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El pasado perfecto en inglés corresponde al pluscuamperfecto de español (yo había

estudiado, tú habías limpiado…). En general, lo usamos para acciones que ocurrieron
antes de otra acción en el pasado.

1. Affirmative sentences
S + had + verbo en participio pasado

They had studied English before they went to London. (Habían estudiado inglés antes
de irse a Londres)

2. Negative sentences
S + hadn’t + participio pasado

They hadn’t studied English before they went to London. (No habían estudiado inglés
antes de irse a Londres)

3. Interrogative sentences
Had + S + participio pasado?

Had they studied English before they went to London? (¿Habían estudiado inglés
antes de irse a Londres?)

Use the correct past perfect form in these sentences

1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) ____________.

2. He (not / be)______________ to Cape Town before 1997.
3. When she went out to play, she (do) ______________ her homework.
4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) ______________.
5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) _____________ six weeks
6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) _________________.
7. I could not remember the poem we (learn) _______________ the week before.
8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) _______________ from the tree.
9. (he / phone) _____________ Angie before he went to see her in London?
10. (she / ride) ____________ a horse before that day?
Utilizamos estos modales para indicar cómo de seguros estamos de algo

Usamos MUST cuando estamos totalmente seguros de que algo es verdad

 He must live near here because he comes to work on foot. (Él debe vivir cerca de
aquí porque viene al trabajo andando).
 Come inside and get warm – you must be freezing out there. (Entra y caliéntate.
Debes estar helado afuera)
 You’re a zookeeper? That must be very interesting. (¿Eres cuidador del zoo? Debe
ser muy interesante)


Usamos MIGHT, MAY O COULD para decir algo que creemos que es posible o cierto
pero no estamos seguros de ello. Podemos utilizar cualquiera de los tres verbos, todos
significan lo mismo.

 Did you hear that? I think there might be a burglar downstairs. (¿Oíste eso? Creo
que puede haber un ladrón arriba).
 We’ll try to get there early but we may arrive late if there’s a lot of traffic.
(Intentaremos llegar allí pronto pero puede que lleguemos tarde si hay mucho
 Don’t put it up there. It could fall off and hit someone. (No lo pongas allí. Podría
caerse y golpear a alguien)


Usamos CAN’T cuando estamos seguros de que algo no es verdad o de que no es


 It can’t be a burglar. All the doors and windows are locked. (No puede ser un ladrón.
Todas las puertas y ventanas están cerradas)
 It can’t be far away now. We’ve been driving for hours. (No puede estar muy lejos.
Hemos estado conduciendo durante horas).
 Really? He has to work on Christmas Day? He can’t feel very happy about that.
(¿En serio? ¿Tiene que trabajar el día de Navidad? No tiene que estar muy
Write a modal verb to fill the gaps.

1. She's won prizes for her research. She _______________ be really intelligent.

2. I'd take an umbrella if I were you. It looks like it _______________ rain.

3. It _______________ be him. He's on holiday until next week.

4. Hey guess what?! I _______________ be getting a car for my birthday! It's not
completely definite yet though.

5. I can't believe you've been waiting all this time! You _______________ be really

6. His car's not here. He _______________ have gone out.

7. Look how much sugar and salt it's got in it! It _______________ be good for you.

8. Have you looked next to your computer? I think you _______________ have left
your keys there.


El presente perfecto equivale más o menos al pretérito perfecto del español (Yo he
estudiado, tú has comido…). Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que comenzaron en el
pasado y continúan en el presente o acciones que han terminado recientemente.

1. Affirmative sentences
S + have/has + verbo en participio pasado

* Con he / she / it utilizamos HAS en lugar de have

 I have talked to Peter (He hablado con Peter)

 She has gone to work (Ella ha ido a trabajar)
 They have learnt English (Han aprendido inglés)

2. Negative sentences
S + haven’t/hasn’t + verbo en participio pasado

* Con he / she / it utilizamos HASN’T en lugar de haven’t

 I haven’t talked to Peter (No he hablado con Peter)

 She hasn’t gone to work (Ella no ha ido a trabajar)
 They haven’t learnt English (Ellos no han aprendido inglés)
3. Interrogative senteces
Have/has + S + verbo en participio pasado?

* Con he / she / it utilizamos HAS en lugar de have

 Have you talked to Peter? (¿Has hablado con Peter?)

 Have you gone you gone to work? (¿Has ido a trabajar?)
 Have they learnt English? (¿Han aprendido inglés)

Make the present perfect - choose positive, negative or question:

1. (I / go / to the library today)

2. (you / keep a pet for three years)
3. (you / eat Thai food before?)
4. (it / rain all day?)
5. ( we / forget to invite?)
6. (we / not / hear that song)
7. (he / not / forget his books)
8. (she / steal all the chocolate!)
9. (I / explain it well?)
En el presente perfecto podemos utilizar FOR o SINCE para indicar cuando comenzó
una acción. FOR significa durante o desde hace (for 8 years) y SINCE significa desde
(since 2002)
Put for or since into the following sentences.

[1] I have lived in LG Metro City Apartments ___________ 2006.

[2] He has been in my class ________ 2 years.

[3] They have owned that restaurant ________ I was 10 years old.

[4] We have played soccer on Sunday morning ________ June.

[5] My brother has been stronger than me _________ 3 years.

[6] She has been here _________ 8am this morning.

[7] American soldiers have been in Korea _________ 1950.

[8] Christmas has been celebrated ________ 700 years.


Utilizamos estos tres adverbios de tiempo en el presente perfecto.
 Utilizamos yet para oraciones negativas e interrogativas. Se coloca siempre al
final de la frase.
- Has she found a job yet? (¿Has encontrado trabajo ya?)
- The bus hasn’t left yet. (El autobús no se ha ido aún)
 Utilizamos already generalmente en oraciones afirmativas. Se coloca entre
have/has y el verbo en participio pasado.
- They have already found a job. (Ellos ya han encontrado trabajo)
- The bus has already left (El autobús ya ha llegado)
 Utilizamos still generalmente en oraciones afirmativas y negativas para indicar
que una acción continúa. Se coloca después del sujeto y antes del have/has.
- I still haven’t finished my homework. (Todavía no he terminado mis deberes)
- I’ve still got all those letters you sent me (Todavía tengo aquellas cartas que
me mandaste)
Complete with already, still or yet

a) You don't have to do it. I've ______ done it.

b) I've had no time. I haven't done it ______ .
c) Don't wake him. He's ______ asleep.

d) I've ______ told you what to do. Listen carefully this time.
e) The plane has ______ arrived. It was really early.
f) We broke up six months ago but I ______ miss him.
g) Are you ______ working for the same company?
h) There's no need to tell him. He ______ knows.
i) We haven't finished ______ .
j) Nobody else knows ______ .


Utilizamos el past simple para acciones del pasado que ya han finalizado, mientras que
el present perfect, como acabamos de ver, lo utilizamos para hablar de acciones que
comenzaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente o han finalizado recientemente.

Past simple example: We didn’t go to the cinema last night (No fuimos al cine anoche)
Present perfect example: We haven’t spoken to your sister for a long time (No hablamos
con tu hermana desde hace tiempo) Siguen sin hablar con ella actualmente por eso
utilizamos presente perfecto.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

1.- They _________ (write) their exams yesterday.

2.- They _________ (start) building their new house 18 months ago.

3.- I ________ (meet) the company manager two weeks ago.

4.- I ________ (be born) in 1964.

5.- That was the best concert I _____ ever _______ (see).

6.- I __________ (not eat) anything since breakfast.

7.- I _________ (study) English for 10 years.

8.- You ___________ (change) your address recently.

9.- When I was 15 I _________ (go) to Dublin.

10.- My students _________ (raise) a lot of money for charity.


El pasado continuo se utiliza para acciones que estaban pasando en un momento

específico en el pasado. Como el presente continuo, se forma con el verbo auxiliar “to
be” y el verbo+ing.

1. Affirmative sentences
S + was/were + v-ing

 I was talking (Yo estaba hablando)

 You were playing (Tú estabas jugando)
 She was studying (Ella estaba estudiando)

2. Negative sentences
S + wasn’t/weren’t + v-ing

 I wasn’t talking (Yo no estaba hablando)

 You weren’t playing (Tú no estabas jugando)
 She wasn’t studying (Ella no estaba estudiando)

3. Interrogative sentences
Was/were + S + v-ing?

 Was I talking? (¿Estaba yo hablando?)

 Were you playing? (¿Estabas tú jugando?)
 Was she studying? (¿Estaba ella estudiando?)

Make the past continuous (you need to choose positive, negative or question):

1. (he / cook)


2. (she / play cards?)


3. (I / not / cry)


4. (you / not / feel well)

5. (where / I / go when I met you?


6. (she / not / sleeping at midnight)


7. (I / work?)


8. (you / sleep when I got home?)


9. (it / rain at lunchtime)


10. (what / you / do?)



A veces se describen dos acciones simultáneas que tuvieron lugar en el pasado. En

dicho caso, se utiliza el past simple para describir aquella que finalizó y el past
continuous para aquella otra que estaba ocurriendo cuando la primera tuvo lugar.

 Yesterday evening when you called me I was having a shower

 When the parents arrived home the children were watching TV

Choose the past simple or past continuous:

1. What ________________________ (you / do) when I

________________________ (call) you last night?
2. I ________________________ (sit) in a café when you
________________________ (call).
3. When you ________________________ (arrive) at the party, who
________________________ (be) there?
4. Susie ________________________ (watch) a film when she
________________________ (hear) the noise.
5. Yesterday I ________________________ (go) to the library, next I
________________________ (have) a swim, later I ________________________
(meet) Julie for a coffee.
6. We ________________________ (play) tennis when John
________________________ (hurt) his ankle.
7. What ________________________ (they / do) at 10pm last night? It
________________________ (be) really noisy.
8. He ________________________ (take) a shower when the telephone
________________________ (ring).
9. He ________________________ (be) in the shower when the telephone
________________________ (ring).
10. When I ________________________ (walk) into the room, everyone
________________________ (work).


Too significa demasiado y lo utilizamos con adjetivos. Sin embargo too much y too
many, a pesar de significar lo mismo, lo utilizamos con sustantivos. Utilizamos too much
para sustantivos incontables y too many para sustantivos contables. Enough significa
 She is too pretty (Ella es demasiado guapa)
 Jhon has too much free time (Jhon tiene demasiado tiempo libre)
 There are too many buildings in that city (Hay demasiados edificios en esa ciudad)
 There isn’t enough bread (No hay suficiente pan)
 Is your coffee sweet enough? (¿Está tu café lo suficiente dulce?

Fill the gaps

a) -How many cars are in this city?
-It is easy to say that there are __________ cars. But there are not ________ parking
-That’s why I don’t go to work by car. There is ________ traffic, _________ traffic lights,
and it is _____ hard to find a parking place.

b) -How much is that phone? -It’s 300 euro.

-Oh, this is __________. It is _______expensive for me. I haven’t got _______ money
to buy it. Do you have a cheaper one?
-This one is only 100. I think it is cheap _________.
-Perfect! The more expensive one has __________ functions anyway.

c) -How is your coffee?

-It is not strong _________. And it’s _______sweet; there is __________ sugar in it. And
how is yours?
-Mine is _______bitter. It doesn’t have _________ sugar. There aren’t __________
places where you can have a good coffee!
d) -Whose toys are these?
-They are my brother’s. He has ________ toys and they take out _________ space. But
he always says he doesn’t have _______ toys. He is ______spoiled. I don’t have
________ toys, but they are _______ for me.

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