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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 69, No. 8, 2006, Pages 1904–1912

Copyright 䊚, International Association for Food Protection

Microbial Modeling of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris CRA 7152

Growth in Orange Juice with Nisin Added

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, Departamento de Ciências de Alimentos, CP 6121, CEP 13083-862,
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

MS 05-496: Received 30 September 2005/Accepted 10 February 2006

The adaptation time of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris CRA 7152 in orange juice was determined as a response to pH
(3 to 5.8), temperature (20 to 54⬚C), soluble solids concentration (⬚Brix; 11 to 19 ⬚Brix), and nisin concentration (0 to 70 IU/
ml) effects. A four-factor central composite rotational design was used. Viable microorganisms were enumerated by plating
on K medium (pH 3.7). Two primary models were used to represent growth and adaptation time. A second-order polynomial
model was applied to analyze the effects of factors. Results showed that the Baranyi and Roberts model was better than the
modified Gompertz model, considering the determination coefficient (R2) for experimental data description. Inhibition of
bacteria can be obtained through several studied combinations for at least 47 days of storage. The shortest period of adaptation
was observed between 37 to 45⬚C, with pHs between 4 and 5, yet the longest periods of adaptation could be obtained around
20⬚C with pHs close to 3.0. Statistical analysis of the quadratic model showed that the adaptation time increased as temperature
or pH decreased, and as nisin concentration or soluble solids increased. The model showed that adaptation time has a minimum
value for juice without nisin added, with 13.5% soluble solids, pH 5.0, and incubated at 43.8⬚C. The statistical parameters
that validated this model were an R2 of 0.816, a bias factor of 0.96, and an accuracy factor of 1.14. Manipulation of more
than one factor, as well as the use of an antimicrobial agent, can be an alternative to preventing the development of A.
acidoterrestris in orange juice, thus contributing to increased orange juice shelf life.

The first report on contamination caused by an acido- ventional thermal pasteurization treatment applied to fruit
philic spore-forming microorganism occurred in apple juice juices might not be sufficient to inactivate Alicyclobacillus
aseptically packed in Germany in 1982 (5). That microor- spores. Komitopoulou et al. (17) and Yamazaki et al. (37)
ganism was a strict aerobic, heat-resistant bacteria, able to studied the use of nisin by means of the MIC method in
survive the thermal treatments normally applied during fruit controlling the spore germination of A. acidoterrestris
juice processing. Since then, the concept of contamination spores and found that the inhibitory effect on spores de-
in acid fruit juices has been changing, and the destruction pended on temperature and pH.
of these bacteria has become the priority during preserva- Microbiologists consider the duration of lag phase (␭)
tion of the product. and the specific growth rate coefficient (␮max) as the main
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris is a thermoacidophilic, parameters that characterize the bacterial growth curve (3).
nonpathogenic, spore-forming bacteria that has been isolat- Several models have been proposed to estimate these pa-
ed and identified from forest soil as well as from several rameters. Many authors emphasize that difficulties remain
fruit juices pasteurized and contaminated, such as orange in the estimation of ␭ (1, 19) because of the lack of knowl-
(23), apple, and passion fruit (20, 24, 31, 34) juices. Ali- edge of the physiological and biological mechanisms that
cyclobacillus causes an off-flavor in fruit juices; the flavor underlie the lag phase. Only a few authors were able to put
contaminant was identified as medicinal (35). The chemical this information into a model for calculating this parameter
compounds responsible for this flavor are guaiacol (31) and (3).
phenolic compounds (16). Guaiacol and halophenols were The goals for our study were to model the growth and
identified as the offensive-smelling agent in many incidents survival of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores in orange
of Alicyclobacillus spp.–related spoilage. Although the ex- juice by means of the Baranyi and Roberts and modified
act formation pathway of these off-flavors are not known, Gompertz models, and to model Alicyclobacillus acidoter-
studies report that the presence of Alicyclobacillus spp. in restris adaptation time in orange juice as a function of pH,
the medium may be a major contributor to their formation soluble solids concentration, incubation temperature, and
(7). This microorganism grows at temperatures between 25 nisin concentration by the response surface polynomial
to 60⬚C (26) at pH levels of 3.0 to 5.5 (25). Current studies model.
on thermal inactivation (12, 20, 21, 29) show that a con-
* Author for correspondence. Fax: 55-19-32894966; E-mail: Bacterial strain and culture medium. Alicyclobacillus aci- doterrestris CRA 7152 strain and nisin were provided by Danisco

Cultor. Sporulation agar was made up of Alicyclobacillus acido- TABLE 1. Experimental design for A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152
caldarius medium (21): 0.05% MnCl24H2O; 1.5% agar; 1.0 g of in concentrated orange juice using response surface methoda
yeast extract (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK); 0.2 g of (NH4)2SO4; 0.5
g of MgSO47H2O; 0.25 g of CaCl22H2O; 0.60 g of KH2PO4; 1.0
g of glucose (Oxoid); and 1,000 ml of water. pH was adjusted to Expt T pH Ni ⬚Brix
The quantification medium K was as follows: peptone, 5 g N1 28.5 3.7 17.5 13
(Oxoid); glucose, 1 g (Oxoid); yeast extract, 2.5 g (Oxoid); Tween N2 45.5 3.7 17.5 13
80, 1 g (Synth, São Paulo, Brazil); agar, 15 g (Difco, Detroit, N3 28.5 5.1 17.5 13
Mich.); and distilled water, 1,000 ml. Medium was sterilized at N4 45.5 5.1 17.5 13
121⬚C for 15 min and pH adjusted to 3.7 with malic acid (Vetec, N5 28.5 3.7 52.5 13
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) at 25%. The malic acid was sterilized by N6 45.5 3.7 52.5 13
filtration (34). N7 28.5 5.1 52.5 13
N8 45.5 5.1 52.5 13
Spore suspension preparation. Alicyclobacillus acidoter- N9 28.5 3.7 17.5 17
restris cells were initially grown in four slant tubes containing N10 45.5 3.7 17.5 17
potato dextrose agar, pH 5.6 (Oxoid) and incubated at 44⬚C for 3 N11 28.5 5.1 17.5 17
days. The result of growth was then collected from the tubes by N12 45.5 5.1 17.5 17
scraping the bottle with sterile glass rods with 5 ml sterile distilled N13 28.5 3.7 52.5 17
water per tube. The resulting cell suspension was transferred to a N14 45.5 3.7 52.5 17
sterile screw-cap tube (25 by 200 mm) and activated at 80⬚C for N15 28.5 5.1 52.5 17
10 min, followed by rapid cooling in an ice bath until room tem- N16 45.5 5.1 52.5 17
perature was reached. A portion (0.1 ml) of activated suspension N17 20 4.4 35 15
was inoculated on each of 100 glass bottles (290 ml) containing N18 54 4.4 35 15
60.0 ml of solidified and slanted A. acidocaldarius medium (38). N19 37 3 35 15
These 100 inoculated bottles were incubated for 9 days at 45.0⬚C. N20 37 5.8 35 15
Spores were collected after 90% microscopically confirmed spor- N21 37 4.4 0 15
ulation (21). Collected spores were washed and resuspended in N22 37 4.4 70 15
sterile distilled water after three centrifugations (12,310 ⫻ g for N23 37 4.4 35 11
15 min at 4⬚C), followed by alternate washing. Lysozyme at 0.3 N24 37 4.4 35 19
mg/ml suspension was added after the first washing, after pH ad- N25 37 4.4 35 15
justment to 11 for disruption of vegetative cells (33). Spore sus- N26 37 4.4 35 15
pension was stored at 4⬚C in sterile distilled water until use. Vi- N27 37 4.4 35 15
able spores were enumerated by pour plating on K medium after
thermal activation for 10 min at 80⬚C. The inverted plates were a Cube points (N1 to N16), axial points (N17 to N24), central
incubated at 43⬚C for 5 days. Concentration of the spore suspen- point in triplicate (N25 to N27). T, temperature (⬚C); Ni, nisin
sion was 8 ⫻ 108 spores per ml. concentration (IU/ml); ⬚Brix, soluble solids concentration.

Experimental design. The effect of four factors (pH, tem-

perature, nisin concentration, and soluble solids concentration) on
the adaptation time of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris CRA 7152 102 spores per ml of orange juice, activated at 80⬚C for 10 min.
in concentrated orange juice was determined by response surface For each experimental unit listed in Table 1, 100 ml of orange
methods. This method is commonly used in predictive microbi- juice samples was prepared in sterile glass bottles. The samples
ology for secondary modeling. Factor ranges were as follows: pH, were incubated until growth reached a stationary phase, as verified
3 to 5.8; temperature, 20 to 54⬚C; soluble solids concentration by stabilization of the colony count. Each experiment was per-
(⬚Brix), 11 to 19 ⬚Brix; and nisin concentration, 0 to 70 IU/ml. A formed in duplicate and was monitored daily by pour plating in
four-factor, fractional central composite design, rotational experi- K medium (pH 3.7), followed by incubation at 43⬚C for 5 days.
mental plan (27 experiments), with cube points (experiments N1 Analysis of growth data. Experimental growth data were
to N16), axial points (experiments N17 to N24), and central point adjusted to the Baranyi and Roberts (2) equations as well as mod-
in triplicate (experiments N25 to N27) was used (Table 1). The ified Gompertz equations (14), through the use of Baranyi’s
repetitions of the central point have two purposes: to supply a DMFIT program. In this manner, the following bacterial growth
measure of the pure error and to stabilize the variance of the kinetic parameters were estimated: adaptation time, ␭ (days); max-
predicted response (4, 22). imum growth rate, ␮ {[log(N/ml)]/day}; and maximum popula-
Orange juice pH was adjusted with 5 N NaOH and 25% tion, ␬. ␭ takes into consideration timing for the spore to germi-
malic acid (wt/vol) and measured with a potentiometer (DMPH- nate and the start of cellular reproduction, demonstrated by an
2 Digimed). Malic acid was used for adjusting pH because this is increase in CFU.
the main acid component of orange juice, it being at an even
higher concentration than citric acid (13). The various concentra- The Baranyi and Roberts function. The Baranyi and Rob-
tions of soluble solids were adjusted by adding different amounts erts (2) function includes substrate and intracellular conditions of
of sterile, distilled water to the concentrated orange juice and mea- inoculated microorganism, which are important criteria in evalu-
sured with an ATAGO HSRO500 refractometer. All samples were ating the influences of several factors that affect growth (pH, tem-
treated at 105⬚C for 10 min to eliminate possible competitors (18). perature, nisin concentration, and soluble solids), causing changes
Nisin was used after a storage solution was prepared containing in medium and in microorganism metabolism. This function anal-
104 IU/ml in 0.02 N HCl, sterilized at 121⬚C for 15 min (28). The yses microorganism behavior in a more comprehensive way than
initial inoculated microbial load of A. acidoterrestris was 2.0 ⫻ does the Gompertz equation:
1906 PEÑA AND DE MASSAGUER J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 8

y(t) ⫽ y0 ⫹ ␮max An (t) ⫺

m [
ln 1 ⫹
e m ␮ max A n (t) ⫺ 1
e m(y max ⫺y 0 ) ] (1)

where y(t) is the natural logarithm of the cell concentration at time

t, and ymax is the natural logarithm of the maximum cell concen-
The function A(t) plays the role of a gradual delay in time:
ln(e ⫺␮ max t ⫹ e ⫺y0 ⫺ e ⫺v t ⫺y 0 )
A(t) ⫽ t ⫹ (2)
y0 ⫽ ⫺ln ␣0 (3)
The parameter ␣0 is called physiological state of cell when t is
t0; m is the parameter related to curvature after exponential phase.
Modified Gompertz function. The modified Gompertz func-
tion (14) model uses a sigmoid curve to represent growth as a
FIGURE 1. Curves adjusted by the Baranyi and Roberts model
slightly curvilinear exponential phase and an initial ascending seg-
and growth data of A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152 for experiments
ment for the lag phase that does not represent the initial path of
corresponding to axial and central points. 䉱, pH 4.4, 37⬚C, nisin
microbial growth:
concentration, 0 IU/ml, 15 ⬚Brix; ⽧, pH 5.8, 37⬚C, nisin concen-
y(t) ⫽ a ⫹ c·exp{⫺exp[⫺b(t ⫺ M)]} (4) tration, 35 IU/ml, 15 ⬚Brix; ⽧, pH 4.4, 37⬚C, nisin concentration,
35 IU/ml, 15 ⬚Brix; 䢇, pH 4.4, 37⬚C, nisin concentration, 35 IU/
where y(t) is the log of population at time t (CFU per milliliter),
ml, 11 ⬚Brix; 䡬, pH 4.4, 37⬚C, nisin concentration, 70 IU/ml, 15
a is the log(N0), c is the log(N ⫺ N0) in the final lag phase, b is
⬚Brix; ⫹, pH 4.4, 37⬚C, nisin concentration, 35 IU/ml, 19 ⬚Brix;
the slope corresponding to the growth rate, M is the time in which
∗, pH 3, 37⬚C, nisin concentration, 35 IU/ml, 15 ⬚Brix; ⫻, pH
rate of absolute growth is maximum, and t is time.
4.4, 54⬚C, nisin concentration, 35 IU/ml, 15 ⬚Brix.
Response surface polynomial model The quadratic model
was used to describe the influence of pH, temperature, nisin con-
Experimental data from experiments N20, N23, and
centration, and soluble solids during adaptation time. The follow-
ing model was implemented: N25 were well adjusted by the Baranyi model, which dif-
fered from the results of experiments N18, N19, N22, and
␭ ⫽ b0⫹ b1 T ⫹ b2 T 2 ⫹ b3 pH ⫹ b4 pH 2 ⫹ b5 Ni N24, the counts of which do not represent characteristic
⫹ b6 Ni 2 ⫹ b7 Brix ⫹ b8 Brix 2 ⫹ b9 T·pH ⫹ b10 T·Ni growth, but rather growth inhibition. In these four experi-
ments, no cell replication was observed, but a slight de-
⫹ b11 T·Brix ⫹ b12 pH·Brix ⫹ b13 pH·Ni crease of the inoculated spore load was. Each factor in its
⫹ b14 Brix·Ni ⫹ ␧ (5) extreme value was determined to inhibit growth. We thus
obtained an adaptation time of at least 47 days for the test
where ␭ is the adaptation time (days), T is the incubation tem-
conditions of data sets N19, N22, and N24. On the other
perature (⬚C), Ni is the nisin concentration (IU per milliliter),
hand, for data set N18, this adaptation time was 27 days.
⬚Brix is the concentration of soluble solids, b0 . . . b14 are the
coefficients in this model, and ␧ is the error. Analysis of experi- An important comparison can be established between this
mental data was performed by the software Statistica 5.0. The experiment and data set N23 because the increase in tem-
given model was statistically validated through analysis of vari- perature from 37 to 54⬚C and soluble solids from 11 to 15
ance. Bias and accuracy factors were calculated as described by ⬚Brix caused a decrease in the microbial population level
Ross (27). after 27 days (experiment N18), contrary to results of ex-
periment N23, which saw an increase in population. A com-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION bination of adverse temperature (54⬚C) and 35 IU of nisin
Modeling growth through primary models. On the per ml, as in experiment N18, caused the largest population
basis of DMFIT program, and by using the log of the pop- decrease.
ulation per milliliter versus time as entry data in experi- The variation of soluble solids concentration from 11
ments where growth occurred, growth kinetic parameters to 15 ⬚Brix can only be inhibitory to microbial growth for
were calculated. Input parameters of the Baranyi and Rob- a certain time, but the increase of temperature from 37⬚C
erts model, such as m (curvature parameter characterizing to 54⬚C, together with nisin addition, may be provoking
the transition of the growth curve to the stationary phase) death of vegetative cells to some degree, resulting in re-
and n (curvature parameter after the lag phase), were se- duction of the microbial population. In the case of experi-
lected by iteration (between 1 and 10) until best data ad- ment N21, in the absence of nisin, a short adaptation time
justment. Figure 1 represents growth curves for experi- was observed. Its data was only adjusted by the Baranyi
ments related to axial and central points of the experimental model; the Gompertz model did not fit the data. Walls and
plan (Table 1). Axial points consider the extreme value of Chuyate (34) noted faster growth at pHs of 4.5 and 5.0 than
each factor, whereas other factors remain on a central level. at 3.5 at 35⬚C. On the other hand, the results of Pinhatti et
Experiment N17 was not represented because microbial al. (25) showed an optimum pH around 3.5 to 5.0 for the
growth was not observed. growth of these bacteria. This optimum range depends on

TABLE 2. Parameters of A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152 growth in concentrated orange juice calculated by the Baranyi and Roberts and
Gompertz modelsa
Adaptation time Growth rate Maximum population
Expt Model (days) ([log CFU/ml]/day) (log CFU/ml) R2 b

2 Observed 24 ⫾ 1.0
Gompertz 23.3 ⫾ 1.1 0.0735 ⫾ 0.018 2.73 ⫾ 0.012 0.92
Baranyi 23.7 ⫾ 0.7 0.1038 ⫾ 0.09 2.73 ⫾ 0.012 0.92
3 Observed 25 ⫾ 1.5
Gompertz 25.8 ⫾ 1.9 0.0225 ⫾ 0.009 2.70 ⫾ 0.088 0.76
Baranyi 29 ⫾ 1.8 0.0352 ⫾ 0.004 2.86 ⫾ 0.077 0.92
4 Observed 9 ⫾ 0.5
Gompertz 12.4 ⫾ 0.7 0.452 ⫾ 0.102 5.99 ⫾ 0.70 0.98
Baranyi 11.3 ⫾ 0.7 0.345 ⫾ 0.09 5.94 ⫾ 0.61 0.99
6 Observed 31 ⫾ 1.5
Gompertz 21.1 ⫾ 1.3 0.038 ⫾ 0.004 2.65 ⫾ 0.04 0.63
Baranyi 17.4 ⫾ 1.4 0.037 ⫾ 0.003 2.78 ⫾ 0.03 0.77
8 Observed 17 ⫾ 2.1
Gompertz 14 ⫾ 1.7 0.229 ⫾ 0.48 6.13 ⫾ 0.07 0.98
Baranyi 12.8 ⫾ 1.6 0.191 ⫾ 0.035 5.97 ⫾ 0.14 0.98
10 Observed 28 ⫾ 2.0
Gompertz 26.4 ⫾ 1.5 0.03 ⫾ 0.008 3.71 ⫾ 0.13 0.79
Baranyi 32.7 ⫾ 2.0 0.09 ⫾ 0.029 2.97 ⫾ 0.10 0.94
12 Observed 26 ⫾ 2.0
Gompertz 21.1 ⫾ 3.6 0.04 ⫾ 0.027 2.95 ⫾ 0.069 0.90
Baranyi 25.2 ⫾ 1.6 0.07 ⫾ 0.007 2.94 ⫾ 0.062 0.96
16 Observed 36 ⫾ 1.0
Gompertz 26.1 ⫾ 0.4 0.035 ⫾ 0.005 2.95 ⫾ 0.026 0.94
Baranyi 29.0 ⫾ 0.1 0.053 ⫾ 0.002 2.84 ⫾ 0.002 0.96
20 Observed 18 ⫾ 1.0
Gompertz 16.4 ⫾ 1.0 0.151 ⫾ 0.014 5.01 ⫾ 0.06 0.95
Baranyi 15.1 ⫾ 0.1 0.126 ⫾ 0.003 4.84 ⫾ 0.01 0.96
21 Observed 1 ⫾ 0.0
Gompertzc — — — —
Baranyi ⬍1 1.00 ⫾ 0.0128 6.99 ⫾ 0.12 0.97
23 Observed 27 ⫾ 1.0
Gompertz 25.4 ⫾ 0.8 0.158 ⫾ 0.058 3.40 ⫾ 0.30 0.98
Baranyi 27.4 ⫾ 1.86 0.180 ⫾ 0.133 3.40 ⫾ 0.01 0.98
25 Observed 16 ⫾ 1.5
Gompertz 14.5 ⫾ 1.7 0.07 ⫾ 0.069 3.56 ⫾ 0.08 0.95
Baranyi 16.2 ⫾ 1.2 0.16 ⫾ 0.075 3.58 ⫾ 0.04 0.96
a Data include only experiments where growth was evident. Values are expressed as mean ⫾ SD (n ⫽ 2).
b Determination coefficient.
c Model without fit.

both strain and growth medium. This study was conducted tion in growth curves for experiments performed at 45.5⬚C
with only one strain, A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152, recog- and 13 ⬚Brix.
nized as guaiacol producer (9), because not all strains are Data presented in Figure 2 indicate growth in four data
deteriorative. Therefore, these results are applied only to sets (N2, N4, N6, N8), at 45⬚C, which is considered to be
the conditions studied for deteriorative strains. Adaptation the optimum growth temperature (6). The influence of pH
time results for data sets N23 and N20 were 27.4 and 16 and nisin concentration can be noted. Furthermore, the ex-
days, respectively, and for experiment N25, it was 16.2 periments show a longer adaptation time (31 days for ex-
days. These values of adaptation time were calculated by periment N6) for the combination of lower pH (3.7) and
the Baranyi and Roberts model, which offers a better ad- higher nisin concentration (52.5 IU/ml). On the other side,
justment of experimental data in relation to the modified shorter adaptation time (11 days; data set N4) can be related
Gompertz model (Table 2). Some differences were ob- to a pH of 5.1 (higher value) and 17.5 IU/ml (low nisin
served in the final population detected for several experi- concentration), which is insufficient to inhibit growth.
ments, which results from the effect of the analyzed factors. Delves-Broughton (10) showed strong decrease of nisin ac-
Table 2 shows the standard deviation for estimated param- tivity during the storage at high pH and temperature values.
eters. Figure 2 shows the effect of pH and nisin concentra- The final maximum population was also influenced by this
1908 PEÑA AND DE MASSAGUER J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 8

FIGURE 2. Growth curves of A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152 in con-

centrated orange juice: 13 ⬚Brix and 45.5⬚C. ⫻, pH 5.1, nisin
concentration, 17.5 IU/ml; ⽧, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 52.5 FIGURE 3. Growth curves of A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152 in con-
IU/ml; 䢇, pH 3.7, nisin concentration, 17.5 IU/ml; ⫹, pH 3.7, centrated orange juice: 17 ⬚Brix and 45.5⬚C. ⽧, pH 3.7, nisin
nisin concentration, 52.5 IU/ml. concentration, 17.1 IU/ml; 䉱, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 17.1
IU/ml; 䢇, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 52.5 IU/ml; ⽧, pH 3.7,
nisin concentration, 52.5 IU/ml
factor, which was higher at pH of 5.1 than at pH 3.7. By
using these growth models, it is possible to estimate min- Baranyi) represent good adjustment to describe bacterial
imum time so that the microbial population reaches 104 growth curves.
CFU/ml, the level in which the presence of guaiacol can Data presented in Figure 3 show that only experiment
be detected (11, 24). Thus, for data sets (45.5⬚C, pH 5.1, N14 did not produce an increase of the initially inoculated
17.5 IU/ml, and 13% soluble solids), (45.5⬚C, pH 5.1, 52.5 microbial load. Therefore, by using the same optimal con-
IU/ml, and 13% soluble solids), (37⬚C, pH 5.8, 35 IU/ml, ditions of growth temperature, it was possible to block the
and 15% soluble solids), and (37⬚C, pH 4.4, 0 IU/ml, and postgerminative development and further duplication of the
15% soluble solids), 16.5 days, 23 days, 30 days, and 1 microorganisms, with a tendency for numbers to decrease
day would be sufficient to reach this level of bacterial pop- after 47 days of incubation. Komitopoulou et al. (17)
ulation in juices with an initial contamination of 102 CFU/ showed that when 50 IU of nisin per ml is used in single-
ml, which is commonly found in orange juice concentrate. strength orange juice, little growth occurred, with approx-
In the case of samples with 17% soluble solids incu- imately double the initially inoculated load (4 ⫻ 102 CFU/
bated at 45.5⬚C, adaptation time was longer than those sam- ml) at 5 days of incubation at 44⬚C. However, this bacteria
ples at 13% soluble solids—an indication of the effect of was inhibited by 52.5 IU/ml of nisin in juice, pH 3.7, and
reduced water activity (Fig. 3). For curves in Figure 3, the 17 ⬚Brix for up to 47 days of incubation at 45.5⬚C. This is
Baranyi and Roberts model was also better (R2 between a relevant result for orange juice transported in abusive
0.94 and 0.96) at describing the experimental data than the temperature conditions of up to 45.5⬚C.
modified Gompertz model was (R2 between 0.79 and 0.94), Comparison of data presented in Figures 2 and 3 in-
as confirmed by experimental and estimated data. The mod- dicates that at 17 ⬚Brix there was not a large increase in
ified Gompertz model does not have a lag phase parallel to final population, in contrast to the two experiments at 13
the abscise, and the equation does not present a linear in- ⬚Brix (experiments N4 and N8), showing influence of the
crement during the exponential phase (36). The Baranyi and studied factors. These experiments imply that longer ad-
Roberts model is a mechanistic model and assumes that the aptation time periods can be achieved than those verified
kinetics of a homogeneous bacterial population can be char- at 13 ⬚Brix. Sinigaglia et al. (30) showed stronger viability
acterized by extracellular, physicochemical, and environ- at high values of water activity. Considering a high value
mental conditions. All the extracellular physicochemical of soluble solid concentration (17 ⬚Brix), a long adaptation
quantities are considered to be independent of growth, and time was observed, even at temperature and pH adequate
they are represented in an environmental vector variable. for growth. Thus, experiment N12 showed a result of 25.2
The intracellular environment represents the physiological days of adaptation, yet for experiments N10 and N16, ad-
state of the bacterial population for critical substances dur- aptation time was up to 1 month.
ing growth (such as RNA or ATP). These characteristics In samples incubated at 28.5⬚C, there was only growth
may explain the advantages of this model over other sig- in experiments N3 (pH 5.1, nisin 17.5 IU/ml, and 13 ⬚Brix)
moid functions. and N11 (pH 5.1, nisin 17.5 IU/ml, and 17 ⬚Brix) (Fig. 4).
Baty and Delignette-Muller (3) showed that the Bar- Observed adaptation times were long, from up to 36 days
anyi model (2) adjusted better than the modified Gompertz for experiment N11 and up to 29 days for experiment N3.
model and the lag exponential models. Nevertheless, Gib- In other experiments where the same temperature was used,
son et al. (14) showed that both models (Gompertz and there was no increase in microbial numbers, and in one

TABLE 3. Experimental adaptation time of A. acidoterrestris

CRA 7152 used for adjustment to the quadratic model
Expt Adaptation time (days)

1 47
2 23.7
3 29
4 9
5 25
6 31
7 47
8 12.8
9 47
10 32.7
11 36
12 25.2
FIGURE 4. Curves and growth data of A. acidoterrestris CRA 13 47
7152 at different values of pH, ⬚Brix, and nisin concentration 14 47
incubated at 28.5⬚C. ⽧, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 17.5, 13 15 47
⬚Brix; 䡵, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 17.5, 17 ⬚Brix; ⫻, pH, 3.7, 16 29
nisin concentration, 17.5, 13 ⬚Brix; 䡵, pH 3.7, nisin concentra- 17 47
tion, 52.5, 13 ⬚Brix; ∗, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 52.5, 13 ⬚Brix; 18 27
䡬, pH 3.7, nisin concentration, 17.5, 17 ⬚Brix; #, pH 3.7, nisin 19 47
concentration, 52.5, 17 ⬚Brix; 䉭, pH 5.1, nisin concentration, 20 15.1
52.5, 17 ⬚Brix. 21 1
22 47
23 27.4
case, we observed a decrease (experiment N5). Thus, we 24 47
took into consideration 47 days of adaptation time for ex- 25 16.2
periments N1, N7, N9, N13, and N15, as well as 25 days 26 16.2
for experiment N5, which from that time on presented a 27 14.7
clear reduction of population. Several authors (11, 24, 35)
have indicated minimum growing temperatures of between
20 to 25⬚C for this microorganism. Nevertheless, different well as some of the interactions: temperature·pH, temper-
pH combinations, together with relatively low nisin levels ature·nisin, temperature·⬚Brix, pH-nisin, and nisin·⬚Brix.
and concentration of soluble solids, resulted in inhibition at Equation 6 presents the quadratic model achieved:
28.5⬚C for up to 47 days of incubation. ␭ ⫽ 15.70 ⫺ 6.34542T ⫹ 5.53635T 2 ⫺ 5.30458pH
In all data curves, a certain lag period could be ob-
served before growth or decrease of microbial population, ⫹ 4.04885pH 2 ⫹ 5.26292Ni ⫹ 2.28635Ni 2
indicating that there was a decrease in nisin activity during ⫹ 5.13792Brix ⫹ 5.58635Brix 2 ⫺ 3.06813T·pH
the storage period. This observation was more apparent at
high pH and temperature, demonstrating the bacteriostatic ⫹ 1.24213T·Ni ⫹ 1.60562T·Brix ⫹ 2.19438pH·Ni
activity of this preservative, which was also confirmed by ⫹ 1.51813Ni·Brix (6)
Komitopoulou et al. (17) and Yamazaki et al. (37).
Modeling of adaptation time through quadratic TABLE 4. Relevant regression coefficients of the polynomial
model. To model the response surface, we used data related model for A. acidoterrestris adaptation time
to adaptation time (Table 3) that were observed and esti- Variable Coefficient Probability
mated from the adjustment of growth data to primary mod-
els. In experiments where the microbial population did not Avg 15.7 0.001013
Temp ⫺6.34542 0.000775
increase during 47-day incubation time, this was considered
Temp2 5.53635 0.001145
to be the adaptation time. This assumption suggests that in pH ⫺5.30458 0.001109
those experiments, the adaptation time was at least 47 days, pH2 4.04885 0.002138
and that the adjusted model would be valid to predict up Nisin 5.26292 0.001126
to this period, although the real adaptation time is longer. Nisin2 2.28635 0.006658
Data related to adaptation time (days) as a function of Brix 5.13792 0.001182
pH, soluble solids, nisin concentration, and temperature Brix2 5.58635 0.001125
main effects and their interactions were adjusted by nonlin- Temp·pH ⫺3.06813 0.004943
ear regression to the model of equation 5. Table 4 indicates Temp·nisin 1.24213 0.029019
adjustment coefficients with a probability level of 0.05. It Temp·Brix 1.60562 0.017701
is evident that all variables studied were relevant (P ⬍ pH·nisin 2.19438 0.009595
Nisin·Brix 1.51813 0.019739
0.05), be it at the linear level be at the quadratic model, as
1910 PEÑA AND DE MASSAGUER J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 8

FIGURE 6. Observed versus predicted values of adaptation time

FIGURE 5. Pareto graph to evaluate the effect of parameters on of A. acidoterrestris.
adaptation time of A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152 in concentrated
orange juice.
by Splittstoesser et al. (32), who demonstrated inhibition of
Alicyclobacillus growth when soluble solid concentration
The Pareto graphic shown in Figure 5 presents stan- was over 18.5 ⬚Brix. They was also observed optimum
dardized effects of the different parameters from the model growth temperatures of approximately 37 to 45⬚C (shortest
(equation 6). The standardized effect was defined as the adaptation time), indicating the mesophilic trends of this
estimated coefficient divided by the standard error (bi/sei). strain. Cerny et al. (6) found similar behavior for the DSM
Any other effect that exceeded the vertical line (P ⫽ 0.05) 2498 strain in orange juice with good growth at 30, 35, and
was considered relevant. Thus, the following factors 45⬚C. In Figure 7b, the influence of nisin concentration is
showed significant effects (in decreasing order of impor- clear in relation to pH. Delves-Broughton (10) indicate that
tance): T, pH, ⬚Brix2, nisin, T2, ⬚Brix, pH2, T·pH, nisin2, at pH 3 to 4, nisin had higher antimicrobial activity, and
pH·nisin, T·⬚Brix, nisin·⬚Brix, T·nisin, and pH·⬚Brix. longer adaptation times can thus be achieved in this range.
The analysis of variance for the response variable in-
dicated that the model was significant (F ⫽ 4.25, R2 ⫽ Quadratic model verification. The model was verified
0.816). Bias and accuracy factors were 1.07 and 1.28, re- by conducting eight experiments under random combina-
spectively, thus showing a certain degree of deviation be- tion of temperature, pH, nisin concentration, and soluble
tween the prediction shown by the model and the experi- solids (Table 5). All the experiments verified that the model
mental values. This deviation was up to an average of 28% was valid. Bias factor (0.96) indicated safe predictions, and
(accuracy factor). Graham et al. (15) also used the quadratic accuracy factor (1.14) showed deviation of only 14%. Thus,
model to investigate the effect of temperature, pH, and so- the results of experiments 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 indicated that
dium chloride on lag time of nonproteolytic Clostridium the model prediction ‘‘fail-safe’’ and experiments 5 and 7
botulinum, obtaining an R2 value of 0.856. Delignette-Mull- suggested a slight overprediction by this model. These ex-
er et al. (8) reviewed 755 cases of prediction found in lit- periments (Table 5) show that the use of nisin in condition
erature, of which 468 used the polynomial model and 287 of temperature abuse can help to increase shelf life of or-
square root models. They concluded that mean errors were
high for polynomial models describing generation and ad-
aptation times, with mean errors at about 25% and a slight TABLE 5. Verification trials of response surface model for ad-
aptation time of A. acidoterrestris CRA 7152 in orange juice
tendency to the unsafe side. Figure 6 shows a graphic com-
parison between predicted values versus observed values. Predicted Observed
The predictive model did not well adjust the results of ex- Nisin Soluble adaptation adaptation
Trial Temp concn solids time time
periments where an adaptation time of 47 days was used. no. (⬚C) pH (IU/ml) (⬚Brix) (days)a (days)b
This adaptation time represented only the final incubation
time, without increase or decrease of the microbial popu- 1 35 4.0 10 13 23.7 26.1
lation. This fact may be responsible for deviation in the 2 35 4.5 10 13 17.0 19.0
relations between the dependent and independent variables; 3 35 4.0 50 13 25.8 26.0
or it may have caused a lack of adjustment of the model in 4 35 4.5 50 13 22.6 25.3
these conditions. 5 40 4.0 10 14 17.1 13.6
Figure 7 illustrates the adaptation time response sur- 6 40 4.5 10 14 9.1 11.8
7 40 4.0 50 14 22.5 19.6
faces. As was expected, the main impact was temperature.
8 40 4.5 50 14 18.1 19.1
It is clear from Figure 7a that longer adaptation time was
found in relation to high concentration of soluble solids as a Values predicted by response surface model.
well as low temperatures. A similar observation was made b Experimental values.

FIGURE 7. Response surface for adaptation time. (a) ⬚Brix versus temperature, pH 4.4, and nisin concentration of 35 IU/ml. (b) Nisin
concentration versus pH, 15 ⬚Brix, and 37⬚C.

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