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Grid of the

Are We Ready to Transition
to a Smart Grid?

change driven by a number of needs. There’s the need for environmental compliance and en-
ergy conservation. We need better grid reliability while dealing with an aging infrastructure.
And we need improved operational efficiencies and customer service. The changes that are
happening are particularly significant for the electricity distribution grid, where “blind” and
manual operations, along with the electromechanical components, will need to be transformed
into a “smart grid.” This transformation will be necessary to meet environmental targets, to
accommodate a greater emphasis on demand response (DR), and to support plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEVs) as well as distributed generation and storage capabilities.
It is safe to say that these needs and changes present the power industry with the biggest
challenge it has ever faced. On one hand, the transition to a smart grid has to be evolutionary
to keep the lights on; on the other hand, the issues surrounding the smart grid are significant
enough to demand major changes in power systems operating philosophy.

Business and Regulatory Drivers for the Smart Grid

With emerging requirements for renewable portfolio standards (RPS), limits on greenhouse
gases (GHG), and DR and energy conservation measures, environmental issues have moved
to the forefront of the utility business. The RPS mechanism generally places an obligation on
electricity supply companies to provide a minimum percentage of their electricity from ap-
proved renewable energy sources. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as
of August 2008, 32 states plus the District of Columbia had established RPS targets. Together,
these states account for almost half of the electricity sales in the United States. The RPS
targets currently range from a low of 2% to a high of 25% of electricity generation, with Cali-
fornia leading the pact that requires 20% of the energy supply come from renewable resources
by 2010 and 33% by 2020. According to a Congressional Research Service report, RPS non-
compliance penalties imposed by states range from $10 to $55 per megawatt-hour.

by Ali Ipakchi and Farrokh Albuyeh

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2008.931384

52 IEEE power & energy magazine 1540-7977/09/$25.00©2009 IEEE march/april 2009

Regional initiatives to cap greenhouse
gases are also being formalized in the
West, and in the Northeast, carbon dioxide
cap-and-trade capability has been rolled out.
Compliance with these environmental poli-
cies will require significant changes in utility
operations and considerably greater degrees
of information management and control.
Many state regulatory commissions have
initiated proceedings or adopted policies
for the implementation of advanced meter-
ing infrastructures (AMI) to enable DR. In
its ruling on October 17, 2008, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
established a policy aimed at eliminating
barriers to the participation of DR in the
organized power markets (independent ser-
vice operators (ISOs) and regional transmis-
sion organizations (RTOs)) by ensuring the
comparable treatment of resources. In this
ruling, FERC states: “Demand response
can provide competitive pressure to reduce
wholesale power prices; increases awareness
of energy usage; provides for more efficient
operation of markets; mitigates market pow-
er; enhances reliability; and in combination
with certain new technologies, can support
the use of renewable energy resources, dis-
tributed generation, and advanced metering.
Thus, enabling demand-side resources, as
well as supply-side resources, improves the
economic operation of electric power mar-
kets by aligning prices more closely with the
value customers place on electric power.”
Among other things, the order directs RTOs
and ISOs to accept bids from DR resources
for energy and ancillary services, eliminate
penalties for taking less energy than sched-
uled, and permit aggregators to bid DR on
behalf of retail customers.
The reliable supply of electric power
is a critical element of our economy. The
new operating strategies for environmental
compliance, when combined with our aging
transmission and distribution infrastructure,
challenge the security, reliability, and quali-
ty of the electric power supply. When imple-
mented throughout the system, intermittent
energy resources, such as wind, will greatly
stress transmission grid operation. The dis-
tribution grid will be stressed with the in-
troduction and, perhaps, rapid adaptation of
on-site solar generation as well as PHEVs

and plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Plug-

in vehicles could significantly increase the

march/april 2009 IEEE power & energy magazine 53

circuit loading if the charging times and schedules are not film solar panels, are poised to drastically reduce the cost of
properly managed and controlled. Grid management issues solar power plants to less than $1 per watt.
would be exacerbated further if the car batteries were used Solar power plants can be built where they are most need-
as generation resources to provide energy and ancillary ser- ed in the grid because siting PV arrays is usually much easier
vices into the grid. Major upgrades to the distribution system than siting a conventional power plant. Furthermore, unlike
infrastructure may be required to address bidirectional flow conventional power plants, modular PV plants can be ex-
patterns and increased loading. But the existing power de- panded incrementally as demand increases. It is anticipated
livery infrastructure has significant room for improvement that municipal solar power plants with few megawatt capac-
through automation and information management, condition ity built close to load centers will become common during
monitoring, and asset management, especially on the distri- the next decade.
bution system. However, these intermittent renewable resources pose
many challenges for the grid and grid operators:
Challenges with Large Penetration ✔ Transmission system issues: Good sites for wind or
of Intermittent Resources large-scale solar plants (greater than 100 MW) may
Wind has been the fastest growing segment of the renew- be located in areas distant from any existing trans-
able industry. Solar generation is lagging behind, but new mission lines or areas with limited available trans-
advances in technology show great promise for solar genera- mission capacity. These capacity limits are the most
tion, which could catch up to and even overtake wind gen- fundamental constraint facing wind power project
eration. New wind or solar power generation facilities can be developers, since it can take many years to plan and
installed, interconnected, and commissioned in a relatively build new transmission infrastructure. Planning for
short time frame, provided that the grid can handle the new transmission expansion to support increasing levels of
capacity. The economics of these resources are fast improv- wind generation in dispersed areas is essential to the
ing, reaching a close parity with fossil generation. Figure 1 growth of the wind sector.
shows a comparison of capital costs for new generation us- Planning and system stability studies are needed
ing various technologies. to determine seasonal requirements for “up regula-
Over the past two decades, wind technology has improved tion” and “down regulation” (seconds) and ramping
significantly with turbines as large as 6 MW and costs below (minutes) capacities. It should be pointed out that sig-
$2 million per megawatt of installed capacity; large wind nificantly higher levels of regulation and ramping ca-
farms with several hundred megawatt capacities are being pacity might not be readily available in regions with
deployed over several months. a thermal and nuclear generation base. Long-term re-
Within the next few years, new solar photovoltaic (PV) source adequacy issues also need to be addressed.
manufacturing facilities in many regions of the country ✔ Distribution system issues: The increasing penetration
promise to add enough capacity to produce thousands of of residential and municipal solar generation imposes
megawatts of solar cells and modules per year. New tech- challenges on the existing distribution infrastructure
nologies, such as depositing solar modules onto a flexible and the system operator. New flow patterns may re-
plastic substrate or using solar “inks” (e.g., copper indium quire changes to the protection and control strate-
gallium selenide) and a “printing” process to produce thin gies, enhanced distribution automation and microgrid

Fuel Environmental
Capital Cost of New Generation (Normalized for 1 MW) Cost Benefit
Nuclear Capacity Factor ~90% Yes No
Anticipated Cost Reduction
Solar (PV) Capacity Factor 20–30% No Yes

Solar (CSP) Capacity Factor 20–30% No Yes

Wind Capacity Factor 30–40% No Yes

Geothermal Capacity Factor ~80% No Yes
Natural Gas/CC Capacity Factor ~90% Yes No
Coal Capacity Factor ~90% Yes No

$0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000

Capital Cost US$K

figure 1. New generation cost comparison.

54 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2009

capabilities, voltage and var management, and overall of new wind generation capacity. The large penetra-
enforcement of distribution grid infrastructure. tion of wind generation may also lead to overgen-
✔ Interconnection standards: The interconnection eration conditions.
standards may have to be further unified and broad- Accurate hourly and subhourly wind and solar generation
ened to address greater levels of power factor control forecasting is needed to allow for other unit commitment
and low-voltage ride through (LVRT) needed to miti- and ancillary service provision as well as the scheduling and
gate any transient stability issues. dispatch of the required hourly ramping and load following.
✔ Operational issues: The intermittent nature of the Regional scheduling practices for intermittent resources
wind and solar generation poses certain operational need to be further enhanced to address banking and shaping
challenges for the transmission grid, including ad- in addition to energy balancing needs.
ditional ramping and regulation requirements and Energy storage, DR, distributed resource management,
impacts on system stability. For example, due to the and the dispatch of wind and solar resources could partially
steepness of the wind turbine power curve (as shown alleviate some of these challenges.
in Figure 2), a wind farm creates significant ramp-
ing needs as wind speed changes, with the wind Impact of Plug-in Hybrid Electric
farm typically operating at either low output or high Vehicles on the Distribution Grid
output at any given time. At high wind speeds, the PHEVs show great promise; they have the potential to curb
turbine controls cut off the power generation to pre- emissions and reduce the cost of transportation. Although
vent damage to the blades and the turbine-generator wide-scale adoption of plug-in vehicles is still a few years
assembly due to overspeed and possible tensional away, politicians, electric utilities, and auto companies are
oscillation. This power cutoff poses additional eagerly awaiting the opportunities that may arise from re-
operational challenges due to a very steep reduction duced emissions and gasoline consumption, new services
in generation levels. and increased revenues, and new markets that would create
✔ Forecasting and scheduling: The RPS targets in new jobs. This is particularly true for electric utility com-
many regions of the United States make wind and panies, which could see substantial revenue growth through
solar generation a must-take resource, thus elimi- the electrification of the transportation market segment. For
nating any incentives for the wind or solar farm op- consumers, plug-in vehicles will significantly lower opera-
erator to provide balancing energy or install storage tional costs when compared with traditional gasoline cars
capacity. The limited dispatchability and intermit- or today’s gasoline-electric hybrids. The savings are poten-
tent nature of wind and solar generation require grid tially huge, as electricity costs per mile work out to about
operators to supply the additional ancillary services one-quarter to one-third the cost of gasoline, depending on
(e.g., spinning reserves and regulation) needed to the region and price of gasoline.
maintain reliability and operational requirements. A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) study
For example, according to the California Indepen- states that the existing generation, transmission, and distribution
dent System Operator (CAISO), an additional 350 system in the United States, if optimally utilized at all hours of
MW of regulation and 800 MW of ramping capaci- the day, could provide enough power for plug-in vehicles to
ty will be needed to support the planned 9,000 MW replace up to 73% of the nation’s cars, vans, SUVs, or so-called

Typical Output of Wind Turbine Versus Wind Speed

Typical Operation
Power Output (%)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Wind Speed (m/s)

figure 2. Wind turbine power curve.

march/april 2009 IEEE power & energy magazine 55

Time (Hours) for Full Charge
Battery Single-Phase Three-Phase
Range on Mile/kWh
Type Batteries Energy Level I Level II Level II Level III
(Miles) kWh
120V/15 A 120V/30 A 208V/32 A 208V/80 A
1.4 kW 3.3 kW 6.6 kW 16 kW

Sedan 40 16 5 8 3

Compact 150 35 4–5 22 8 4

Roadster 220 53 5–7 33 12 6 3

figure 3. Plug-in vehicle charging time.

“light-duty fleet.” What’s more, switching from gas-only vehi- capacity from 16 kWh to 53 kWh. As can be seen, a full
cles to mostly plug-in vehicles could reduce the importation of charge within a reasonable time—say, less than 3 to 4 hours—
oil by up to 52%, according to the PNNL. will require plugs with 6.6kW or 16 kW capacities.
“Proper or optimal” use of the power grid, however, may Figure 4 illustrates a typical household load with a plug-
not be as simple as it sounds. Plug-in vehicles will represent in vehicle charging load of 1.4 kW in the evening. During
a significant new load on the existing primary and secondary its charging time, the plug-in vehicle more than doubles the
distribution networks, with many of these circuits not having average household load. Fast chargers, at 6.6 kW or higher,
any spare capacity and no monitoring and automation capa- will significantly alter the load pattern of the consumer.
bility. The additional charging load will typically be behind
either an existing secondary distribution transformer in a Will We Face Distribution
residential neighborhood or a circuit/transformer connected Circuit Congestion?
to a distribution feeder. A charge for 30–40 miles of driving The load of a customer or a group of customers on the distribu-
will require 7–10 kWh of power, since most plug-in vehicles tion system constantly changes. Often, planners size and con-
require 0.2–0.3 kWh of charging power for a mile of driving. figure distribution equipment based on statistical load surveys
This will add significant load to the distribution network as and historical load profiles, while taking the load diversity
the penetration level of PEVs increase. into consideration. Data—such as average, maximum, and
Figure 3 provides a summary of some of the PHEV mod- diversified demand; maximum noncoincidental demand; load
els that have been recently announced. They range in battery factor; and diversity factor—are used to design and configure

Average Residential Load (Southern California)


2.5 Shoulder
kW Load



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

figure 4. Typical residential home load profile in Southern California with superimposed PHEV charging load.

56 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2009

distribution circuits. Most distribution systems in the United of all distribution circuits within the United States are in the
States were designed decades ago based on the loading anal- 15-kV class voltage level; the primary voltages are 12.47, 13.2,
ysis performed at the time. Major changes in load levels and or 13.8 kV. The sizing of such circuits varies greatly; however,
load patterns may require upgrades to the transformers and under typical operating conditions, 4–6 MVA is representa-
other equipment or changes to the switching configuration tive of the peak loads on most 15-kV class feeders. These
shifting loads between transformers. Furthermore, loading circuits typically have a main three-phase feeder with various
of a distribution feeder is inherently unbalanced because of three-phase and single-phase lateral branches. Also typically,
the large number of unequal single-phase and double-phase the larger commercial or industrial loads are served from the
loads that must be served. Unbalanced conditions, resulting main feeder and metered at the primary voltage. For most
from an increasing number of plug-in vehicles, could result other customers, the primary voltage is stepped down with
in degradation of power quality, increased harmonics and distribution transformers to the “secondary” or low-voltage
voltage problems, and increasing line losses, and they also level, 480Y/277 volts or 208Y/120 volts for the three-phase
could potentially damage utility and customer equipment. In voltages serving most commercial buildings and 240/120
addition, significant changes in load patterns can impact line volts for single-phase service, which serves most residential
voltages, especially over long feeders. customers. Typical pole mount or overhead transformers are
On a typical distribution circuit, shown in Figure 5, most sized at 25 or 50 kVA for single-phase applications serving
residential and commercial customers are served from radial several single-family residences. Three-phase transformers
feeders and secondary distribution networks. More than 80% are standardized at 75, 150, 300, or higher kVA levels.

138 kV


21 MVA

Voltage Regulator
12.47 kV

Primary Feeder
400-A Peak
600-A Emergency Residential Circuit – Secondary Voltage
Feeder Rating Single-Phase Residential Lateral – 1.5 MVA
120 A fuse 25 kVA 50 kVA
12.47 kV/ 220 V
Single-Phase Residential
Secondary Distribution
Distribution Congestion
6–9 p.m.
Three-Phase Residential Three-Phase Residential Lateral – 1.5 MVA
50 kVA
12.47 kV/208Y/120
Commercial Customer – Primary Feeder Voltage
Distribution Congestion 8–11 a.m
Single-Phase Residential Three-Phase Commercial Lateral – 2 MVA

1 MVA 1.5 MVA

5 MVA 12.47 kV/4160/480 V 12.47 kV/4160/2.4 kV
12.47 kV

Open Tie
Figures Courtesy of Google

figure 5. A typical radial distribution feeder—potential circuit congestion conditions.

march/april 2009 IEEE power & energy magazine 57

Several PHEVs or PEVs plugged into a secondary circuit, relief (TLR), may emerge. But most likely, these issues will
or a larger number of cars in a parking garage connected to a be addressed through DR and distributed resource manage-
lateral feeder, could cause a localized overload on the distribu- ment strategies. In addition, mandating the use of time-of-use
tion circuit and transformers. Many distribution circuits have meters, coupled with improved rates and tariffs that would
been operating close to their operating limits, and the additional provide additional granularity and accurately reflect the cost
load may push them above their emergency operating limits. of distribution system congestions at the point of sale, would
For example, a 25-kVA or 50-kVA secondary transformer on encourage natural demand-side control and would promote
a single-phase lateral may not be able to sustain the charging proper scheduling of plug-in vehicle charging.
loads of several plug-in vehicles while it’s subjected to varia-
tions in demand due to normal customer activities. Further- Demand Response: Moving from a
more, the potential unbalanced conditions created by such loads Load-Following to Load-Shaping Strategy
could cause problems on main feeders and other laterals. Load management has been around since the early 1980s.
Shopping malls, big-box stores, and office buildings Direct load control, peak shaving, peak shifting, and various
are considering offering fast charging capability to their voluntary load management programs have been implemented
customers and employees. This will result in significantly by many utilities with varying degrees of success. Now, with
higher loading on the facility’s transformer. Figure 6 shows the push for energy conservation and demand-side manage-
the additional loading caused by charging plug-in vehicle ment as a key strategy for environmental compliance, DR is
batteries as a function of the number of cars. taking on new realities. In addition to traditional load man-
Such distribution circuit overload scenarios are conceptually agement, the advanced metering infrastructures (AMIs) be-
similar to the congestion conditions on the transmission system ing deployed by many utilities around the country will enable
due to excessive flows on a given transmission line. Changes the implementation of targeted dynamic tariffs, management
in power flows on a distribution circuit have similar effects as of demand-side energy resources, and integration of retail de-
changes in interchange flows on the transmission system. mand-side capabilities with wholesale energy markets. Many
Managing distribution system overloads may be akin to expect that dynamic and market-based rates will become the
the congestion management in the transmission system that default retail tariff in many regions with AMI capability.
was addressed in the wake of opening the transmission sys- Initiatives, such as NIST/Gridwise Architecture Coun-
tem as a result of electric industry deregulation in the mid- cil efforts to define Home-to-Grid (H2G), Building-to-Grid
1990s. This resulted in the need for transmission reservation (B2G), and Industry-to-Grid (I2G) interoperability require-
and scheduling (the open access same-time information sys- ments, as well as International Electrotechnical Commis-
tem (OASIS), interchange distribution calculator (IDC), and sion (IEC) standards for home area networks (HANs), will
E-tagging) and the use of locational pricing to manage con- enable the integration of demand-side resources with distri-
gestion. Perhaps similar concepts need to be considered for bution and, in the aggregated form, with transmission op-
distribution capacity reservation and/or the use of locational erations. The end-use devices, such as intelligent appliances
retail pricing to manage the loading of the distribution facili- and smart chargers, will have visibility of possible distribu-
ties. Other concepts developed on the transmission system, tion grid conditions (congestion) and dynamic prices, and
e.g., firm and curtailable schedules, may also need to be ex- they will be able to make local decisions to control their
trapolated to the distribution system, or concepts like distribu- consumption. The system operator will be able to moni-
tion loading relief (DLR), in contrast to transmission loading tor and, either directly or through price signals, manage
demand. The grid will be ready
to move from the traditional load-
Charging MWh/h Needed following operating strategy to a
load-shaping strategy, in which
Level I—Single Phase demand-side resources are man-
MWh / hr (Logarithmic Scale)

Level III—Three Phase aged to meet the available genera-

tion and the grid’s power delivery
capabilities at any time.
FERC Order 719 directs ISOs
and RTOs to remove some of the
Number of PHEVs
1 barriers to demand-side participa-
100 250 1,000 5,000 tion in the ancillary service mar-
kets. Yet, the information infra-
structure needed to make this a
0.1 reality is lacking. Furthermore, the
existing rate structures and market
figure 6. Charging load of electric vehicles. tariffs will need to be modified to

58 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2009

enable DR to reach its promised poten- the PJM Interconnection market. The
MWh of Storage
tial. Some ISOs and RTOs are taking project successfully connected a plug-
the approach of treating DR simply in vehicle with 19-kW V2G capability
as negative generation and imposing to PJM’s Automatic Generation Control
the existing tariffs and technology re- (AGC) signal and demonstrated the bat-

MWh (Logarithmic Scale)

quirements on DR resources. tery’s ability to closely follow the regula-
100 tion control signal for regulation-up and
Can Plug-in Vehicles regulation-down requests. Frequency
Help in Load Shaping? regulation, when compared with other
Plug-in vehicles and other distributed re- market products, provides the highest
sources will offer capabilities that can be 10 market value at about $30 to $45/MW
used for shaping the distribution system per hour; spinning reserve provides
load. As illustrated in Figure 7, car batter- the second-highest value at $10/MW
ies, when treated in an aggregated fash- per hour. The primary revenue in both
ion, represent a considerable level of dis- of these ancillary service markets is for
tributed storage capability. Furthermore 1 capacity rather than energy.
100 250 1,000 5,000
PHEV and PEV batteries are designed Number of PHEVs It should be pointed out, however,
for fast discharge to provide for rapid car that the design of many of the early
acceleration and other driving conditions figure 7. Distributed storage capacity PHEVs and PEVs allows only for a
that need a burst of power. Thus, parked of a fleet of plug-in vehicles. one-way flow of charge, and exces-
PHEVs and PEVs with Vehicle-to-Grid sive cycling of a plug-in car battery
(V2G) capability in a given area can alleviate localized distribu- may drastically shorten the life of the battery.
tion system overload problems. Moreover, if a group of parked
cars with V2G capability are aggregated, they can provide The Critical Role of Information
ramping and regulation in support of the power grid. Ancillary and Automation Technologies
services markets, on the other hand, are well-suited for batteries A broad-based implementation of the smart grid will impact
since spin and nonspin reserve markets require quick response many of the existing utility operational and information sys-
times with low total energy demand. A recent demonstration tems, as shown in Figure 8. In addition to advanced metering
project has successfully shown V2G capabilities supplying an- and utilitywide communications infrastructure enabling DR
cillary services, including real-time frequency regulation, in and distributed resource management, the smart grid

ade . arke
y Gr n er M
Utilit ted Ge Pow HR
t rib u
D is PV tions
Opera Trading
DG tem
Wind Sys Scheduling Finance
statio Ops Data
Sub ation Settlements
n m Warehouse
tio Auto Forecasting ning Billing and
Dist sets EMS m Plan
ys t e Acctng
Xfrm Doc Mgmt
Cap Automation DMS System
DSM Data
Switch SCADA Planning Warehouse
Microwave ERP
Real-Time Work Mgmt


Frontend Corp

RF Asset Mgmt

Mesh MDM and


DG PV Fiber AMI n g inee ance
Frontend rvice Main

er S

. an
d tom

Acq l Cus

t a

a o
l D Contr

PHEV Wifi/Wimax
e Bac ms

-M il o m
Last ms C


ers Com


ers and s

tom way
Cus G te

figure 8. A view of the utility information systems impacted by smart-grid strategies.

march/april 2009 IEEE power & energy magazine 59

Breaker EMS
Power Factor

1 Solar PV

0.8 Regulator
Capacitor Demand Response
0.7 Controller
1/1 4/10 7/19 10/27
Controller Meter

Data Communications

PHEV, Storage
Integration Middleware


Electrical Network
Billing and Scheduling
Forecasting Information Network
Acct’ing Dispatch

figure 9. Systems required to support the high penetration of distributed resources.

impacts many of the operational and enterprise information automation, operations planning, scheduling and dispatch,
systems, including supervisory control and data acquisi- market operations, and billing and settlements.
tion (SCADA), feeder and substation automation, customer
service systems, planning, engineering and field opera- Challenges with the Implementation
tions, grid operations, scheduling, and power marketing. of a Smart-Grid Information
The smart grid also impacts corporate enterprise systems Technology System
for asset management, billing and accounting, and business Currently, most utility companies have limited interoper-
management. ability across the different systems for operations and busi-
Many expect that by between 2012 and 2014, there will ness management. In most cases, the information in each
be a significant number of plug-in vehicles and utility-grade organizational “silo” is not easily accessible to applications
solar generation on the distribution grid. As discussed earlier, and users in other functional units. A smart-grid strategy
this could result in system overloads, voltage/var deviations, requires information integration across these currently au-
and excessive phase imbalances. To mitigate these issues tonomous systems and business activities. It is important to
and to maintain system reliability, coordinated voltage and provide a single, consistent view of information throughout
var control, automated switching and relay coordination, and the organization, making enterprise data accessible secure-
extensive monitoring will be required. In addition, a combi- ly and in a timely fashion to users across the enterprise.
nation of distributed intelligence and centralized analysis For most utilities operating in a regulated business
and control, congestion management strategies, and market- environment, the implementation of an integrated smart-
based dynamic pricing will be needed. As illustrated in grid capabi l it y poses many challenges. Nonconven-
Figure 9, many information technology (IT) systems will be tional or large capital projects usually require significant
impacted, including those for distribution management and lead times, as illustrated in Figu r e 10. Eve n though

Planning and Regulatory Detailed Development Integration Rollout and

Business Case Approval Specification and Deployment and Testing Change Mgmt

6 Months 4–8 Months 4–6 Months 3–6 Months 12–36 Months 4–8 Months 6–12 Months

figure 10. A broad-based timeline for smart-grid IT implementation.

60 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2009

the project timeline can be shortened by conducting ac- erational systems and business processes. As such, an
tivities in parallel, there are other complicating factors. implementation plan endorsed by all stakeholders will
Some of the challenges associated with smart-grid proj- be required.
ects include: ✔ A rollout with minimum impact on existing opera-
✔ Not having a clearly defined end state: The driv- tions: The reliable supply of electric power cannot be
ing forces for the smart grid are a function of many disrupted, and incremental additions should not have
external factors, including the economy, oil prices, any negative impact on the existing and unaffected
and political and regulatory mandates. As a result, the operations.
requirements and the timing of the end state are not ✔ The required data interfaces with external and third-
established well enough to allow the development of party systems: The smart grid requires interfaces with
detailed technical and business specifications. external users and systems, including smart devices,
✔ The incremental and evolving nature of the appli- customers, service providers, and energy markets. Cy-
cations: Many of the changing requirements are bersecurity and integration issues need to be addressed.
incremental with respect to the existing capabilities. ✔ A lack of standards and established business practices:
“Forklift” replacement of the existing systems to add Many of the smart-grid applications are new, with
these incremental capabilities might not be an eco- limited technical standards and no established indus-
nomical and operationally acceptable option. try business practices.
✔ The many legacy business functions and systems they ✔ The high cost of implementation: The business cases
touch: Smart-grid functions touch many existing op- for smart-grid initiatives should be made based on

W Gr
rty Mar
eb id
d Pa
-B Pl

s Thir tems
as at
Mas Sys
ed for
Geo l are
Sm m

p a tia dlew
S id
s on M
Map rati sN
nteg App
-B ase
Web App

App HR
Scheduling Finance
statio Ops Data
Sub ation Settlements
tion u t o m Warehouse
ribu A Forecasting Billing and Acctng
Dist sets EMS

Xfrm Automation DMS System Doc Mgmt


DSM Data


Switch SCADA Warehouse

RF Real-Time CIS Work Mgmt
Frontend Asset Mgmt
Mesh MDM




Wifi/Wimax Bac ms
-Mile Com


nd Comm


er s
Met ways

r s
e Gate


figure 11. Using the cloud for smart-grid applications.

march/april 2009 IEEE power & energy magazine 61

operational and societal benefits. The regulatory for network design, distributed generation interconnections,
framework for rate-based smart-grid projects needs to and operations. Even though these standards provide some
be further strengthened. framework, they are not fully adopted and supported across
the industry.
Meeting the Smart-Grid
Information Technology Challenge: Concluding Remarks
Leveraging the Cloud The traditional model—large remote power stations with
One of the emerging and, perhaps, game-changing devel- central dispatch, long transmission lines, and a distribu-
opments in the IT industry has been the use of the Web tion system primarily designed to deliver power from
(the cloud) as the computing and information management transmission substations to load centers with established
platform. This will allow the integration of data and capa- load profiles—may be evolving into a new approach. This
bilities from multiple, diverse sources to deliver powerful new approach will accommodate greater levels of demand-
composite applications over the Web. These applications side management; generation and storage resources on
are hosted in data centers that offer extensible computing the distribution system; generation closer to the loads;
capabilities to provide the scalability and security needed perhaps greater flexibility for islanding and micro-grids;
for many of the emerging new applications—without a and considerably higher levels of intermittent generation,
major impact on the legacy systems behind the utility en- especially on the transmission system. These changes not
terprise fi rewall. This will also minimize the need for ad- only may require changes to the power system capacity and
ditional internal IT resources. capabilities, but they also will have a significant impact on
Using this model, new smart-grid applications can be the IT needed to monitor and control the reliable operation
easily implemented to augment the existing utility capabili- of the power system in a most economical fashion. The IT
ties. The model also provides the flexibility needed to add impact is particularly significant for the distribution grid,
new capabilities as the requirements arise. Figure 11 pro- where, traditionally, very limited sensors, automation, and
vides a conceptual illustration of this model, in which the information are available. These IT capabilities are the key
Web is used as a platform for the incremental addition of to the smart grid.
new smart-grid applications and their integration with utility
legacy systems and external systems and users. For Further Reading
A cloud-based smart-grid strategy can address many of EPA. Renewable portfolio standards fact sheet (2008, Aug.)
the challenges stated above. [Online]. Available:
✔ It provides a cost-effective approach for an incremen- renewable_fs.html
tal or phased rollout of functionality as needs arise, FERC Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced
without the need for forklift replacement of the legacy Metering 2007 Staff Report (2007, Sept.) [Online]. Available:
systems. demand-
✔ It provides the capability for securely integrating the response.pdf
new capabilities with existing internal and external D. Hawkins (2008, July). CAISO’s plans for integration
systems, and connecting those to users and customers. of renewable resources [Online]. Available: http://www.
✔ It provides a framework for the easy integration of Presentations/ Hawkins%20-%20
third-party and partner capabilities. CAISO%20Renewables%20presentation.pdf
✔ It allows the new capabilities to be implemented in S. Siefman and D. Kelter (2008, Aug.). Plug-in hybrid
parallel with the existing operations and systems, while electric vehicle basics [Online]. Available: http://www.eei.
minimizing the impact on the ongoing operations. org/meetings/nonav_2008-08-10-cb/kelter.pdf
✔ It leverages the software as a service (SaaS) model, M. Kintner-Meyer, K. Schneider, and R. Pratt (2007,
minimizing capital outlays and project implementa- Nov.). Impacts assessment of plug-in hybrid vehicles on
tion time. electric utilities and regional U.S. power grids [Online].
Web services, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and Available:
event-driven architecture (EDA) are integral elements of feasibility_analysis_combined.pdf
cloud computing. They provide a wealth of proven capabili- W. H. Kersting, Distribution System Modeling and
ties for systems integration. Efforts are under way to define Analysis, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2007.
standardized services for the power application integration,
e.g., IEC 61970 for energy management systems and the Biographies
common information model (CIM). Other standards also Ali Ipakchi is vice president of smart grid and renew-
exist, such as IEC TC57’s IEC 61850 for substation auto- able resources at Open Access Technology International
mation; IEC 61968 for distribution management systems; (OATI).
and IEEE standards, American National Standards Institute Farrokh Albuyeh is vice president of market services
(ANSI) standards, and other regional and utility standards and consulting at OATI. p&e

62 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2009

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