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Introducing Electricity

Textbook pg 52
Today’s objectives
• At the end of this lesson, you will
be able to:
– State the appliances that used
– State the sources of electricity
– Define what is electric current
and circuit
– Understand the parts of
electric circuit
 Look at the diagrams below:
You got 2  What are needed for these
minutes appliances to operate?
to share  Could you think of similar
with appliances used for the same
someone purpose in olden days?
Electrical Appliances
 All require electricity to work
 Vacuum cleaner (electricity to
kinetic energy)
 Lamp (electricity to light energy)
 Fan (electricity to kinetic energy)
Electrical Appliances
 Now we cannot live without
 So many appliances and items
we used require electricity
What are the sources of electricity?
• Main electricity
• Electric cells
• So what’s the difference?
Main Electricity
• Generated by power stations
• Delivered to homes and
industries through wires
• Finally connected to main sockets
• Supplies a lot of electrical energy
• Electric shock
Electric Cells
• Used in many portable electrical
• Supplies small amount of energy
• Safe to touch
Electric Current and
 The rate of flow of electric charges
is called electric current
 Electric circuit is the path which the
electric current takes
Short video clip

Electric circuits - overview

Parts of a Circuit
• Called electrical components
• Examples
– Connecting wires
– Bulb
– Switch
– Electric cell
Connecting wires
• Made of two types of materials
• Electrical conductor and electrical
conductor –
made of
metal such as

insulator –
made of
Connecting wires
• Symbols of connecting wires
• Connecting wires (joined) and
connecting wires (not joined)
• See pg 56
Joined Not joined
• Symbol of bulb
• Symbol of switch

Close switch

Open switch
Electric Cell
• Symbol of electric cell

One electric cell

Two electric cell More than two electric cell

Review Questions
 What are the two sources of
 Electric cells and main electricity
 The rate of flow of electric charges
is called an ______________
electric current
 The path which the electric current
takes is called the _____________
electric circuit
 What are the 4 parts of circuit we
have covered today?
 Connecting wire
 Bulb
 Switch
 Electric cell
Match the following:


closed switch

one electric cell

joined connecting
 What we have learnt today?
 Uses of electricity in our daily life
 Sources of Electricity (Main
electricity and electric cells)
 Define electric current and
electric circuit
 4 different parts of circuits and
their symbols
 Connecting wires
 Bulbs
 Switch
 Electric cell

Complete the worksheet now

Today’s objectives
• At the end of this lesson, you will
be able to:
– Understand what is complete
and incomplete circuits
– State the different types of
switches in circuits
– Understand how circuits can be
Complete and incomplete
 Complete circuits is also
known as closed circuits
 Incomplete circuits is also
known as opened circuits
 What is the difference between
the two?
Complete/Closed circuits
 It is complete path without any
gaps from one end of the cell
to the light bulb and back to
the other end of the cell
Incomplete/Open circuits
 The path is incomplete
 Each circuit has a gap in it and
the bulbs do not light up
 Example: no source of
electrical energy or connecting
wire is missing
 See pg 55.
Try Inquiry Time pg 55
 Circuit D
 A: Place a connecting wire on
each side of the cell
 B: Place a connecting wire on
each side of the light bulb
 C: Place a connecting wire
from the bulb and the cell on
each side of the cell
Using symbols to draw
circuit diagrams
 Page 56
 Try inquiry time
 Circuit A. However the extra
line between the two cells is
not necessary. Circuit B is
different as the light bulb is
situated between the two cells
Types of Switches
• A switch is used to open or close a
• Tap key switch
• A plug switch
• A mains switch used in buildings
• When switch is off, the circuit is
opened and the bulb will not light up
• When switch is on, the circuit is closed
and the bulb will light up
Types of Switches

Ask and Learn

Conductors and Insulators

Ask and Learn

How circuit can be
 Series circuit
 Parallel circuit
Series Circuit
 The three light bulbs are
arranged in series
 Each component is joined one
after the other to form a single
 Current flows through each
component is the same
Series Circuit
 If one bulb in a series circuit is
removed or broken, no current
 The remaining bulbs do not
light up
 Because the circuit is opened
Parallel Circuit
 Any amount of light bulbs are
arranged in parallels
 Divides two or more branches
and has electrical components
in each branch
Parallel Circuit
 The current from the battery divides
and flows through each branch
 If one bulb breaks or removed,
other bulbs on the circuit remain lit
 Because the circuit remains closed
Series and Parallel
Ask and Learn
Do Check Point

Page 59
 At the end of this lesson, you
will be able to:
 Understand what is electric
current and how to measure
electric current
 Understand what is voltage and
how to measure voltage
 State the different voltages for
different sources
 Understand how electric cells are
connected in electrical
Electric Current
 Flow of electric charges
 This flow of electrons in one
directions in a circuit is called
an electric current
 Electrons require energy in
order to move
 Energy come from the electric
cell in the circuit
 Electric cell has two terminals
Electric Current
 Positive and negative
 Pushes electrons out of the
negative terminal and round
the circuit
 Flow back to the positive
terminal of the cell
 Electrons are not used up only
energy is used up
Video on Electric
Short video
Measuring Electric Current
 Ammeter
 SI unit for electric current is
ampere (A)
 1A = 1000 mA
 1mA = 0.001A
 Connected in series
Measuring Electric Current
Ask and Learn

Measuring Electric Current

What is Voltage?
 To measure the energy the
electrons receive
 An electron can have a large
amount of potential energy at one
point in the circuit
 It can also have a low amount of
potential energy at another point
 The difference in potential energy
between the two points is known as
What is Voltage?
 SI unit for voltage is volt (V)
Measuring Voltage
 Voltmeter
 Connected in parallel across
the cell
 Has positive (red) terminal and
a negative (black) terminal like
 Positive terminal connected to
the positive side of the cell
 Negative terminal connected to
the negative side of the cell
Measuring Voltage
 Voltmeter
Different voltage for
different electric sources
 Different electric cell have
different voltage
 In Singapore the main voltage
is 230V


How are electric cells connected
in electrical appliances?
 Electric cells are connected in
series with the positive
terminal of one cell touching
the negative terminal of the
next cell
 The total voltage across all the
electric cells is equal to the
sum of the voltages of the
individual cells
How are electric cells connected
in electrical appliances?
 For example you have electric
cell of 1.5V
 If the toy need 9V to work.
 You will need six 1.5V electric

Page 63
 At the end of this lesson you
will be able to:
 State what is a resistor
 Understand the different types of
 Understand how resistors is
placed in series and parallel
What is a resistor?
 Appliances need to ensure that
the correct size of current flows
to operate properly
 To control the size of the
current, electrical components
called resistors are used in the

Types of resistors
 Fixed
 Variable
Fixed Resistors
 One fixed resistance
 Resistance can be a fraction of
an ohm to thousands of ohms
 SI unit is ohms
Variable Resistors
 Known as rheostat
 Vary the resistance in a circuit
 Resistance change, the current
also changes
 When resistance decreases,
the current increases
 Different types for different
Fixed and Variable
Arrangement of resistors
 Can be in series or parallel
 Series
 Same current from the electric
cell passes through each resistor
 As more resistors are added, the
resistance to flow electrical
charges increases
 The current in the circuit
 Overall resistance in series
circuit increases
Arrangement of resistors
 Parallel
 For resistors in parallel, current
from the electric cell divided
among the resistor
 More resistors added more
electrical charges are able to
flow through the resistors at the
same time
 Current in circuit increases
 Overall resistance of the parallel
circuit decreases
Metal with…
 Low resistance
 Copper and silver
 High resistance
 Nichrome
Resistor – Series and

Page 67
 At the end of this lesson, you
will be able to:
 State the heating effects and
 Understand what is
electromagnets and its uses
 Understand what is chemical
effects and electroplating
Effects of Electric Current
 Heating effect
 Magnetic effect
 Chemical effect
Heating Effect
 Resistance in circuit wires
affects the amount of electric
current flowing
 Electric current flows through
the wire, the wire gets heated
 Electrical energy to heat
Heating Effect
 Heating element in an
electrical appliance consists of
high resistance wires such as
 Very hot
 Produce more heat
 Connecting wires are made of
low resistance materials such
as copper
 Less hot
 Produce less heat
Heating Effect
 If resistance wire gets very hot,
light can also be produced
 Example: Filament of an
electric light bulb
Magnetic Effect
 Electric current also produces
magnetic effect
 Example: placing wire near
compass needle and let
electric current flow, the needle
will move
Magnetic Effect
 Electromagnet
 Coil of wire usually wound
around a piece of iron
 When current flows, it acts like a
bar magnet
 If no current flow, the
electromagnet loses its
Magnetic Effect
 Electromagnet
 How to make it stronger?
 Increase the current in the coil
 Increase the number of turns of
wire in the coil
 Winding the coil around an iron
Magnetic Effect
 Electromagnet
 Uses
 Magnetic cranes
 Electric bells
 Electric motors
Chemical Effect
 Electrolysis
 Uses
 Electroplating
 Extraction of some metals

Watch video
Chemical Effect
 Extraction of metals
 Solid compound of the metal is
heated until it melts
 An electric current is then
passed through the molten
 Molten compound break down to
give the metal
Do Checkpoint

Page 72

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