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Language of Sales

Kaitlyn Ramsey
Credibility ​

● Years of experience​
● Reason for my degree

ive been working in the resturant/ retail businees for almost 12 years. at the moment i
bartend at the chateau and sales is part of my daily life.
i am graduating with my bachlors in civil science (in a couple of years) to get a job for
pharm. sales rep.
i recently got a job offer (once i grad. with my ass. degree in may), sales of respiratory
medical devices
How to be Successful at Sales​

● How to Conduct Your Speaking: Communication

● Common Skills​
● Effective Salesperson: Improvement and Growth

{Do the example of the hand out straight before you start the presentation}
a.) meaning how to talk to a customer
b.) meaning once you have the language down, then you need to become a trusted,
informed, “friend” that helps them feel comfortable to make the right decision for them
c.) meaning how you should take your progress each day and make you as a sales
person better. Growth

● Speak with appropriate volume​

● Speak at appropriate rate​
● Speech free of pauses
● Customers understanding salesperson​
● Emphasizes important points​
- Pitch​
- Volume​

a.)not speaking too loudly or too softly; not monotone but enthusiasm in your voice
b.) dont speak too fast or too slowly; normal pace like you would talk to a parent
c.) try not to use the “fill-in” words; “like, um, yea”
d.) taking time to explain to customer about product and services
e.) going back to the appropriate volume; emphasize the positives of the product and
how the cust. will benefit

● Not to interrupt customer mid-sentence ​

● Sales person indicating they are listening to customer ​
● Affirmative words ​
● Affirmative sounds
● Nonverbal

f.) dont interrupt, let them make their points and address their concerns after theyve
finished their thought
g.) always go back to previous points that were had in the conversation to reaffirm
and emphize that you are not just selling but you are listening to your cust.
1.) words: “this has this VALUE” “you NEED this” “GAURENTEE” “YOU”
2.) sounds: mmmhmm, yep
3.) non verbal: smiling, nodding head, eye conatct
Common Skills​
● Understanding your audience's needs/wants
- Reading your audience ​
● Communicating effectively​
-Look out for inevitable conflict
● Trusting relationship​
-Let customer take lead
● Know your product ​
● Body Language
● Personal interactions
-Become more gender aware ​

a. feeling out who youre dealing with; shy, loud, needy, independent, etc.
i. someone who is shy you may not want to be too loud, may need to
tone yourself down. someone with a big personality you can match
them. etc.
ii. read the person then react
b. make sure youre addressing their needs without being pushy or forceful
c. be there for support in their decision, not just for your sake but for the sake of your
d. be the number one fan for your product; know it inside and out so your prepared for
anything. this makes the cust. more comfortable and reassured that you know what
youre talking about.
e.) shaking of hand firmly, constant eye contact, nodding in a positive direction
f.) selling to a women is different than selling to a man. with men you can present
more tech aspects, whereas women need more practical aspects.
- ex: selling TV- Male- tell them all the specifications (size, resolution, etc.)
Female- tell how it would benefit her, highlight the features that she would find
useful (smart tv, netflix, built in wifi
Improvement and Growth

● What could you do better ​

● Set a goal for yourself each day
● Keep track of your progress
● Always improve; practice ​
● Don’t let the word “NO” discourage you

a.) ask yourself, always try to improve on your skills

b.) its easier to accomplish a goal if a goal is set.
c.) by keeping track of your progress it shows your strengths and weaknesses. this in
turn helps you to focus and improve your weaknesses.
d.) sky is the limit, always feel the need that you can do better. the more you practice
the more you improve.
e.) in sales you need to have a positive attitude. positive attitude, positive outcome. i
live by this motto. in a room full of “no”s you have to believe that there is at least one

In order to be an effective salesperson, you must be able to

do a multitude of things;
- communicate, listen and react effectively

Being a salesperson is not always easy, it can be great when

you make the sale but it can be depressing if you lose a big
sale. However, even in the worst of times you must believe
that success is right around the corner.
Works Cited​

● Ahearne, Michael, et al. "It's A Matter Of Congruence: How Interpersonal Identification Between Sales Managers And
Salespersons Shapes Sales Success." Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science 41.6 (2013): 625-648. Business Source
Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.​

● Eichelberger, Chip. "Go From Good To Great: How To Boost Your Sales Career." American Salesman 60.4 (2015): 3. MasterFILE
Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.​

● Graham, John. “Unusual Strategies For Closing More Sales.” American Salesman 55.5 (2010): MasterFILE Premier. Web. 15 Oct.

1. Who works in sales? Would people want to try sales after

this presentation?

2. How do people feel when sales people approach you and try
to sell you merchandise?

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