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The new england journal of medicine

health policy report

Infection Control — A Problem for Patient Safety

John P. Burke, M.D.
Nosocomial, or hospital-acquired, infections (more add an estimated $4.5 to $5.7 billion per year to the
appropriately called health care–associated infec- costs of patient care.6,7 Infection control is therefore
tions) are today by far the most common complica- a critical component of patient safety. In this article
tions affecting hospitalized patients. Indeed, the I describe the common ground shared by these two
Harvard Medical Practice Study II found that a sin- disciplines. I also discuss the major problems in in-
gle type of nosocomial infection — surgical-wound fection control, approaches to their solutions, the
infection — constituted the second-largest catego- role of the National Nosocomial Infections Surveil-
ry of adverse events.1 Long considered the greatest lance (NNIS) System of the Centers for Disease Con-
risk that the hospital environment poses to pa- trol and Prevention (CDC) as a model, and the need
tients,2 nosocomial infections abruptly became the for renewed commitment to and innovations in in-
province of public health officers at the time of a fection control to help ensure patient safety.
nationwide epidemic of hospital-based staphylo-
coccal infections, in 1957 and 1958.3 Since then, the
the nature of nosocomial
study and control of nosocomial infections have infections
been profoundly shaped by the discipline of pub-
lic health, with its emphasis on surveillance and Four types of infection account for more than 80
epidemiologic methods. These infections are not percent of all nosocomial infections: urinary tract
only the most common types of adverse events in infection (usually catheter-associated), surgical-site
health care; they may also be the most studied. infection, bloodstream infection (usually associat-
Currently, between 5 and 10 percent of patients ed with the use of an intravascular device), and pneu-
admitted to acute care hospitals acquire one or more monia (usually ventilator-associated) (Fig. 1).8,9
infections, and the risks have steadily increased dur- One fourth of nosocomial infections involve pa-
ing recent decades (Table 1).4,5 These adverse events tients in intensive care units, and nearly 70 percent
affect approximately 2 million patients each year in are due to microorganisms that are resistant to one
the United States, result in some 90,000 deaths, and or more antibiotics — an emerging public health
crisis that is due in large part to indiscriminate use
of antibiotics.10
Table 1. Nosocomial Infections in the United States.* Nosocomial infections can also be ranked accord-
ing to their frequencies, associated mortality rates,
Variable Year costs, and relative changes in frequency in recent
1975 1995
years.4,7 Catheter-associated urinary tract infections
are the most frequent (accounting for about 35 per-
No. of admissions (¬10¡6) 37.7 35.9
cent of nosocomial infections) but carry the lowest
No. of patient-days (¬10¡6) 299.0 190.0 mortality and lowest cost. Surgical-site infections
Average length of stay (days) 7.9 5.3 are second in frequency (about 20 percent) and third
in cost. Bloodstream infections and pneumonia are
No. of inpatient surgical proce- 18.3 13.3
dures (¬10¡6) less common (about 15 percent each) but are asso-
ciated with much higher mortality and costs. Blood-
No. of nosocomial infections 2.1 1.9
(¬10¡6) stream infections and methicillin-resistant Staphy-
lococcus aureus infections share notoriety for being
Incidence of nosocomial infections 7.2 9.8
(no. per 1000 patient-days)
both the highest-cost infections and the most rap-
idly increasing in frequency; the current incidence
*Data are from Weinstein4 and Jarvis.5 of bloodstream infections is nearly three times the
incidence in 1975.4,11 The rates of both urinary tract

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ventions to reduce the risk of infection. For exam-

40,000 ple, avoiding the use of invasive devices altogether
by means of alternative strategies (for example, per-
forming urinary drainage by condom catheter) and
Nosocomial Pathogens (no. of isolates)

shortening the duration of use of the device (for ex-
ample, reducing the number of days of mechanical
25,000 ventilation) have been proposed in many guidelines.
Strategies to prevent infections have been subdi-
20,000 vided into several groups (education-based, proc-
ess-based, and systems-based),13 but many of the
suggested interventions — such as “use antibiotics
wisely” or “educate and train staff”12 — have been
vague and difficult to implement.
5,000 Behavioral change remains a formidable ob-
stacle. For example, cross-infection of patients by
Urinary Surgical- Bloodstream Pneumonia Other
health care workers with contaminated hands is a
Tract Site Infection Sites major source of infections. Despite educational ef-
Infection Infection forts, health care workers, including physicians,
continue to fail to adhere to standards for hand hy-
Figure 1. Number of Nosocomial Pathogens, According to Infection Site,
Identified in the Hospital-Wide Component of the National Nosocomial Infec-
giene, which is universally considered the single
tions Surveillance System from January 1990 to March 1996. most important method for infection control. The
The hospital-wide component of the National Nosocomial Infections Surveil- average level of compliance has varied among hos-
lance System consists of a subgroup of hospitals reporting data on nosoco- pitals from 16 percent to 81 percent.14 Barriers to
mial infections from all patients. In January 1999, this component was compliance include understaffing and poor design
eliminated from the system. of facilities, confusing and impractical guidelines
and policies, failure to apply behavioral-change the-
ory fully, and insufficient commitment and enforce-
ment by infection-control personnel.14,15 Remark-
and surgical-site infections have declined slightly, ably, the use of waterless antiseptic hand rubs, when
perhaps because of surveillance artifacts caused by part of a multifaceted campaign that encourages
decreases in the length of hospital stays and increas- appropriate hand washing, has been shown to be
ing numbers of infections that develop after dis- more practical than standard hand washing alone
charge from the hospital. and has been shown to improve the adherence of
Each of the main types of infection comprises health care workers to hand-hygiene guidelines and
more than one syndrome and has multiple patho- to prevent the transmission of methicillin-resistant
genetic pathways. For example, ventilator-associ- S. aureus to patients.16
ated pneumonia, a cause of one fourth of the deaths The new Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-
attributed to nosocomial infections, commonly oc- Care Settings, developed by a multidisciplinary
curs as a result of infection with one or more bacte- task force,17 may facilitate system improvements
rial species, but it may also occur with less common by resolving many inconsistencies among previous
pathogens, such as legionella, respiratory viruses, guidelines from the CDC and other groups. It also
or Aspergillus fumigatus.12 For each of the device-asso- includes a requirement for monitoring adherence
ciated infections, multiple risk factors are related to to the guideline, along with suggested methods for
the patient, the personnel caring for the patient, the doing so. The guideline bans the use of artificial
procedures they use, and the device itself. nails when providing patient care, defines the dif-
ferent indications for hand washing as opposed to
decontamination, and calls for the use of alcohol-
prevention of
nosocomial infections based, waterless antiseptics for decontaminating
the hands before and after any direct contact with a
Identification of risk factors permits elucidation patient’s intact skin.
of those that are alterable from those that are not The history of infection control is littered with
and facilitates the development of targeted inter- commercial products and devices to prevent infec-

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health policy report

tion that were widely promoted after limited test- lated but major trend in infection control, but one
ing and have since been discredited.18 The devel- that does not diminish the need for surveillance of
opment of safer devices (for example, needles with outcomes. Without surveillance, we will not know
safety features and antimicrobial-coated catheters) the effect of our efforts to prevent infection. Two
has produced incremental gains in infection con- examples illustrate the value and limitations of proc-
trol, but devices constructed of biomaterials that ess indicators and the need for continued surveil-
fully prevent infections remain a tantalizing pros- lance: surgical-site infections and outbreaks in
pect. Conversely, the actual infection-control bene- hospitals.
fits of many technological improvements that were
not designed primarily to prevent infections, such surgical-site infections
as improvements in anesthesia equipment and prac- Many quality-improvement projects have identi-
tice,19 are inestimable but probably great. fied errors in the administration of antibiotic pro-
Because of the limitations of infection-control phylaxis before surgery as an independent risk fac-
methods, the fundamentals of prevention have nec- tor for some postoperative infections. Incorrect
essarily been grounded in epidemiology through the timing of surgical prophylaxis is associated with
development of standard definitions and classifi- increases by a factor of two to six in the rates of
cations; surveillance and early reporting of infec- surgical-site infection for operative procedures in
tions, with feedback to “those who need to know” which prophylaxis is generally recommended.24
(i.e., responsible authorities); evaluation of risk- Failure to administer the first dose of antibiotic
based interventions; and production of evidence- within the two-hour window before incision (to
based guidelines.20 This process has been guided by achieve adequate blood levels of the antibiotic dur-
the CDC, with the help of the American Hospital ing surgery) remains a common error, occurring,
Association and the regulatory efforts of the Joint for example, in 27 to 54 percent of all selected op-
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Or- erations in a 1996 New York State study.25 Effec-
ganizations. tive programs have recognized and addressed the
Epidemiologic analysis, often by means of case– root causes of errors that result from faulty systems
control studies, is a powerful tool for identifying of care.26 In most patients who receive inappropri-
the cause or source of nosocomial infections. One ate prophylaxis, however, infections do not devel-
example among hundreds is the recognition of a op, and therefore relatively stable (and seemingly
hospital outbreak in which 11 cases of neonatal low) rates of surgical-site infections in an individual
sepsis over a period of four years were traced to a hospital can mask the problem and create compla-
single human carrier.21 Root-cause analysis of in- cency. Therefore, some limited monitoring of proc-
dividual cases would have been incapable of identi- ess indicators, such as timely prophylaxis, is nec-
fying the source of these or most other hospital in- essary to detect system problems.
fections. Another example is the recognition of Improving the timing of antibiotic prophylaxis
erroneous handling of closed urinary-drainage sys- does not supersede other elements of infection con-
tems as a cause of catheter-associated urinary tract trol. In several early studies, surveillance of surgi-
infections.22 In this analysis, too, there was epide- cal-site infections with confidential feedback of the
miologic evidence of the importance of errors, even relevant data to surgeons was found to reduce the
though most of the errors were not followed by in- risk of infection.27 Regardless of the reasons for
fection. Moreover, voluntary reporting of frequently these results, the reasons for surveillance are no less
occurring infections has been found to underesti- pressing today and have additional justifications,
mate greatly the true rate of avoidable infections, be- with the use of ever more complex surgical proce-
cause most infections are considered unfortunate, dures and with the development of most postop-
inevitable consequences of medical procedures. erative infections after discharge from the hospi-
Active surveillance is necessary to identify alter- tal. Voluntary reporting of wound infections by
able risk factors (sometimes called process indica- surgeons has not worked, and effective surveillance
tors). Various indicators for infection control have requires active identification of cases by trained per-
been extensively evaluated, for example, in the devel- sonnel and consideration of the use of automated
opment of a collaborative project to monitor health detection systems.28 The downsizing of many in-
care processes and outcomes.23 The growing im- fection-control programs due to hospitals’ financial
portance of monitoring process indicators is a be- constraints29 has further increased the need for

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new types of surveillance and process indicators to of infections and to improve the use of isolation and
identify surgical-site infections. barrier precautions for infection control.35 Also
called “signals” or “alerts,” clinical triggers are ele-
outbreaks in hospitals ments drawn from patients’ electronic medical rec-
At least 5 to 10 percent of infections occur in clus- ords by means of programmed logic or algorithms
ters, or outbreaks, that can be detected from care- that suggest ongoing or potential adverse events,
ful review of surveillance information.30 Many out- including infections. Continuous, real-time scan-
breaks are recognized only by astute clinicians or ning of laboratory and pharmacy records, for ex-
laboratory workers. Most, if not all, infections in ample, facilitates cost-effective surveillance and ac-
outbreaks can be construed as accidental injuries. tive interventions to prevent or ameliorate adverse
Therefore, the detection, investigation, and control events. The LDS Hospital team monitored drug
of outbreaks are a critical issue in patient safety and doses, renal function, the prescription of common
require vigilance. antidotes, and other triggers to track and prevent
Though occasionally dramatic, outbreaks may adverse drug events.36 Interventions by a clinical
be insidious and may be protracted causes of sub- pharmacist reduced the use and misuse of antibiot-
stantial morbidity and mortality.21,31 They occur in ics and showed that the potential to stabilize anti-
all health care settings and with all classes of infec- biotic resistance existed.37 Voluntary reporting of
tious agents, especially antibiotic-resistant bacteria, medication errors had little overlap with adverse
and because of their sometimes widespread nature, drug events detected by this method. These concepts
often have a considerable effect on the public. Of are now being widely adopted by hospitals across
114 health care–associated outbreaks investigated the country through collaborative efforts coordi-
by CDC personnel over a 10-year period, 6 were na- nated by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
tional in scope and were traced to contaminated Recently, the Agency for Healthcare Research
products or devices.32 Contamination of commer- and Quality released a controversial report that re-
cially distributed products may be detected only by viewed the evidence in favor of 79 patient-safety
spontaneous reporting from infection-control units practices, of which 22 (28 percent) involved infec-
in hospitals. tion control.38 Further illustrating the common
Recently, data-mining tools have been applied ground shared by these two disciplines, 5 of the 11
to detect previously unrecognized outbreaks.33 practices that were judged worthy of widespread
Molecular techniques have been used to show that implementation involved infection control. Two of
seemingly unrelated infections have been caused these five practices — the appropriate use of antibi-
by interspecies transfer of genes encoding antibiot- otic prophylaxis in surgical patients and the use of
ic resistance, suggesting that the true rate of cross- maximal sterile barriers during the placement of
infection in hospital settings remains greatly un- central venous catheters — were readily accepted.
derestimated.34 These data indicate that the role of Curiously, the Agency for Healthcare Research and
laboratory-based surveillance in public health is Quality reported that there was weaker evidence
likely to increase. supporting methods to improve adherence to hand
hygiene and limitations in antibiotic use — practic-
the patient-safety movement es that some infection-control experts believe offer
the greatest potential benefit. These and other in-
The importance of the patient-safety movement in fection-control practices were listed as priorities
energizing infection control is already manifest. for further research.
Many infection-control units have broadened their
activities in monitoring the use of antibiotics and
is the nnis system a model
in preventing adverse drug events due to antibiot- for infection-control programs?
ics. (Antibiotic resistance may even be considered
a special type of adverse drug event, one with soci- The NNIS System of the CDC is a voluntary,
etal consequences.) confidential, hospital-based reporting system that
More than 25 years ago, the Department of Clin- has been influential in guiding infection-control
ical Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the efforts in hospitals across the United States and
LDS Hospital, in Salt Lake City, devised “clinical around the world; it is the only national source of
triggers” to facilitate the detection and surveillance systematically gathered data on hospital infections.

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Monthly reports of nosocomial infections from pneumonia and for infections developing after hos-
more than 300 hospitals (a nonrandom sample of pital discharge) are a work in progress.
U.S. hospitals, all with at least 100 beds and nearly Perhaps the most important outcome of the
60 percent academic medical centers) have allowed NNIS System is the infrastructure of trained infec-
benchmarks for infection rates to be established tion-control professionals that it has nurtured and
through the use of standardized case definitions the cadre of CDC-trained infectious-disease physi-
and data-collection methods and computerized cians who have migrated to university and commu-
data entry and analysis.30 Analysis of NNIS System nity hospitals during the past 30 years. These hu-
data helps reveal changes in patterns of incidence, man resources are now endangered because of the
distribution, antibiotic resistance, sites of infection, economic forces shaping health care and the down-
outcomes, and risk factors for infection. In March sizing of many, if not most, infection-control units
2000, the NNIS System reported that during the in hospitals. The voluntary nature of NNIS may be
1990s, the rates of infection for respiratory tract, an important factor in its success, but participation
urinary tract, and bloodstream sites, after adjust- also helps hospitals meet regulatory requirements.
ment for the duration of the use of invasive devices, In addition, the support of CDC epidemiologists is
had decreased in intensive care units in selected hos- a vital asset. More than a decade ago, the Institute
pitals.39 The multiple reasons for these reductions, of Medicine called for further development of the
however, cannot be attributed to any specific inter- NNIS System and its expansion to include more U.S.
ventions, nor does the report mean that all hospi- hospitals40; indeed, the system has grown rapidly,
tals providing data to the NNIS System obtained from 120 hospitals in 1991 to more than 300 in
these salutary results, since only a subgroup of hos- 2001. The call for broader participation among all
pitals participated. U.S. hospitals is even more urgent today.
The NNIS System is viewed as a benchmark on
From the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Infectious
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Infect Dis 2001;33:Suppl 2:S78-S83.

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656 n engl j med 348;7 february 13, 2003

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