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1 - Beginner 2 - Basic 3 - Competent 4 - Advanced

• Not aware of campus life • Has experience but not active • Knowledgeable about events, opportunities, • Very knowledgeable about events, opportunities, systems,
• Not engaged; not familiar with resources or • Does not know how to be engaged; is not
(CK) systems, processes, and support services; may be processes, and support services; already involved
opportunities committed to engagement involved • Comfortable navigating student experience and knows how
• Vague knowledge of campus resources • Awareness/familiarity with experiences to get other involved/connected and has done so previously

• Does not express logic in thinking • Expresses basic logic in thinking • Has good grasp on complexities of issue, potential • Has encompassing view of situation, conclusions utilize
Critical Thinking

• Cannot identify solution and • Can identify a solution and strengths and outcomes of multiple decisions deductive reasoning and understanding of abstract ideas
strengths/weaknesses of solution weaknesses of solution • Expresses concrete logic in thinking • Logical and thoughtful approach to problem

• Cannot identify alternative solutions, • Knows that there may be more than one • Identifies solution, processes strengths and • Immediately identifies multiple solutions to problem,
realistic conclusions, or different solution, struggles to identify them, sees weaknesses of approach, can identify and explain thoroughly discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each
approaches way as only option multiple approaches • Logically identifies best approach in their opinion
• Able to connect to previous experiences in thinking • Able to generate new approaches in new situations
• Not able to convey ideas, drifts around • Struggles to convey ideas but meaning is • Conveys ideas well and can make meaning • Excellent communicator
topics and thoughts, not focused eventually made between individuals • Expression of ideas and meaning-making is fluid, detailed,
• Does not follow context of situation • Difficult to follow, but generally follows • Begins to understand how audience takes in and engaging
Communication (COM)

• Does not connect to others and make context of situation information and can adjust approach • Quickly identifies how audience takes in information and
meaning between individuals • Struggles with appropriate • Appropriate in conveying information immediately adapts their approach
• Does not appropriately convey or share communication, generally able to do so • Displays good listening behaviors, comprehends • Is appropriate in how they convey information
information • Shares information with right audience information, integrates information received in • Displays excellent listening behaviors and makes their
• Does not pay attention to others or care but also with those who are not conversation audience feel engaged and that they care
about points being made appropriate • Creates and asks follow-up questions to • Comprehends information received, immediately follows up
• Does not follow up on things, ask questions • Can focus on others, attention waivers, information or asks clarifying questions
• Cannot identify/does not seek appropriate seems distracted • Shares information with correct audiences • Very open to sharing information
audience • Can identify cues with follow up questions • Actively seeks out/identifies audiences they cannot • Actively seeks out the correct audience, avoids sharing
• Can identify appropriate audiences share information with information with incorrect audiences
• Not aware of actions/reactions of others • Generally aware of actions and reactions • Aware of actions and reactions of others, engages • Very aware of actions and reactions of others and thinks of
and does not comprehend the of others, may form opinions as to in process of trying to understand motivations and multiple motivations/social contexts that effect behavior
motivations/social contexts that contribute motivations or social contexts that social contexts that effect behavior • Actively seeks to understand scope of situation without
Personal/Social Perceptiveness (PSP)

to the behavior contribute to the behavior • Actively seeks to understand scope of situation assumption that others’ motivations/social contexts are the
• May come up with single reason, • Regulate emotions to an extent, struggles without assumption that others’ motivations/social same as their own
assumption, judgment for motivations that to do so with situations that challenge contexts are the same as their own • Able to comprehend that the needs of the individual differ
contribute to others’ behavior them • Regulates emotions well, displays consistency in and are able to adjust actions, support, and seek resources in
• Does not regulate emotions well or display • May act impulsively towards certain emotions that is appropriate for situation relation to the needs of those around them appropriately
regulation of emotions situations; struggles but tries to monitor • Does not act impulsively, can identify pros/cons of • Shows an excellent ability to regulate emotions, can adjust
• Impulsive in actions, cannot explain actions self-performance and actions, will do so if their actions and act appropriately their emotion to match what is needed
• Not aware of their actions, cannot adjust in challenged • Aware of own actions, actively monitors actions • Eagerly monitors their self-performance in relation to the
relation to others that they interact with • Can monitor performance of others, • Can monitor and assess performance of others and performance of others
• Not ready or open to learning things that struggles to adjust own approach adjust their own actions • Eagerly embraces and seeks out training and advice of others,
they do not already know, does not listen • Willing to take part in training, but will not • Seeks out and embraces training, advice, and shows self-motivation for other learning opportunities
and learn from others be an active member insights from others • Takes ownership of actions, follows up on actions when
• Does not recognize how actions impact • Understands that actions have an effect • Recognizes impact of decisions/actions on others appropriate
others on others
1 – Beginner 2 – Basic 3 – Competent 4 - Advanced
• Oblivious to situation and context; does not • Recognizes when there is a problem, • Knows something is wrong, likely to go wrong, can • Immediately recognizes when something is wrong, displays
recognize when something is wrong/will go cannot foresee issues explain why foresight in predicting issue, can explain why
Problem Sensitivity (PS)

wrong • Identifies generic approaches to situation, • Observes situation and can apply general • Can fluidly adapt to specific issue at hand due to experience
• Not able to apply general problem solving may not make complete sense or be most approaches to specific issues and comfort with general approaches
to specific problems appropriate • General approaches are appropriate to situation • Easily combines multiple sources of information and has
• Answers and solutions do not make • Struggles to combine multiple sources of • Can combine multiple sources of information into concrete grasp on big picture
sense/are not appropriate information to see complete picture, coherent understand of whole situation • Quickly identifies patterns or relationships
• Does not see connections between knows that problem is complex • Can pick up patterns and relationships
information involved, does not account for • Struggles to recognize patterns and
information relationships
• Cannot recognize patterns or relationships
• Cannot describe, relate, or assist in the new • Struggles in approach to teaching others • Displays teaching behaviors (meaningful dialogue, • Displays great teaching behaviors (meaningful dialogue,
intake of knowledge for others new knowledge providing resources, explaining processes, challenging thought processes, providing resources,
• Actively avoids giving feedback to others • Has right ideas, how they convey ideas, providing feedback) and pursues helping others explaining processes, providing feedback and pointed
and avoids receiving feedback relate, or assist others does not meet acquire knowledge direction) and pursues helping others with knowledge
• Does not utilize or consider feedback given others where they are at • Wants to facilitate group experiences, seeks acquisition
to them • May avoid teachable moments situations to help others reconcile differences • Creates and encourages teamwork or group opportunities
Facilitation (F)

• Takes no initiative in bringing others (meaningful dialogue, providing resources, • Utilizes processes to make improvements or take • Strives to include and develop group around them
together, does not display group facilitation explaining process, providing feedback) corrective action • Actively seeks out conversation between members to
behaviors unless forced to do so • Does not shy away from conflict or difficult reconcile differences
• Does not utilize systems to make • Has ability to bring others together and situations • Works well within processes to take corrective action
improvements or take corrective action; reconcile differences, needs to be pushed • Approaches to conflict and facilitation are positive • Does not shy away from conflict or difficult situations
approach often hinders situation into it by leader or supervisor and affect positive growth • Approaches to conflict and facilitation are positive and affect
• Does not display assertive behavior, avoids • Works within processes to take corrective positive growth
difficult or challenging situations action
• Avoids conflict • Can be assertive but will avoid issues if
they can
• Does not want to help others • Displays helping behaviors when • Seeks out situations to help others in ways that are • Realizes their perspective is not the only one
• Does not display compassion or care for approached or needed appropriate • Anticipates ways to help others
others • Compassionate, caring, does not publically • Compassionate, shows care for others • Shows compassion, care, respect, and appropriate levels of
• Focus is on self, displays self-advantage show those feelings • Displays openness to others, their opinions, assistance without assuming permission or incompetence
Conscientiousness (IS)

behaviors • Shows respect for others, not open to experiences, and perspectives from others
• Does not display respect for others, their hearing their opinions, experiences, or • Realizes that their perspective is not the only one • Displays authenticity to others in learning about their
opinions, experiences, or perspectives perspectives • Embraces differences in others, wants to engage in opinions, experiences, and perspectives
• Does not accept others for their • Will avoid or shut down conversations or learning more about those differences • Honors differences in others, wants to engage in learning
differences, does not engage in relationship moments if they can • Appropriately displays behaviors that help cultivate more, provides forum for others to tell their story
making • Displays behaviors that cultivate and maintain relationships • Appropriately displays behaviors that help cultivate and
• Does not hold self accountable or display relationships, shows self-discipline and • Shows self-discipline and follows through on all maintain relationships with others
self-discipline follows through on most responsibilities assigned tasks • Shows self-discipline and follows through on tasks assigned
• Does not care for the organization, does • Takes initiative to seek solutions and improve environment
not follow through on responsibilities and conditions for others

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