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Tian - Carretera de la Roda S/N


# Elementor Pro - by

#### 2017-07-25 v1.5.8

* Tweak! - Added compatibility for the future release of Elementor v1.6
* Fix! - Improved backward compatibility for query control rename

#### 2017-07-24 v1.5.7

* Tweak! - Moved JS render of reCAPTCHA to a separate file
* Tweak! - Display the label in the reCAPTCHA field for better experience
* Tweak! - Rename `panel-posts-control` to `query-control` and added fallback
* Tweak! - Added compatibility for the future release of Elementor with history
* Fix! - reCAPTCHA preview on the editor
* Fix! - Manual selection (query control) has stopped working after saving
* Fix! - Added condition for icon size control in Share Buttons widget

#### 2017-07-12 v1.5.6

* Fix! - Query Control correction for taxonomies ([#1963]
* Fix! – Custom CSS override scheme color in the editor
* Fix! - Added order by Menu Order for Query Control in WC widget
* Fix! - Glitch with Flip Box background overlay

#### 2017-07-03 v1.5.5

* Tweak! - Moved reCAPTCHA render to handler & load only if a form is exist
* Fix! - MailChimp integration: Default number of items returned by API increased
to 999
* Fix! - MailChimp integration: Refresh the groups list if API is changed
* Fix! - Sorted items in filter bar by A-Z
* Fix! - Editor glitch with Elementor v1.5 ([#1927]

#### 2017-06-22 v1.5.4

* Tweak! - Improved compatibility for Elementor v1.5
* Fix! - URL default for Add To Cart widget
* Fix! - Allowed `date` and `birthday` fields as text for MailChimp integration

#### 2017-06-19 v1.5.3

* Tweak! - Make flip-box height responsive control
* Fix! - Facebook share count now gets retrieved by Elementor ([#1829]
* Fix! - Global form widget with MailChimp integration not saving

#### 2017-06-13 v1.5.2

* Fix! - Custom CSS panel location compatibility for the old versions

#### 2017-06-12 v1.5.1

* Fix! - MailChimp update existing user registration
* Fix! - Global widget with JS in the editor mode
* Fix! - Label section condition in Login widget
* Fix! - Changes to unlinked global widget do not appear in the editor

#### 2017-05-23 v1.5.0

* New! - Added Cards, a new skin for Posts widget
* New! - Added Exclude option to post query control group
* Tweak! - Added `post_class()` for each post in the loop
* Tweak! - Added `.elementor-posts-masonry` class when Masonry layout is enabled
* Tweak! - Added compatibility for the next release of Elementor v1.5.0
* Tweak! - CSS `autoprefixer` now supports last 5 versions of browsers
* Tweak! - Added `imageLoaded` library for Posts & Portfolio widgets

#### 2017-05-18 v1.4.4

* Fix! - Force Mailchimp API to return all lists and not just 10 ([#1683]
* Fix! - Added `.elementor-form` class to Login form to fix style glitch

#### 2017-05-14 v1.4.3

* Tweak! - Added Redirect After Login option to Login widget
* Tweak! - Stay in the current page after logout in Login widget
* Tweak! - Preparation for Elementor settings tabs in future version
* Fix! - Pinterest in Share Buttons widget now sharing the URL alone
* Fix! - Bug with `active` class in portfolio filter item
* Fix! - Higher specific list-style-type `none` for filter items to override some
theme style

#### 2017-05-06 v1.4.2

* Fix! - Temporary patch for form field shortcode in some servers

#### 2017-05-03 v1.4.1

* Fix! - Bug with custom success message in form widget
* Fix! - Bug with meta data in email action

#### 2017-05-03 v1.4.0

* New! - Forms: integration with MailChimp
* New! - Forms: integration with MailPoet
* New! - Forms: Added Email 2 action for email confirmation
* New! - Forms: Added shortcodes for fields
* New! - Forms: Added custom ID for fields
* New! - Forms: Added option to edit email HTML template ([#1180]
* New! - Added Login widget
* Tweak! - Move `send_html` control to `email_content_type`
* Fix! - Email still sent even if validation failed in form widget

#### 2017-05-01 v1.3.2

* New! – Added action `elementor_pro/init` for better integration with Elementor
* Fix! - Posts without featured image in Posts widget ([#1234]
(, [#1382]
* Fix! - reCAPTCHA & Honeypot fields with new method
* Fix! - Added border width control in Share Buttons to avoid a glitch on Chrome
* Fix! - Border radius glitch on hover in Share Buttons

#### 2017-04-25 v1.3.1

* Fix! - Conflict update with revision history module

#### 2017-04-25 v1.3.0

* New! - Added Share Buttons widget ([Topic]
* New! - Added Custom CSS for Page Settings
* New! - Added Masonry layout for Portfolio widget
* New! - Added Cc & Bcc options to email action ([#1181]
* New! - Introduced `ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Classes\Action_Base` class for
better 3rd party integration for forms
* Tweak! - Debugger module now also shows errors from Pro
* Tweak! - Added options for Elementor Library
* Tweak! - New base posts module for optimized performance
* Tweak! - Adjusting Posts / Portfolio to the new structure
* Fix! - Export for posts / portfolio
* Fix! - Duplicate repeater field with switcher control ([#1442]
* Fix! - Post per Page in the query control
* Fix! - Metadata does not come through on form emails ([#1566]

#### 2017-04-19 v1.2.6

* Fix! - Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0 - Products & Add to Cart widgets

#### 2017-04-18 v1.2.5

* Fix! - Offset query for posts widgets (Posts, Portfolio and Products)

#### 2017-03-21 v1.2.4

* Tweak! - Added Indian Rupee sign to Price Table widget
* Fix! - Portfolio grid for IE11
* Fix! - Link target blank in Price List widget
* Fix! - Active item for filter bar in Portfolio widget

#### 2017-03-06 v1.2.3

* Tweak! - Fully compatible with Elementor v1.3.0
* Tweak! - Added trigger for after form submission in Forms widget
* Tweak! - Changed handle name in reCAPTCHA field to avoid conflict with other
contact forms
* Fix! - Portfolio filter syntax in Non-Latin languages
* Fix! - Added `no-repeat` property for slide with `background-size:contain`
* Fix! - Condition control & Import value in Posts widgets
* Fix! - Offset and Pagination in WordPress ([More Info]
* Fix! - Submit handler bubbling for custom events in Forms widget

#### 2017-02-23 v1.2.2

* Tweak! - Change name from Side A/B to Front and Back in Flip Box widget
* Fix! - Error when saving third party widgets in the global widget
* Fix! - Image position "none" remains visible in editor preview (Posts)
* Fix! - Hide the pagination when there are no links

#### 2017-02-21 v1.2.1

* Fix! - Firefox Flip Box 3D compatibility

#### 2017-02-21 v1.2.0

* New! - Added Flip Box widget
* New! - Added Ken Burns effect for slides
* New! - Added Masonry layout for Posts widget
* New! - Added Pagination option for Posts widget
* Tweak! - Added background size contain to slides
* Tweak! - Improve Query control by preload items
* Fix! - Text color for Checkbox and Radio fields

#### 2017-02-05 v1.1.2

* Tweak! - Added `aria-required` for better accessibility in forms widget
* Fix! - Conflict Call to `undefined` method in Posts & Portfolio widgets ([#1271]
(, [#1266]
* Fix! - Submit button HTML after error sending
* Fix! - Success message for `skip_email` function
* Notice! - Elementor 1.2.0 or later now required

#### 2017-01-24 v1.1.1

* Fix! - Can't save global widgets when `WP_DEBUG` is `true`
* Fix! - Undefined variable in WC widgets
* Fix! - Removed duplicate strings

#### 2017-01-24 v1.1.0

* New! - Price Table widget ([#102]
* New! - WooCommerce Add to Cart widget
* New! - WooCommerce Categories widget
* New! - WooCommerce Elements widget
* New! - Honeypot field for Forms widgets
* Tweak! - Added inline options for taxonomies & authors if is less than 15 items
* Tweak! - Added Required Mark for fields in Forms widget
* Fix! - CSS selectors priority in Slides widget
* Fix! - CSS bug in Price List widget
* Fix! - Update all Post CSS files that includes specific Global Widget

#### 2017-01-18 v1.0.9

* Fix! - Auto complete bug in query controls
* Fix! - Render template with escaping slashes
* Fix! - Reply-to field in Forms widget

#### 2017-01-11 v1.0.8

* Tweak! - Code adjustments for Elementor API
* Fix! - Removed go pro link from plugins page in admin

#### 2017-01-05 v1.0.7

* Tweak! - Added filter by featured / sale for WC Products widget
* Tweak! - Added author control in Portfolio widget
* Tweak! - Code adjustments for Elementor API
* Fix! - Added support for empty image ratio
* Fix! - Avoid nesting a sidebar within a template that will appear in the sidebar

#### 2017-01-01 v1.0.6

* Tweak! - Added Auto-updates for local translation files
* Fix! - Custom CSS for Global widgets
* Fix! - Remove `nonce` field (Fix some cache plugins)

#### 2016-12-27 v1.0.5

* Fix! - Slide element bug fix - 'Link apply on' logic
* Fix! - Removed unique wrapper for Custom CSS in order to allow media queries

#### 2016-12-21 v1.0.4

* Tweak! - Mobile Editing for fields in the form widget
* Tweak! - Mobile Editing for posts
* Tweak! - Allow send form as HTML
* Tweak! - Improved auto upgrades for Multisite installation
* Tweak! - Improve editor rendering experience for Portfolio widget
* Fix! - Posts widget check if image exist
* Fix! - Changed the clone method for global widget ([#1042]
* Fix! - Bug slides in RTL (removed direction control)
* Fix! - Slides with no height jumps when changing slides

#### 2016-12-13 v1.0.3

* Fix! - Added escape placeholder for HTML Entities in form widget
* Fix! - Countdown widget RTL bug
* Fix! - Remove redundant #elementor selector for control style
* Fix! - Added prefixing with '0' for one digit number in Countdown widget

#### 2016-12-12 v1.0.2

* Fix! - Page layout collapses when inserting reCAPTCHA field in Form

#### 2016-12-12 v1.0.1

* Fix! - WordPress widgets disappear from Editor when Elementor Pro active

#### 2016-12-12 v1.0.0

* Initial release

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