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New Learning, new realization from which you can create a new vision or perspective about

the issue

Plagiarism is a disturbing issue among academic societies across the world. In the old days it was

called copying. Today, it is known as plagiarism. More and more students in the higher education

levels are resorting to plagiarism to complete assignments, tasks and research papers. In fact,

many websites are established to accommodate this need. Research papers are made available for

free or at a price online. Despite students having ample warnings, both written and verbal, the

rates of plagiarism has increased rather than decreased.

It is a breach of academic integrity. It is a principle of intellectual honesty that all members of the

academic community should acknowledge their debt to the owners of the ideas, words, and data

which form the basis of their work. Passing of another’s work as your own is not only poor

scholarship. But also means that you have failed to complete the learning process. It is also

unethical and can have serious consequences for a person’s career.

3.b. New mission- how would you achieved/ carry out your plans. What active response am I to

make? My actions educative for me, and for others? Did I change the situation and the way people


There are many reasons to avoid plagiarism. People come to university to learn, know, and speak

their mind, not merely to reproduce the opinions of others- at least not without attribution. It may

seem difficult to develop their own views, and they will probably find themselves paraphrasing

the writing of others as they attempt to understand their arguments. However, it is important that

students learn to develop their own voice. They are necessarily expected to become an original

thinker, but they are expected to be an independent one.

School should enhance the skills of every students starting at a young age. Another cause of

plagiarism is the lack of time management. Students of this generation wanted to do other stuff

that is not related to school, but time is limited because of school works. Schools can decrease the

number of units that students are allowed to take in order for them to have more time to focus in

their studies as well as their extra-curricular activities.

3.c. What are moral principles that could be promoted in carrying out your plans?

1. Utilitarianism

Right and wrong can be determined by a cost-benefit analysis. An action will then be said

to be “right” as long as it satisfactory causes good consequences compared to alternative actions,

and it will be “wrong” if it doesn’t. To make the right moral decision for a utilitarian means to

make a decision that is most likely going to actually be right based on the available information.

Stealing other people’s possessions including ideas is usually wrong because it makes people

unhappy for not having credit to their own hard work.

3.d Recommendation

Although we know that this issue is nearly impossible to bring to an end, we will still attempt to

advice every individual and every student to avoid committing plagiarism. Performing such act

may lead to undesirable consequences. For every student, it could seriously endanger your

academics for the reason that there is some possibility that you can get caught by someone

somehow by your professor doing plagiarism and it may lead to your expulsion from your

academic institution. It could also affect your career in the future because most of the companies
will check your academic record and if they found out that you got expelled because of cheating

they almost certainly will falter to hire you. As a matter of fact, the chance that ou will graduate

will be diminished since it would be difficult to find other schools that will accept you becayse of

your record. Cheating is terrible in every aspect of being. If ypu got used to cheating now strive

your best to discontinue it because it really affects your life especially your future. Choose to live

with integrity and always remember that honesty is the best policy. Prefer to fail with honor than

win by cheating.

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