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Scheme& Syllabus of
B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering [M.E.]
for Batch 2011

Board of Studies Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering /
Industrial Engineering
Punjab Technical University
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Batch 2011
Approved on June 27, 2012
Third Semester Contact Hours: 34 Hrs.

Course Course Name Load Allocation Marks Distribution Total Credits

Code Marks
L T P Internal External
BTME301 Strength of Materials- I 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
BTME302 Theory of Machines-I 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
BTME303 Machine Drawing 1 - 6 40 60 100 4
BTME304 Applied Thermodynamics -I 4 1 - 40 60 100 5
BTME305 Manufacturing Processes – I 4 - - 40 60 100 4
BTME306 Engineering Materials & Metallurgy 3 - - 40 60 100 3
BTME307 Engineering Materials & Metallurgy - - 2 1
30 20 50
BTME308 Strength of Materials Lab. - - 2 30 20 50 1
BTME309 Applied Thermodynamics Lab - - 2 30 20 50 2
Advisory Meeting - - 1 - - - -
BTME 310 Workshop Training* - - - 60 40 100 1
Total 18 3 13 390 460 850 29

* Workshop Training will be imparted in the Institution at the end of 2 nd semester for Four (04) weeks duration (Minimum
36 hours per week). Industrial tour will also form part of this training.

Fourth Semester Contact Hours: 32 Hrs.

Course Course Name Load Allocation Marks Distribution Total Credits

Code L T P Internal External Marks
BTME401 Strength of Materials – II 4 1 - 40 60 100 5
BTME402 Theory of Machines – II 4 1 - 40 60 100 5
BTME403 Fluid Mechanics 4 1 - 40 60 100 5
BTME404 Applied Thermodynamics - II 4 2 - 40 60 100 5
BTME405 Manufacturing Processes-II 4 - - 40 60 100 4
BTME406 Fluid Mechanics Lab - - 2 30 20 50 1
BTME407 Manufacturing Processes Lab - - 2 30 20 50 1
BTME408 Theory of Machines Lab - - 2 30 20 50 1
Advisory Meeting - - 1 - - - -
General Fitness - - - 100 - 100 -
Total 20 05 07 390 360 750 27


B.Tech. (Mechanical)

5"' Semester B,Tech (Mechanical)

Maximum Marks Total
Code Title of the course L T P Marks Credits
Interml Erternal

BTAM-sOO MathematicS-III 3 I 40 60 100 4

Design of Machine
BTME-sOI 4 2 40 60 100 6
Elements -I
Computer aided
BTME-502 Design and 4 40 60 100 4
BTME-503 Measwement and 4 40 60 100 4
Industrial Automation
BTME-504 4 40 60 100 4
and Robotics
BTME.5O5 40 60 100 4
Computer aided
BTME-506 Design and 2 30 20 50 1

Manuf'actudng Lab
BTME-507 Measuement and 2 30 20 50 t
Metrology Lab.
Industrial Automation
BTME-508 t+ 15 10 0.5
and Robotics Lab
BTME-509 1* l5 10 0.5
Engineering Lab
Advisory meeting I
IT 5OO **Industrial Training 60 40 100
Total 3 7 390 460 850 29

Total Conlact Hours = 33

*The students will attend these labs for two hours on every alternative turn.

**The marks of Industrial/Institutional Training imparted at the end of 4'o Semester will
be included here,

t rlt t)
B.Tech. (Mechanical)

Semester B.Tech (Mechanical)

Code Title ofthe course Maximum Marks Total

L T P Credits
Internal External
Design of Machine
BTME-60I 4 2 40 60 100
Elements II 6

BTME-602 Heat Transfer 4 I 40 60 100 5

BTME-603 Fluid Machinery 3 I 40 60 100 4

Statistical and
BTME-604 Numerical Methods in 3 I 40 60 100 4
BTME- DE Departmental Elective-I 4 40 60 r00 4
BTME.605 Heat Transfer Lab. 2 l0 20 5tt
BTME 606 Fluid Machinery lab 2 l0 20 50
rJ t ME-6U / Minor Project* 2 30 20 50
Advisory meeting I
GF-600 General Fitness 100 100
Total l8 5 7 390 r60 750 26

Total Contact Hours = 30

*The project work will be carried out
in parts as minor pryiect in 6th semester and
major project in 7/8th semester. The literature survey, problem formulation, assessment
for viability ofthe project, objectives and methodology ior the project shall be decided in
6th semester. The same project problem is to be extended in the major project in ?thlgth
1Z to l;
semester. The minor project may be carried out by a group ofsfuaents

t2-hlt )
B.Tech. (Mechanical)

7tn lStoS"m""t BJI""h (M""Luoi" ) *

Industrial Training (One Semester)

Title of the course Maximum Marks Tolal C""dtt" l

External Marks

f"; Software Training

Industrial oriented Project
* lndustrial Traitring in reputed iodustries will

be for corn one semester.

- 7 /8'h S"-est;B.Tech (Mechrnical)

f"*r"r l


j nrvE-orl DePartmentElective-
i uP(|| ErccLrvc
Oper Elective 4 4u
i:'"i'j:_T;1, 2 ro
rvrecnantcal vibrarion
B f vE-805 ,2 l0
l0 20 -50 I l
BTME-800 i Major Project* 50 150
{ovrsory meettng
Advisoru meelino I
,lI j:li13e!

:so -#
ce s00 lcenerat Fitness
l_ r::lar_
Total Contact Hours = 33
,; ;
l2tr)2lr1 460 s! I _.l i,

I * The problem of the minor project ..formulated"

during 6th Semester is to extended and
execured In major project by the same group of students. The
design/constructioDr'fabrication/computer modeling/experimentation etc. is
I to be carried
oul, lbe results and analysis followcd by discussion regarding suitability /non suitability of
rtne proJect or any positive gaiu io the project made with conclusions and recomrnendations
L&I lftqg 9tr!94qg4 trf tLg]Iqiect must be covered.

Dep3rtmedt f,lective3


DE/ME-I.l LC Engines
DEME-l.2 CryogeDic Technotos/
DE/ME-LJ Non Cotrvmtional EDergy rcsources
DE/ME- 1.4 EDerS/ Conservation and Mamec Rnr
DE/MB1.5 Fluid Mechanics-n
DEME-1.6 Solar Energy
DBME- I .7 Hear E\chanser Desi!4t
DEME-1.8 Power planr Eogg.
DBME-1.9 cas Dynarnics

DE?E-2.0 Non-Tmditional Machinins
DE/PE-2. I Indusrial Engg
DE:/ME-2.2 Modeling arld Simulation
DE/ME-2.3 Op€rations ManagemaDt
DE/ME-2.4 Non -Destsuctiv€ Testiaq
DF/ME-2.5 Tohl Quality Vanagement
DEIME-2.6 Maintenance and Reliabiliw Enee
DE/ME-2.7 Material Maffgeneol
DBME-2.8 MaDagernent lnfomration Svstem
DBME-2.9 Entrepreneurship

DE/PE-3.O Product Design and Developrnent
DE/PE-3. I Machine Tool Desisn
DE/PE-3.z Optimization Techniques
DEME-3.3 Tool Design
DEIME-3.4 Finite Element Merhod
DE/ME-3.5 bperimental Sbess Amlysis
DEA,IE-1.6 Industrial Tribology
DBME-3.7 Tbeory of ptasricity
DEA,IE-3.8 Mechatronics


L Areprrtmena El€ctive subiect mry norm.lly be offered o y if{t leaat l0 students ofthe class have optrit

2. The sfudent shatl select both the elcctivca cou$es from the same group
out of thr€e groes (croup_I,
GmuF2, rnd Group J)

I ,U.rlrt

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