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Cognitive - Counselling Research & Conference Services Sciences

C-crcs Volume V (eISSN: 2301-2358)

Suitability Of Muller Pattern System Used In Clothing

Education For Turkish Women
Ayşegül Paralıa, & Nimet Generb
Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı,
Selcuk Universty, Art and Design Faculty, Konya, Turkey, 0 332 2231769,
Retaired, Ankara, Turkey, 0 532 7621847


Excellent appear and quality dressed request has an increasing importance nowadays. The most important element of
excellent and quality clothing prepares the mold. Pattern making are the basis for the production of clothing. It also
plays an important role in determining people's clothes fit and how it will appear on. This research is conducted to
measure the adaptation of Turkish women of Müller Pattern System used in pattern education. German Müller Pattern
System is one of the commonly used techniques of Pattern Making education in our country. Basic measurements taken
over the body and auxiliary measurements obtained by various formulas is the basis of this technique. This is achieved
with the system molds to adapt to German women, however, discrepancies arise due to the physical differences of the
Turkish women. The resulting mismatch with the aim to determine the basic body pattern prepared on the existing
formwork system has been tested on 140 women between the ages of 20-50 and 40-50 bodies. All discrepancies
identified were recorded. As a result of the obtained data, corrections were made available on the pattern and suitable
for Turkish women are prepared new patterns. This expanded scope of study, increasing the number of people has
been recommended to the wider audience and experiment in different regions.

© 2016 Published by Future Academy

Keywords: Pattern Education, Muller Systems, Body measurements.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0
Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
eISSN: 2301-2358
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

1. Introduction

Dressing emerged in human life as a necessity and from the first era in line with social life by means of
sophistication and making up evolution developed up to our contemporary time (Baydur, 1998:1516).
As a result of new world’s life style dependent intensity and mobility wide spread of varied and plenty
of dressing styles emerged as required. Generated due to human’s intense movement in daily life triggered
person’s eagerness in the course of miscellaneous style dressing desire in accordance with the personal
environmental nature and elegant dressing. Regardless from the age, profession and location individual’s
search for being admired as a result of appealing other’s attention and smart dressing emerged as best status
in humanitarian life (Gener, 1996:142).

Elegant dressing, satisfied in the pursuit of human’s desires according to daily fashion refers to dressing
desire. Actualisation of that desire as much as functional nature also accomplished by clothes fitting the
body and creating a likened appearance (Çivitçi, et al.,2011:812).

Human’s searches out for the dresses fitting their bodies and possessing a good appearance and
endeavours for their dresses to be in harmonization. Also adoptability of the dressed clothes to body only
subject to a well composed mould.

With that object in mind, most crucial phase of garment production refers to pattern composition
(Pamuk, 2002:45). Surrounding the human body defined as a tool to create a shape pattern preparation
constitutes the first and most significant stage of garment production (Aldrich, 1995:20).

Most crucial condition to create body adopted pattern relies on measurement compatible with applied
system and health issues in complete form and accurate gauge. Measurements with normal body conditions
are taken due to individuals with normal body structure according to basic cutting or on the basis of ready
type pattern systems (Cock, 1990:48). To take an accurate measurement principally body formations,
proportional gauges and body of the person of whom measurements shall be taken must be well diagnosed
(Bayraktar, 1995:18).

Although human body formations diversifies subject to societies and individuals, among the multiple
body gauges some fixed proportions are exits. They are essential for pattern provisions, in various societies
of which varied bodies standard measures determined in different societies constitutes the initial
stipulations in terms of pattern development. Human body progresses subject to age, gender, nutrition
habits, races, life styles as the dependent factors. As long as the body types varies also measurements and
ratios varies accordingly among the bodies fragments. In that respect, measurements in every body form

212 10.15405/book.5.5
eISSN: 2301-2358/ Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

diversifies in itself. Adoptability of garment to body are subject to constitution of body pattern due to body
properties, dimensions. To some extent, measurements originates the garment type spine. [Üstün and

Especially, in advanced ages plenty of deformations develop on human body. These dispositions
emerging on body features also imposes impacts for body features. In the pursuit of composing patterns for
the ones experienced structural variations on bodies and over deformed bodies according to body features
and pattern systems providing measurements on required portions some adjustments and special
interferences may be required.

In our country at the pattern preparation stage different systems are conducted. Applied as most
extensively and systems giving much more rapid results drawing systems are termed as Alman Muller &
Sohn System, British Metrical System and American Blocked Systems (Mete, 2001:70; Muratoğlu, Şener,
2002:34). Designed by Müller Academy (Germany) Muller pattern composition system developed
anticipating human body’s anatomic structure, measurements on naked body or based on garment type
measured with a specific relaxation distance (marker finger in the tape measure). System measurements are
divided into two groups as basic and auxiliary gauges. Basic measures directly on body, auxiliary measures
found by calculation. Upon request also auxiliary measurements may be depicted on body. That system in
our country specially are used by vocational high schools and higher education institutions allocating
professional education in basic pattern preparation and garment construction provision educations as
educational methodology (Apak, 1996:26; Kuru, et. al, 2008:119).

As per Muller & Sohn pattern drawing system basic approach is to apply body measurements. For
instance, relying upon Müller system in the composition of fundamental pattern taken from the body Entire
Height, Chest Circumference and Waist Circumference basic measures are generated by multiple formulas
concentrated over measures excluded all other measures and over the pattern reference gauges and points
relying on body measures and fixed ratios. In due course, patterns plotted according to Muller pattern
system while arousing more compatible outcomes for German body forms some deviations consummated
in the adaptations for Turkish women (Mete, 2001:70).

In some of the patterns that are incorporated for huge content production facilities principally
standardized tables reverberating body measurements are intended. Apart from that, human body timely
exhibits varying properties in terms of varied dimensions and properties reverberating each region
associated dispersions based researches these applications must be penetrated.

eISSN: 2301-2358
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

In the research compiled by Muller pattern system basic body patterns adaptation searches and required
adjustments have been anticipated.

2. Problem Statement

Is the Muller pattern system given in the clothing education which was prepared according to the
German body measurements appropriate with the body shape of Turkish women

3. Research Questions

Muller pattern system body structure is appropriate for the Turkish women?
Is it appropriate to use of Muller Pattern Systems in the Pattern Education Lessons?

4. Purpose of the Study

Muller pattern system is a German pattern system which is often used in Turkey. However, it is known
that this pattern system is not exactly suitable for Turkish women. It is necessary to develop a pattern
system, convenient to local and anatomic structure of each country. Therefore, the Müller pattern system is
intended to make the necessary adjustments to the appropriate Turkish woman.

5. Research Methods

Research material was included volunteered ladies in the ages of 20-50 residing in Turkey Konya
province 140 individuals data from basic body measurements allocated from these ladies and in body
measurements in the body ranges of 40-42, 44-46, 48-50 bas per Muller pattern system in 1/1 scale
compiled from cotton based garment in half body measure 6 pieces of patterns and associated sources have
been composed. Experimental methodologies in the research were performed. Formed to use in the
research fundamental body patterns adaptation to body an assessment form was developed. Assessment
form is constituted by three divisions. In the first section information of the entity given the body
measurements, in the second division gauges taken from the person’s body and in the third section totally
14 criterion covered evaluations are included.
Research depth is constituted by ladies in the age group of 20-50 as the inhabitants of Turkey’s Konya
province. Sample of the research is constituted by 140 volunteered women possessing body gauges of 40-
42, 44-46 and 48-50. As sampling methodology, simple random sampling methodology was applied. In the
determination of subjects persons were taken into consideration to be in the age range of 20-50 and in 40-
50 body measurements.

214 10.15405/book.5.5
eISSN: 2301-2358/ Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

While constituting basic body patterns based on Müller mould generation system body measurement
table and pattern composition systems were selected as the bases.
Under the research content over the ladies in 20-50 age group over 40-42, 44-46 and 48-50 body gauges
by Muller pattern system in 1/1 scale from the cotton garment in half body constituted 6 pieces
fundamental patterns were worn and adjustments were tried to be diagnosed. Assessment form applied 140
women by the researcher. Data generated from the forms transferred to computer environment and data
analyzed by the use of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program. Study data are
depicted in tables based on types in which frequency and percentage rates have been identified. According
to research findings patterns were adjusted arranged as adoptable for 20-50 age groups women.

6. Findings

6.1. Demographic findings of women participating in research

Table 1. Proportions of the Age of the Women Enrolled to the Research

Age Number Percent

20-30 59 42.2
31-40 40 28.8
41-50 40 28.8
Total 139 100

When the table is reviewed out of ladies enrolled to research 42.2% were in the age range of 20-30
years, 28.8% were found in the age group of 41-50 years of age.

Table 2. Proportions of the Body Ratios of the Women Enrolled to the Research

Length Number Percent Body Number Percent Waist Number Percent Hip Number Percent
150-160 42 30,2 90-98 73 52,5 63-72 38 27,3 87-96 25 18
161-170 92 66,2 99-105 34 24,5 73-82 32 23 97-106 51 36,7
171-180 5 3,6 106-114 32 23 83-92 33 23,7 107-118 63 45,3
93-102 36 25,9

In search of the table; enrolled to the research women height mean figures in 66.2% remained in the
range of 161-170, 30.2% remain in the range of 150-160 height figure and 3.6% remained in 171-180
height range; women enrolled to the research in 52.5% remained in body size in the range of 90-98, 24.5%
remained in body size in the range of 99-105 and 23% remained in body size in the range of 106-114;
27.3% of women whom enrolled to the research found in waist size range of 63-72, 25.9% of them found in
waist size in the range of 93-102, 23% and 23.7% of them found in waist size in the range of 83-92; 45.3%

eISSN: 2301-2358
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

out of women whom enrolled to the research had 107-118 hip size, 36.7% had hip size in the range of 97-
106 and 18% of them found hip size.

Table 3. Size Numbers of the Women Enrolled to the Research

Size Number Percent

40-42 67 48,2
44-46 38 27,3
48-50 34 24,5

Among the women whom enrolled to the research 48.2% had 40-42 body sizes, 27.3% has 44-46 body
sizes and 24.5% has body sizes in the range of 48-50.

6.2. Findings Of Müller Moulding System In Terms Of Compatibility Level To Turkish Women

Table 4. 20-30 Year-old women Suitability Level of the Relationship Between Age and Body Measurements

Narrow / Down Normal Plenty / Up

X2 S.D p
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Body 11 7.91 46 33.09 2 1.43 5,7 4 ,222
West 14 10,07 43 30,93 2 1,43 9,4 4 ,051
Hip 32 23,02 26 18.70 1 0.72 10,1 4 ,039
Chest Low 15 10.79 39 28.05 5 3.59 15.81 4 ,003
Underarm 1 0.72 19 13.66 39 28.05 12,3 4 ,015
Hip Low 12 8.63 45 32.37 2 1.43 17.3 4 ,002
Front-Back 14 10.07 32 23.02 13 9.35 8,1 4 ,086
Neck 2 1.43 15 10.79 42 30.21 4,6 4 ,322
Shoulder 12 8.63 44 31.65 3 2.15 28,7 4 ,000
Arm 40 28.77 19 13.66 - - 9,1 4 ,010

When the table is examined women in age group of 25-30 in 33.09% body sizes were normal, in
30.93% waist size was normal, in 23.02% hip size was narrow, in 28.05% chest attenuation was normal, in
28.05% armpit depth size is over; in 32.37% hip attenuation was normal, in 23.02% rear and frontal lengths
was normal, in 30.21% collar size was over, in 31.65% shoulder size was normal, in 28.77% arm
circumference was in the lower segment.
Women enrolled to the research in the age group of 20-30 age and body sizes adjustment levels
associations when explored, correlation in between age and body size corresponded to p=,222; p<0,05 and
age and collar size association corresponded to p=,322; p<0,05 in due course no significance was found

216 10.15405/book.5.5
eISSN: 2301-2358/ Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

In association with the data in the table women enrolled to the study in the age group of 20-30 age
association between ages and adjustment levels when detected; age and waist, hip, chest low, arm set depth,
hip low, back length, shoulder and arm low sizes correlations since equalled to p<0.05 statistically found

Table 5. 31-40 Years old women Suitability Level of the Relationship Between Age and Body Measurements

Narrow / Down Normal Plenty / Up

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent X S.D p
Body 9 6.47 27 19.42 4 2.87 5,7 4 ,222
West 14 10.07 27 19.42 - - 9,4 4 ,051
Hip 32 23.02 8 5.75 - - 10,1 4 ,039
Chest Low 4 2.87 31 22.30 5 3.59 15.81 4 ,003
Underarm 1 0.72 15 10.79 24 17.26 12,3 4 ,015
Hip Low 15 10.79 21 15.10 4 2.87 17.3 4 ,002
Front-Back 6 4.31 29 20.86 5 3.59 8,1 4 ,086
Neck - - 10 7.19 30 21.58 4,6 4 ,322
Shoulder 13 9.35 27 19.42 - - 28,7 4 ,000
Arm 33 23.74 7 5.03 - - 9,1 4 ,010

When the Table is examined women enrolled to the study in age group 31-40, in 19.42% body size was
normal, in 19.42% waist size was normal, in 23.02% hip size was narrow, in 28.05% chest attenuation was
normal, in % 23.02 waist size was narrow, in 22.30% chest low was normal, % 17.26 arm depth was over,
in 15.10% hip low was normal in 20.86% back and front length were normal, in 21.58% collar size was
over, in 19.42% shoulder size was normal, in 23.74% arm circumference was low.

Women enrolled to the research in the age group of 31-40 age and body sizes adjustment levels
associations when explored, correlation in between age and body size corresponded to p=,222; p<0,05 and
age and collar size association corresponded to p=,322; p<0,05 in due course no significance was found
In association with the data in the table women enrolled to the study in the age group of 31-40 age
association between ages and adjustment levels when detected; age and waist, hip, chest low, arm set depth,
hip low, back length, shoulder and arm circumference sizes correlations since equalled to p<0.05
statistically found significant.

eISSN: 2301-2358
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

Table 6. 41-50 Years old women Suitability Level of the Relationship Between Age and Body Measurements

Narrow / Down Normal Plenty / Up

X2 S.D p
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Body 14 10.07 24 17.26 2 1.43 5,7 4 ,222
West 20 14.3 24 17.26 - - 9,4 4 ,051
Hip 31 23.30 9 6.47 - - 10,1 4 ,039
Chest Low 3 2.15 24 17.26 13 9.35 15.81 4 ,003
Underarm - - 3 2.15 37 26.61 12,3 4 ,015
Hip Low 17 12.23 15 10.79 8 5.75 17.3 4 ,002
Front-Back 5 3.59 32 23.02 3 2.15 8,1 4 ,086
Neck - - 15 10.79 25 17.98 4,6 4 ,322
Shoulder 28 20.14 10 7.19 2 1.43 28,7 4 ,000
Arm 37 26.61 3 2.15 - - 9,1 4 ,010

When the Table is examined women enrolled to the study in age group 41-50, in 17.26% body size was
normal, in 17.26% waist size was normal, in 23.30% hip size was narrow, in 17.26% chest attenuation was
normal, in 17.26% arm depth was over, in 15.10% hip attenuation was normal, % 20.86 back and front
lengths was normal , in 17.98% collar size was over, 20.14% collar size was over, in 26.61% arm
circumference was over, in 20.14% shoulder size was normal, in 23.74% arm circumference was low.

Women enrolled to the research in the age group of 31-40 age and body sizes adjustment levels
associations when explored, correlation in between age and body size corresponded to p=,222; p<0,05 and
age and collar size association corresponded to p=,322; p<0,05 in due course no significance was found

In association with the data in the table women enrolled to the study in the age group of 41-50 age
association between ages and body adjustment levels when detected; age and body sizes correlations since
equalled to p=.2222; p<0.05 and correlation in between age and collar size equalled to p=.322; p<0.05
statistically not found significant.

In association with the data in the table women enrolled to the study in the age group of 41-50 age
association between ages and body adjustment levels when detected; age and waist, hip, chest attenuations,
arm set depth, hip attenuation, back length, shoulder and arm circumference sizes correlations since
equalled to p<0.05 statistically found significant.

218 10.15405/book.5.5
eISSN: 2301-2358/ Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

In the light of provided findings, bodies of the women enrolled to the study scope adoptability levels to
muller cutting system associated moulds attenuated in the age progression, waist segment under the study
scope over the women in 70% detected adoptable. Out of women in study content in age group of 20-50 in
68.43% hip size found narrow and hip size for the women under the study content found not too large.

In Turkey vocational schools, higher education schools giving vocational schools and garment
education in fundamental pattern preparation education applied as instruction method prepared based on
Muller Pattern System basic body patterns in the studies made to determine adjustment to Turkish women;

Samples enrolled to the study found to be in the age group of 20-30 women. Age and body sizes of the
women enrolled to the study in terms of Muller pattern system adoptability when scrutinized;

Body size compatibility magnitudes alleviated in association with age, waist sizes found convenient, hip
size found narrow in all age groups, chest low adaptation deregulated in association with age progression
arm depth found narrow in age groups, hip low adaptation decreased with age progression, back and front
lengths were adoptable, collar, shoulder and arm circumferences adaptation with age progression found

In the light of the allocated data, Muller pattern system’s adaptation to Turkish women found to be
shrunk with age progression. Furthermore, Turkish women regardless from age level found to have large
basins, in association with age increase deliveries, breast feeding…etc underlying cause factors dependent
chests prolapsed, arm circumference narrowed for women, shoulders were enlarged, arm depth, arm
circumferences, collar and hip width cross-sections found shrunk. In the commissioned researches over the
basic body patterns most significant malformation is considered to the fact that rear body is narrow
compare to frontal body.

7. Conclusions

In Turkey vocational schools, higher education schools giving vocational schools and garment
education in fundamental pattern preparation education applied as instruction method prepared based on
Muller Pattern System basic body patterns in the studies made to determine adjustment to Turkish women;

The obtained data size as a result, the share of abundance and formula corrections are made and Basic
Body Pattern are redrawn. (Corrected drawings and size tables new addition abundance of basic body
pattern is presented in the Appendix 1-2.)

eISSN: 2301-2358
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

Thus the Turkish body type specifications are created in accordance with standard dimensions, if
corrections are made in the pattern system in accordance with this standard measure, Müller has been
concluded in accordance with the Turkish woman would die system.

In Turkey, vocational schools and higher education institutions, Muller has concluded that it is
appropriate to use as teaching material in the pattern of the pattern education system.

Based on these results, Clothing institutions providing education in the curriculum "anatomy" of
suggestions have been made to put the course. Thus, the result is well known structure of the body will be
taken as accurate body measurements and for the turkish women suitable is considered well prepared and
more successful pattern and to obtain a high-quality clothing.

Furthermore, similar studies, to achieve success in the Muller pattern system, similar studies,
cooperation with the private sector and universities should be applied to a wider audience and Turkish body
type characteristics in accordance with measurement standards should be established. It was found in the
recommend to the next researchers.

It has considered that creating a good source of inspiration for future studies of this study.


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220 10.15405/book.5.5
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eISSN: 2301-2358
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Table 1. Plenty Of Tables According To Clothing Varieties (New Additions With Abundance)

Dress / Blouse Jacket Coats Skirt

Measurements Narrow Normal Plenty Narrow Normal Plenty Redingot Bol It's too
Back Neck 0,5 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 1,5
Back Width 0,5 0,5 -1,5 1 1 1 1 1 1,5
Underarm 1 1-1,5 2-3 2-2,5 2-3,5 3-4 2-3 3-5 7
Underarm 1 1,5 1,5-2 1,5 2 2,5 2,5 3 3-4
Front Width 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 2-2,5
1/2 Body 2,5 3,5 6-8 4 5 5,5 5,5 6,5 6,5-8,5
Waist 1-2 2-4 4-6 4 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-10 6,5-10 2
Hip 1-2 2-4 4-6 4 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-10 6,5-10 2

Table 3-4-5 It Prepared Using Data Obtained From The Results Of Research Measurement Charts And Formulas
(New Abundance Additive)

Table 2. 40/42 Size Measurements and Formulas

Measurements Size and Result The formulas for measurement
An overall length 170 160 + 10
Body 92 92
Waist 78 74 + 4
Hip 102 98 + 4
Back Neck 7,1 1/20 Body +2+0,5
Underarm Depth 42,7 O.Length 1/2+Body1/10+3=20,7+4
Back Length 42,5 Overall length ¼
Front Length 45,5 Back length + 3
Hip low 63,7 O.Length1/4 + O.Le.1/8
Back Width 18,4 Body2/10+0,5=16,4+2
Front width 20,4 Body2/10+1=10,2+1,5
Underarm Width 12,7 Body1/10+1=10,2+2,5
Total Plenty 6 cm

Table 3. 44/46-48/50 Size Measurements and Formulas

44/46 48/50
Measurements Size The formulas for Size The formulas for measurement
and measurement and
Result Result
An overall 170 160 + 10 170 160 + 10
Body 100 100 108 108
Waist 86 82 + 4 90 86 + 4
Hip 110 106 + 4 114 110+ 4
Back Neck 7,5 1/20 Body +2+0,5 7,9 1/20 Body +2+0,5

222 10.15405/book.5.5
eISSN: 2301-2358/ Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı
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Underarm 26,3 O.Length 1/2+3 28,3 O.Length 1/2+3 Body1/10=25,5+3

Depth Body1/10=23,3+3
Back Length 42,5 Overall length ¼ 42,5 Overall length ¼
Front Length 45,5 Back length + 3 44,9 Back length + 2+1/10 overmeasure
Hip low 63,7 O.Length1/4 + 63,7 O.Length1/4 + O.Le.1/8
Back Width 20 Body2/10−2=18+2 20,8 Body2/10−2=18+
Overmeasure 1/10=18,8+2
Front width 22,5 Body2/10+1=21+1,5 24,9 Body2/10+overmeasure=1/10=23,4+1,5
Underarm 13,5 Body1/10+1=11+2,5 14,3 Body1/10+1=11,4+2,5
Total Plenty 6 cm 6 cm


Drawn From The Data Obtained In The Survey Results Muller Basic Body Patterns

40/42 Size Muller Basic Body Pattern

eISSN: 2301-2358
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44/46 Size Muller Basic Body Pattern

224 10.15405/book.5.5
eISSN: 2301-2358/ Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Paralı
Selection & Peer-review under responsibility of the Editors

48/50 Size Muller Basic Body Pattern


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