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Judicial Board

Policies & Procedures




Revision Date:3/16/2014

Mission Statement 3

Philosophy 3

Composition of Judicial Board 4

Duties of the Sergeant At Arms 4

Logs 4-5

Meetings 5

Hearings 6-7

Crime and Punishment 8-9

Special Circumstances 10

Letters and Forms 11-15


Judicial Board Mission Statement
The purpose of the Judicial Board of the Xi Chapter at the University of South Carolina is to uphold the
Constitution and Laws of the International Fraternity and maintain the bylaws of the Chapter in order to remain a
self-governing organization. The Judicial Board will resolve conflict, promote positive brotherhood, and administer
disciplinary measures in a timely and unbiased manner.
We, our brother’s keepers, must act with a unified voice in making important decisions based on the
Fraternity’s high standards and beliefs. We will teach community and personal responsibility and accountability by
challenging all brothers to abide by our high expectations and holding all who violate them accountable.

Many people believe that confronting someone will be a negative experience. It doesn’t have to be.
Confrontation is simply the process of bringing something to someone’s attention in order to affect a change. It can
be a positive growth experience for both parties.
No matter how old or experienced, some individuals find confrontation anxiety provoking. Confrontation
can be difficult for a variety of reasons: we want to be liked and feel that if we challenge others they may not like us;
we believe people only want to hear only positive things; we do not want to speak out publicly against a popular
Yet, confrontation is an essential element in our daily lives from the time we begin interacting with others,
particularly in a fraternity. Unfortunately, many have grown to believe that friends do not condemn the acts of
friends. However, without a firm commitment to agree upon standards and the willingness to confront violations of
those standards, we are no longer a brotherhood, but only a social club.
We must confront and challenge, whether the violation is large or small, whenever our standards are
broken. If we allow the little infractions to slip through, we will be unable to manage the larger problems. Only by
confronting our brothers, do we demonstrate our interest in their well-being.
It is normal for chapter members to test the limits, boundaries, rules, or laws that are established. But, by
not confronting inappropriate behavior, chapter members are essentially condoning it. Therefore it is crucial to
place appropriate limits on all behaviors that deviate on our fraternity’s standards. Members will continue to
challenge the standards that are set; it is a normal process of the maturation process. However, each test must be
met with a firm, consistent and fair boundary that is enforced.
We can always find excuses not to confront. Granted, it is a challenging act. Confrontation takes great
personal courage. Each of us, the Sergeant at Arms especially, must be that one person with the personal courage
and fortitude to do the right thing, to confront and challenge another member when he violates the standards which
we have all agreed to live by. The future and very essence of our chapter depends on our willingness to confront
and challenge.
We are keepers of our brothers. This means that we look out for the interests of all, do the right thing,
praise good deeds, and confront bad acts. This means getting help for our brothers when their behavior is
destructive to his self, other members of our fraternity, or non-members.

Composition of Judicial Board
The Judicial board is comprised of 12 members in addition to the Sergeant at Arms, and the Risk
Awareness Chairman. Information that be considered when the Sergeant at Arms is selecting the 12 voting
members is:
1) No Executive Council Members
2) Members should represent a wide variety of chapter interests
3) Must have 1 Freshman, 1 Sophomore, 1 Junior, 1 Senior, and 1 other, or 1 member from every pledge
a. A freshman can only serve on the Judicial Board if they are an initiated member of the
b. Absolutely no Pledges
4) Members who have been very involved in the chapter and those who have not
5) Members who place priorities on different aspects of Fraternity life
6) Members who live in different places

Duties of the Sergeant at Arms

1) Organizes meetings and hearings
2) Notifies members, who must appear before the board, in writing at least 24 hours before Judicial Hearing
3) Accepts, verifies, and files Incident Reports
4) Appoints the voting members of the Judicial Board
5) Does not vote in hearings
6) Creates, updates, and maintains all logs
7) Creates sanction letter, gives a copy it to the person involved
8) Create the sanction follow-up letter, gives a copy to the person involved, and to the Greek Advisor (if
campus involved incident) when sanction is complete

1) Book of Precedence
a. Will contain all information pertaining to, and organized by, each individual who has been called
before the Judicial Board.
i. Incident reports
ii. Signed copy of the Rights of Due Process
iii. Witness statements
iv. The accused member’s statement
v. Summary of Judicial Hearing
vi. Sanction letters
vii. Sanction follow-up letters
viii. A record and summary of all appeals
ix. Certification Page
1. One Certification Page will be created for each incident
2. Certifies the accuracy of all documents
3. Contain both printed names and signatures of all members of the Judicial Board,
the Sergeant at Arms, and the Risk Awareness Chairman
b. There will be paper copies stored in a binder and a digital version
i. Both will contain all of the above listed documents
ii. Both will be stored in a manner in which only the Sergeant at Arms will have access

iii. Before any documents are entered into the Book of Precedence, they must meet the
following requirements:
1. All handwritten documents must be transcribed into a typed document
2. All documents stored digitally, must be converted to a PDF document
a. Once the document has been converted to PDF, any editable version of
the document must be permanently deleted
iv. Both, handwritten and typed documents, will be entered into the Book of Precedents
c. Paper copies may be discarded after 10 years and digital copies may be deleted after 50 years
i. Provides insight into an alumni’s, or an individual claiming to be an alumni, character
that the chapter may be considering to be an advisor
d. Full contents will never be disclosed to anyone other than the members of the Judicial Board
i. When briefing the Executive Council, the Sergeant at Arms will only provide the name,
type of infraction, and any sanctions that pertain to membership involvement in the
fraternity. For example:
1. Fines
2. Social Probation
3. Suspension
4. Permanent removal
2) Meetings Log
a. Categorized by date
b. Will contain a description of all matters discussed
c. May be viewed by any member of the chapter upon request
i. Can contain examples of recent or ongoing situations and complications in the chapter,
and proposed policy changes
ii. Will not include names of individuals responsible for bringing the above mentioned to
the attention of the Judicial Board
d. Digital and paper copy
i. Digital copy will be converted to PDF document and editable version will be deleted
ii. Paper copies may be discarded every 5 years, digital copies will never be discarded
iii. Will provide future generations insight into situations and complications we faced
3) Hearing Log
a. Categorized by date
b. List of all members who appeared before the Judicial Board
i. Note if they are accused of a violation or are a witness
c. List of members turned away and reasons why
d. List of all members of the Judicial Board and broken down in the following manner
i. All members present
ii. All members not present and reasons why
4) Sanction Follow-Up Log
a. List of incidents and prescribed sanctions
b. Log feedback provided a by sanctioned member during Sanction Follow-Up Hearing
c. Digital and paper copies
i. Paper copies may be discarded after 5 years and digital copies will never be deleted
d. Will be used as a resource to gauge the effectiveness of punishments for current and future

1) Meetings should be held weekly or semi-weekly
a. Discretion of the Sergeant at Arms
b. Should be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance
a. Preferably on a set day and time that ensures maximum attendance and participation
1. Example: “Unless otherwise specified, all meetings of the Judicial Board will
take place on Sundays at 6:00 pm in the chapter room.”
2) Members will create a schedule for Judicial Hearings and sanction follow-up hearings

a. Both can be held on the same day or on separate days
b. If held on the same day, members should be segregated by reasons for appearance.
a. Example:: “Members requiring sanction follow-ups will be seen before members
requiring Judicial review, or vice versa”
c. If held on separate days, it is preferred to schedule hearings at a set time, day, and location
a. Example: “Judicial Hearings will be conducted on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm and sanction
follow-up hearings will be conducted on Thursdays at 6:00 pm. All hearings will be
conducted in the chapter room.”
3) Discuss all matters pertaining to the judicial process, identify trends in member behavior requiring Judicial
Review, discuss potential problems that could arise during upcoming chapter events, and work to
continually improve the Judicial Process.


Judicial Review Hearing

1) Purpose
a. To review reports of conduct violations by members, provide due process, and impose sanctions
2) Protocol
a. Members of the Judicial Board will gather at least 30 minutes before the hearing is scheduled to
i. Change into prescribed attire such as ritual robes or suits
ii. Review all reports
iii. Decide order in which members will appear before the Board
b. 5 minutes prior, the Sergeant at Arms will take roll of all summoned members and send those
away who do not meet the prescribed dress code requirements.
i. Summoned members must dress in a professional manner
i. Either black or navy blue suit
ii. If a member does not own or cannot borrow a suit that meets the above criteria,
they must notify the Sergeant at Arms as soon as possible. The Sergeant at
Arms will then prescribe an alternate dress code
a. White dress shirt with the collar buttoned
b. A conservative tie, in good condition
i. No stains or frays
c. Dress socks
d. Dress shoes
c. All summoned members will then be called before the Judicial Board and read the Rights of Due
Any member has the right to question the conduct of another member. Within 30 days of an incident, members
may petition the Judicial Board to review another member’s actions when the accused member violates a chapter or
Fraternity standard or by-law. Accused members must be notified of the judicial review at least 24 hours prior to the
review. Members have the right to a judicial hearing during which they may defend themselves and invite witnesses
to speak on their behalf. Once the petitioning member has stated his arguments, the accused member has the
opportunity to respond to the accusations. The Judicial Board then has the opportunity to question both parties. The
Judicial Board decides on the hearing in a closed session and that discussion remains confidential.
Members, who have appeared before the Judicial Board, have the option to appeal any decision to the Executive
Council. Any member of the chapter has the right to appeal a decision of the Judicial Board to the Executive
Council; furthermore, he may appeal a decision of the Executive Council to the chapter as a whole. All appeals
must be made within 30 days of the most recent action dealing with the incident, and a written description of the
original incident, a description of subsequent action and an explanation of the appellant’s argument must accompany
every appeal. Judicial decisions may generally be overturned by an executive decision, and executive decisions may
be overruled by two-thirds of the chapter

d. Summoned members will then be given a copy of the Rights of Due Process to review while they
wait to be called before the Judicial Board
e. Summoned members will then wait outside the chapter room and the Judicial Board will call for
the first member
f. The member will then be afforded the opportunity to request clarification of the Rights of Due
Process in part, or as a whole. Once all questions have been answered, the member will print and
sign their name on their copy of the Rights of Due Process and give it to the Sergeant at Arms for
filing in the Book of Precedents.
g. The accusing member will then state their case or the Sergeant at Arms will read the Incident
Report depending on the situation
h. The accused member will then give their rebuttal
i. The Judicial Board members will then ask questions
j. The members involved in the case will leave the room
k. The voting members will then decide on the accused member’s guilt and prescribe a penalty
i. The punishment must fit the crime. The purpose of a penalty is to show the accused
member that their actions are unacceptable, to be accountable for their actions, and to
learn from their mistakes. Penalties must be structured to develop the guilty member into
a better man, who makes sound decisions, and will impart what they have learned to
other members to ensure the overall success of the chapter. If the Sergeant at Arms feels
a penalty is too feeble or too harsh, he may reject the decision back to the board for
further review.
l. The Judicial Board will continue to execute Sections v through xi for each member/case until all
cases have been reviewed or the Sergeant at Arms determines it is too late to continue.
i. If the Review Hearing is not completed in one session, the Judicial Board will remaining
members into the chapter room and work with the summoned members to determine the
best time and date for all parties to resume the hearing.
ii. Summoned members cannot be punished for the Sergeant at Arms calls for a continuance
Sanction Follow-Up Hearing
1) Less formal than Judicial Review Hearing
2) Members of the Judicial Board will gather at least 30 minutes before the hearing is scheduled to commence
a. Change into prescribed attire such as ritual robes or suits
b. Review all reports
c. Decide order in which members will appear before the Board
3) 5 minutes prior, the Sergeant at Arms will take roll of all summoned members and send those away who do
not meet the prescribed dress code requirements.
a. Collared shirt
b. Khakis or slacks
c. No boots or tennis shoes
4) The Judicial Board will call each member into the chapter one case at a time
5) The member will provide the Sergeant at Arms with any documentation, if mandated in Judicial Board
Outcome Letter, verifying they have completed all required sanctions
a. If member has failed to complete sanctions, refer to Crime and Punishment section in this manual
6) Members of the Judicial Board will then ask questions to determine the following:
a. Members opinion of the sanction
b. Was the sanction effective
c. What the member learned from the experience
d. Members recommendation for sanctions concerning the same or similar violation
7) Sanctioned member will then be dismissed, and the Judicial Board will discuss the success or failure of the
sanction before calling the next member into the chapter room

Crime and Punishment
List of, but not limited to, reasons a member may be called before the Judicial Board:
1) Destruction of property
2) Violating a University policy
3) General conflict with another member
4) Fighting
5) Not paying dues
6) Not participating in chapter events
7) Failure to meet chapter academic standards
8) Violating the Constitution and Laws of the International Fraternity
9) Representing the chapter poorly at a chapter event
10) Failure to complete sanctions
11) Theft
List of, but not limited to, punishments:
1) Social probation
2) Fines
3) Community service hours
4) Payment for damages
5) Public or written apology
6) Plan a chapter improvement project. If approved by the chapter, member will be in charge of project until
Fixed punishments:
1) Member is dismissed from Judicial Review Hearing for inappropriate attire
a. Member must complete 10 hours of community service in addition to any sanctions the Judicial
Board imparts for the original incident the member was summoned
b. Member will not be able to appeal this decision
2) Member fails to complete sanctions and did not contact the Sergeant at Arms in a timely manner to request
an extension
a. Member must complete the original sanctions
b. Member will be placed on social probation for 3 months
i. If the member was already on social probation, 3 months will be added on to their
existing sentence
c. Member will create a plan for a chapter brotherhood event, house improvement, philanthropic
event, or a manner in which the chapter could conduct business more efficiently
i. Chapter brotherhood event cannot be a party or meeting at a bar or restaurant. Event
should be focused on building camaraderie and strengthening the bonds of the entire
d. Member still holds all Rights of Due Process
3) Member fails to complete sanctions for the second time
a. Member will be suspended for 6 months
b. Member loses the right of appeal
4) Member is found guilty of attending or attempting to attend a chapter social event while on social probation
a. Member will be suspended for no less than 3 months starting from the date of the hearing.
b. Member still holds all Rights of Due Process
5) Member is found guilty of allowing or assisting a member not in good standing with the chapter to attend
any chapter events, functions, or meals
a. Member will be placed on social probation for 3 months
b. Member still holds all rights of Due Process
6) Member is found guilty of theft
a. Member will be suspended for no less than 6 months starting from the date of the hearing.

b. The member still holds all Rights of Due Process
c. Members must either, return or replace the item, or repay the amount or worth, of what was stolen
before the member will be allowed to appear before the chapter for a vote of readmission.
d. If the member refuses to fulfill the requirements listed above and the victim wishes to take the
member to court, the chapter will provide copies all documentation pertaining to the incident to
aid the victim’s case.
i. The chapter will only turn documentation over if the victim is a member of The Pi Kappa
Alpha Fraternity.
ii. Once the court process is finished, all documentation will be returned to the chapter
unless it is taken as state’s evidence.
7) Member is suspended for 3 months and found guilty of eating meals at the house, attending or attempting to
attend any chapter event other than chapter philanthropy events or planning processes.
a. The individual will be disavowed by the chapter
i. Does not require chapter vote for expulsion
b. The individual will not have the rights of due process that provide a process for appeals
c. The individual will be banned from all chapter property and events
i. If the individual is caught on chapter property, the chapter will notify the University
Police Department and file trespassing charges
8) Member is found guilty of having illegal drugs or paraphernalia in their possession, on chapter premises or
during a chapter sponsored event
a. Individual will be immediately expelled from the Fraternity
b. No chance of appeal unless the individual is willing to submit to a drug test
i. Blood and/or urine
c. Individual will also be banned from all chapter premises and events
d. Any monies owed must be paid in accordance with their individual directives.
i. Rent
1. It will be a breach of contract by the individual and not the chapter so that
individual is still liable for all uncollected payments.
2. If the individual fails to pay or meet that obligations of an established payment
plan, all debt will be turned over to a collection agency.
ii. Fines
1. If the individual fails to pay or meet that obligations of an established payment
plan, all debt will be turned over to a collection agency.
e. Individual is forbidden from divulging any secrets or rituals of the Fraternity for fear of legal
9) Member is found guilty of hazing
a. Individual will be immediately expelled from the fraternity
b. All rights of appeal within the chapter will be revoked
i. Member may appeal for a membership review by members of the International Fraternity
1. All paperwork and processes will be the same as a normal appeal with the
exception that it will be turned over to the members of the International
c. Individual will be banned from all chapter premises and chapter sponsored events
d. Any monies owed must be paid in accordance with their individual directives.
i. Rent
1. It will be a breach of contract by the individual and not the chapter so that
individual is still liable for all uncollected payments.
2. If the individual fails to pay or meet that obligations of an established payment
plan, all debt will be turned over to a collection agency.
ii. Fines
1. If the individual fails to pay or meet that obligations of an established payment
plan, all debt will be turned over to a collection agency.
e. Individual is forbidden from divulging any secrets or rituals of the Fraternity for fear of legal
Additional Information Pertaining to Judicial Review Decisions:

1) If a member receives either, a 3 month suspension or expulsion, and the member lives in the chapter house,
that member will have one week from the date of the decision to vacate the house.
a. Member/individual will still be responsible for fulfilling all financial obligations expressed in the
House Lease Agreement for the remainder of the current semester or until the House Manager is
able to find a replacement.
i. If the house manager finds a replacement, and the suspended/expelled member/individual
has already fulfilled all financial requirements for that semester, the chapter will prorate
both lease agreements from the effective date of the new lease agreement.
1. The new member will fulfill all obligations from that date
2. The suspended/expelled member/individual will be refunded all monies that
would be due from that date have already paid
ii. All of the above listed information will be included in the House Lease Agreement
b. If the member has and utilizes their right to appeal within 2 weeks of receiving the Judicial
Decision, their room will remain vacant until the conclusion of the appeals process
2) Special consideration will be given to members who turn themselves in before an incident report is filed or
admit guilt immediately upon entering the chapter room to appear before the Judicial Board
a. Result will be a reduction of sanctions normally associated with that type of incident
i. Example: Member causes damage to chapter property.
1. The member will only be fined for the cost of replacement and repair versus
being fined 3 times the cost

Special Circumstances
1) The Sergeant at Arms is a witness to an incident
a. The Internal Vice President will replace the Sergeant at Arms as chairman of the Judicial Board
for the duration of the case
2) The Sergeant at Arms is the accused member summoned before the Judicial Board
a. The Incident Report will be given to the Internal Vice President
b. The Internal Vice President will replace the Sergeant at Arms as Chairman of the Judicial Board
for all proceedings scheduled for that day
c. Found guilty of a minor violation
i. Sergeant at Arms will be treated as any other member and must complete all sanctions
issued by the Judicial Board
1. There can be no recourse on the members of the Judicial Board by the Sergeant
at Arms for their decision
d. Found guilty of a major violation
i. Sergeant at Arms will be treated as any other member and must complete all sanctions
issued by the Judicial Board
ii. The Sergeant at Arms will be relieved of all duties until a vote by all chapter members to
decide whether or not he is deserving of remaining in office
e. The Internal Vice President will remain the chairman of the Judicial Board until the matter has
been resolved or until a replacement has completed the required perquisites to assume office
3) The member accused is a member of the Executive Council or a Chairman
a. Found guilty of a minor violation
i. The member will be treated as any other member and must complete all sanctions issued
by the Judicial Board
b. Found guilty of a major violation

i. The member will be relieved of all duties until a vote by all chapter members to decide
whether or not he is deserving of remaining in office
1. If the accused member is the president, the Internal Vice President will assume
responsibility for all matters pertaining to the chapter, and the External Vice
President will assume all responsibilities outside the chapter until the matter has
been resolved or a replacement has completed the required perquisites to assume
4) The member accused is a member of a committee
a. Found guilty of a minor violation
i. The member will be treated as any other member and must complete all sanctions issued
by the Judicial Board
b. Found guilty of a major violation
i. Member will be relieved of their position and title
ii. The committee will operate a man short until a replacement is found

Letters and Forms

Notice of Summons
Xi Chapter
The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
1611 Hampton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

(Date, day/month/year, ex: 1 March 1868)

Mr. (Name)

This letter serves as notice for you to appear before the Judicial Board on (Date, time, and place), be prompt. Please
wait (outside the chapter room (members) or in the Good Room (pledges)) until summoned you before the board.
You may call on other members or pledges as witnesses to aid in your defense and all names must be given to me
prior to your hearing. All members/pledges must wear a black or navy blue suit, a white dress shirt with the collar
buttoned, a conservative tie in good condition, dress socks, and dress shoes.

The purpose of this meeting to review (reason they have been summoned and at what location or event, include date
if known). (Then tell them who has brought them up on charges, if anonymous then say they have been brought up
on these charges by an anonymous brother).

Your attendance is mandatory. Failure to appear at the designated time and date will be considered an admission of

Once again, please consider this your formal notice. If you have any questions, or a valid reason to postpone your
hearing, please contact me as soon as possible.

In the bonds,

(Printed name)
Sergeant at Arms
(Phone Number)

Outcome of Judicial Review

Xi Chapter
The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
1611 Hampton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

(Date Month Year)

Mr. (Brother in Review)

On behalf of the Judicial Board, I am informing you of the Judicial Board’s decision from the (date, month day)
meeting. You have been found in violation of (violation here).

The Judicial Board has recommended that you (punishments here)

Please remember that all information pertaining to the Pi Kappa Alpha Judicial Board is to remain confidential. If it
is found out that you have or do reveal any such information, you will immediately be put up for membership
review. This is in accordance with the laws of the Pi Kappa Alpha Judicial Board.

As a Judicial Board, we are here to help you. I hope you understand that we want to continue to represent Pi Kappa
Alpha in the best possible light and maintain our status as a premier fraternity at the University of South Carolina.
This can only be accomplished if we all work together, as brothers.

I hope this will remind you of the oath you have taken and renew your dedication to your brothers and Pi Kappa
Alpha. If you have any questions or there is any reason that you will not be able to complete the above listed
sanctions in the time allotted, contact me as soon as possible.

In the bonds,

Your Name Here
Sergeant at Arms

Letter of Appeal
Xi Chapter
The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
1611 Hampton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

(Date, day/month/year, ex: 1 March 1868)

To the Sergeant at Arms,

I (Name), wish to appeal the decision of the (Judicial Board or Executive Council) from the hearing held on (date).
It has been less than 30 days since my most recent hearing and I have included a written description and a copy of
the Outcome of Judicial Review I received. I have also enclosed a schedule of times that I will be available for the
next two weeks.

I trust you will take the appropriate action to forward my appeal to the (Executive Council or Chapter) and notify me
of the time and date I am of the Appeals Hearing.

In the bonds,

Printed name Signature Date

(Contact Information)


Judicial proceedings and protocols will conducted differently because they are not members of the chapter.
The procedure for pledges will be as follows:
1) Judicial Review Hearings will be held in a different area
a. Pledges are not allowed in the chapter room
2) Pledges do not have the right to appeal
3) Any incident involving hazing must be brought before the Sergeant at Arms immediately
4) Three Strike Policy
a. Pledge is found guilty of a violation for the 1 st time
i. Pledge will be held to the same standard as members
1. Only exception, pledges must be dressed in suit and tie for both hearings
ii. Sergeant at Arms will notify the chapter and pledge class members of the results of both
the Judicial Review Hearing and Sanction Follow-Up Hearing only if the pledge fails to
complete all sanctions
1. All parties have the right to know the character of an individual they may, one
day, call brother
2. Motivate the pledge class to keep each other on the right path
b. 2nd time
i. Pledge class will vote to either retain or expel
1. Vote to retain requires:
a. A written statement from the Pledge Class President explaining the
decision and include reasons why the pledge should be retained
i. Must be signed by all members voting for retention
ii. Must provide the number of votes for and against retention
b. The Sergeant at Arms will read all details of all Judicial Review
Hearings and the statement from the pledge class to the chapter at the
next chapter meeting
c. Chapter members reserves the right to overturn the Pledge Class
c. 3rd time
i. Immediate Expulsion
ii. Individual must return all materials related to the fraternity
iii. Individual is banned from chapter premises and events


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