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Islamabad Model College

For Boys, F-11/1

Roll No:
Signature of Candidate: ___________
Signature of Invigilator: ___________
Time allowed: 20 minutes Marks: 20

Note: Section-A is compulsory and comprises pages 1-5. All parts of this section
are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the
first 20 minutes:

Q.2 Insert the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D in the empty box opposite each
part. Each part carries one mark.

i. How old was Jess's father in the story Clearing in the sky?
A. 80 years
B. 70 years
C. 100 years
D. 90 years

ii. Martin Luther King, Jr. championed

A. Human Rights
B. Animal Rights
C. Peasants’ Rights
D. Black Americans’ Rights

iii. In the poem “The Rain" who was sitting under the tree?
A. The Poet
B. a dog
C. A bird
D. a poor man

iv. The train according to the poem “The Nigh Mail” has
A. a source of enjoyment

B. source of pleasure
C. a type of facility
D. great means of transport

v. The setting of the story "Button, Button" is

A. The interior of a railway station
B. Police station
C. Interior of a bus-station
D. a flat

vi. Tick the correct spellings.

A. Meteor
B. Metior
C. Metoir
D. Motoir

vii. ‘Inspite of starting late, he arrived on time.’ State what the

underlined word is
A. Helping verb
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. Past participle
viii. "She walked by lake and found a shell." The underlined word
is a/an
A. Verb
B. Adverb
C. Conjunction
D. Interjection

ix. Pick out the sentence that contains an infinitive

A. Do we get credit for trying?
B. We began to walk down the road.
C. I caught them stealing goods.
D. The phone is ringing.

x. Choose the correct sentence

A. Everyone raised their hands.
B. Everyone raised one’s hands.
C. Nobody raised his hands.

D. Everyone raised theirs hands.

xi. ‘Ali painted the garage last Saturday.’ The underlined word
is a/an
A. Indirect object
B. Direct object
C. Subject complement
D. Adjective

xii. ‘She walked through the woods and found an interesting fossil,’
is a
A. Complex sentence
B. Compound sentence
C. Simple sentence
D. Compound-complex sentence

xiii. ‘Discipline is the responsibility of parents – not teachers.’

The verb in the sentence is a/an
A. Helping verb
B. Transitive verb
C. Linking verb
D. Intransitive verb
xiv. ‘On hearing the bad news, the lady passed.
A. away
B. out
C. through
D. off

xv. The correct synonym of ‘cleverly’ is

A. Directly
B. Evadingly
C. Shrewdly
D. Secretively

xvi. “The atom bomb will fix the earth”, means

A. It will permanently destroy the earth.
B. It will make the earth more fertile.
C. It will revolutionize life on earth.
D. It will make the earth safer.

xvii. Replace the underlined phrase in the following sentence with
one of the given options which has the same meaning.
"It is said that wrath of God is silent."
A. Angrily
B. Heavily
C. Forcefully
D. Swiftly

xviii. Choose the correct spellings:

A. Arrangement
B. Arangement
C. Aarrangment
D. Arrangment

xix. A fable is a story based on

A. Science fiction
B. Explicit moral lesson
C. imaginary story
D. Sea journey

xx. “We gave him a bunch of flowers on his wedding.” Choose the
word that exactly replaces the underlined expression:

A. Garland
B. Twig
C. Wreath
D. Bouquet


For Examiner’s use only

Q. No.1: Total Marks: 20

Marks Obtained:

Time allowed: 2.40 hours Total Marks: 80

Note: Sections ‘B’ and ‘C’ comprise pages 1-4 and questions therein are to be
answered on the separately provided answer book.

(40 marks)

Note: Attempt all the questions. Answer questions b – h in about 40 to 50

words each.

a. What is the central idea of "Button, Button? (4)

b. Why had the old man planted his secret garden? (4)
c. Why do people fail in life?
How did the girl attack the doctor? (4)

d. What happened in the story overcoat?

e. Why did the young man in overcoat show his true nature? (4)
f. Which is the best story in the book? Comment (4)
g. Sometimes it becomes inevitable to use force against a person to help
him or her. Elaborate by keeping in mind the story ‘The Use of Force’
h. Why did Della feel sad over losing her hair? (4)

Q.3 A. Read the following stanza carefully and answers questions given
at the end:
They take it, break it open, let
A gold or silver fountain wet
Mouth, finger, cheek, nose, chin:
Radiant as lanterns, they forget
The dark street I am standing in.
i. What does Jan Stallworthy show in these lines? (2)
ii. Who are they in the stanza? (2)
iii. What is meant by "gold or silver fountain"? (2)

When the sky begins to roar,
It's like a lion at the door.
And when the door begins to crack,
It's like a stick across your back.

i. What does the poet mean by roaring sky? (2)
ii. What is meant by lion at the door? (2)
iii. What causes the door to crack? (2)
B. Answer any ONE following question in about 60 to 75 words.
What is the theme of Ozymandias? (6)

How is Cherry tree a symbol of life?

(Marks: 40)

Note: Attempt all the questions.

I. Describe what happens in the play "Heat Lightening". (5)

II. Where does the play "Oyster and the Pearl" take place? (5)
III. What the purpose of the Kreton's visit in the play Visit to a
Small Planet? (5)
Q.4 A. Use any FOUR of the following phrasal verbs in sentences: (4)
i. Break out ii. Come by
iii. Taken aback iv. Give up
v. go off vi. Fall out

B. Use the correct form of verbs in parenthesis in any FOUR of the

following sentences: (4)
i. If she (like) to be taught by me, I shall teach her.
ii. The bus driver (stop) the bus last night.
iii. If he (come), I shall help her.
iv. He (come) tomorrow.
v. Every year we (votes) for a new student council.
vi. All night the puppy (lie) in our bed.

C. Punctuate the following paragraph: (4)
does your brother still work in the same bank where her sister works
even if not so we think both are of the same nature

Q.5 Write an application to CDA Chairman about garbage in your area (8)

Q.6 ‫ ت‬Translate
‫ئ‬ ‫خت‬
the following passage
‫خ‬ ‫ ت‬into‫ پ‬English: ‫ب‬ ‫ت‬ ‫خ خ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ٹ‬
‫ے ملوث ہہوئے۔ تو اس‬ ‫ے قومی انتخاببات سے پپہل‬ ‫ے خ ایبک جگھڑے مییں پپچھل‬ ‫ہہ‬
‫خمسٹر ای خکشن میین پچ ند فت‬
‫ے پپہل‬
‫م خ‬ ‫خ‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ٹ‬
‫کہانی کا ا خپپ خنا پپہلو ابجاگر کرئے کے لت‬
‫ے پپر ئییس ریبلیٹز کی انٹرنییٹ پپر ببھرمار کر دی۔ ی کن مفروضہ پپر ب نی‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ئے‬ ‫ییم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫کی خ‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ج‬ ‫عم‬ ‫ح‬
‫ییہ باکامی کو م فوظ کرئے کی جکمت لی ل کی پبخائے مس نلہ ببن گنی۔‬

Write a paragraph on "Democratic Government" in 100-150 words.


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