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euceaedeled he COMPLETE TEST TWO SECTION 1 LISTENING ‘COMPREHENSION ‘Time—approximately 35 mince tanctucding the reading ofthe “divections for each part) tl seeton of he tet, you Wil NAVEEN epportnity to demonstats YOU ability to undeestand tn de sone and tals in Engl, THA 8 ra Selo foresch rene aur afte quesionson gta saat octmped byt teat. DO pa Ae rigor ek bos an NS eat oe gre you aol 10 0 #0 PartA ieserianse Ta Part Ayu ye beat shor! cnvereaions bexween tr pensie AER AGT conversation, Fl hear aquestion Ame dhe conversation. THE ns beans ne questions Will Abe eed. After you heat a question "et four possible newer 78 eat book ané choose the Repeal. Ten on your answer se the out Pear of he question and il che space b= best neha arate ana! YO AYE chosen. Listen to an exnssple- sample Answer onthe recording, you will heer: toe) That exes just awl (woman) uid have bean worse (What dow he wom ean? : tn your test book, you willsd: (2) ‘ine exam wat really aw (A) ts he worst exam shebadene eS {By J ould have Been more ificst {B) Te wasn tat ae “tga oarn From the conversation thatthe man thought de exam was very die and that the Ye disagreed ith the man. The best 97 re question, “What oes the Wome mean?" is wore esas nard” Therefore the corrett Boke is). spearmint eaheyeternes toon ea commereresr Two AUS 1olo,o lo] @ is unusual for this 1.) they were in the mgulae doom. 19, (a) WY The key was misplaced - @ (O) He taking a different eins, (D) He has the key to the classroom, © 2. (A) She wall lend itto the can, (B) Sic never lent the book to Tin, tL ta) XC) Tien wants tp torzow the book, (@ Tim has the book w) 3. BH Paying bill © €B) ‘Talking « the landlocd (C} Turning the lights off oo {D) Looking foran apartment. 4. (A). She has no time to go to ctass 1 a) {B) They are already late for lass, 1G) Its too early to go to cluee o (D) She has to be on time for class, © (2) 5. (A). Heis resuming his daties one more time. BD. (8) Heisassuming the elnss is difficult, @ (C) The class ts terrible all the time, fe ©) The class takes lot of time, %) 6. (A). She needs & new coat, + 4B). ‘She Utkes the patr in the dorm rooms. 6) %@ ‘She has the same opinion as the man o {D) Sheleft hercoat in thedorm root (0) 7. WA Heneeds to complete the math 5. assignment fit. = (B) Hell be ready in s couple of hours. © (©) He is going to history claee naw, ) (0) He was ready s few minutes ape. 16. (a 8. (A) She sorry she maved them, @) (B) She really Knows where they are, = (©) They havent been moved, oO D Somenne else mered therm. 9. A) A solution isnot apparent, m @ (@) The problemean be fixed. 2 (C) There is really a pair of problems. © (D) The problem is aitfevit to solve, ©) Ct Ofajoaj The professor gives quizzes regularly, ‘The woman is really quite prepared rofessoeto give quizzes, 2e doesn‘ think theresa class today She could not comprehend the chemistry lecture She has met had time wlook a the Segond 5 11 was possiblesic er to domplete the problem, et She could wot understand thy problem Hie doese’t know how Al away the exhibits ‘ He's uncertain about the for. The exhibit is not very Far away He's sue the exhibit ion fone ‘Not taking itat all Taking It along with chemistry. ‘Taking it later ‘Taking It inscond of ehkemitey. An ssteonomer Aphysician, A philosopier. ‘An engineer, Nothing could surprise hee ‘Tho gift really astonished her She couldn't have gotten more gifts: ‘She was expecting the gift, ‘She's wearing ahew dress, She's ready to study for hours. She's exhausted. She has studied about the war for ‘hours, He really cll He's the best, Heb got good head on his shoulders, He alwaye uses his head. crore: | ais TE SL ELE tn. ea). Mets abandy aed co the profesz05 ds (ay We docart rave ime to pag te Bs 00 pont che aignmicnt Bh he bs weroe’t pal on ime 2) There eno asslgnoest for tore or coures, be patd the ils on, 1 (C) He's not sure what the (professor will SO) Ge ull poy ie il for thes OE alk about ge) The professor discussed the ae. (AY He thinksthe leerre was Fea snignment only betel interesting (ges not sure Ifthe dens are 49, (a) He wenttai ‘workable. {b)_ He knew abst (5) Fi understood noting about Se (avy Ve did't kao about lecture. 10) Hegavcit. wo eer pace what che woman would [ike ta know. 40, (a) Ws berate lock the rooms, 8) “The cloak was delivered on Sree 27. feb He massed an opportunlty O) Ftom suck tbe crockery a) {By Hie was late for his tip. ‘broke it fC) He saul take the rest Baa @) Tisnow midday. 1) tela sane his applicaHO- Le Gay Tha she woul ke TR, 2B, (A) He agrees with what she sai $B that she would gto the bens (a ae thinks she didest say anythin {eh oa realy kod the bese (3) He couldevt hear what she #4 CO) Tha he wou take break rom er fp He did ene what she ald saudi 2p. (a) ‘That Joba would pick thems 6? forthe 22, (a). They were disappointed. ‘concert {B) They didnt get any eit. (p) Toate coment woul sare oA te hey were unexcile $B That Soho wood nat be zing 'h* (By They were really pleased: ‘concert ; (Dp That shey worl be late t0 she concert. 2 tay Ste believes shecan suoceed: Bp She's decided to pull ut oft, so. (He esloyed dete immemtee {G) She wants to put ofthe speech fr pb The boat erp was really rue, while Mic couldat Rave enjoyed the iP (py she thinks une speech i too lone more. (pp ‘The water was nk ey rough 24. GO She'd like © offer the man.& chotarsbi (‘The acenents were revsened ta her neath alee sop Sho neds to sign the documents: 4D) She works ia the ‘scholarship office. conmereTesTIwo AUT {eres beara aston, ead che four possible anevere ia your toa book and cheose the best onrerpons ans aaransier shel, Fad the muaboref the gcscon poate oe space thar ‘soresponds tothe letter af the answer you have chore Remember you are not allowed ig take notes or write in your teat book, 34, A Two students 35. (A) Fromia friend! (1) “two professors, @} From the newspaper. (G) Two soctologists (©) From diseussion (D) Two lecturers. (©) From the utility company. 3 (A) She warts his oplaicn ofsociologisis, 34, (a) Ina fardeser, (B) She wants to hear him lecture (8) Close by. (1 She wants to know about a course he (©) Avahe uttity companys headeuarters, took. (B) The man hae ni taen (D) "She wants to meet Professor Patterson 37. (A) It choaper in the short run, (8) The uttlity company wont need any 33. (A) Acourse where the professor lectures, ‘extra money (B) Acourse where the students jase © Theplants far aveay, listen and take notes @) It enlsis in large quantities, (C) A course with Professor Paterson, (@) Acourse were the students take part 38, (> Shes concomed itll be 190 costly. In discussion, {B) She thinks the prise is too low. 4C) She thinks the plant is totally 34. (A). She thinks tM be boring unnecessary, {B) She doesn’ want to tak () Sheth (ey te sounds good to her good idea (D} She'd preter a course with more student parsleipation.. Paces een erat ioe 408 COMPLETE TesT TWO ‘ettcnae pon i faa cn 1oloalololojojoj Part c ‘Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some ‘questions. The tals and questions will not be repented. ‘After you hear a question, you will read the four posefble anewore in your tart hasl and choowe the. best answer, Then, on youiransuver sheet, find the number of the question and fil in the space that ‘correepotulé to the leer of the answer you have-choscn. Here is an example, On the recording, you will hear: (narrator) Listen to an instructor salto his class about painting, (iuiam) Arist Grane Wood was a guiding force in de schoo of painting known as American ‘reginmalist «syle reflecting the distinctive characteristic of art from rural areas of the United States. Wood began drawing animals on uke fail fares atthe age of three, fn when he was thirty-eight one of hs paintings received a remarkable amount of public notice and ecclaiet. This painting. called "American Gothic, isa starkly simple depiction ofa serious couple staring directly out atthe viewer. Now listen 10 0 sample question. Sample Answer (narrator) Whar style of painting ts known ar American rigionalist? g In your test books you will read: (A) Art from America's inner cites: § (B) Art from the central region of the United Seates (C) Art from various urban areas in the United States. (D) Art from rural sections af America, ‘The best answer wo the question, “What style of painting fs known as American cagionalist™ ls (D), “Amt from rural sections of Ametica* Therefore, the correct choice ke (D} Now llsten to another sample question. Sample Answer (narmtor) Weer ithe nome of Wood’ most suscessfl pabnting? g In your test book,you will read: (8). “American Regional Gy “The Pemlly Pern Kowa.” (©) “American Gothic. (D) “ASerious Couple” eo. ‘The bea! answer to the question, “What is the name of Wood's ruost successful painting?” is (C). "American Gathic.” Therefore, the cornet ehales is (C), Remcmbet you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test Bool iecianatiican lt) ‘Hit reap omnes score saws as ‘Sonirsurpowiesy Pace basen ee 410 1910101010, 04 3800) 40. 4 a, 43, a, 4s, The Employmes: Ofc maxager (5) “The university ropistcan (The bookstore manager (D) A student working in the bookstore. Prepare schedule, Decide which workers to hire, Plan student course schedules. ‘Thain office workers, ‘What the students‘ majors ave, When the students are able to work ‘Why the students uramt to wock, Tn-which obs the studonts have esperlence, @ (@ e D) w oo © o) wy a © oe @ @) (cr @ i @ © ©) Cashiee Shelf stocker Business office worker Phone operator Soft, warm clothin Problems in landfills, How fleete Is obtained. Reeyeling soda bouties, ‘Thay were left in landill areas. ‘They were reused, ‘They were recycled. ‘They were refilled. 1A) Dye, §) Warm, sof clothing. {Q) Computerchips (D) Glass bottles, 46, 7, 48. 50. a @ oy w @) o @) © o a @ ey a“ oO (D} ‘Buying plastic hotles, Solving the problems in landfills, Buying these reeyeled products ‘Becoming sware of the environment, ‘The Central Pacific Group. ‘The Timascontinental R Company, ‘A group from Ogden, Utah, ‘Two separate railroad companies, icoad ‘They had to lay tracks across a mountain rany ‘They had to.cross all of Nebraska, ‘They had to work for another rallzond company. Thay had to move westward to ‘Sacramento, California, Soueral days Several weeks, Several months. Several years, Dynamite was used to blast out ‘Agolden spike was hammered into the Inst track ‘The workers labored dangerously and ‘exhouseingty. The workers traversed the Slesra Nevadas, ary This Is the end of Section 1, ‘Stop work on Section 1, Tum off the recording, QGOMOOO Read the directions far: DoNOT read of of the test COMPLETE Test Two Section 2 and begin work. Work on any other section ‘during the next 25 minutes. Qe2reQZePeVPePeVe?D SECTION 2 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION ‘Time—25 minutes (including the reading of the directions) ‘Now set your clock for 25 minutes. “This atetign f destgned to measure your ability torecognize language that standard written Englisl There are fo types of questions in this section, ech ype ipropriote far ith special directions for Structure Dikections: These questions are incomplete sentences, Bencath each sentence you will see four words ‘SF pETaFEE- marked (A), B), (C), and (D}. Choos the on ward or phrase that best completes the Semence, Then, on your answer sheet, Find the numberof the question and Bilin the space that, corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Look at te Following examples Example 1 Semple Answer ‘The president the election by a landslide. 3 (a) won (8) hewoi 8 (0) yesterday, (B) fortunately “The sentence should read, "The president won the election by a landslide.” Therefare, you should ‘choose answer (A). * Hxamplent Sample answer ven theo g ( thdoxr ated 8 (B) did thedoctor auend (©) the dactor-will attend (D) the doctors attendance ‘Fhesentence should read, "When did the doctor attend the conference?" Therefore, youshould choose answer {B). “ac ou An ed aa supe pin TERE cpthigone oorey leon d= ‘pein peraed by Penn Edson COMPLETE TEST TWO 202 020202020200 ++ The hard palate ___ between the mouth © Before the Statue of Liberty arrived in the and nasal passages, United States, newspapers invited the (9) forming poetics since abet Scere where . {)_sparetion reme a 2° MOF forms a partition 1A) should the statue (D) aform and apardtion (B) the statue being (©) it should be the statue (Sam Spade in The Matese Falcon and Rich @®) the state should be Blaine in: Casabianea of Humphrey = ‘Doyart’s wiore famous roles, T) A stock, at an inflated price is eslled ~ 4A) they are ture, ‘sare tee, (0) eof them are (A) sesund {C)_two of them, issued are two () inistsouga (D) which issued the outermost layer of skin, is about ay thick us sheet of paper over most of 5. AcldfeInva flows readily and tends to cover the ski. ‘much langer arens, while basic lava 48) eis the epidermis 1A) viscous ‘The epidermis (B) more viscous (C) Inthe epiderrais (@) is more viscous (D) The epidermis is () itis more-viscous (> During the Pre \brion period. the Karihls 9, Selsmis reflection profiling has the crust Formed, and Nie im the aces srscan floor is underlain By a thin layer of aetrly transparent sediments, ‘iret appeared! : ‘ (B) the first to appear (A) reveal that (©) the iret appearance (@) revealed thet ©) appearing base (©) thorevelation of ‘ (0) revealed abeut S) When fue necumulates against the = cardkum,s second moreinsidious ype of. £1, —__ and ‘orifying, coral sakes ecn sane ~* grew ta 4 feet (E,2 meters) in lengihe WP otitis media may develop (A) They are extrcinely poisonous {B)_ developing ots media B) The poison ie extreme XC) the development of otitis mela W@ Exremely poisonous () to develop ovtis media (©) Anextreme amount of poison 412 COMPLETE Test Two. 202020202020202 SS The leaves of the.white mulberry provide food for skorts, — silk fabrics are wown, (A) whose cocoons B) fromeocoons (©) whose cocoons are from 8B. trom whose cocoons ‘As —__in Greek and Roman mythology. dharpies were Qighiful monsters teat were half oman apd half bled. WF ctesculbed 0B) todeseribe (2). description (D) describing Not only. generate ener but i alzo Produces fuel for ollierBssion teactors (A) a nuclear breeder reactor G5) ena nuclear breeder eenctor @® doesa nuclear breeder reactor (Dy is a nuclear brusder renctor 14.. DAW Griffith nlonesred many of the stylistic features and filmmaking teehniques ——as the Hallywood (A) that established @ that became established (€) what established (D) what became established 15. —__ bemteded, the water basin would ced tobe dammed. (A) Hydroelectric power should B) When hydroelectric pawer {C) Hydroelsctrie power @Y Should hydroelectric power ao COMMETE TEST TWO 413 ca 202 e202 e203 0207 Written Expression ‘Pigetlons: thoes aaeston, cach sntcnce:nas fur underlined words, jor phrases, The four underlined parts of he eatence ste mashed (8) (BF Gch es ¢D), Identify the one underlined word Seatngats that smst be changed in order forthe sentence totes oe ‘Then, on your answer sheet, find the numberof the qucstion an ill inthe space the Forresponds to the Letter of the answer you have chosen, ‘Look at the following examples, Trample 1 Sample Answer xing on . Zo Ths four sing ln re tened 2 | - in fifths, ® Srecentenee should read, “The four strings on a vllin are toned in fifths Therefore, you should Example It Sample Answer The research for the book Roots taking ‘lex Haley alve years, ® oe ‘The sentens should read, “The research ford you should choose answer (C), book Roots took Alen Haley «welve yeats.* Therefore, Ye recto 414 COMPLETE Test Two ‘iat pti by hance ose ee QeQe2e2e2e2e202 15. Mosquitoes will secepts the x arin parasite at aly one stage of the pacasite’s B i a complex life cycle => 2tecgen es 17, The counterpart ef s negative electrons is dhe positive proton, gee Se i ie 1B, Alexander Hamilton's adwocacy of a strong national government brought he into 7 5 bitter gonélict with Thomas Jefferson, 19, ‘There gre more than eighty-four million specimens in the National Museum of B Natural History’ eolleesian of biological, geological, archeolagicsl, and ont hitePalojeel © anthropology tressuses sxdopolony gene 20. Alter Geurge Washington marvied widow Martha Custis, the couple comes ta reside Ke a st Mount Vernon, it ely be classified figuring edlge at this stage in their ae e o. 21. Rubberized asphalt ean Heater development tases it patterns of shyness similer to that in humans. ‘al = Rhesus monkeys leon. 23. In space, with po gravity for muscles to wark against, the body becomes weak! pa we oh be ly. 4 yeothed (Bt) Fort Jefferson, in the Bry Tortugas off the southern tip of Florida, canbe peach (PE) Ft taferon rap off pot ord can be each only by bost or plane. 3 25. acter horses were developed in eighteenth-century Virginia to race on Setcoes Ok = courses short of about a quarter of « mle in length. eee eel 26. Supersonic flight is light that Is faster the speed of sound, ae re , Focuoneservie 9 COMPLETE TEST TWO AIS 27 Slows the dawn of sericulure 9,000 years ago only awn of er 2. domesticated (28) ‘The Detataken Howes Ruins a Navajo National Monument is among the largest and = a a 30. Wis gcommon observation that liquids wil soak through some materials but not iy =a through other, «if 27S | “neh ober sling is 31, Surrounded ‘rst mows pes a the own of Tri, omer Seargunded by Hepes ape ormer ‘geld mining town 7,500 feot above sea level sa level 32. The newsreels of Hearst Metronome News, which formed part of every moviegoers h before tek fie of the events of the ‘experiencein thera before television, of er git unique record of the events oft an 19305, 4 thader 1 Beal the nom ofa sown. te romoniras whee ceo ep ae bese known ™ oT the meat-eating camosaurs € Uy spon boon. ti taleane do i AERCIY em sp0r balloons, hot sr balloans donot have ney 7 7 mae et ee "5. Besntn Massachusetts in 1852, Albert Farbanks fag agua S2a}sng banjos a Boston - ee in the late 1870s, aT aan \36) Methane tn wetlands ame f oats a oe 416 COMPLETE Test THO 202020202 020202 4 4 greene on Alois Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that tea observes ofthe alla y hears his name, See Seyoree ered (342) Edward McDowell remembers as the composer of such perennial favorites as “Yo a a a ee eo ‘Wild Rose" and "Toa Water Lily 99." aanteniam isthe belief that objects and natural phenomena suchas rivers, wks, and obve. wind are live and have Bo = 40) Newiontan physics acc the observation of the orbits of the planets and Steele Thisiis the end of Section 2. : you finish before 25 minutes has ended, ‘heck your work on Section 2 only. At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 2. Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3. COMPLETE TEST TWO AIT 418 343430303 03a303 SECTION 3 READING COMPREHENSION ‘Time—55 minutes (including the reading of the elirections) Now set your clock for $5 minutes Blssctlon: tn this sestion you will rend several Passages. Each onciis followed by a number of questions about it, You are ta choose he see on nt (A. (2), (C), 91 (D), teach question, Then, iron of the reeset find the number ofthe guration meaat Re Space that corresponds to the Tester of tre answer you have chosen, Answer all questions sbou' the information ia a Passage on the basis of what is statedor tmpligd In thar passage, Read the following passage: ht of Amerteans iabe free ftom Europeatt and Aslan domination Example 1 Sample Answer "Dl lo OvneyAtns Sc en g 1A). Improving his pessonal life © (B) Serving the public oO (©) Increasing his fortune (D) Working on his private business shone © che massgs, John Quincy Adams “dedicated hie ie to pubile service." Therefore, you should choose answer (B) Example Ir Sample Answer Inline 4, Cheword “unnerving” i closes in meaning a g (A) scaveabie 4B) insignificant ® (C) unchanging {D) diplomatic Tan0 en tt ry perinen 518 ge roe teen COMPLETE TEST TWO ‘penton pnd Fein Baa fe SA SASASAS AD WS AS ‘Questions 1-10 Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North American matural wonders, has long been a Popular tourist destination. Tourists today flock to see the two falls that actus ly constitute Niagara Falls: the 173.foot-high Horseshoe Falls on the Canadion sida of the Niagara River in the Canadian, Line province of Oniarie and th 182-foot-high American Falls on the U.S. side of the riverin the state of (5) New York. Approximately 85 percent af the water that goes over the falls actually pors ower Horseshoe Falls, with the rest going over Arierican Falls. Moat visitors come between April and October, and itis quite « popular activity to takea steamer out onto the river and right up to the base of the falls for a close-up view. iis also possible to ‘pet a spectacular view of the fas from the strategic loestions olong the Niagara River, such a9 (10} Prospect Point ar Table Rock. or froen one of the four abcervation towers which have hights up ta 500 feet. ‘Tourlsis hove beam visiting Mlagara Falls in large numbers since the 1800s; annua! vistioian ‘now averages above 10 million vistors per year. Because of concern that all these tourists would inadvertently destroy the navural beauty of this scenic voncler, the state of New York in 1885 creates (15) Niagara Falls Park in order to protect the land surrounding American Falls, A year later Canada created Queen Victoria Park on the Camadi ‘area surrounding the falls under the jurisdiction of taken to preserve the pristine beauty of the azea. 1. What the major point that the author is making in Unis passage? (A). Riagara Falls can be viewed from either the American side oF the Canadian side, (B) wip to the United States isn't ‘complete without a visit toNtegare Falls (©) Niagara Falls hos had an fntereating history, (D) thas been necessary to protect Niagara Falls from the many ‘tourists who go there. 2. The word “fleck in line 2 could best be replaced by A ree rn ‘come in large nus ; {©} come out ef boredom {B) come without knowing what they wil set side of the Niagara, around Horseshoe Falls, With the government agencies, propriate steps could be 3. According to the passage, which of the Following best describes Niagara Falls? * (A). Niogata Falls consists of two rivers, ‘one Canadian and the other ‘American. (B) American Fells s considerably higher than Horseshoe Falls (©) The Nisyars River has to falls, one ‘in Canada and one in the United States. (D)_ Although the Niagara River flows: through the United States and Canada, the fale are only inthe United States, 4. A “steamer” in line 8 ls probably (a) abus (B) aboat (©) awalkway (D) a park EE COMPETE TEST TWO 419 10 4 Theexpresson "ight up" ie line 8 coule _ best be repinceid by (4) tum to the right B) follow correct procedures {C) travel upstreana CB) all dhe way op ‘The passage nalies that tourists prefer to (A) visit Niagara Falls during warmer a heer {B) seo the falls from a great distance {C) take ride over the tells (2) come to Niagara Falle For a winter vacation, 7 According ta the passage, why was Niogara Park created? (A) To eocourgs tourists to visk Niagara Falls (B) Toshow off the natural beauty of Niagara Falls (©) Toprotest the arca around Niagar Ful (©) 1. faves Canada toopen Quera Victoria Park ye SOMPLETE TEST Two) 30. The paragraph followi 34343 0303094343 8 The word "juriadicion” in ine £7 i elesest inmeaning to (A) view (B) assistance (©) taxation (©) control 4. The word “pristine inline 18 closest in Meaning to 4A) pare and natural {B) highly developed! (C) well-regutared (D) overnsed the passage most probably discusses (2) teldltional ways to observe the falls (B) stops take by government agencies to protect the Falls (C) adetaited description oF the division of the falls between the United ‘States and Canada (P) buetbes probleme that arc destroying the area around the falls 6) 10) us) (20) 3AZ3A3A3A43A343A3 Questions 1-19 Whar ts commonly called pepper in reality comes from two very diferent fanll pe rat ofthe Paper nigrum, a wine wth fru Miseleand wl popper both coms fram called peppercorns. The peppercerns tean from green to ed as they pen sn finally blacken aa they dey {ine out. The dried-out peppeséomns are ground to-ebsain black pepper. White pepper, which bas. tore subtle favor than black pepper, comes from the same pepperearss ns black pepper 1 obtain white epper the outer bull of the peppercorn, ke povlearp. fs removed betore the peppercomm te grotind Redland green peppers, on the ather hand, come from a completely different fay from black and white pepper: Red and green peppers are from the genus Chpsicum. Plants of this type generally ‘have tiny white flowers and fruit which can he any one ofa numberof ealors, shagea, and sises, These peppers range in flavor from very mild aad sweet to the most increibly burning este imagineble Bell peppers are the most mild, while habaneros are the most burning. Christopher Columbus is responsible forthe present-day confusion over what a pepper is. The per nigra varity of pepper was highly valued for centuries an high demand for pepper by Europeans was a major cause of the fiteent-century push to locate aecan routes 19 he spice, rowdng regions of Asia, When Columbus arived in the New World In 1492, he wes particularly terested in finding black pepper because ofthe high price that it would command fn Burope ‘Columbus came-eroes plants from the Capsicum family ia use among the people of the New World, and he incorrecly Identified them os relstver ef black pepper Ccluiabas sntroduiced the spicy CCapsictom chili peppers te Europeans on his return from the 1482 voyage, and tracers late sprese thors to Asia and Africa. These Capsicum peppers have continued te be called peppers in spite of the fart that they a not related to the black and white popper ofthe Piper nigrunt family LL, The purpose ef this passage Is to (A) explain why there is confuslon today ‘over peppers (3) provide the scientific classification of ‘various types of poppers : (€) demonctrate that it was Columbus ‘who brought peppers to Burope (D) classify the variety of sizes, shapes, ‘and colors of peppers 12, The werd “turn in ling 3 could best be rephawed by (a) revert (B) exchange (©) wer «D) change 13. According to the passage, both black and white peppers (A) come from diffezesit plants {B) change colors after they are ground (©) ate ground from dried out peppercorns (B) have the sami favor 414, What partof the Piper nigreim is the pericarp? (A) The seed inside the fruit (B) The outer covering of the fruit (C)_ The pulp inside the vine (D) The outer covering of the vine ‘What usually does NOT wary in a Capsicum plant? (A) ‘The color of the flower (By The size ofthe fruit (C) The shape of the fruit (D} Thesolor of the fru ‘The word “push in line 14 could best be replaced by A) above 4B) scrength (©) ative &D) hic COMPLETE TEST TWO 421 cor 17. ‘The pronoun “thern® in line 18 refers to se (A) plants (5). people (C) relatives _ (D} Europeans 48. Tt can be nerve from the passage that Chill peppers sriginally canoe boan (0. aaope {B) Asin (©) America () Alien ‘COMPLETE Test Two 419. Where in the passage does the author ‘explain the mistake that Columbus made? ()" Lines 7-8 {B) Line 12 () Lines 15-36 (D) Lines 1-18 bine is) 0 (sy 3 A343 4343434343 ‘Questions 20-31 Just two months after the flight of Apolfo 40, the Apollo 1/ astronauts vasde thelr hstosis landing on the surface of the Moon. This momentous trip for humanity also provided scientiats with. fn abundance of material for study: from rack and soll samples brought back from the Moon, scientists have been able to determine much about the composition of the Moon as well as io draw Inferences about the development of the Moon from fs composition, ‘The Moon soll that cameback on Apollo 11 contains small bits of rock and glass which were probably ground from larger rocks when metcors impacted with the surface of the Moon, The bite of lass are spherical in shape and constitute appeoximately half of the Mon sol, Stentiotfotind no trace of animal or plant fein this soil. In acdition to the Moon soll, astronauts gathered two baste types of rocks from the surface of the Moon: basalt and breveia. Basalt {8a cooled and hardened volcanic lava common ta the Earth, ‘Since basalt is formed under extremely high temperatures, the presence of this type of ruck isan indication that the temperature of th Moon was ance extremely hot. Breccia, the other kind of rock brought back by the astronauts, was formed during the impact of falling objecis om the surface of the Moon. This weeond type of rock consiots of small pieces of rosk compressed together by the fore of impact Gases such as hydrogen and helium were found in some of the rocks, and scientists believe that these gases were carried to the Moan by the solar wind, the streams of gases that are canstantly ‘emitted by the Sun. ’ 20. The parngraph preceding the ynasage most 24, The svord “spherical” ta line is closest In Tikely discusses meaning to (A astronaut training (A) earthen (B)_ the inceptien of the Apollo space (B) circular rogram (C) sogular (OV different space trip (B) amorphous (D) previous Moon fanclings 25, Which of the following was NOT brought 21, What isthe subject ofthis passage? ‘back to the Earth Ly the astronauts? {A} The Apotio astronauts (A) Basalt . (BY Soll an the Moon (3) Sott (©) What the Maan is made of (OQ) Breceis (B) Bosal and breceis (D}. Plant hfe 22. An “abundance” in line 3 1s 26. An"indlcation* fnline 13 ks (A) a dlsorderly pile (A) aa eabibisien 4B) a wealthy bunch (B) ache (G) aninsignificant proportion (©) adenist (B) alargeamount (D) dictate 23. According tothe passage, what des Moon oilconls oP (4) Hydrogen and helfum {B) Large chuaks of voleanie lava {C) Tiny piotes of stones and glass (D)_Strearne of gases - COMPLETE TesT TWO 423 ory 343434343 492343 27. According to the passage, breccia was Formed (AY when objects stnick the hoon (BY from volcantc lava (©) when streams of putes hit the surface ‘of the Moan (D) froma the interaction of helium ay hydrogen 24, Wtisimplied in the passage that scientists ~belleve that the gases found in the Moow ecks 1A} were not originally From the Moon (2) Were created hnside the racks (©) \raveled from the Moon to the Sun (®) caused the Moon's temperstare to rise 29 The word “emitted” inline 18 is closest in roeaning to (A) set off (BY vaporized (©) sent out @) separated: COMPLETE TEST TWO 30. 3. ‘The author's purpossiin this passage to (A). describe rome rock and sil samples ®) explain some of the things lenrwe 1m space Fights (0) propose a new theory about the stration of the Moon (0) demonstrate the difference between and breee team be inferred from the passage that (A) the gnly items of importance that Bstronauts brought baek from the Moon were cock and soil samples (B) sclenist learned relaivetyinte fen the Moon rock and soil, samples (C) scientists do not believe that it ie =mectSsary to return to the Moa (D} rock and oll senpler worcernh come of a myriad of significant items: from the Migou Line (3) (10) as (20) PABABASAGABZAZAS Questions 32-40 ‘Today, the most universally known siple of trousees for both men and omen { jeans; these trousers are worn throughout the world on a rarity of occasiont and in diverse sltuatfons, Also called {evis or denims, jeans have an interesting history, one that i inessnined with the derivations ofthe ‘words feans, denions, and levis, The word jeans is derived from the name of the place where similar style of pants developed, Inthe sixtéenth century sallors from Genoa, tay, wore a rather unique type of cotton trewsers tothe Trench lagunge, the word for the elty of Genoa and forthe people fom that ity is Genes thie home became attached to the specie style of pants worn by the sailors fom this ely and developed ints ‘the word jenns that today describes the descendents of the Genovese sailorg vation pants, Similar to the word jaa, the woed denim is also derived from a place name. Th the seventeenth century, French tailors began making trousers out ofa specialised typeof cloth that was developed in the city of Nimes, France, and was known as serge de Nimes. This name for the cloth underwent some transformations, and it eventually developed into todays denim, the material from which jeans are madeind an alternate name for hese popular pants, The word leis came from the name ofa person rather than & place. In the nineteenth century, Immigrant Levi Strauss cane to America and tried his hand at selling heavy canvss to minets te ar Inthe bun| for geld in northern California. Strauss intended for ths eanvas tobe used by miners to make heavy-duty tents. This first cndouror wan » allure, but Strauss later lautal success When he used the heavy canvas to make ladestructible pants for the miners, Levi then switched the fabric om. brawn canvas to blue denim, creating. style of paats that long euilived him and today i referved byhis name, A modern-day urbon shopper out to buy some levis is searching for s close relate a the ‘Product that Strauss had developed years earliew 22. This passage is developed by 35, The word “descendent inline Scould bent be reploced by (A). sitingan effect and its causes 4) explaining history with vee specific (A) ttspring pas (B) beter 6) demonsating the sides ofan inue (6) antecedents (selec amon ©) certeont ce i vee 316. The word denim was most probably 33, Theword “onigue nfine6 is elses in steed from seen two French words (A) universt (©) two Kalin words (8) solitary (©) one French word and one Halian (©) tmuseat word (©) commonplace (0) three French words 24. Alf he fllowing ase mentioned inthe 37, The prenbun “tin ine 19 refers wo panenge eben Gotu EXCEPT Dat (ay cy (A) ws the source of the word aan (B) name @ finaly (6) elotn (0) asa oiferent ain in the Frenek (0) atrial . language (D) isalandiocked city cx) COMPLETE TEST TWO 425 3434343A3AF1343 3 The Word “switched” in line 19isclosestin 40, Where in the passsige does the author ‘meaning to ‘explain how Strauss’ first attempt at ay value ‘erating busines with canvas tumed @) created (©) poundea (A) Lines 12-14 (D) changed (2) Lines 15-17 () Lines 18-49 39. It can be inferred from the pessage that, in (D) Lines 21-23 order to develap the pants For whitch he became famous, Stas did wich of the ‘following? (A) He studied tstoring in Nimes. wei (2) Housed an exsting type of materia (C)_ Heexperimented with brown denon, (P) He tested the pants for destructabilliy. 46 COMPLETE Test Two. Questions 41-59 as pee bends ofthe rleonds, when Arete ail cou Teal aie bt tatsportation,vavious types cp see pebe Htthe varied tanks handled hy anes soot OT type of iy fepetor w the Civil War howecee sleeping oai (5) but these ideas were unwarkesiony ‘unfortunately toy car awiable reality Torkel on developing experimental merge oF sleeping cars in UaHPSwEs 1 Spits ofthe fat thai be hoa nse ‘successful test (70) with his models, he was urabie fell is fdoa because his my sisting train stat 863, after spending time Colorado min; he vings of twrenty thottea (a3) (20) z ut down station (25) ai lowed. G, ‘unded the Pullman 49. Htesn be infeed from the passage that + before the Civil Was sleeping sare (A) Aswevtess slroads ved to provide A) were used sbundandly much of the cou ys, (B) were thought to be 8 good idea transpertatios (©) were only used privately (B) President Lincoln’ assassination in (Dy ‘were used by presidents 1863 shocked the ration. (©) George Pullman was the only one to. 44, The word “test” in line 9 could best ba: caine uP withthe iden Fora sleeping enlace! by which ofthe following? cx (0) Pullesan' idea fora sleeping cor ay Bess became workable alter incolnts eal, () Scientific 8A esa 1 emoat pata 4S. What vas the stil problem hat made a time: fi hanes Pullman’ cars unusable? (8) a period with low prices (©) a period of reat anecess Ge) TY were loo tage, ©) saane B) T cy were too expensive, (©) Theywerstoosre (D) They were toe sera Ea COMPLETE TEST TWO 427 343430343 AF e303 48. What js stated in Uie passage about George 49, Tecan be inferred from the passage that the Fuliinsng Michigan Centeal Ralroad (A) He once hod a jab in a store (A) was ovraed by Goore Pullinsn (B}_ Te always lived in Chicago, (B} controled the allroad tracks betureen (C) He worked in a mine, Detroit and Chicago (D) He saved maney for his project (©) was the only railroad company to accommodate wide cars 47. The word "site ie Hine 14 closest in 6D). waa the sole manufacturer of the seaning to whieh of the folowing? Pioneer (A Feaay: 50. This pascage would most litely be assigned a sage wl meat ily be aig (oy tation {in which ofthe following eourves? (D) Foundation (A) Engineering (3) Political sclence 48. Why did the siate of illinois want to use ) Finance the Pullman in Lincelss funeral trains ©) History (A). Iewas superior to other cars (B) was the only ratlwoad ent that could ‘make t from Springfield Chicago. (©) Ulysses 5, Grant requested it 4) The Patina Palace Car Company ‘wasa major Illinois business. This is the end of Section 3. COOK OQOe Hyou finish in legs than 55 minutes, ‘check your wark on Section 3 only. Bo NOT read or work on any othor section of the tect. ‘When you finish the test, you may do the following: * Turn to the Diagnostic Charis on pages 551-558, and sircle the numbers of the questions-that you midsed. * Turn to Scoring Information on pages 549-550, anid determine your TORVL score, * Turn to the Progress Chart on page 859, and add your score to the chart,

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