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Functional 1

Functional Uses

Andy Yerkes
Practical Applications of
Advanced Mathematics
Mrs. Goodrum and Mrs. Hunt
Functional 2


Trigonometry is the study of triangles. All that is needed to make a triangle is three

points, and yet those three points can have an infinite number of uses. Although trigonometry

can easily be used in a classroom situation, using everything learned sitting in a desk is more

difficult in a more realistic situation. Anyone sitting in a classroom will ask, “When are we ever

going to use this?” The simple fact is that trigonometry is more important than many of us

realize. Using a theodolite, tape measure, and calculator, trigonometry can be a very versatile

branch of mathematics. It is used in a lot of different applications in our world, such as

surveying, navigating, and measuring distances.

Functional 3


Trigonometry is the study of triangles and has been developed over many centuries. The

first people to use angles were the Babylonians. The Greeks were the first to go further in

developing trigonometry. They defined both sine and cosine functions, and further expanded on

the Babylonian measurement of 360 degrees for a circle. Hipparchus, a Greek astronomer

developed the first sine table, or a table for solving triangles. He was also the first to develop a

table of chords, which is a table that shows the angles in a circle for a large fixed radius (Joyce,

1996-1997). Some argue that trigonometry is based on chords, and he is therefore credited with

the founding of trigonometry. Ptolemy furthered Hipparchus’s work and derived the sine and

cosine rules, also developing a table of chords (History of Trigonometry, n.d.). During medieval

times, the Chinese were able to develop the tangent function. During this time, Europeans also

started developing in trigonometric aspects. They used the study for navigation and construction

of maps. Bartholomew Pitiscus was the first to consider solving plane trigonometry on the earth

instead of using trigonometry for astronomy. He also named the study “trigonometry”

(ThinkQuest, 2001).

There are a number of different theories and formulas involved with the following

investigation. For example, the law of cosines will be used in the project. In the triangle, the

lower case letters represent the sides of the triangle, and the capital letters are the opposite angles

of the side of the same letter. The law states that:

Functional 4

This formula is used to find other parts of a triangle when two sides and the included angle of

those sides are known. The other form of the law is:

cosA = b2 + c2 – a2 cosB = a2 + c2 – b2 cosC = a^2 + b^2 – c^2

2(b)(c) 2(a)(c) 2(a)(b)

This formula is used to find the angles of a triangle when all three sides are known. Also note

that the abbreviation “cos” means cosine.

Also used will be the law of sines, which states:

sinA = sinB = sinC
a b c

This formula is used when there are two angles and an included side.

Finally, the definitions of the different trigonometric functions will be used. These definitions

only apply in using right triangles. The different sides of the triangle are the adjacent side which

is the one closest to the angle being used, the opposite side which is the side opposite of the

angle being used, and the hypotenuse, the longest side of the triangle. There are three functions

of trigonometry: sine, cosine, and tangent. Sine is opposite over hypotenuse. Cosine is adjacent

over hypotenuse. Tangent is opposite over adjacent.

Research Question

What functional uses does trigonometry have outside of the classroom.

Functional 5


To display different uses for trigonometry, a variety of problems were designed. Using a

theodolite, a tape measure, and a calculator, the problems were solved. A theodolite is a

surveying tool on a tripod for balance. There is a lens to look through and crosshairs in the lens

to level the lens out. To also assure the lens is on a level plane, the legs of the tripod are

adjustable, and there are liquid leveling instruments on the theodolite as well. The calculator is a

TI-83 which has graphing applications and all of the trigonometry functions mentioned (tangent,

sine and cosine).

Designed problems

Problem (1.) The Belk Tower is located in the central part of the University of North

Carolina at Charlotte’s campus. As a project, the senior class wants to give the tower a new coat

of white paint to give the tower a rejuvenated look. In order to do so, they need to know how tall

the tower is to determine whether or not they could use a cherry-picker to raise up the people

painting, or if they need to construct scaffolding around the structure.

To find the height, a theodolite will be placed 125 feet away from the base of the tower.

The angle from the theodolite to the top of the tower will be found, and since the tower is an

upright structure, a right triangle is made. The angle found by the theodolite and the distance

between the theodolite and the tower can be used in a tangent function as followed to find the

height of the tower, with “y” being the tower’s height. The theodolite finds the zenith angle of

the triangle or the angle closest to the top of the tower. To find the angle closest to the theodolite,

one would subtract the angle found and the right angle from the triangle, 90 degrees, from 180

degrees, the sum of all of the angles. Since the theodolite is 4.5 feet tall, this height will be added
Functional 6

to the total answer and the height of the tower is found to be 144.79 feet. Note that in this

measurement, there is assumed to be a level plane between the theodolite and the tower. In a

reality situation, this would not happen, because the land that is usually being surveyed has many

dips and bows in it, throwing off the measurement. However it worked for the situation that was

designed because minute differences are irrelevant in determining whether or not a cherry-picker

could be used.

tan(48.3 deg.) = y / 125

125*tan(48.3 deg.) = (y / 125) * 125

y = 140.29 y= 140.29 + 4.5 = 144.79 feet

Problem (2.) A party is being planned in the breezeway of the Colvard building.

Admission is going to be charged, and to do so, every stairway and both exits will be temporarily

walled up, leaving a long, rectangular space. To find the area between the spaces, a tape measure

could not be used due to the size of the breezeway and the many stairways and poles obstructing

one’s procedures. A theodolite was placed on the corner of the building and measured the angle

from one corner to the other. The angle was found to be 77 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds. The

distance between the theodolite and the opposite side was found to be 44.68 feet. Using a tangent

function, the distance from one end of the breezeway to the other is 200.85 feet. Since the

breezeway is a rectangle, the two distances of 44.68 feet and 200.85 feet were multiplied and the

area was found to be 8973.83 feet.

Functional 7

tan(77.4583) = y / 44.68

tan(77.4583) * 44.68 = ( y / 44.68 ) * 44.68

y = 200.85 feet

200.85 feet * 44.68 feet = 8973.83 square feet


The investigation concludes that trigonometry is very useful outside of a classroom

setting. When a tape measure would not have been adequate to measure a distance, trigonometry

helped solve the problem. Being exposed to these types of situations puts the students out in a

situation where they get to use the knowledge from the classroom and apply it to a realistic

situation. Therefore, math becomes more than a mere subject from school; math becomes a vital

tool necessary for human advancement.

Functional 8


Joyce, D. E. (1996-1997). Chords

Retrieved July 13, 2005 from

History of Trigonometry

Retrieved July 13, 2005 from

Elert, G. (1992-2003). Ptolemy’s Table of Chords Trigonometry in the Second Century.

Retrieved July 13, 2005 from

ThinkQuest Team. (2001). Trigonometry.

Retrieved July 13, 2005 from

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