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0 Introduction
Nowadays, teacher has many responsibilities in the school, this
make the job of teacher become more challenging. (the role of teacher).
Thus teacher must have the strong endurance in fighting with the stress
when the teachers carries their responsibilities. Many emotional issues
happened among the teacher due to the workload in the teaching
profession and the high expect ation from the society toward the teachers
and teacher. Emotional disturbance make the teacher feel stress and
burn out toward the teaching profession. They might lost their passion in
their teaching. There is a case happened due to the emotional
disturbance. For example, a teacher lost his temper and throw a chair
toward after one of his year two pupils refused to stop creating a
nuisance in class (citation). The case is happened in Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah. Emotional disturbance can affect an individual in areas beyond
the emotional. In this case, emotional disturbance have affect the
teacher decision and the teacher used the wrong punishment to punish
the student.
W hat is emotional disturbance? Emotional disturbance is condition
exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period
of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child’s
educational performance (citation). Emotional disturbance make
someone have difficulty in learning and maintain a good interpersonal
relationship with other. Someone might portray impropriate behaviour or
feeling under normal circumstance.

2.0 Causes of emotional disturbance

W hat is the factor causing emotional disturbance among the

teacher and the student? There are many factor that can cause
emotional disturbance. Different people have different factor that
trigger emotional disturbance. Excessive workload and change in
profession might become the factor that trigger the emotional
disturbance among teacher while the academic pressure and
parents and family problem can become the root of emotional
disturbance among students.

Excessive w orkload
W orkload can be thought of as excessive in a number of ways.
If deadlines are often missed or the quality of work is not what it
should be, this may indicat e that workload is excessive. However,
from a health and safety viewpoint, workload is excessive when it
is causing, or may cause in the future some sort of harm in terms
of health or well-being problems for members of staff (citation).
Excessive workload in the school can affect the physical and
mental health of the teacher. W orkload also can affect the
teacher’s behaviour in teaching. The teacher’s teaching quality
might be deteriorate. The teacher might suffer from stress or burn
out in the profession if the teacher cannot cope with the excessive
workload. According to (Adams, 2017) , Nearly half of the teachers
under the age of 35 who contacted the National Union of Teachers
for a survey said they expected to leave the profes sion within the
next five years, with most citing issues such as workload and poor
work-life balance among the main reasons, as well as concerns for
their mental health. Many teacher leaves the profession because
they cannot cope with the stress level when they dealing with the
excessive workload and they think that the excessive workload
affect the mental health. The recent "Fair W orkload Charter" from
the Nottingham Education Improvement Board has suggested that
teachers should do no more than two hours' directed time, and
leaders no more than three. They have also suggested that high -
quality schemes of work be provided so we can stop the hours
spent on pointless planning. In addition to these very sensible
ideas was the suggestion of clear policies on what student work
should and should not be marked. I know that in the secondary
schools I visit, the teachers would particularly agree with this

3.0 Impact of emotional disturbance

5.0 Solution
Given that teachers ar e frequently identified as caregivers,
they may need encouragement and incentives to participate in
activities that are directed at self -care. W e all know that teaching
is one of the most stressful jobs in the world. How can we
encourage health and tranqui lity among our teachers? W hat do we
do to overcome emotional disturbance among teacher and the
student. There are some ways that can be taken
Think positivel y
Take control of your stress and anxiety by learning effective
techniques to combat it. Relaxing bodily tension in order to reduce
the physical sensations of stress is a good place to start. If your
body is free of tension, your mind tends to be relaxed . This helps
you concentrate and study, take decisions and solve problems.
W hen you are relaxed, you can view each task as a positive
challenge, and use stress as a stimulus to help you carry it out,
giving you a relaxing glow of achievement afterwards .

Confront the p roblem

Try to stand back and look at the problem carefully. Break
it down into manageable parts. Talk it through with someone else,
brainstorm solutions, or get help if you need it. Try to manage
your time effectively and learn t o say “No”. Avoidance will not
make the problem go away and can often make it worse. Leaving
everything to the last minute is a major source of stress to students.
Think about why you are finding it hard to get started – uncertainty
about how to do th e assignment, fear of being judged, or fear of
failing? Starting a piece of work effectively reduces stress levels
as it frees your mind, putting the thoughts of failure back into
perspective. If you have had a row or a misunderstanding with
someone, it rarely helps to avoid the issue. Talking it through with
the other person or with someone outside the situation often helps
you express your feelings, regain a sense of proportion, and
identif y a way of resolving the differences.

Find Some Distraction

Sport and physical activity helps you to relax physically and
also releases endorphins in the body which produce a real feeling
of well being. W alk, cycle, swim, join the Sports centre, or a sports
team. Joining a club or society, maintaining an exis ting hobby or
learning something new, talking to other people – can all help you
to take a mental and physical break.

Express Yourself
Talk about it, write about it, shout or moan about it.
Expressing your feelings can help to relieve stress.
Acknowledging a problem to yourself and others can be the first
step in dealing with it. Sometimes having a good cry can release
emotional pressure and calm your feelings of anxiety
6.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, emotional disturbance will become serious if we do
not take it seriously. Emotional disturbance can affect our life. W hen we
discover we have emotional disturbance, we must not shy to get
treatment from the doctor. Besides, we also must take some measures
to prevent us to get emotional disturbance. As a saying goes “prevention
is better than cure.

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