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E n g i n e e r i n g N e w s - R f.c o r d . March 26.


Practical Soil Mechanics at Muskingum— I

By Theodore T. Knappen and Robert R. Philippe
Chief, Engineering Division, and Director, Soils Mechanics Laboratory.
U. S. Engineer Office, Zanesville, Ohio

T HE END of empirical methods proach to predetermined exactness. from a dominating position, and the
in earth-dam design is pre­ This is the most notable advance in design of earth dams is brought
dicted by the record of the soils- the practical application of soils near to the realm of rational deter­
laboratory work described in the mechanics in dam building since the mination.
series of articles begun in this issue. remarkable work of R. R. Proctor In this and three succeeding issues
By analyses and model tests the described, in Engineering News- the story of the laboratory is told
engineers of the $40,000,000 Mus­ Record, Aug. 31 and Sept. 7, 21 and by the engineers who put their faith
kingum River flood-control works 28, 1933. in the helpfulness of soils mechanics
are adapting soils of widely differ­ With the work done at the labora­ and whose efforts have been re­
ent geological character to earth- tory of the Muskingum project, em­ warded by increased certainty and
dam construction with a close ap­ piricism has been further pushed economy in design and construction.

Groundwork for a Rational Study some consideration had to be given to ef­

fect of seepage where the overlying
silts and clays were comparatively shal­
these embankments was controlled by

H E PRO BLEM of earth-dam de­ low. Lecsville, Tappan and Clendening
sign for flood control in the the magnitude and effect of the seepage, dams are in this class, while the Pied­
Muskingum River Valley roots which had to be determined, with pro­ mont dam and also the Senecaville dam
•deeply in the geology of the drainage vision made to protect the fill against presented problems in stability alone.
area. In the north and west there is a its destabilizing influence. Wills Creek dam presented both prob­
glaciated zone of moraine deposits ; and 3.— The other earth dams in the proj­ lems. in that one portion of the embank­
a middle zone of glacial outwash mate­ ect are located in the Allegheny plateau ment rested upon a pervious sand and
rials follows to the Allegheny plateau in country and have foundations consist­ gravel terrace, w'hile the remainder
the southeast, where residual soils are ing of unconsolidated silts and clays of rested upon secondary fill of silt and
dissected by deeply eroded valleys that depths varying from 5 to 70 ft., in most clay filling the present stream channel.
have been filled with poorly consolidated cases underlain by fine sand or other With conditions as described, a pre­
silts, clays and sands. These different stable deposits. These conditions, gen­ liminary soils reconnaissance was indi­
geologic sources give a large variety of erally speaking, presented the problem cated as the first operation in dam
soils both in suitability for dam embank­ of the stability of these foundations planning after general location deter­
ment and for embankment foundations. under the embankment loads, although mined by degree of effectiveness for
The dams are located in all zones, each
of which presents a general soil condi­
tion with a specific soil condition at each
location. Referring to Fig. 2, a survey
shows situations as follows :
1.— The Mohicanville. Charles Mill,
and Pleasant Hill dams are founded on
materials that were laid down by the
glaciers, to a large extent, and have
foundations that are both reasonably
strong and reasonably impervious.
There is one exception to this, where a
recent fill of unconsolidated silt had to
be removed from the foundations at.
Charles Mill. These three dams arc lo­
cated in the glacial region. Although
the main structures from a soils stand­
point are relatively simple, several
smaller structures had to be founded on
recent deposits of peat some 20 ft. thick
and were among the most difficult of our
2.— The Bolivar, Beach City, and
Mohawk dams are located in the glacial
outwash region, a band alojig the south­
eastern boundary of the glaciated
region. The characteristics of these
foundations are very pervious clean
sands and gravels some 100 to 120 ft.
deep in the valley floor, overlain by a F IG . 1— IN T H E SOILS-M EC H AN IC S L A B O R A T O R Y of the M uskigum flood-
control project, different sizes of hydrometers are used to assure accurate deter­
very thin and in places quite pervious minations at different densities. Soil classification is determined by both sieves
layer of sandy silt. The planning of and hydrometers.
E n g in e e r in g N ew s- R ecord, March 26, 1936

flood control had been decided. The foundation. To proceed, therefore, further investigations; ( 2 ) for the
reconnaissance very soon made it ap­ without a previous knowledge of the determination of permeabilities of un­
parent that diverse problems of extreme foundation behavior of such structures disturbed and remolded samples of
gravity would be presented for de­ after completion would be unwarranted. foundation and embankment materials
cision. It was apparent that the uncon­ Again the embankments themselves were respectively, with proper facilities to
solidated silt and clay foundations could to be constructed of diverse materials. apply this information to the specific
fail from resulting excessive shear The excavations for spillways, outlet problem at hand, principally by the use of
stresses induced by' the proposed em­ structures, etc., at various sites ran into model studies; (3) for the determination
bankment loads, such as developed in millions of yards, and (for economy) of the consolidation and shearing charac­
the construction of the Lafayette Dam had to be utilized wherever possible. A teristics of undisturbed samples of foun­
( , Sept. 27, 1928 and such as are thorough knowledge of the behavior of dation materials and, to some extent, of
a familiar occurrence in the construc­ all the materials available for use in the remolded samples of proposed embank­
tion of the high levees on the lower Mis­ embankment was essential to the proper ment materials; and (4) for the in­
sissippi River. Should a failure of this planning of the work and the prepara­ vestigation of the consolidation char­
type occur, it was realized that it would tion of specifications for its execution. acteristics of embankment materials and
probably mean the abandonment of the It was apparent then in the very first the moisture requirements necessary for
site, resulting in a tremendous money stages of the project that only by a control in placing them.
loss. On the other hand, unless a definite thorough-going application of the latest With the laboratory in service, pre­
basis for design could be developed and developments in soil mechanics and by liminary soil studies were begun in field
applied, the cost of the structure, if de­ conducting additional necessary research and laboratory to obtain sufficient in­
signed to be unquestionably safe, might to amplify the results so obtained could formation to determine the feasibility of
l>e unnecessarily high. the dams be designed safely and eco­ constructing a dam at a particular site
Two of the dams proposed for con­ nomically. This called for a soils and to determine the probable design re­
struction on pervious foundations were laboratory and made it clear that it quirements to insure stability of the
very high structures ; one, the Mohawk must be equipped: ( 1 ) for the rapid embankments, including sufficient infor­
Dam, 115 ft. high, is probably the high­ analysis and classification of soils, to mation about excavations and founda­
est ever proposed on a sand and gravel lay the basis for the determination of tions for all proposed structures to per­
mit the preparation of a preliminary
design for estimating purposes.

Field sampling first task

Contracts were let for obtaining drive

samples of the overburden and core bor­
ings at the various sites. The number of
borings was such as to permit the gen­
eral development of a geologic sec­
tion. Usually two or three boring's were
undertaken across the valley floor and
about the same number in each abut­
ment. The samples of the overburden
were obtained by drive tubes driven
below the bottom of the casing between
the operations of driving the casing
and washing out the excess material.
Core borings were taken in rock with
a double-barreled drill equipped with
diamond or metal alloy bits. As the
characteristics of the site, developed by
detail studies of these preliminary bor­
ings, indicated its probable inclusion in
the final plan, the scope of the investi­
gation was widened to include further
borings to develop spillway locations,
detailed data on outlet structures, more
exact information on possible borrow-
pits and further data on the valley-fill
Numerous borings were taken by hand
augers in the excavation and borrowpit
areas under consideration. Samples in
5-lb. sacks as well as 1-lb. samples in
sealed jars were secured from these exca­
vations for later use in remolded tests, in
addition to classification work, to fix the
general characteristics of such borrow-
pits. Hand-auger borings were also used
to investigate, in detail, the extent, depth
and general characteristics of natural
blankets in the valley bottoms which
help to seal off the more pervious layers
below. The samples placed in sealed
jars were to provide specimens for
F IG . 2— D E T E N T IO N D A M L O C A T IO N S are fairly evenly divided between the
glacial morain, glacial outwash and residual soil zones into which the Muskingum
water-content determination.
Valley drainage area is divided. As the studies on any site progressed,
E n g in e e r in g N e w s -Record, March 26, 1936

it became necessary to obtain undis­ lowing the sieves to complete the separa­ may be necessary to change the condi­
turbed samples of the foundation mate­ tion, taking care to add to the hydrom­ tion of the foundation by providing a
rials. These samples were of two eter test the remainder passing the blanket to connect with the impervious
general types: those obtained for 200-mesh sieve. The combined analysis section of the embankment and extend­
permeability studies, and those ob­ is a check on both methods of analysis, ing upstream from it to insure an ade­
tained for consolidation and shearing for the resulting grain-size curve plotted quate ratio between path of percolation
tests. In the first class, it is not neces­ characteristically on semi-log paper and head. It may be necessary to alter
sary to get the sample to the laboratory should result in a smooth curve joining the condition of the foundation by re­
with its original moisture content, but at the break of method. The soil classi­ moving certain materials, under all or
it is necessary to get the sample in an fications used are illustrated by the part of the embankment, which are too
undisturbed condition. W ith the second diagram Fig. 3. impervious or too weak to permit of
class of sample, the material has to be economical treatment by any other
undisturbed and its water content un­ Tentative design now possible
method. The foundation condition may
changed when it reaches the laboratory. The completion of the soil classifica­ be altered by the inclusion of concrete,
This made it necessary to seal these tion from the available samples, deter­ steel sheetpiles or earth cutoff pro­
samples in paraffin immediately upon mination of the water contents for each, visions. But from now on, the embank-
taking them on the job. Both of these
types of samples were taken by excavat­
ing test pits in the foundation of the
proposed embankment.
Soils classified in laboratory N o te !
All g ra in d iam eters in m illim e te rs
Preliminary soil classification in the
Zanesville laboratory consisted of mois­
70 1.0 05 0.2 01 005 0.02 0.006 0.002 0.0006 0.0002
ture-content determination and grain- Coarse] Fíne
WeryCoarse] Coarse Medium | Fine C o a rse Fine C o a rs e | F in e U lt r a
size analysis. These two factors taken C la y
Sand Mo S ilt C la y
together give a rough picture of the
type of material and its probable be­ In t e r n a t io n a l C la s s if ic a t io n
havior. The grain-size analysis alone
does not give any information on the 20 1.0 0.5 0.25 01 0.05 0.00S
probable degree of consolidation of the Fine Coarse F in e \feryfine
material, but in a saturated material, Gravel S a n d S a n d Sand Sand S i lt C la y

knowing the grain size, the water con­ B u re a u o f S o i l s , U.S.D.A.

tent gives an excellent indication of the
stability of the material. Water content
2.0 0.6 0.2 L06 0.02 0006 0.002 0.0006 0.0002
is, of course, also valuable to determine
C o a rse | M edium | F in e C o a rs e | M edium | Fine Coarse | M e diu m |Fine(Golloidal)
the suitability of the material for direct
Sand S ilt C la y
use in embankment.
As soon as a sample was received in M. I.T. C l a s s i f i c a t i o n
the laboratory, it was taken to the classi­ FIG. 3—THE THREE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS in general use; comparison
fication desk, where a soil technician of the results of a soil test are shown by the grain-size figures.
took a small sample from the sealed jar
and placed it in a watch-glass set. This along with the informaion on the rock ment and its foundations together must
sample was then weighed, dried in an determined by the geologists from the be considered as a unit for study.
electric oven at a temperature of 98 deg. study of the rock cores, permits the Further studies may develop the need
C. and weighed again. From these, preparation of a geological cross-sec- for additional field explorations to pro­
knowing the weight of the glass, the tion along the center line of the pro­ vide all the required data, the purpose
weight of the water content and the dry posed embankment. In addition to this, being to determine:
weight of the sample can be determined in some cases it was found necessary to
and the moisture content in terms of per 1. The characteristics of the proposed
prepare geological sections normal to
cent of the dry weight computed. dams and foundations as to permeability
the axis of the dam at various locations
The next step was to determine the and seepage and their safe design to re­
and also sections along proposed spill­
sist piping and sloughing.
grain-size classification for the mate­ way and outlet routes.
rial. A well-trained technician can As the next step, a preliminary de­ 2. The characteristics of the founda­
generally classify the soil closely, but sign of the embankment is prepared. The tion material as to amount and rate of
frequent analyses (about one sample in preliminary design of the embankment consolidation, shearing stresses induced
ten) are necessary as checks and to pro­ will ordinarily contemplate he use of all by embankment load and resistance
vide representative curves for further suitable materials available in required strength of the foundations.
study. excavations and will supplement these 3. The suitability and use for em­
Soil classification is handled by sieve with the best available borrowpit mate­ bankments of materials from excavation
analysis, by hydrometer analysis or by a rials for the embankment design indi­ and borrowpits.
combination of the two. Fig. 1 shows cated at the site. A t this stage the pro­
the hydrometer table and various sizes posed embankment section can be added The development of equipment and
of hydrometers for accurate determina- to the geological sections, and since the methods for making these determina­
ations at different densities. The grain- final stability of the structure is being tions is described in three following
size distribution often requires a deter­ investigated the foundations and em­ articles.
mination by a combined method of bankment must be considered from now * * *
analysis. The soil to be so tested is first on as a unit. A ll investigations are di­
washed through a 200-mesh sieve; that rected to determination of stability from The next article, to appear A pril 9,
portion retained is analyzed by sieves the standpoint of seepage and strength, describes methods of conducting the
and the porion washed through by hy­ with this in mind. permeability and seepage studies, which
drometer. It is not necessary to make These studies may show that it is brought out the important fact that an
the wash thoroughly, but only to re­ necessary to change the design of the upstream blanket was often more effective
move fines enough to prevent caking of embankment by providing flatter slopes and economical than a corewatt in reduc­
the sieve sample while drying and al­ or more adequate drainage, or that it ing seepage.

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