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about 1087 words

Abel Salazar

December 7, 2016

A Sweet Day

By, Abel Salazar

“We arrived at this moon twelve months ago, it looked very

desolated and lifeless, so we thought that it was the right

place for terraforming, but how wrong we were.

One day we were attack by a race of luminous beings, loo-

king like angels or demons some said, like the paintings and

photographs of the old books.

At first we thought “The Lighters”, as we ended up calling

them, were some kind of hallucinations we were having, because

we knew the air inside the atmosphere of this moon which we

baptised with the name “Belete”, was toxic and was generating

weird reactions into people minds, even the babies that ended

up born there had mutations on their bodies.

Our weapons at the time weren’t enough to kill this

things, but someone found how the toxic air could be manipula-

ted and turned into a weapon of its own accord, and so it be-

came a solid solution to the attack of this Lighters people,

as we call them.

In our desperate times we developed about 4 highly power-

ful bombs, capable to destroy entire planets. We never knew

nor do we now how to measure our ambitions.

We knew how to control the power within this bombs, we de-

veloped mini bombs that could destroy our enemies within a

certain range without hurting our troops, but just by deplo-

ying only one bomb at a time within a certain circumference.

None of that was helpful when 3 bombs were deployed at the

same approximated time.

Once the bombs exploded, the toxic wind carried away the

dismembered bodies of thousands of soldiers, most of them 16

years old boys and girls, brainwashed with saturday morning

cartoons of the late 20th century from when our race used to

live on planet Earth, about 3 million years ago, just in case

you been wondering.

This war, I gave the order, this plan, or brainwashed sys-

tem was proposed by me initially, I called it “A Sweet Day”,

in order to sustain the economic environment and the hopeless-

ness of the people living on this spaceships for about a thou-

sand years now, navigating through the blackness among the


A Sweet Day was created in order to control birth, not be-

cause with didn’t have the necessary cultural and logical will

to know how to do the things that should be done in order to

survive in space, it was actually because new born children

were appearing in different places among our spaceships, some-

times they were coming from tiny black-holes.

Other times just days before the women were going to give

birth, another baby was growing inside of them scarily and

dramatically fast.

During eight years, in all the ten thousand spaceships

across the galaxy, because we used to be separated only by a

few million light years between each other, although, thanks

to the well regarded tech of our brilliant scientist and crea-

tive minds of our nomad civilisation, we were able to keep in

touch mostly without any interference, sometimes, of course

there were moments in which was impossible to have any con-

tact, for days, weeks and months, last time was two years, yet

that helped me, us, I mean, to develop this strategy.

This kids were actually nobodies sons and daughters, so,

sometimes, as usual with our kind, we left them outside as if

they were total garbage, even if they completely look alike

like their “brothers and sisters”.

And because we can’t have total control of what peoples

private lives are about, some if not most of the children were

disappearing, for whatever human reason and purpose.

So, I thought about this cold and calculating mind control

military program, it took me about a month to develop it, but

only three days for the acceptance document.

And we’ve been like this since then. Training this kids

into military strategy and warfare, inserting nano machines

inside their brains and turning them into cyborgs or practica-

lly robots with living human flesh and organs.

Although all this seems and is certainly good and “play

safe” game for us, for the rest of the people I mean, because,

at the end of the day, this were nobodies children, like I

mentioned before, and yet some people decided to take care of


There were marches against this, revolutions and speeches

to prohibit this kind of military activities, even people from

within our offices and services, only for the sake of the who-

le community among the different ships in space, were resig-

ning from their posts.

Not me, I enjoyed this work, I used to”.

He couldn’t believe what he has said. Right now, this man,

inside his room, Lieutenant Haxon Wen, is trembling, he has

finished the recording, just of the thought of remembering and

how coldly he just said what he has just said makes him puke


He doesn’t want to get out of the room, he is afraid.

From the view of the window, the stars and space can be

seen and a near by moon, Betele, from where lights and explo-

sions are clashing.

This makes Haxon puke once more. A call is entering th-

rough his communication device. He takes the call, however he

does not keep posture he takes the calling as how he is right

now, right there.

“Yes?”.He roughly says.

“We can’t establish contact with the post back there on

Betele”. The voice from the other side diligently comments.

“We should destroy that moon and just go away. It doesn’t

matter if those kids are killed and even our troops who are

there monitoring and even fighting. The Lighters only want

that place, they are not attacking us here. We destroy it or

lets just go away, like that. I mean, its nothing we haven’t

done before. Take the order and propose it to the high ranks”.

Somehow Haxon voice has changed, and he knew this, he un-

derstands it, he felt how he was speaking more determine and

secure of what he was saying, and for a brief moment his fear


He takes a time to breath right before he goes online him-

self through a monitor that is connected into the droids of

the size of a fly that are capturing the happenings of the

battle on Betele.

Haxon looks through the monitors and he can see nothing

but a terrible blinding light and sparkles that makes him puke

out of fear once more.

“It’s all gone, what ever the high commands decision, it

is worthless, hopeless”. Haxon turns the monitor off.


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