effects
ture. The RCR values of each structure are summed to obtain the RCR for and NOEL (No Observed Effect Loading) for chronic effects (HydroQual,
the hydrocarbon product. PNEC values for all individual structures used 2009). Similar to the simulations in PETRORISK, the guided tour in
for the calculations are included in the CONCAWE library. PETROTOX was performed on an artificial petroleum product composed
The results presented in this paper pertain to the local assessment. A of all existing HBs, each containing equal mass. As PETROTOX is designed
distinction is made between PECs for environmental compartments to model typical aquatic toxicity test preparation methods where a cer-
(PECprimary) and PECs for human exposure via the environment tain volume of headspace is allowed in the WAF (Water Accommodated
(PECintermediate). Whereas the former PEC values relate to concentra- Fraction) chamber to allow for mixing, different exposure conditions
tions in effluent, water, sediment, soil and air, the latter denote con- can be chosen to run simulations. For the current model simulations
centrations in biota (e.g. fish, plants, milk, meat) and drinking water. exposure conditions were kept constant between model runs, i.e. 1/9
The first step in the PETRORISK model calculations is the estimation ratio for headspace/aqueous phase. Calculations were performed for
of the product-specific Raoult's scaled vapour pressure (VP) and water two relatively sensitive and commonly used aquatic test species, i.e.
solubility (WS) by mapping structures to HBs according to the composi- Selenastrum capricornutum (green algae) and Oncorhynchus mykiss
tional information on the petroleum substance. This information is used (rainbow trout; fish).
in PETRORISK to select default emission factors for generic exposure
scenario's (GES), where default emission factor inputs are specified as 3. Results
a function of the physical–chemical properties, VP and WS, of the sub-
stance being evaluated (HydroQual, 2011). The VP and WS estimates 3.1. Targeted mass addition to different HBs belonging to different
are examined in the current study as one aspect of the contribution of chemical classes
the different HBs, characterised by different C-ranges and chemical
class, to the PETRORISK exposure and risk estimates. The effects of guid- 3.1.1. PETRORISK
ed modifications to the composition of the artificial product on the VP Estimated vapour pressure (VP) and water solubility (WS) calculat-
and WS are only shown in the SI added to this paper in order to keep ed in PETRORISK for subsequent mass re-allocations targeting different
this paper as concise and transparent as possible. chemical classes are shown in Fig. 1 of the SI to this paper. The highest
estimates for VP are recorded for n- and i-P, while the lowest and
highest WS is calculated for n- and i-P and Mo- and NM-Ar, respectively.
2.3. PETROTOX model simulations These results are in concordance with expectations as mass assigned to
relatively soluble and volatile chemical classes dominate WP and VP
PETROTOX is a spreadsheet modelling tool to assess the hazard of predictions highly. Correlation between C-number and WS (mg/L) and
complex petroleum products. It predicts toxicity of products to different C-number and VP (atm) for all structures in the CONCAWE library
aquatic organisms based on the narcosis target lipid model (TLM) devel- with C-number ≤ 20 and grouped according to chemical class are
oped by Di Toro and co-workers (Di Toro and McGrath, 2000; Di Toro et shown in Figs. 2 and 3 of the Supplementary information, respectively.
al., 2000). It assesses the impact of composition and test design on the The effect on PECprimary, PECintermediate and RCR predictions calculat-
ed in PETRORISK for local assessment when different chemical classes
European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances. are targeted is shown in Fig. 1. A distinction is made between primary
J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193 187

and intermediate PECs. As mentioned before, primary PECs relate to the model is sensitive to changes in composition, modelling reduced
different environmental compartments and intermediate PECs refer to toxicity when mass is assigned to less soluble, and less toxic,
biota and other exposure routes involved in human exposure via the en- aliphatics.
vironment. The results are expressed as the relative deviation Δ (in %) of
PEC and RCR from a model run with targeted HBs as compared to a 3.2. Targeted mass addition to different HBs belonging to incremental
model run with equal mass over all HBs. The actual estimates for PEC carbon ranges
and RCR are included in Table 3 in the SI. Relative deviations to the
PECprimary vary (top panel Fig. 1) generally in the order of 5% for 3.2.1. PETRORISK
marine and fresh water sediment, soil and groundwater. For all other The effects of 30% mass addition to incremental 3C-ranges on VP
PECprimary the deviations are in the order of 0.1–1.0%. Relative changes and WS estimates are provided in a separate graph in the SI added to
to PECfresh water sediment and PECmarine sediment coincide. Relative increases this paper (Fig. 4). Only minor changes are observed. Adding mass
of PEC in fresh water and marine sediment are highest when Di-& Ndi- in the C3–C5 range increases VP and WS estimates with 24 and
Ar and Poly-Ar are targeted, with a maximum of 11% for Poly-Ar. When 17%, respectively. The lowest VP and WS predictions are obtained
the relative share of one of the other remaining classes is increased, the when C12–C14 range structures are targeted. The decline, both for
PECfresh water sediment and PECmarine sediment decrease as compared to the VP and WS, for C12–C14 targeting amounts to − 4%. Targeting
petroleum product with uniform mass assigned to all HBs. The PEC in higher MW ranges slightly decreases VP and WS, but the estimates
agricultural soil is most affected when the relative share of n-CC5 &-6 remain at maximum 2.5% below the prediction for the original arti-
(+ 6.8%) and i- & Di-N (+ 7%) is increased. When mass is added to ficial product. Again these results are in concordance with expecta-
(n- & i-P),(Mo- & NM-Ar) and (Di- & Ndi-Ar), PECagricultural soil decrease tions as mass assigned to relatively soluble and volatile HBs
with −4.4%, −3.0% and −3.9%, respectively. A similar trend is seen for dominate WP and VP predictions highly (see also Figs. 2 and 3 in-
PECgroundwater. For biota, the highest PEC increases show no discernible cluded in the SI).
pattern (middle panel Fig. 1): in fish the highest PEC increases are esti- Estimates for PECprimary, PECintermediate and RCR for different model
mated with higher Di-& Ndi-Ar and Poly-Ar concentrations (+5% and runs with 30% mass addition to incremental 3C-ranges across all chem-
+11%, respectively), while in meat, milk the highest PEC increases are ical classes are given in the SI to this paper (Table 4). The relative devi-
estimated when the paraffins are targeted. Whereas PECfish are calculat- ation Δ (in %) of estimated PECprimary, PECintermediate and RCR from those
ed based on FF, which in turn are based on BCFwater, the concentrations of the original artificial product is shown in Fig. 3. Similar as for the pre-
in meat and milk are driven by diet through soil and air deposition by vious model runs discussed under Section 3.1.1, the highest effects of
relatively more volatile alkanes. The highest relative deviations for mass re-allocation are predicted for PECfresh water sediment and PECmarine
PECroot are seen when the relative share of n-CC5 & -6 (+8.5%), and i- sediment (top panel Fig. 3; graphs coincide). Increases of the PEC values
& Di-N (+8.7%) is increased. are highest when HBs in the range C9–C11 and C12–C14 are targeted.
Although the relative deviations observed for PECprimary and For biota (middle panel Fig. 3) the highest relative positive deviations
PECintermediate after targeting different chemical classes vary by environ- to the PEC are observed when HBs in the ranges C6–C8 up to C12–C14
mental compartment and the physical–chemical properties that con- are targeted. The relative changes to the RCR (bottom panel Fig. 3), in-
tribute to the emissions (e.g. solubility and vapour pressure) (top and troduced by targeted mass re-allocation reflect the relative change of
middle panel Fig. 1), all RCR coincide with the exception of agricultural PECmarine sediment and PECfresh water sediment (all graphs coincide with
soil (bottom panel Fig. 1). The final RCR outcome for all aqueous com- the exception of agricultural soil). Adding mass to the C3–C5 range de-
partments (sediments included) mimics the PECfresh water sediment and creases risk for all compartments with up to 15%. When targeting higher
PECmarine sediment to a large extent. In these aqueous compartments Di- C-ranges risk increases with 7 to 8% for C9–C11 and C12–C14 ranges.
& Ndi-Ar and Poly-Ar clearly drive risk, increasing RCRs with 11% as When higher MW ranges are increased in mass, RCRs decline and the
compared to uniform mass allocation input for the initial artificial prod- relative change approaches zero. In contrast to chemical class targeting,
uct. For the RCR agricultural soil the main differences are seen for the i- RCRsoil fluctuates almost in parallel with other RCRs, but does not
& Di-N (+4%) and Di- & Ndi-Ar (−3.8%). coincide.
The effect of 30% mass addition to incremental 3C-ranges for
3.1.2. PETROTOX aromatics-only on VP and WS estimates are provided in Fig. 5 in
In order to estimate the contribution of different HBs to the overall the SI. VP decreases up to 2.2% when C9–C11 are targeted, but
toxicity of a petroleum substance a selected number of blocks delineat- steadily increases thereafter. Adding 30% additional mass to the
ed according to structurally related chemical classes, i.e. Paraffins (n- & C21–C23 range results in a relative change of − 1.1%. WS increases
i-P), Cyclo-Pentanes and -Hexanes (n-CC5 & -6), Naphthenics (i- & Di- with 5% when mass is added to C6–C8 aromatics. For all other 3C-
N), Mono-Aromatics (Mo- & NM-Ar), Di-Aromatics (Di- & Ndi-Ar) and ranges WS slightly decreases with 0.6–1.5% when additional mass
Poly-Aromatics (Poly-Ar), were defined for subsequent targeting and is assigned to these blocks.
toxicity calculations. The results for the acute (LL 50 ) and chronic Relative deviation Δ (in %) of estimated PECprimary, PECintermediate and
toxicity (NOEL) predictions are given in the SI added to this RCR for artificial products with targeted mass addition to incremental
paper (Table 4). Lower LL 50 and NOEL values indicate higher toxic- aromatic 3C-ranges from those of the original artificial product is
ity. The relative change Δ (in %) with respect to acute and chronic shown in Fig. 4. The actual estimates are provided in Table 6 of the Sup-
toxicity prediction for S. capricornutum and O. mykiss following plementary information.
mass addition to different chemical classes, as compared to the Concentrations in soil, groundwater and air are highly affected, with a
original artificial product, is shown in Fig. 2. Both aquatic species relative deviation (decrease) in the order of 80%, no matter which aro-
experience reduced toxicity when 30% mass is added to the ali- matic 3C-range is targeted (top panel Fig. 4). The high decrease in PECair
phatic chemical classes examined. Reductions amount between is in line with the decreased VP across all targeted aromatic C-ranges
11 and 14% for n- & i-P, and 7–9% for i- & Di-N. In contrast toxicity (data provided in SI). The effect on PECs in the other environmental com-
increases for both organisms when the mass fractions of aromatic partments are highest when mass is added to C6–C8 and C9–C11 aro-
chemical classes are increased with 30%. The largest increase in matics. As a result of the large effects in PECsoil, PECgroundwater and
toxicity predictions is seen for Di- & Ndi-Ar, i.e. 14 and 16% for PECair, all PECsintermediate (which relate to indirect human exposure), are
S. capricornutum and O. mykiss, respectively. From these results significantly decreased across all aromatic C-ranges, with the exception
we can conclude that aromatics in general, and di-aromatics in of PECfish, which relates to the concentration in surface water. This indi-
particular, drive aquatic toxicity. These results also show that the cates that in the original artificial hydrocarbon, the contribution of the
188 J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193

Fig. 1. Relative deviation Δ (in %) of estimated PECprimary (top), PECintermediate (middle) and RCR (bottom) for artificial products with uniform (original) and targeted mass addition to
different aliphatic and aromatic classes. Paraffins (n- & i-P), Cyclo-Pentanes and -Hexanes (n-CC5 & -6), Naphthenics (i- & Di-N), Mono-Aromatics (Mo- & NM-Ar), Di-Aromatics (Di- &
Ndi-Ar) and Poly-Aromatics (Poly-Ar). Top panel: PEC marine and fresh water sediment and the PEC effluent, marine and fresh water coincide. Bottom panel: all RCR curves coincide
with the exception of the RCR agricultural soil. Dotted lines represent trend lines, no gradients.

paraffins to the PECsintermediate is substantial. For the concentration in fish, The largest deviations are observed on soil, groundwater and air con-
the contribution of aromatic substances in the ranges C6–C8 up to C12– centrations, the final overall risk outcome for all compartments with the
C14 seem to be more predominant. exception of soil (bottom panel Fig. 4) is driven by the PECfresh water sediment
J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193 189

C-ranges, as compared to the original artificial product, is shown in

Fig. 5. Acute toxicity increases steadily when additional mass is allocat-
ed to increasing C-ranges up to C12–C14 (algae) and C15–C17 (fish).
From then onwards, acute toxicity predictions decline when targeting
higher C-ranges. Chronic toxicity predictions parallel the acute trends,
with a maximum toxicity at the C15–C17 range for both algae and fish.
In the second set of model runs in which mass reallocations were ap-
plied only to the aromatic chemical classes, the enhancement in toxicity
with increasing C-number is even more pronounced (data provided in
Table 8 in the SI), and the highest increase in toxicity is predicted for
the C12–C14 range. In the C12–C14 range a maximum increase in
acute and chronic toxicity predictions of 20% and 17% is calculated for
O. mykiss and S. capricornutum, respectively. The acute toxicity predic-
tions for the C15–C17 range in this second run declined to the same
level as the predictions for the original artificial product with a uniform
mass allocation over all HBs (Fig. 6).

4. Discussion

In the original HBM, groups of closely related structures are expected

to have similar properties, and it is assumed that they can be grouped in
HBs and that HBs can be treated as single compounds without introduc-
ing serious errors (King et al., 1996). However, because it is currently
recognized that even in relatively narrow HBs, individual components
may behave so differently in the environment that PECs of HBs may
not be estimated adequately by modelling them on the basis of the av-
erages of the physical–chemical and toxicological properties of the indi-
vidual compounds in the blocks, a more pragmatic approach to
estimating fate and effects of petroleum substances has been adopted
for the model calculations in PETRORISK and PETROTOX (van de
Meent, 2008). This approach defines HB more narrowly and uses a li-
brary of representative compounds to provide physical–chemical prop-
erties for these HBs. Fate and effect calculations are then performed for
each of these representative compounds (van de Meent, 2008; Redman
et al., 2012, 2013).
In an earlier version of PETROTOX and the HBM tool, the user was
allowed to freely choose the way he wanted to divide his product into
hydrocarbon blocks. As pointed out by Rorije et al. (2012), this could
lead to the incorrect assumption that the HBM will always give the
same quality of results. However, a higher model resolution, will lead
to a better characterization of the product, which will in turn lead to a
more accurate risk assessment, until the method starts to generate
Fig. 2. Relative change Δ (in %) to acute (top; LL50) and chronic (bottom; NOEL) toxicity “empty” hydrocarbon blocks, indicating that the resolution starts to be-
predictions for S. capricornutum and O. mykiss introduced by targeting different chemical
come too high in comparison to the size of the library (Rorije et al.,
aliphatic and aromatic classes. Paraffins (n- & i-P), Cyclo-Pentanes and -Hexanes (n-CC5
& -6), Naphthenics (i- & Di-N), Mono-Aromatics (Mo- & NM-Ar), Di-Aromatics (Di- & 2012). In the current version of PETRORISK a distinction is made be-
Ndi-Ar) and Poly-Aromatics (Poly-Ar). Dotted lines represent trend lines, no gradients. tween 16 chemical classes over a prescribed C-range of 3. Although
this seems a reasonable limitation, forcing the user to work with sensi-
ble hydrocarbon blocks, Rorije et al. (2012) calculated that for the ali-
phatics, a shift in three carbon atoms comprises a log Kow range of 1.5
and PECfresh water (top panel of Fig. 4; graphs for PECfresh water sediment and units, which is too large to consider this as a homogeneous block for
PECfresh water coincide), and it is most affected by targeting aromatics in the lower aliphatic substances. Given the potentially large implications
ranges C9–C11 and C12–C14. For these C-ranges risk increased by 8%. on the hazard and risk calculations the question arises why PETROTOX
and PETRORISK apply a different aggregation scheme, and how sensitive
3.2.2. PETROTOX the model outputs are with regard to different inputs.
In addition to chemical class, the carbon number has a large impact Because of the complex composition of petroleum substances and
on fate and toxicity of petroleum products. In the mass re-allocation ap- the adopted computational approach to model petroleum substances
proach this has been addressed by adding 30% mass to HBs containing in terms of individual structures it is difficult to validate/test the accura-
structures with incremental 3C-ranges. Two distinct modifications cy of the model results. Nevertheless, through a systematic mass re-
were performed subsequently. In a first set of runs mass re-allocations allocation process to the HBs, the behaviour of the model predictions
were conducted using 3C-blocks over the entire range studied for both should reflect what is expected when individual targeted/dominant
aliphatics and aromatics. In a second set of runs mass re-allocations HBs are considered separately. In other words, the hazard and risk out-
were applied only to the aromatic chemical classes in the same manner. come from the different model simulations for the entire petroleum
The results for the acute (LL50) and chronic toxicity (NOEL) predictions substance should reflect the physical–chemical fate and effect proper-
for the first set of runs are given in Table 7 in the SI of this paper. Relative ties of the constituents of the dominant HBs. From a sensitivity analysis
change Δ (%) introduced to acute and chronic toxicity predictions for which was performed on a selected number of individual petroleum
S. capricornutum and O. mykiss following mass addition to incremental components in EUSES (results not shown) it was shown that log Kow
190 J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193

Fig. 3. Relative change Δ (in %) introduced to the estimated PECprimary (top), PECintermediate (middle) and RCR (bottom) as a result of targeting incremental 3C-ranges belonging to both
aliphatic and aromatic classes. Top panel: PEC marine and fresh water sediment and the PEC effluent, marine and fresh water coincide. Bottom panel: all RCR curves coincide with the
exception of the RCR agricultural soil. Dotted lines represent trend lines, no gradients.

and log Koc are the physical–chemical input parameters that contribute directly proportional to the log Kow. Correlations between C-number,
most to the variance of calculated exposure and risk estimates. As log log Kow, C-number and PNEC are provided in the SI (Figs. 6–10). The
Koc values are highly correlated to log Kow values, and are often calculat- correlations were made based on the information provided for the indi-
ed from log Kow, we focused on log Kow values as a key parameter deter- vidual structures included in the CONCAWE library.
mining the distribution of hydrocarbon structures over different Both water solubility and toxicity are inversely related with log Kow.
environmental compartments, also knowing that in the TLM toxicity is An initial screening of petroleum substances for HBs that drive risk will
J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193 191

Fig. 4. Relative change Δ (in %) introduced to the estimated PECprimary (top), PECintermediate (middle) and RCR (bottom) as a result of targeting incremental 3C-ranges belonging to aromatic
classes. Top panel: PEC marine and fresh water sediment and the PEC effluent, marine and fresh water coincide. Bottom panel: all RCR curves coincide with the exception of the RCR
agricultural soil. Dotted lines represent trend lines, no gradients.

focus on HBs containing structures with intermediate log Kow values, i.e. certain HBs, should affect hazard and risk predictions in a fashion that
structures with sufficient water solubility and toxicity to drive potential reflects the fate and effect factors of the dominant HBs. In doing so,
risk (e.g. log Kow 2–6). Structures with high log Kow values are too insol- and in correspondence with the results of the model simulations, it is
uble to be toxic to aquatic organisms and structures with low log Kow predicted that the HBs that contributed most to risk, situate in the
have low toxicity or are not found in aquatic environments due to range C9–C11 to C12–C14, i.e. those HBs that are characterised by inter-
their high biodegradation or volatilization. mediate log Kow, keeping in mind that differences exist in the relation
The final screening of petroleum products for risk driving HBs corre- between C-number and log Kow and C-number and PNEC for aromatic
sponds to identifying HBs with a high mass allocation, intermediate log and aliphatic chemical classes due to differences in polarity. Also, envi-
Kow values and low PNECs. Inversely, enriching the mass allocation to ronmental fate highly depends on log Kow as seen when half-life values
192 J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193

Fig. 5. Relative change Δ (in %) to acute (top; LL50) and chronic (bottom; NOEL) toxicity
predictions for S. capricornutum and O. mykiss introduced by adding 30% mass to targeted
Fig. 6. Relative change Δ (in %) to acute (top; LL50) and chronic (bottom; NOEL) toxicity
incremental 3C-ranges belonging to both aliphatic and aromatic classes. Dotted lines
predictions for S. capricornutum and O. mykiss introduced by adding 30% mass to targeted
represent trend lines, no gradients.
incremental 3C-ranges belonging to aromatic classes. Dotted lines represent trend lines,
no gradients.

for the aqueous compartment of individual structures in the CONCAWE phase compartments (e.g., sediment) where they become less bioavail-
library are plotted in function of log Kow. able. In contrast, substances containing more low molecular weight
Additionally, it was observed that the chemical classes that contrib- aromatic compounds are mainly directed towards aqueous compart-
ute most to risk (with the exception of the risk for soil) and toxicity are ment and exhibit higher toxicity.
Di-Ar, Ndi-Ar and Poly-Ar. As soil concentrations are driven by
emissions to air more volatile (aliphatic) constituents end up in this 5. Conclusion
C-ranges for aromatics that contribute most to toxicity are slightly Since the exact composition of petroleum products is often not
lower (C12–C14) as compared to aliphatics together with aromatics known, the underlying assumption of the PETROTOX and PETRORISK
(C15–C17). Also evident from the mass re-allocation process was a tools is that the behaviour and fate of a total petroleum substance can
clear shift in the toxicity profile when HBs of aromatic classes are be simulated based on the physical–chemical properties of representa-
targeted, clearly indicating that toxicity is driven by aromatic com- tive structures mapped to predefined HBs and on the relative share of
pounds. Likewise, heavier petroleum substances, simulated by targeting the HBs in the total mass of the product. To assess how differing chem-
higher molecular weight ranges, redirect concentrations towards solid ical compositions affect the simulated chemical fate and toxicity of
J. Bierkens, L. Geerts / Environment International 66 (2014) 182–193 193

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